View Full Version : Kitanas gone for good

09-27-2004, 05:58 PM
a few minutes ago i was taking the trash out, before i did kitana was following me and i told her "out" so i watch her and she goes upstairs then i turn my back and whoosh shes gone i chased her but coulndt catch her.. this time we figured were not going to look for her since she seems like shes bad and seems like she doesnt wana be there( ran away 7 times) so kitana is now gone forever:(

09-27-2004, 06:01 PM
So you're just going to leave her out there to be hurt or hungry or whatever? :confused: :(

09-27-2004, 06:02 PM
Maybe I'm reading this wrong. But it sounded to me like you just said your dog's run off and you're not going to bother looking for her. I'm reading it wrong right? Please tell me I'm reading it wrong?? :( :confused:

09-27-2004, 06:07 PM
Please look for Kitana PLEASE! Who knows what will happen to her out there. If you no longer want her, you can keep her at home until you can find a rescue group who will take her. I will help you with that if you want, just please go find her

PS - Huskies are known for their tendencies to run away. It doesn't mean she doesn't want to be there. It is just fun for her and an outlet for her energy. We can help you with things to try to prevent her from getting loose again.

09-27-2004, 06:10 PM
i have no control over the situation im only 13. the most i can do is give out posters that if found take here to a shelter or call us.... but were not going to actually "leave her out there"

09-27-2004, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by Catboy123
i have no control over the situation im only 13. the most i can do is give out posters that if found take here to a shelter or call us.... but were not going to actually "leave her out there"

But if nobody is looking for her, than that is "leaving her out there".

09-27-2004, 06:17 PM
OMG:eek: Please find her and take care of her until you can find her a home if you can't properly care for her. Poor Kitana:(

09-27-2004, 06:50 PM
Please go find your dog. If you no longer want her then please find a rescue to take her in.

09-27-2004, 07:00 PM
Your family must do everything they can to find her, then place her in rescue where she can be rehomed with people that are able to care for her:( PLEASE, try to convince your family to help her:( Is she wearing a collar, tags??? Was she outside off leash? Huskies are notorious runners and wanderers and should never be allowed to roam free. I hope and pray she is found. Such a beautiful dog:( She isn't bad:(

09-27-2004, 07:01 PM
I noticed that you live in Baltimore. Please do not leave your dog alone in that city. It's not the safest. :( :(

09-27-2004, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by Catboy123
i have no control over the situation im only 13. the most i can do is give out posters that if found take here to a shelter or call us.... but were not going to actually "leave her out there"
Please tell me that you are going to make some attempt to find her. If not, that's nothing short of cruelty.

09-27-2004, 07:06 PM
why would you not look for her what if she gets killed... wouldn't you feel bad your 13 get out and look for her yourself then! :( I dont get this???:confused:

09-27-2004, 07:08 PM
Only 13? There are so many things you can do! Have your mom or dad drive around or ride bikes with you and look for Kitana! Don't leave her out there! She could be hit by a car or worse, found and put into an animal testing lab.

Please look for her!

09-27-2004, 07:09 PM
I had a husky mix as a teen, he ran away quite a bit, found him at the shelter once. He did outgrow this tendency though, please stick with him he just wants an adventure not death.

09-27-2004, 07:12 PM
:eek: :eek: :eek: I can't even belive I am reading this:( How can you not look for her:confused:

09-27-2004, 07:16 PM
I just want to add that if you really want to find your dog you can persuade your folks to help look. My kids have to be the most persuasive people on this planet when they want something. After this spend the 6 bucks at petsmart for a name and number tag.

09-27-2004, 07:30 PM
Like I said over in Cat General, PLEASE go look for her. To not look for her is not cool at all, it doesn't matter how old you are. :(

Originally posted by Catboy123
this time we figured were not going to look for her since she seems like shes bad and seems like she doesnt wana be there
You're not looking for her because she's bad? And she doesn't want to be there? Are you kidding me? :confused: :(

i have no control over the situation im only 13. the most i can do is give out posters that if found take here to a shelter or call us.... but were not going to actually "leave her out there"
Um, no. That is NOT "all you can do." In your first post you said you're not looking for her anymore, and here you say you're not going to just leave her out there - so which is it? I really hope you're out there looking for her right now!! "If found, take her to a shelter"??? :confused:

This is really upsetting me. Poor Kitana! :( :( :( To think what is going to happen to her makes me want to cry.


09-27-2004, 07:37 PM
OMG:( I can't beleive you aren't going to look for her! If you don't want her find a Husky rescue of some sort and give her to them! My Dal which I no longer have ran away when I was 12 and I went looking for her even though my Dad told me not to I still searched for her because my pets are the one of the most important parts of my life! Just because you're 13 doesn't mean you can't do anything:( I would be out searching for Kitana for hours until I found her if she was my dog!

09-27-2004, 08:24 PM
ANY NEWS???? DID YOU FIND HER... please keep us updated I've been worrying

09-27-2004, 08:28 PM
OMG!!:eek: how could you do something like that,just leave her out there! i would be a wreck if i lost my Kodie,i love him to death.He isnt very well trained but you should keep a better watch on her next time,atleast go post out signs and call the local shelters!!

and yes please,like Orangutango said,if you dont want her anymore give her to a rescue! please go out and look for her.

09-27-2004, 08:39 PM
I cannot even comprehend what you are saying :(


If my dog ran away when I was 13 you can bet I'd be out there on foot looking for her, no matter how long it took :(

If you decide you still can't keep her for whatever reason AT LEAST find her and surrender her to a shelter/rescue where she can find a home that can care for her :(

09-27-2004, 09:09 PM
I just can't believe this. This is sort of like saying that an animal is just disposable. This isn't a lost wallet. One that you can just go to Wal Mart and get another one. Only 13 huh? I know of some very responsible teens on here. If your parents aren't concerned, maybe you can teach them to be concerned by your actions. As other people have said, Huskies are known to be mischevious. If you do find her, please rehome her. Maybe she'll find someone that understands her.

09-27-2004, 09:10 PM
I was 7 years old when my first doggy ran away. I Would call my other 7 year old friends & we would call & hunt for her.. She was a hound of somesort, so it was common for the breed to run off. but she wasn't a bad dog, she was just being a dog & taking a tour. She didn't know that a car could harm her, for all she knew she was super dog & everyone was nice.. She never experienced anything bad. Not even when she would run away.

We did buy chicken wire to put on the fence & burry some in the ground. That stopped her from running away.

Ur dog just needs TRAINING & some one to love her.

& so u know, u just commited Animal Crulity in all our books. In some states I think its a law.

Back home (just another city in canada still), u get fined if ur dog runs way & gets caught by animal control, & then u have to pay to get her back.


My sisters friend was about 13 when her new pure female puppy ran away. Since she hadn't had her long the dog was already in heat, so she couldn't be fixed yet. She called me up & asked if Max (my RB dog) & myself gould help find her. I said sure & we all took off looking for the pup. Max found her an hour later. Max knew the dog & started to ack funny when we got near this house.

Luckly the owher had a fixed dog of the same breed & took the pooch in & was just about to take the pup to the vet, knowing the pup was probly chipped.

See what a little time does??

09-27-2004, 10:15 PM
I remember when my old neighbors used to live across the street, with their Cocker Spaniel, Norman, who ALWAYS got out of the front door. Not purposfully, on accident, but it happened maybe every other week. Who, at the age or 8 or so, was ALWAYS the first to jump on their bicycle and go after the dog, not leaving it out of her sight? ME!
Who ran around the neighborhood with their mother, while waving a raw hot dog in the air saying "here boy" at around the age of 8? ME!

Who was the one whom jumped on her bike and rode around the neighborhood looking and looking for her nextdoor neighbor's Yellow Lab, at around the age of 9? ME!

Who was the one chasing her FIRST dog -- in which this dog bit her mother twice, growled viciously at strangers, was looked at as "bad", yet loved her unconditionally -- when he got out one night-- all at the age of 10-11? ME!


Find your dog. Keep her safe. It is YOUR responsibility as her owner to do so and if not that is neglect.
It's not something to just say oh well, she was bad, she's gone for good.

09-27-2004, 10:28 PM
Huskies do not run off because they are bad or unhappy, they run off because that's what huskies do! They LOVE to run! Having a husky comes with the responsibility of keeping them in a fenced in area or on a leash at all times. If they happen to escape, then you catch them!

Your age is NOT an excuse. Do you not have legs? A bike? If it were my dog I'd be out there searching for her by foot if I had to, no matter what age I was! I remember chasing after Smokey many times as a child (he would bolt out the door and dig under the fence sometimes), I would never give up until I caught him!

Please search for her and once you find her, get her a home where she will get the love and attention she deserves.

09-27-2004, 10:34 PM
I hope sweet Kitana is found safe and that she will get the loving, caring home she deserves :(. My sentiments are the same as everyone else's here... I'm only going to add also that I got my RB collie Cody when I was 13, and they'd have had to lock me up to keep me from being out looking for him if he was lost.

09-27-2004, 11:03 PM
I agree, age is NOT an exuse! I am 16, but I do not drive, if one of my dogs gets out, or a friends dog, or naighbores dog, I am out there right away on foot, with Happy at my side(she is a very good helper for catching runnaway dogs) if a friends dog is missing I will go out in the middle of the night on foot, leash, and treats in hand to find that dog. and we always find the dog within an hour or 2 of them getting out. I am the only one that can catch my naighbores dog, Maxx when he gets out, everytime he runs off, maxx's mom comes over and asked me for help, and while it may take a while to actually get him, its not hard to kneel down hold out my hand and call the dog, he will come right to me, then I nab his collar, and while my naighbores get mad at maxx for running away, they are always VERY greatful when I bring him back, and while they say they are going to get rid of him, that they are fed up, they never actually do. go out and look for your poor dog. you dont need your parents to look for the dog, rid your bike, or walk, get yours frineds to help you out.

09-27-2004, 11:21 PM
I don't even know what to say...but I guess since no one islooking, I hope Kitana is found by a family who will give her the home she deserves.

09-27-2004, 11:26 PM
While I think it's horrible that no one is out looking for this dog... 13 is young. And if you live in a not so safe area going on foot, alone, at night is not the best time to be out by yourself.
If the parents aren't willing to help...

I feel bad about the whole situation.

09-27-2004, 11:57 PM
I didn't look at the time it was posted.. good point.
But I can also say - I am 28 years old and there are streets around here I won't walk at night. Or dusk. And my boyfriend & family tend to get upset when I say I went running though certain places even during the day.
I am not trying to justify this, just trying to rationalize WHY no one would be out looking...
And you're right, who knows if this is even happening.

Again, I just feel bad thinking about the whole thing.

09-28-2004, 12:00 AM
Where did my post go? :p

I can't think of any places around here that I wouldn't walk to find my babies..
The happiness they give me day to day is worth everything in the world and more.

09-28-2004, 12:01 AM
I can't fathom what your saying
I just hope that you find her and at least take her to somewhere she will be loved.

09-28-2004, 12:10 AM
ha! k, i thought it was just me who saw the post disappear. :)

and i dont know where this person lives... so my points could or could not be valid (i happen to live in the bronx and there are some not great places around...)

but anyway... we all want the same thing --- SOMEONE to care enough!

g'night for now.

09-28-2004, 06:49 AM
That is terrible! You should be looking for Kitana. It is sad that your parents who are the adults in the situation would just let her run away like that. ::mad:: As pet owners, we are responsible for their safety. And Kitana is not safe out there in the streets.

Hope someone finds her and gives her a good home.

09-28-2004, 06:55 AM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom
I don't even know what to say...but I guess since no one islooking, I hope Kitana is found by a family who will give her the home she deserves.


I sure hope we hear good news this morning!!!

09-28-2004, 07:27 AM
Originally posted by Catboy123
i have no control over the situation im only 13. the most i can do is give out posters that if found take here to a shelter or call us.... but were not going to actually "leave her out there"

Despite being only 13 as you say, doesnt excuse your obvious lack of love and caring for your pet. I am even more surprised by your parents reaction,,, perhaps thats where you got it from.

You cant be angry by our reactions on here either... you had to know just how much we love our pets... its unimaginable to hear anyone say, oh well....the dog is gone for good and think its fine. Its never fine to think that,,,, and if you think its fine,, you need to get a pet that doesnt need care,,,,,

might I suggest a rock?

09-28-2004, 07:30 AM
He doesn't even deserve a rock!
My mom collects rocks and some of them are really beautiful and need regular dusting.

09-28-2004, 07:36 AM
I'd just like to say THANKS SO MUCH to Catboy for keeping me up until 1:30 AM last night, worried and upset, checking in for Kitana updates. THANK YOU CATBOY, for making me worry enough to come in early to work to check for Kitana updates. THANKS A LOT for letting us know what happened to your dog.

We'll probably never hear from him again. I can only hope this was all a sick joke. I can't get it off my mind.

09-28-2004, 07:45 AM
I hope the reason you haven't updated is because you're out there looking for her. I doubt it though :mad: :(

09-28-2004, 08:41 AM
Well,, being 13 yrs old,, I think with all of our comments and outrage have most likely freaked the kid out.... I cant truly imagine that this child doesnt feel love for the dog,,, just might feel helpless with the kind of parents thye are stuck with... obviously,, the family isnt deserving of a pet of any kind with the attitude they appear to have.

I just hope that CatBoy finds the courage and guts it will take to make a stand and get out there and try to do the right thing by this poor dog!!

Samantha Puppy
09-28-2004, 08:50 AM
Originally posted by lizzielou742
I'd just like to say THANKS SO MUCH to Catboy for keeping me up until 1:30 AM last night, worried and upset, checking in for Kitana updates. THANK YOU CATBOY, for making me worry enough to come in early to work to check for Kitana updates. THANKS A LOT for letting us know what happened to your dog.

We'll probably never hear from him again. I can only hope this was all a sick joke. I can't get it off my mind. I've had my doubts any of his situations are real ever since he posted the first time about Kitana running off. If they are, I hope some lovely people find her and take her in so she doesn't have to go through the neglect she obviously receives through the hands of Catboy and his family. If none of this is real, Catboy's parents need to spend a little money on their kid and get him into therapy before he becomes a full-fledged psycho instead of a lying punk on an internet forum.

09-28-2004, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by Samantha Puppy
I've had my doubts any of his situations are real ever since he posted the first time about Kitana running off. If they are, I hope some lovely people find her and take her in so she doesn't have to go through the neglect she obviously receives through the hands of Catboy and his family. If none of this is real, Catboy's parents need to spend a little money on their kid and get him into therapy before he becomes a full-fledged psycho instead of a lying punk on an internet forum.

I agree 100% Samantha Puppy

When I was 6 years old some idiot friend of my brothers left the gate open and all the dogs got out. We had Hidi (dobie) Sadie (Basset Hound) and Bandit (Wolf/GSD cross). Sadie didn't leave the front lawn lol, but Hidi and Bandit ran off. I went out on foot looking with mom and dad and my brother took the car to look. We found Hidi mourning over Bandit, as he was hit by a car and thrown in a ditch. :( Age is no excuse.

PJ's Mom
09-28-2004, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by lizzielou742
Like I said over in Cat General, PLEASE go look for her. To not look for her is not cool at all, it doesn't matter how old you are. :(

You're not looking for her because she's bad? And she doesn't want to be there? Are you kidding me? :confused: :(

He probably is kidding. :rolleyes:

If this is for real, and I really think this kid is just out for some attention, then I hope the poor dog gets picked up by someone who is willing to give her a great home, and lots of love. Just about any home would be better than the one she left, by the sounds of it.

09-28-2004, 02:13 PM
WEIRD!!! I just got this in my email,,, and I come here,, and NOTHING from him??!!! Anyone else get this???

Catboy123 has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - Kitanas gone for good - in the Dog General forum of Pet Talk.

This thread is located at:


09-28-2004, 02:14 PM
He started another thread.

Here is the link