View Full Version : Snuggle time with Daddy

09-27-2004, 10:48 PM
By 9 or 10 at night, I often find this scene downstairs, Daddy laying on the couch watching TV with the pups:


In case anyone wonders, he's not actually resting his leg on Tasha, it's resting on the arm of the sofa and Tasha curled up in the crook of his legs stuck her head between them like that. Tommy lays as close as he can possibly get to Daddy, in easy petting distance. :)

Sleepy girl

He actually lays for long periods of time with his head on the couch like this.


09-27-2004, 10:57 PM
Oh please, don't worry if his leg was resting on her... My dog WANTS that and when he's uncomfortable, he will move.
Looks like a happy family, though. :)

09-27-2004, 11:33 PM
That's adorable! They have such a great daddy, hehe. :)

Daisy does the "head thing", just like Tommy too. She'll keep her head on the couch, my lap, or wherever I am until I rub her ears. :D

09-28-2004, 06:56 AM
Very cute pictures! When Drake and daddy cuddle, it's a doggy human pretzel.

09-28-2004, 06:58 AM
Oh how cute they all are!!!!

I'd love to snuggle with Tommy!!!:D

09-28-2004, 11:03 AM
Aw how cute! What great cuddlers. Mine won't sit still long enough for that. They figure I should make myself usefull, while I'm just sitting there doing nothing. So I gotta toss a toy or play tug, whenever I watch TV. Tell Tasha and Tommy they need to come over and give Oz and Gully lessons. :)


09-28-2004, 11:54 AM
Adorable pics ... what a happy family!:)

09-28-2004, 01:20 PM
AWWW, nothing like snuggling on the couch with Dad after a hard day's play:) Tasha, Tommy, your Daddy sure does love you:) Here, at night, it's hard to find a spare square inch on our couch when Dad, Star, Cody, Mr. B and Oliver start snuggling. So sweet Jess!

09-28-2004, 01:26 PM
How sweet! I love the first pic. :)

Jessica, I remember when you husband imposed the "no dogs on the furniture" rule and you were mad. He's come a long way, hasn't he? :D :D :D

09-28-2004, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by micki76
Jessica, I remember when you husband imposed the "no dogs on the furniture" rule and you were mad. He's come a long way, hasn't he? :D :D :D

Haha yeah sort of :D.. that was for the furniture upstairs he never has really cared about the couch downstairs because it's so old and shot :p. Tasha still sneaks up onto the couch upstairs and will hop down and lay on the floor fast if she hears him coming upstairs :p. But he has come a long long way anyway in the past year. He used to not allow them on the bed at all, and now it's pretty common to find Tasha curled up in a little ball between us in the bed at night (Tommy is too big to fit too, plus he prefers his own bed at night). The complaints about dog hair and dirt have miraculously completely gone out of his vocabulary. He is often softer than I am now about letting them get their way :D

He and the pups have just gotten closer and closer and now every day he coos at them how much he loves them and what good sweet dogs they are, it truly warms my heart and makes me happy.

09-28-2004, 01:40 PM
that is too cute!

09-28-2004, 02:18 PM
Cute pictures!

09-28-2004, 03:01 PM
That is so sweet! Awww!