View Full Version : Happy may get to come to school...

09-29-2004, 04:40 PM
lol I was told that our school chaplin needs some animals for chapel on friday, what for, I have no clue lol but he has been asking my friends CE class, but non of them live close enugh to the school, because they have to go back after chapel. well my friend is going to tell the chaplin to talk to me about it lol because well I live across the street, I have a 3rd period spare(chapel is between 2nd and 3rd) and I have a large assortment of animals I can bring lol if their are no other dogs, unless they were my own, I will bring Happy, she is quiet, and well bahaved, and because of that could pobibly come to my first 2 classes with me. I could bring other animals to, but I would have to leave them somewhere lol because it would be difficult to walk around to my classes with kitty crates containing Kari, or guinea pigs.. lol I am hoping I can bring happy, the chaplin has met Happy before, but that was a while ago, most of the staff at my school actually know and adore Happy lol I am the "dog person" apperntly, I have acually been called to the office because the secretary needed dog advice lol :p

09-29-2004, 04:53 PM
that would be cool!!Imagine me bringing Kodie to my school??:eek: :eek: :eek: what a pain that would be..lol.
Have you found out what they need animals for??