View Full Version : The GROSSEST thing EVER!!! *shudders*

09-29-2004, 10:41 PM
Eww ewww Double Ewww!!!

About 5 minutes ago, I was laying on the den floor cuddling Malone while Mark took Emerson out to go potty before bedtime. I'm really sick, and Malone is extra cuddly (I just love my baby!)

All of a sudden, I notice this growth on Malone's ear. I panic. Is it cancer? Will we need surgery? Will they get it all??

I holler downstairs in a panic for Mark to come quick. At this point, Malone was really not liking the situation and wanted to squirm away. But we settled down for a better look, and noticed it was a tick. *shudders* I HATE ticks!!

I took a picture of it (which I will attach with a creepy-crawly warning) As grossed out as I am at it, I am sooo thankful that it's not more serious! And it makes me glad that we have had lymes shots taken this year!!

Oh, and it was still alive, crawling on the piece of paper. Ewwww EWWWW ewwww!

09-29-2004, 10:54 PM
oh that is so gross! :eek: did you take that pic?

09-29-2004, 10:59 PM
That thing is a Tick! I've seen this happen before on Emergency Vets (Animal Planet ;) ). Ticks can cause neurological(sp?) damage and temporary paralysis. I think you should take him to the vet if he starts having neorological problems, but for now then check him thoroughly for other ticks!

09-29-2004, 11:01 PM
put that tick in an air-tight bag if it isn't already dead. That will suffocate it & also prevent it from crawling back onto your dog (or YOU! :eek: )

09-29-2004, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by LDWP
That thing is a Tick! I've seen this happen before on Emergency Vets (Animal Planet ;) ). Ticks can cause neurological(sp?) damage and temporary paralysis. I think you should take him to the vet if he starts having neorological problems, but for now then check him thoroughly for other ticks!

I watch that show too and I heard the same thing more than once. I'm glad Malone is going to be OK, I don't think I would have been able to take that picture though.

09-29-2004, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
But we settled down for a better look, and noticed it was a tick. *shudders* I HATE ticks!!

Originally posted by LDWP
That thing is a Tick!

pssst, hey, LDWP, i think she noticed :p

09-29-2004, 11:08 PM
Yuck, I hate ticks! We had a lot of them this year. We ended up getting them on us too! Just walk through our yard and end up with a few crawling on us, Yuck!


09-29-2004, 11:21 PM
i found a tick on Beanie not too ling ago and i was so determined to get that thing off of him i made him bleed a little.(the tick was attempting to crawl inside him)

09-30-2004, 12:12 AM
Major had a couple of those on him this year. I absolutely hate them. They are the grossest thing...*EVER*

09-30-2004, 01:03 AM

Once again, that makes me SO VERY thankful we don't have ticks in western Washington

Glad you "got it out" ok!

09-30-2004, 06:50 AM
Anna we have had so many ticks in these parts that I have lost count. Actually this year hasn't been a bad one and now with Frontline I don't worry like I did before. It looks like your tick was somewhat engorged. I don't want to make you upset but it most likely had been attached to Malone to get that way. Before Frontline we had removed several that looked that way from past dogs. I think you should consider yourself lucky that this is your first encounter with one seeing as you live in a woodsy area. Bella actually did come down with Lyme disease last year (maybe it was even the year before, I can't even remember now :confused: ) before I began Frontline and, strangely enough, I had already taken her in for the first of the two Lyme vaccine shots. Thankfully after a month on antibiotics she was/and is fine! By the way, I hope you are feeling better. :)

09-30-2004, 07:38 AM
Hey Ruby I hate to burst your bubble as an ex western washingtonian . You have ticks. They are in the grain and corn feilds or tall grasses, we used to have a pointer who seemed to be a tick magnet.
Glad to see you releived Malone of that nasty guy. Great picture could be a good referance pic.

09-30-2004, 07:42 AM

I would have freaked out also!

Thank goodness you found it and got it off!

09-30-2004, 07:50 AM
Thats what they look like?
A few years ago my boyfriend and I spotted a magnificant looking Rottweiler the kind you see on the covers of magazines, chained up outside a crummy looking house and he looked so sad and as we got a closer look he was covered in ticks. We actually went to the door and asked the owner if we could buy him from him! He agreed and after paying him $300 we took him to emergency and kept him for about 2 month until we gave him to a friend who does Rott Rescue. his name was Bear, and i love him and am so glad we saved his life!

Holly's mom
09-30-2004, 08:05 AM
Cookiebaker, I have the same reaction as you when I find ticks on Holly. She had a few on her this past summer and I freaked out every time!! One time I was petting her and I thought, "oh, she has a mat or a snarl on hair on her ear and I'd better cut it off before it gets big". Well, I looked closer and it was a TICK! And it was connected pretty good and was really starting to bloat up. I pulled it out and put peroxide where it was connected because it was bleeding a little. Thank goodness she is vaccinated for Lyme disease.

09-30-2004, 06:50 PM
Sick! So glad it wasen't wart, like Sadie'
s wart! Her's is ALL GONE! :)

10-01-2004, 02:01 AM
YUCK!!! I hate ticks too.
Good thing you found that sucker.

10-01-2004, 03:23 AM
Ticks really gross me out! I remember back home when my dog would get one I would run to my dad to pull it out because I didn't want to be anywhere near it!

10-01-2004, 10:40 AM
EEEKK!!!! :eek: That tick is huge! *turns green*

Glad Malone is okay.

10-01-2004, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by Corinna
Hey Ruby I hate to burst your bubble as an ex western washingtonian . You have ticks. They are in the grain and corn feilds or tall grasses, we used to have a pointer who seemed to be a tick magnet.
Glad to see you releived Malone of that nasty guy. Great picture could be a good referance pic.

Yes, I do know. I was meaning in the more urban parts (I-5 corridor/Puget Sound region/greater Seattle area)... IE where I live (yes, I was being selfish ;)). I've never heard of them being in "these parts", my vets have always assured me there is no cause for concern :) They still give me the creeps...

10-03-2004, 12:09 AM
GAG! :eek:
UGH! That reminds me of Cody's 1st tick- I had never had a dog, so never saw one, so I rushed him to the vet one night, crying that he had a growing black spot on his nose that I couldn't get off. Much to their amusement, it was a tick and I was so grossed out I almost barfed. They even had a pill container full of them for disposal (with cotton and alcohol). And I have a pretty strong stomach.
Logan's had 2, and because her hair is dark, I only found them because I give her massages in the morning. If the world came to an end, I swear, the only things that would survive are roaches and ticks. I tried wrapping one in a paper towel and stepping on it and it was like armor. Those nasty little suckers just don't die. Now I burn them in a paper towel in the sink and even then I'm not certain it's not clinging to life. I just get the willies....Thanks for the lovely photo (which of course I had to look at) :rolleyes:

10-03-2004, 07:33 AM
I don't understand because I haven't seen ticks all summer. But yesterday morning, I was visiting with my brother and sister-in-law (and 16 month old niece :)) and I had a teeny tiny one crawling on me. :eek: :mad:

We DO use frontline, but it makes me wonder if I messed it up last month. I remember giving them baths just a couple of days afterwards, and I wonder if I did it too soon, and therefore dulled the effects?? Anyway, it's time for it again -- this afternoon is frontline, toenails, ears, teeth brushing, and the whole 9 yards! :)