View Full Version : Pretty In Pink......(Pics)

09-28-2004, 09:37 PM
Katie's daddy thought her cast was looking pretty bad so when he was out today he stopped and picked up some new wrapping for it. Being the sweet daddy that he is he picked out a pretty pink for his big girl ;)

Looking pretty in pink

Hiya, Rocky ;)




Plenty more to come....

09-28-2004, 09:39 PM
Of course I couldn't post pics of Katie without posting some of my silly husky girl, Tori.

Oh please can I go back inside Mom. I wanna be with Katie.

"There's a cricket back there, mom"

"Whew, I need to take a break"

"I'm guarding the cricket"


Of course I also have to post some of the girls together too. Play time!


Tori is laying right on top of Katie chewing away!



09-28-2004, 09:40 PM
"Hi Everybody"

"Yummy, Its the treat ball!"


"Tennis Ball Time"

Yum, Yum, Yum....my other treat ball!

Hiya Folks....special kisses for you Rocky ;) :p

"I must get the treat out"

"Give it back, Katie"

"I want it!"

Thats all folks. I hope you enjoyed. The rest of the pics are HERE! (http://www.imagestation.com/album/?id=3416210093)

Katie and I would like to thank everyone who has asked about her. Katie seems to be doing very well. She did have to have a small part cut off from the bottom of her cast because it was cutting into her toes. All is well now. I have been letting her roam more freely in the yard and house the past couple of days and she seems to be so much more happier. The cast is supposed to come off Thursday so keep your fingers crossed that everything has healed up like it is supposed to. Katie has been such a good girl and I'm proud of her. She lets us do whatever needs to be done without any complaints. She lets her little sister pester the heck out of her and just like today she sat with me on the floor and patiently watched Tori play with the treat balls. Katie also loves the treat balls and I can't wait to watch her roll and toss them around again. *Sigh* I just love my two girls!

Thanks for letting me share.......Robin :D

09-28-2004, 09:45 PM
I can't believe I'm going to get to meet you and your beautiful girls! I'm getting really excited about that. I just love that curly tail of Katie's. Tori is so pretty. I hope removal of the cast and all goes well. I'm glad she'll be well for our visit. Wonder what Duke will think of them?

Holly's mom
09-28-2004, 09:48 PM
Robin, loved your pictures of your two girls!! Katie looks very spiffy in her pretty pink cast. Keeping fingers crossed for you and her that everything has healed up well!! And Tori is getting so big!! This picture made me smile:

Wonderful pics of your wonderful dogs!!:)

09-28-2004, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by RobiLee
Tori is laying right on top of Katie chewing away!

too cute! :D

09-28-2004, 10:47 PM
Well look at that! My two little cutie nieces:D
What a wonderful daddy those girls have, he sure takes good care of them;)

I know I've already told you but I just love those girls of yours! Needless to say they can make me smile from ear to ear. I just can't wait to get to see them again!

Thanks for sharing your wonderful girls with us!!!

09-28-2004, 11:03 PM
AWW Katie I think pink is your color! Beautiful photos! I hope everything is healed well once she gets the cast off!

And there's my little Nebo twin heheehe. Such a cutie, I just adore her! This picture really made me smile! :D

09-28-2004, 11:12 PM
Katie looks so beautiful in her pink cast.
Rocky could spot her a mile wearing that
pretty color. :D
I bet she can not wait to get off that cast though.

Tori is adorable too, they both are so precious.

09-28-2004, 11:42 PM
Oh Robin! Your 2 are so darn cute!!!
How is Katie doing?

09-28-2004, 11:48 PM
Gorgeous gorgeous girls ........

Thanks Robin!!!!

09-29-2004, 05:35 AM
What gorgeous girls!! Katie looks like she is doing really well. How much longer does she have to wear the cast?

09-29-2004, 07:23 AM
Oh you two are a pair of CUTIE PIES!!!!

I keep looking at the pictures over and over.
You two are so beautiful!!

Katie, you keep on taking it easy!
Tori, you are the best little sis anyone could ask for!

09-29-2004, 04:13 PM
Thanks for all the nice compliments everyone. We go to the vet tomorrow at 2 for Katie to have her cast removed. I'll fill you all in tomorrow.

Robin :)

09-29-2004, 04:29 PM
Oh Robin!!!:D Pretty in pink, blue, green, any color:) But wasn't that sweet of her Daddy to make sure his beautiful girl was looking extra special:) Woo hoo, tomorrow's the big day! Can't wait to see you sans cast:) PLEASE, give those girls a big hug and kiss for me Robin!

09-29-2004, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by tatsxxx11
Oh Robin!!!:D Pretty in pink, blue, green, any color:) But wasn't that sweet of her Daddy to make sure his beautiful girl was looking extra special:) Woo hoo, tomorrow's the big day! Can't wait to see you sans cast:) PLEASE, give those girls a big hug and kiss for me Robin!

Will do, Sandra. Please pass some hugs and kisses along to your furbabies also ;)

09-29-2004, 04:44 PM
Your girls are gorgeous! Thanks for posting pics, I love seeing your 2:D

09-29-2004, 05:00 PM
Katie you even make that cast look fashionable ;). I just love seeing your girls Robin, and Katie is looking so much happier than the last time you posted pics of her. Very glad to see that! Tori is such a gorgeous young lady, I just love her deep red coloring :)

09-29-2004, 05:28 PM
What beautiful BEAUTIFUL girls you have! :D :D :D