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View Full Version : 1 year puppy mill case finally broken!!!!

09-21-2004, 08:08 PM
I couldn't be happier.

Larry Wilkinson is my co-workers Father. Brian & I grew up in the same small town (Smiths Falls) & shared the same friends, but never met.

Then one day he started working in my store, we chatted & found out alot about each other. We r not decent friends at work, always chatting about something. He was nice enough to ask his dad some questions about Max's death & his dad answered with out delay.

Well the first thing out of Brians mouth today was, did u hear what happened, back home with my dad? I said no.. He said, My dad has been working on this backyard breeder case for about a year & he finaly got a break through!!

Here is the link to Ottawa's paper (http://www.canada.com/ottawa/ottawacitizen/news/story.html?id=03177d69-b3ee-4887-bb95-7e6d7636e806) this is how big it was!! Smiths Falls never get in the cities paper, not even for murders!!

All the pics of the dogs u see with redish stuff on their heads, Brian told me it BLOOD!!!

I'm gonna paste the story here as well...


'A case of severe neglect'
57 malnourished, feces-covered dogs seized from Smiths Falls-area home. Charges pending against owner; homes needed for dogs

Isabel Teotonio and Zev Singer, with files from Joanne Laucius
The Ottawa Citizen

September 21, 2004

When the authorities came to take away almost five dozen golden retrievers from the home of a Smiths Falls-area woman last Thursday, the dogs, packed into three small rooms, were wall-to-wall.

The 56 golden retrievers and one black lab mix were malnourished, infected with parasites and matted in feces. They had bite wounds from living so close up against each other. Some were stunted, physically and mentally, from inbreeding.

As of last night, 14 of the 57 dogs had been euthanized after assessment by veterinarians.

The owner of the house has not been identified since charges are still pending, but officials at the Lanark Animal Welfare Society say she is a licensed breeder. The investigation into the case is ongoing.

Inside her run-down Montague Township house, where some of the walls didn't have drywall, the woman kept 54 of the dogs, all of which were removed. There were another 28 dogs in an outside kennel. Three of those were taken away, but the woman was left with 25 dogs, under the condition that she take some of them for veterinary care.

Dr. Ann McEwan, a veterinarian who examined 33 of the removed dogs, said it was the worst case of neglect she's seen.

"I've never seen dogs as caked in s--t as these," she said. "Literally, there was no way you could touch them anywhere on their body without coming into contact with feces."

Larry Wilkinson, of the Lanark Animal Welfare Society, went to the woman's home on Thursday with a veterinarian, four animal control officers, and an OPP officer after the society received multiple complaints about the state of the home.

"The floors and the walls were black from feces, urine and mud," Mr. Wilkinson said. "The smell was overwhelming."

Mr. Wilkinson said the woman fed the dogs some dog food, but their diet also consisted of boiled beets and bread. Bits of plastic bag that the dogs have been passing since their rescue lead him to believe that the loaves of bread were consumed without ever coming out of the package.

Dr. Gaelin O'Grady, the second veterinarian, said she didn't believe the woman meant to harm the animals.

"I wouldn't call this an abusive situation," she said. "It's a case of severe neglect. She's never deliberately harmed these dogs."

Mr. Wilkinson said yesterday that he would have liked to raid the home months ago, which might have saved some more of the dogs' lives, but couldn't get enough co-operation from the public. He said people would call in and tell him about the house, but were not willing to give their names and provide the specific information he needed to get a warrant to enter the home. Only after months of working on the file, did he find people more willing to speak up.

His hands were also tied by the township's bylaws. Mr. Wilkinson said many municipalities have bylaws that require an annual inspection in order to acquire a kennel licence -- a requirement that the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals had urged all municipalities to adopt.

But Montague Township, where this incident occurred, has no such bylaw. "If they did, this probably wouldn't happen," said Mr. Wilkinson.

Finding good homes for the remaining 43 dogs could be a challenge, because some of the more inbred dogs may be difficult to handle, Dr. McEwan said.

"The ones that are going to be the most challenged behaviourally are the young pups, because given the situation they were in they were very closely bred -- brother-sister, father-daughter."

Seven- or eight-month-old puppies that should be 18 to 23 kilograms are only about nine kilograms, she said.

"If they're that severely undersized they have the physical problems associated with that, but they also have the mental problems," she said.

Those could include behavioural problems like a propensity to bite out of fear.

Raising them will require a lot of love and patience.

"It's going to be a bit of a challenge," she said.

However, the worst biters were already euthanized, she added, saying that was the single biggest reason for putting those dogs down.

Biting is actually a bigger problem among golden retrievers than most people realize, she said.

"They are probably more prevalent for dog bites than what you hear for pit bulls," Dr. McEwan said. "They bite more often, but unfortunately pit bulls tend to do more damage so they get all the press."

According to Brian Pemberton, a spokesman for the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, cases like this one with the house of golden retrievers are becoming more common.

"The trend is certainly upwards and this number is not totally out of the ordinary," he said. "Let me rephrase that -- it's bad, but it's not unheard of."

People who want to make a donation toward the care of the rescued dogs or who want to adopt one can contact the Lanark Animal Welfare Society at 283-9308.

© The Ottawa Citizen 2004


Here r the pics of some of the dogs.

http://a123.g.akamai.net/f/123/12465/1d/media.canada.com/idl/otct/20040921/169581-53554.jpg http://a123.g.akamai.net/f/123/12465/1d/media.canada.com/idl/otct/20040921/169581-53553.jpg http://a123.g.akamai.net/f/123/12465/1d/media.canada.com/idl/otct/20040921/169581-53556.jpg http://a123.g.akamai.net/f/123/12465/1d/media.canada.com/idl/otct/20040921/169581-53560.jpg http://a123.g.akamai.net/f/123/12465/1d/media.canada.com/idl/otct/20040921/169581-53585.jpg http://a123.g.akamai.net/f/123/12465/1d/media.canada.com/idl/otct/20040921/169581-53590.jpg

CREDIT: Jean Levac, The Ottawa Citizen
Animal welfare officials seized 56 golden retrievers and one black lab mix from a licensed breeder in Montague Township, near Smiths Falls, on Thursday. Fourteen of the dogs had to be put down, so officials are now looking for homes for these 43 animals. When they were rescued, the dogs were malnourished, infected with parasites, matted in feces, and had bite wounds from living so close up against each other. Veterinarians say many likely have behavioural problems as well.


Here is the LAWS website (the shelter in Smiths Falls that have the dogs) LAWS (http://www.lanarkanimals.ca/contactus.asp)

I'm gonna be talking to Brian to see if there is a special donation set up for these dogs.

I use to work at LAWS & I knew there is NOWAY they can afford all these dogs or house them all. They r just too small a place.

Brian is also gonna try to get me a copy of the case pages, so I can post them here on the site.

I'm also gonna see if his dad has an email addy so people can thank him for all his hard work & dedication to these animals.

I plan to send him a Tickelope dog to thank him & wish him more luck in the future. If his dad won't give out his address I'll give out mine & hand them to Brian. Larry is the top guy in this & he deserves many thanks :)

09-21-2004, 08:50 PM
Hope they all find homes. I don't know how anyone could do that to such sweet faces.

09-21-2004, 10:26 PM
tell me about it.. I want the black Lab...

09-21-2004, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by kingrattus
"It's a case of severe neglect. She's never deliberately harmed these dogs."

In MY dictionary, this is the same thing as "deliberately harming" an animal. That is disgusting.

Those poor dogs. :(:(:( I'll keep them in my thoughts.. may they all find wonderful, loving homes with people who actually appreciate them, and will give them the care they deserve.

09-21-2004, 10:59 PM
I know all or most of the dogs will find home fast.

LAWS doesn't put down animals unless their very ill or man killers. Even if the dog is mean, but it attaches its self to the people who want it, they adopt it out. Alot of dogs arn't super friendly, doesn't mean they need to die. It just takes a special owner to love them. & since Smiths Falls is in the bush, there r alot of country home owners who can take in a non kids loving or, or a non dog friendly dog, or just a picky dog.

Its different living in & around Smiths Falls. As long as a mean dog is properly loved, cared for & properly controlled (NOT tied up all day outside), its fine to have that dog. But one escape & attack & it will more then likely be its last.

Thats why I LOVE LAWS... they give ALL dogs a second change.

There was this golden many many years ago. & my job was to try to bond with him & try to pet him without him running away, or being super scared or me.

I got a lawn chair & sat in his outdoor pen (all dogs r outside during the day, unless its too small or just cannot handle the weather, it helps prevent lung problems).. The bonding didn't go to well with me. He was just to scared... But a family wanted to take him home, even tho no one could pet him (he wasn't mean, he just ran for his life).. They wanted to see if he would come outta his shell in a nice friendly home enviroment.. I never saw Oscar again.. he was happy with his new family :)

09-21-2004, 11:00 PM
GoldenRetrLuver.. also remember this is coming from the editor, Not L.A.W.S. L.A.W.S. is the reason shes being charged & ALL dogs r being removed :)

09-22-2004, 02:59 AM
At least they are aways from her ............

Please, someone, arrange me in a room with them, just for an hour ......:mad: :mad: :mad:

09-22-2004, 03:36 AM
Those poor dogs. I am so saddened by their condition :(
I hope that they can find homes soon and will be able to overcome the hardships they faced at the woman's house.

09-22-2004, 09:37 AM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
In MY dictionary, this is the same thing as "deliberately harming" an animal. That is disgusting.

Those poor dogs. :(:(:( I'll keep them in my thoughts.. may they all find wonderful, loving homes with people who actually appreciate them, and will give them the care they deserve.

I totally agree, that in my opinion is deliberately harming them :( How awful, that is so terrible and so sad, it breaks my heart to hear of things like this.

09-22-2004, 10:32 AM
Thank heaven for LAWS. I think the guys in Smith Falls did a great job. It must have been fustrating knowing they were there and unable to get to them. If anyone see animals being hurt, neglected or abused please report it and give your name. Its sometimes the only way to get help. Don't be afraid just call.

09-22-2004, 07:53 PM
I was talking to Brian some more today at work. I was asking him some questions about the dogs mental state.

Brian said they r more messed up then anyone could ever think of. He said its horrible. I said r the dog for sure gonna be adopted out , ur not just telling me this.

Brian said, all the dogs left will be adopted out, but if one comes back, it'll HAVE to be destroyed.

Brian said their expecting just about all the adult dogs to come back, but they r given a chance & just maybe a few will turn around for the better & surprize everyone. Thats why they get second chances.

I'm gonna ask brian if LAWS needs anything & if I can get the car this weekend, I can help groom (if its not all finished) & se if I can help tame & train the somewhat better dogs. I worked mericals there before, so I'll try it again.

I know the manager/owner will let me come back, my file was left opento when ever I wanted to drop by.

09-22-2004, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by kingrattus
Brian said, all the dogs left will be adopted out, but if one comes back, it'll HAVE to be destroyed.

Why is that? :confused: In any case I am glad all the dogs were removed from that awful place. :mad:

09-22-2004, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by kingrattus

Brian said, all the dogs left will be adopted out, but if one comes back, it'll HAVE to be destroyed.

I dont find that very fair, they could come back for different reasons. Every animal deserves a second chance!

09-22-2004, 10:02 PM
Brian said most if not all, should just be put down. Their condition is very horrible, the enbreeding is so bad, they said no one can really fix it. So they get one chance.

& I also know that L.A.W.S. is way too small to keep having these dogs keep coming back, knowing these really isn't anyone who can fix them.

I also foundout that the dogs r WILD. They r use to living in a pack, feeding in a pack, fighting in a pack & not being with humans at all.

Its kinda like taking a wolf outta a pack & keeping it as a pet. Sure some wolve might become friendly, but most will not. So its that 1 chance all the dogs get. They r very lucky to get any chances at all.

Brian said its the youngest dogs who r the worst, the older ones have a better chance of being ok & going with a family. But the younger ones r embreed, with more embreed dogs, with even more embreeded dogs & only god knows how far it goes. He said they doen't even look normal, their all screwed up.

Brian is really upset about the whole thing. He usually only talks to me in the morning & just before he goes home, but he's been chatting about this his whole shift. Us, we only hear & read about this story, poor him has to live with it & see it. Hes finding this case very hard. He loves dogs & this breed & cannot believe their condition.

I just hope some of the dogs r ok & can be good enough for a family life.

09-22-2004, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by kingrattus
Brian said most if not all, should just be put down. Their condition is very horrible, the enbreeding is so bad, they said no one can really fix it. So they get one chance.

& I also know that L.A.W.S. is way too small to keep having these dogs keep coming back, knowing these really isn't anyone who can fix them.

I also foundout that the dogs r WILD. They r use to living in a pack, feeding in a pack, fighting in a pack & not being with humans at all.

Its kinda like taking a wolf outta a pack & keeping it as a pet. Sure some wolve might become friendly, but most will not. So its that 1 chance all the dogs get. They r very lucky to get any chances at all.

Brian said its the youngest dogs who r the worst, the older ones have a better chance of being ok & going with a family. But the younger ones r embreed, with more embreed dogs, with even more embreeded dogs & only god knows how far it goes. He said they doen't even look normal, their all screwed up.

Brian is really upset about the whole thing. He usually only talks to me in the morning & just before he goes home, but he's been chatting about this his whole shift. Us, we only hear & read about this story, poor him has to live with it & see it. Hes finding this case very hard. He loves dogs & this breed & cannot believe their condition.

I just hope some of the dogs r ok & can be good enough for a family life.

Yes but, I am sure if the family really loved the dog they would take it to training sessions, and get help taming it.

09-22-2004, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by kingrattus
Brian said most if not all, should just be put down. Their condition is very horrible, the enbreeding is so bad, they said no one can really fix it. So they get one chance.

Depeding on what they get returned for I still believe that some should get a second chance. You shouldnt be puting all these dogs up for adoption with out a bit of socialization first. Ones that arent and never will be perfectly normal should only be adopted to families with no kids.

09-22-2004, 10:26 PM
L.A.W.S. has rules, don't worry about that. The dogs wont be sent with just anyone. All dogs have a folder with their history in it & every bite, snap, where it came from, shape it was in, sex prefered (u know what I mean).

It was my job to report to anyone who was a paid employee, about improvements (or bad stuff, or cute stuff too) I had with the dog(s). When I was working with Jasper, I reported several times a day, ALL was great news!! I had him turned around in a week. He wasn't perfect, but now he could be walked. I was the first person to walk in in the 7 months he was there. I was the only one to be able to do it (is very proud of myself). Jasper now had a chance to find a home, yay!!

09-22-2004, 10:30 PM
dogs_4_me, training cannot help all mental dogs. Same as how school cannot help all retarded children.

I understand ur point of view in this disscussion, but I like to see things from both views, good & bad. I hope u don't see me as argueing with u. I also hope I'm making some sense too. I can talk better then putting things in text.

09-22-2004, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by kingrattus
dogs_4_me, training cannot help all mental dogs. Same as how school cannot help all retarded children.

I understand ur point of view in this disscussion, but I like to see things from both views, good & bad. I hope u don't see me as argueing with u. I also hope I'm making some sense too. I can talk better then putting things in text.

No I agree that training wont help all of them, but it may help some of them!!

I definitly dont see you as argueing!!!

09-22-2004, 10:49 PM
Just from hearing Brian talk about them, it seems quite hopeless for most of them. I feel terrible I don't live closer. I could help so many of them. I have 9 hours that I can train & work with the dogs. & I only work a dog hard for about an hour at a time, unless were working on walking, that can last all day heheh

I'm the type to take on the hardest cases, cause their at the most risk of being there forever & not being loved. No one could even pet poor Jasper. He was a tall dog That would go out to the end of his chain & jumpup & paw & claw u to death. No one was able to control him cause they were all wimps & didn't want to be a little bit forceful. I would push & pull Jasper off of me & step onhis chain so he couldn't jump up & then pet & love him. he was getting better at not jumping up :)

After a few days I would just stand infront of Jasper & keep telling him down & sit until he would & then go near him, but the second he tried to jump I walked away & stood just out of reach again. He wasn't too good at sitting, so standing still was ok too :)

I wanted to take Jasper home so baddly to be able to work with him all night too, but I knew if he jumped on RB Max's back just once, Max could have attacked him really bad. This was around the time Max's back was getting really sore, & he would snarl at his buddy Jake if Jake tried to mount him in play (its the sideways mounting, not the butt mounting) & it didn't even have to be rough or alot of force on his back, just a little force upset max. & I knew Max could inflect some serious damage if he wanted to.Max was still very strong in his old age.

I still have no idea if Jasper even found a home.. I really do hope so, he had a very loving personality

09-23-2004, 09:00 AM
I find the statement she never meant to harm the dogs to be asinine!!!!! she is a youknowwhat in my opinion,,, anyone with half a brain would know those dogs were hurting!!!!!

thrilled to see they are out of that womans house!!!

09-23-2004, 09:06 AM
They finally gave out her name, she may have to move, people around Smith Falls don't take to kindly to people who abuse the animals.

09-23-2004, 09:44 AM
Well lets all feel sorry for the bag eh.....?

all together now,,
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... NOT!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

09-23-2004, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by LorraineO
Well lets all feel sorry for the bag eh.....?

all together now,,
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... NOT!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Well said!

I think she needs to be covered in her own feces and urine, and made to eat plastic bread wrappers!

09-23-2004, 10:35 AM

09-23-2004, 10:51 AM
Released name.. ooo left the fires start & the blood spill, YES!!!!!!!!!!

I cannot wait :D :D :D

If u have no idea what I'm talking about, read my last post in "UPSET", its in dog general too.

& Yes I have no mercy for whats going to happen to that lady. I grew up in Smiths Falls, lived there for my first 18 years, so I share the same animal feelings as they do & alot of the hatred towards people who harm animals & kids & don't care too much about adults hurting adults, feel sorry, but wont do anything.. Its the way we are, protect the innocent & the ones who cannot protect themselves, 90% of the adults getting killed or hurt in SF bring it apon themselves (as in everything is drug related there, none druggies never get into trouble or get hurt)

Def. of Drugs... Narcotics, Booze, smoking (mind u this one doesn't really count, but the other 2 do)

I'm 100% clean so never got hurt, bullied, but not hurt :P