View Full Version : Would you get another dog?

09-20-2004, 10:10 PM
If your dog died would you get another one? How soon? The same breed or different?

Not that we're even thinking about it, I was just wondering what you all would do.

09-20-2004, 10:15 PM
I just have to say first of all that I am very very VERY sorry about Angus Anna.

secondly If Tikeya died. I dont know if I would get another dog for a while. I know i would eventually because i love dogs. I would probably get another female siberian husky different coloring because i wouldnt want my gurl to think that i was replacing her with a look a like.

some times getting another pet helps get your mind of the recent loss. so i have herd.. I know that after we had to give away Makia, we got oscar right away, like a couple months after.

09-20-2004, 10:19 PM
I think I would be horrendously depressed if my boy passed away.. it would (or, will) take me a long time to get over that. for our next dog, I'd definately go back to BCRNC and get another rescue BC... the breed has grown on me ^.^

09-20-2004, 10:23 PM


I know I would be broken hearted, but I also know that my darlings would want me to be happy, and take my time to pick an new baby to love.

I would probably get the same breed ............ but then again, I would rescue too ......

I think that when it is time, you will know, and another gorgeous furkid will come into your life unexpectedly (just like Huney did!)

Love always

09-20-2004, 10:29 PM
After I was a married and moved out, I took our family chihuahua to be put to sleep for my Dad (my mom had died two years before and he couldn't bring himself to take Tinker :( ). The next day I took Bob and put him in Daddy's back yard (while he was at work) asking him to keep him for me, that I was going to get kicked out of my apartment for getting him. Dad thought he didn't have enough time for a puppy, but he lived all alone, so I knew he needed another dog. He'd ALWAYS had dogs. He didn't call me for a week, and when he did he simply said thank you and you can't have him back. :D

We put our RB westie to sleep on January 18th (two days before our anniversary) and got Chester on on January 31st. :)

To be honest, I didn't feel it would be fair to get another westie. I felt I would always be comparing him/her to Stolly. Of course now that the pain isn't so fresh, I want a westie again someday. After Chester, I'll need a different breed (maybe that westie), but I'll have a Toy Fox Terrier again eventually.

It's a very personal decision and a difficult one to make. I obviously would be able to love a TFT immediately after losing Ches, and would have loved a westie after Stolly, but for my own reasons I needed a different breed for a bit, but I still would get another dog.

Hope that makes sense. :)

09-20-2004, 10:39 PM
I think it's different for everyone!

Some people wait months and years, while others get a new dog right away.

I think having a new dog would definatly help with everything, because new dogs are always alot of work.

It's never considered replacing no matter how soon people get a new dog/pet.

09-20-2004, 10:52 PM
AT first I didn't even want to see another dog except for Cadeau.
But I have been thinking of getting a rotti pup (mix is ok too) the past few months as u know.

But I don't want it until next summer, or so I thought until tonight.

I young man walked into the store & came to my post office, he was holding a tiny hotdog doggy. He was 7 weeks & named Jeff. I awwed at the puppy & asked if I could pet him & he said here, hold him while I get my stuff ready to mail.

I was soo oexctied, he was wearing a little red sweater & he was so excited. & waddled to me (he was on my counter) & jumped up & gave me all kinds of tiny puppy kisses. He was just the cuttest little guy I had ever seen & made me want another dog now. I haven't pet a puppy ina few years & I haven't been kissed by a dog in almosta year & I almost cried when I was holding him, I was sooo happy :)

09-20-2004, 10:58 PM
Yes, now that Jesse is gone I really want another Dachshund. i think it would help me get over her loss so I wouldn't have to think about her so often and I'd have another Doxie that needed me. You'll know when it's time to get another dog, all people are different. Just remember that when/if you get another dog try not to feel that you're replacing the the previous one.

09-20-2004, 11:01 PM
When we lost our sweet girl Chloe we never ever thought we would get another dog. It was three years before we got another one. Our girl, Katie. Once we got Katie I think both of us knew that we would never be without a dog again. Now we have two :D I don't think I will ever be without the love of a dog again.

If I were to lose one of my girls I am almost certain that I would get another pup before long. Not only for me but also for my other pup. I'm pretty certain that one would be lost without the other.

As far as the same breed, Alden swears that we will always have a female akita. That suits me just fine ;) We love the breed and are fascinated by akitas. About comparing.....for me it wouldn't matter if it was the same breed or not. To this day I still talk about Chloe and remark how she did this different or alike from our girls now and she wasn't either breed, she was a beautiful mutt. Sometimes Alden and I both slip and call Katie....Chloe(it happened alot when we first got Katie) I don't think it means anything bad or shows disrespect. It just means that Chloe is always with me. I love ALL of my girls. My two that are here with me now and my sweet girl that is waiting for me at the Bridge.

Gosh, I hope that made some sense.

Love and Hugs.....Robin :)

09-20-2004, 11:12 PM
After Rufus died, I didn't think much of another dog for a few months after. I happened to go by the HS and fell in love with my Zekey boy.

09-20-2004, 11:13 PM
It's really a hard subject for me to post on, because my biggest fear more than anything is loosing one of my babies. But, I know that it will happen eventually. God forbid, it won't be for many, many years to come.

I'm not sure if I would get another dog right away. Molly and Daisy are both very, very bonded to each other, and when one of them goes, I know it'll be heartbreak for the other. That's probably the reason I would consider bringing in another dog that soon. My very first dog, Todo, a Dachshund, passed away when he was 8 years old from a "slipped disk". It was a few years after that happened that we decided to look around for another dog, and that's when Molly came into the picture.

I don't think I could change breeds. I'll always love Goldens and Collies.. and I know I'll always have at least one of them in my life. I could never compare my future dogs with either Molly or Daisy; they're both one of a kind, and I'll always love them more than anything.

I guess I'll cross that bridge when it comes.

09-20-2004, 11:28 PM
I tend to want another one right away. I can't fill the empty spot in my heart, but I can fill the empty place in my house.

We got Hobo just before Hoodoo died. I am quite sure that Hoodoo planned that--he knew he was leaving and he made sure that I had another goofy guy to make me smile. I'm not sure how I would have got through loosing Hoodoo, especially the first few days, without Hobo. Hobo was only a couple weeks out from the wolf attack. He still needed intensive care and I had to take care of him or he would have been joining Hoodoo. He helped take my mind off my grief a bit and he's always silly, even when it hurt like h*ll, Hobo was still happy and silly.

I adopted Chase and Founder a couple weeks later. They had been here as fosters for a few months each. We decided to keep them as a kind of tribute to Hoodoo--he was our first rescue dog and in his memory we rescued a couple more.

09-20-2004, 11:44 PM
When Bella passed away..i thought I would never ever ever get another dog. I still cry when I think about her and probably always will...especially when I read those tear jerker poems on petloss.com. :(
But then I went to the Humane society...not even thinking about a dog because I still was a mess after Bella died..and there was Chico. I asked a lady about him and he was scheduled to be put down the next day...AT 7 WEEKS!!!!! So I took him home with me and I wouldn't trade him for a million chihuahuas.
So I didn't end up with the same breed..Bella was full chihuahua and Chico is 1/2 lab, 1/4 chow, 1/4 aulstralian shepherd!
Of course I would love to get another chihuahua someday..but for right now..I am happy with Chico..and Omar of course!!

09-20-2004, 11:44 PM
Without a doubt yes.
I decided to take Keegan approximately a week after Shaianne died, and about 2 weeks before Keegan was born. I knew that I would have over 2 months to grieve and heal and a puppy was exactly what I needed. And what a puppy she was!
I knew right away I would get another dog. Shaianne died on a Thursday and on Saturday I was at our fair and they brought in a fawn greyhound. My heart stopped. But I couldn't do it.
I will always have a soft spot for Greyhounds, but am not sure if I would want another one.
I look at Keegan now seeing her so full of life, it breaks my heart that one day she will not be here. I woke up crying one day b/c I dreamed out Keegan and Kylie both not being with me. Then I had to hug my girls.
My parents said when our dog died in 1992 that they would not get another dog and so far then haven't, and I don't foresee them getting one either and they are fine with that. My dad is bonded with Keegan and my mom doesn't really get attached to animals, so a 'granddog' suits them just fine!

My Peanuts
09-21-2004, 12:04 AM
Yes definitely. When my mutt, Barney, died we got Angie my RB Shih Tzu four days later. Barney was 18 years old when he died and he was a part of my family longer than I was at the time. A lot of people might think that getting another dog that fast is wrong, but we were simply lost without a dog. When Angie died last June at the age of nine we got Sylvia one week almost to the minute later. So as you can see, I know I would get another dog. I see it like this. We have a home that needs a dog and there is a dog that needs a home. I also see it as saving another life.

09-21-2004, 12:34 AM
I would not be opposed to getting another dog soon after and I would not be opposed to the same breed either. Whether it was one day or one year after the loss of a dog, I'd adopt a new dog when I made the right connection.

I don't think of it as replacing because you can never replace any animal. Your heart is big enough to love your lost one AND make room for the new one :)

09-21-2004, 05:09 AM
Yes I would get another dog and probably within months.It doesn't 'replace' your last dog, to me, it simply means you love dogs! When my big dog Corey died it was about 3 1/2 months before we got Lacey. We couldn't stand not having a dog.

09-21-2004, 05:29 AM
Do you mind if I (a cat person) answer this???


Without a doubt. Life is too precious and there are so many pets that don't have a loving home.

For homes that lose their one and only pet, I feel especially sad for when they decide to not get another. Those people miss out on the love, devotion and fun of animal companionship all in the name of grief. They say things like "But it is too hard to lose them. I can't go through it again". Yes, it is hard but wasn't it worth it?

For homes that still have other pets in the home (unless they are overwhelmed by the number......like ME :o ) I would still recomend opening your home to another. I look at it like this: If a death has opened a spot in my heart and in my home than I would feel a NEED to fill that void.

09-21-2004, 05:50 AM
When my mercedes passed on last oct 31, I said I would never get another one..but 9 months to the day (just like having a baby) I got Gracie! She will never replace mercedes...she was one of a kind..but Gracie has filled a void. Mercedes took every step I took and I missed feeling that nose on the back of my ankles all the time and now Gracie does the same thing!! Its really weird..I am glad we got her. She is just a baby. I had Mercedes for 16 years. I have photos of her with my kids still hanging up but all her toys, and my collection of schauzer statues have been put away in the heirloom box.

09-21-2004, 06:10 AM
This is interesting because my co-worker and I were just talking about this very subject yesterday. She is 44 years old and got her very first dog 12 years ago, a sheltie named Brandy. She said Brandy was the best thing she ever spent money on for all of the love and companionship over the years and can't believe she waited to own a dog. (She had always been a cat person). Brandy has some minor health problems now but Barb said that when the day comes that Brandy must leave her she will be out very quickly getting another dog. She said the thought of coming home to a house without a dog to welcome her at the door is just devastating.

I have always had a dog in the house, ever since I was an infant. There was only a 3 year time span when I didn't and that was after my Ashley left for the Rainbow Bridge in 1998 and Bella came to live with us in 2001. Hubby was so devastated at the loss of Ashley (and also Whitney who died two years prior to Ashley) that he said he didn't want to ever have to go through the grief again so *no more dogs.* I had my kitties in that three year period to carry me through but I missed so much having a dog as well.

One day I visited a breeder without my hubby knowing it. I called him at work and said I was at that moment holding a standard poodle puppy on my lap and asked if I could bring her home. He said yes. :) :) :) Sometimes one just has to 'take the bull by the horns.' Anna I think if you and Mark are in agreement that now is the time, by all means go ahead. If not, just cuddle sweet Roxey and Huney all the more or sneak off to a breeder or shelter by yourself. :p (only kidding!)

When I selected Bella I particularly didn't want to get another black standard. My Whitney had been a black standard, and it wasn't so much a feeling that I would be "replacing" Whitney but that I knew I would probably wind up calling my new pup Whitney occasionally just through habit. That is why Bella is white! ;) Sorry to be so wordy! :o

09-21-2004, 07:35 AM
My two are so tightly bonded to one another.. that when one goes, the other is going to be 100% lost without them. I have no idea how long .... but I know I would get another dog as soon as possible for the one left with me.

I'll always have & love German Shepherds, but I also want to have a few other breeds. I know I'll always rescue/adopt.

Samantha Puppy
09-21-2004, 07:51 AM
I would. Not immediately, but there are always dogs in need of a loving home out there and it'd break my heart not to help one/more of them.

Don't get me wrong, my heart will break when it is Samantha's time. But I couldn't bear the thought of all the other poor pups out there who deserve a good home and are stuck in a shelter, or worse yet, in an abusive situation.

09-21-2004, 07:54 AM
Anna, every person is different. I think I've told you this before, so forgive me for repeating myself. But, I knew my Cocker Spaniel, Kaycee, was very sick with Congestive Heart Failure, and after talking with my vet about how Helen and I would react to her eventual death, I made the decision to get a puppy for Helen for her 8th birthday. That's when Honey joined our family. Kaycee was like a "mom" to her and I think that Honey learned good things from her 3 months with Kaycee. The day that I had to make the decision to send Kaycee to the bridge was the hardest day of my life. Thank goodness that you have your Hunny and Roxie like we had Honey. She was a lifesaver for us. But the very next day after losing Kaycee, my good friend's Golden gave birth to 14 puppies. I made the decision that day (even wrote the check) to get a female puppy from that litter, and seven weeks later, Lilly joined our family. It was a good decision for us. I actually considered getting another Cocker Spaniel, but when that litter came so quickly after Kaycee's death and they were Honey's "half siblings" (same father) and it just seemed like it was meant to be.

You and Mark will know when you're ready. Whether it be an Angus "lookalike" or another dog that just grabs your heart, you'll know. :)


09-21-2004, 08:15 AM
Like others have said, I think everyone is different and you will know when it is right. I actually got Tasha the day after I lost Cody, though it was not planned. Cody was gone, Willie was 11 years old and was having some health problems, and I was horribly depressed. I thought it would be healing to just visit the humane society and look at the dogs. I didn't see Tasha till I was about to leave, and when I did, I felt this flood of emotion incredibly strong and I knew she was meant to come home with me.

That is not to say I did not continue to grieve, but when Cody went, he was severely disabled, could not stand without help, could not control when his bowels moved, could not get up and down stairs, was deaf, and had a bit of dementia. When he had his stroke, and the vet offered to try to bring him back from it but said he would function at even more reduced capacity, I knew it was time to let him go. I mostly grieved for his younger days, and the loss of his reassuring presence, but I knew he was better off.

In some ways, Tasha's rambunctious puppy stage made me miss his quiet serene presence even more, but she also kept me very busy with training, socializing, taking her to obedience classes, and so on.

I'd say if you just felt like looking around, there is certainly no harm in it. I think you will feel in your heart if you find a dog that seems meant to be, and if you don't, well you know then that you just need more time or that you just haven't found the right one. If it hurts to even look, just follow your heart. There is certainly no right and wrong in this. {{hugs}}

PJ's Mom
09-21-2004, 08:57 AM
I would get another dog. As far as getting the same breed, take a look around. Go to breeders, and go to shelters. If it's right, you'll know. :)

09-21-2004, 09:12 AM
When Rosco was put to sleep, I was so heartbroken. Dusty was also devastated. He went from being a hyper yappy dog to just lying around sad. Everytime I looked at Dusty, my heart hurt.

I started looking for another dog within days of Rosco passing. The task helped my heart and took my mind off of things. I wasn't quite sure if I was actually going to get one.

About a week later, I found Roxy and I really liked her. I brought Dusty to meet her, and his old yappy self came back. I brought her home and Dusty was so happy again. Everytime my heart started to hurt over Rosco, I looked at Roxy and thought about how another animal was saved. It really helped the pain to not see Dusty grieve as much too.

So, I personally, wouldn't hesitate to get another dog if I lose one.

09-21-2004, 10:28 AM
Anna, I can only answer for what I would do.

In the past when my dogs have past away,
I usually start looking to add a new dog as soon
as possible.
I never forget the last dog, but having a new
dog helps take part of the pain away.

You need to do what feels right in your heart.

09-21-2004, 10:40 AM
If Face were to pass away i would definitly get another puppy, and i love Rottweilers so much i would get another one, not to replace him , but because he was so special & is such a wonderful boy. I would feel i had to even if i wasnt ready, for Ritas sake i think it would help her heal and give her somehting to be excited about otherwise she would be alone without another dog and even though she would have me and her dad i think bonding with another dog would be important.
If Rita were to pass i would also get another dog too for Face, he would need a companion, too, although he is more a loner than she is .

09-21-2004, 10:45 AM
I dont really want to think about it, but, I would rescue a dog froma shelter, I wouldnt get one right away, I would wait untill I saw the perfect one.

09-21-2004, 11:37 AM
In a way, I actually get the next dog, before something happens. I'd been thinking about getting a Collie, but didn't seriously start looking, until I found out Maddie had cancer. I didn't want Murph to be alone, for however long it might take me to be ready for another dog, so that was the catalyst for that decision. She died about a year and half, after I got Oz.

Then after she died, with Murph being 13, I started thinking about Oz being alone. I started looking on petfinder about 2 months after she died. I even inquired on a couple I fell in love with from their pictures. They were puppies so they were snatched up very fast, before I could make them mine. I always feel like everything happens for a reason though and then shortily there after, Murph hurt his knee. Probably lucky none of those puppies worked out. I put off any thoughts of a puppy while he was healing.

A few more months passed and I finally felt Murph was ready to deal with a puppy. I continued looking on petfinder, but also breeder sites for Border Terriers, Australian Cattle Dogs and Collies. Couldn't bring myself to consider another Cairn. Maddie's too much to live upto I think. I kept coming back to Collies, because they feel "right" to me. So approx 6 mos passed from the time of Maddie's death to getting Gully.

The first week I had Gully was not good. I cried everyday about Maddie. His sparkling lil' personality though, lil' by lil', wheedled his way into my heart. Such a lil' character, he had me laughing with all his antics and exhuberance. I then realized I had room in my heart for him too and that he had in no way replaced Maddie. She was still with me. In fact, my memory of her is incredibly vivid, even 10 months later. It's like she's not really gone. Her presence walks among us everyday.

I had always said I'd never get another Cairn, because Maddie's impossible to live upto and on the flip side, because Murph was an extremely hard puppy to raise. My mind's bending a lil' on that though. I find myself looking at Murph and just can't imagine not having a lil' ray of sunshine that burns so brightly in a Cairn in my life. Sometimes I think Border Terrier, but more and more I think maybe another lil' Cairny. Hopefully it'll be a ways down the road, before I have to make that kind of decision.

Anyways, I think everybody needs to do what feels "right" for them. It's different for everybody and there's no one "right" way.


09-21-2004, 11:49 AM
My thoughts are you don't get another dog to replace the one who has passed - you get one because you have so much love to give - you get another to share that love.

You'll know when it's time Anna. I think you and Mark are very loving people and Angus would want you to give another furkid that kind of loving family experience -- when you're ready.

09-21-2004, 12:07 PM
After our MacDuffers died back in 99.. I waited a long time,,, not because I was grieving,, but because I had always had a dog,,, wanted a few years without one,,,, then along came the IWANTADOGGIE syndrom kicking in again and we got Lucy.... then Merlin...

09-21-2004, 12:45 PM
I am answering for myself and as a "cat person". I lost the last of my geriatric kitties within several of each other back in 2000 and 2003. We had them for 16 and 17 years. I was out looking at shelters within days and brought home a pair of sibling kittens, Emily and Eliot. They were in no way a replacement for the pets that were gone - I just can't imagine my home without the company of cats - each unique and different. My closest bond with a kitty was RB Bert who died at age 17 and there will NEVER be another like him. But I will always have more kitties as they need me. Having kittens in my home brought back allot of energy and joy that was missing as the last of my geriatrics passed away - and that lifelong bond came to a close. It was like beginning a cycle over again to me. But a replacement - never.
By the way - we are bringing home another pair of seven week old kittens on the 3rd of October:) They are the babies of a stray mamma taken in by PT'er Kimlovescats in Tennessee.

09-21-2004, 04:37 PM
I honestly cannot say since i've never been in the situation and hopefully don't have to be for a while.

BTW, Anna, if ever needed I have a very willing puppy that would love to come visit. :p

09-21-2004, 04:55 PM
When my heart dog, my beloved yellow Lab Jingles left for the Bridge, a huge emptiness was left in our home. My Cody was lost without her:( I didn't know what to do. For weeks, I was so depressed, crying all the time, not sure what to do about ever getting another dog. My Cody would walk on the beach dunes where she and Jing would romp and just stare out at the ocean and sadly howl that Husky howl, wondering where her best friend was. Still, I couldn't begin to think of getting another dog for about a month. Then I realized that I needed something to help fill that hole in my heart, and in Cody's. And I knew I had a lifetime of love to give another doggie.

After about two months or so, my family bumped into a woman in line in a supermarket, who was talking to the checker about her just born litter of Lab puppies, born the same day, almost to the minute that Jing passed to the Bridge, Sept. 5, 1998, at 5pm. It seemed like providence. And my family knew that Cody, being a rescue from an extremely abusive situation, and very fearful of grown dogs, (other than Jing) would probably do best with a puppy as a new addition to the family. (I had never had a puppy before, only adult rescues)

My family stepped in and surprised me with Star who came home a several weeks later and it was the best thing for us; for me, my husband and for Cody:) With a new pup in the house, I had little time to shut myself off from the world. Oy, what work raising a healthy, well adjusted puppy is:D I still grieved, a lot, but my days were full and busy with the care of a new dog in the home and of course, she brought such happiness to our days. And somehow, I believed that my Jing had sent down her light, her shining spirit to this precious puppy from above; hence the name "Star." I knew that Jing approved:)

Star is the same color and breed as my Jing. I know some people can't bear to get another dog of the same breed, let alone same color for fear of sad remembrances; of "replacing" their lost pup. Others do the opposite and feel comfort in seeing the same familiar looking face in the same color. It's all in what your heart tells you Anna. And you know, even thought they are of the same breed, same color, there is NO comparing or confusing Jing and Star:D They are that different, but equally as loved and special in their very own, individual and special ways! How often I've said to Star, Jing wouldn't do THAT:D

There was never any doubt I would get another dog, probably a Lab or Lab mix or Retriever mix. It was all a matter of when. And when that time is right, your heart will tell you Anna. I know for sure, you and Mark and Huney and Roxey have as much love to give as any family I know:) Take your time and follow your heart. Love, Sandra

guster girl
09-21-2004, 05:30 PM
Well, I can tell you what I DID do. I had my Bruno (a 20 pound dachshund/cocker spaniel mix) from the time I was 13 til last year, when in June I had to put my best friend of 15 years down. I knew even before he passed that I would get another dog. I am not the kind of person to not have pets. It was never really a decision I made to go out and get a dog, but, I saw lab puppies in February, and, fell in love with Finn. So, I took him home with me. I still miss Bruno, but, Finn is a great friend. If and when something happens to me, I will most assuredly get another dog. As far as when it's right, I wouldn't have a clue til it was. :) I want to get another one while I have him, actually! Just not til he's a little more settled down.

09-21-2004, 07:52 PM
I know how like Robyn said, different people need to do different things, I've never personally lost a pet other than Max, my cat recently. I miss him so much, and I want another cat pretty bad but, I know that right now isn't the time to get one, only b/c of living at home and mom being how she is about house pets. :( I imagine that if something happens to one of my babies, I would be the kind of person to get another dog a few months or at least weeks after the loss. I just know that that little bundle of pup, needing me, would help me to deal with my grief.

09-21-2004, 08:41 PM
when Beanie dies (i dred the day) we are getting a great dane. i would like to whait a while before getting it,but my mom can't stand living without a dog so we'll probably get it sooner then later. my mom has this love of mini schnauzers,but not me! i'm full on great danes! i know that's what we're getting because they have already told me. :D

09-21-2004, 08:48 PM
When my RB Pepper, a poodle, died I was so miserable that I wanted another pet within weeks so my husband agreed to a kitten and I got Ripley. Even though I had him it wasn't the same as a dog so about a year later I got Disney.

My husband is not a huge dog person and he prefers bigger ones that stay outside. Any dog I have will stay inside at least some/most of the time so since he and I can't agree I've decided that I won't get another dog when Disney passes.

If the day ever comes that we buy a new house with more land I intend to get a couple of large breed dogs though.

Aspen and Misty
09-21-2004, 09:08 PM
I think it depepnds on you.

You all know how I feel. I would get another dog right away, I couldn't live another day if I knew I wasn't going ot have a big furry mutt to hold. On the breed thing - I'm more into the mutts and rescues, so I would just rescue a mutt who tugged on my heart stings.

Whatever you deced, I know we all will support you.


09-21-2004, 09:15 PM

For me when Timber died it took me a year to ever decide to get another, we just couldn't bear it . We then decided it was time, I myself think everyone is different and you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt when it it the right time for you guys to get another.

Hugs to you my friend

09-21-2004, 09:16 PM
yes I probably would get another doberman is Maggie died, not right away probably like a 1 year later. I have grown to love and respect dobies. They are very smart! I would also like to get another miniture poodle!(my RB Friskie was awesome and I love poodles because of him!):)

09-22-2004, 06:36 AM
I haven't got another dog since Jake's passing, but that's because I still have Max. If anything happened to Max, I would bring another dog into our lives - knowing that he/she would never replace Max.

09-22-2004, 08:02 AM
I personally have not yet been in that situation. When that time does come I am positive I will get another. As for how soon, as soon as they find me. 3 of my 4 dogs have found me, 2 of them came when I wasn't looking. I don't know if it would be the same breed or not. I personally wouldn't go out looking for that exact breed, I don't care if I get a specific breed or a mix. There are some breeds I like and some breeds I don't, and I'm sure that would be a factor.

Last year, just before Christmas, my friend lost her lab mix to stomach cancer. She right away wanted another dog, but her husband was too heartbroken. She asked me to go to the pound with her just to look, so I did. There was the cutest little pit mix puppy there. When she saw him she knew she had to have another dog right away. Her husband and 2 boys came to see him later that evening, but he was adopted already. Just seeing the other dogs that all needed homes, they realized they needed another dog. They didn't bring one home that day, but did find lab mix puppy a few weeks later and adopted her. They are so happy with her and defiantly made the right decision for their family.

Buddy Blaze Lover
09-22-2004, 08:41 AM
YES, I would get another dog; soon after my other one died (if I ever got over it), and the same breed (border collie). I would like to get another one now, but my parents have thought against it.