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View Full Version : R I P Gizmo 1990 - 2004

08-05-2004, 02:01 PM
Hi new here, was just browsing the net to find relief somewhere from loosing my cat. We had to put him away last friday .

Gizmo had been diagnosed with renal faillure 2 3/4 years ago and the vet gave him 2 weeks to live . But My little Gizmo didn't want i thing to do with that diagnosis so he stayed with us almost 3 additionnal years. We had to put him away last friday not because of his renal faillure ( special food , lotsa of water and love helped him for that ) but because like lotsa of orange cats he developed stones. And this time with Gizmo's advanced age ( 14 ) and renal condition , there was nothing to do, but to let nature take its course. Siggg, so seing that he couldn't battle anymore, gizmo kinda gave up , not eating or almost not drinking for a week. Finally when friday arrived I let him out ( he was an inside cat ) so he could eat some grass and take fresh air. Than I gave him a big bowl of milk and some salmon ( proteins , renal faillure cat can't eat any ) he drank up , and ate just a bit . And he cuddle until it was time for the vet.. Hardest damn thing I had to do , but you could tell he was in constant pain, still it didn't feel right , still doesn't. So he left us, 6:30 pm friday ..

He was always a playful cat , t'ill the age of 11 he was still running around and playing all the time. He use to love to cuddle and just get his head scratched. But what I will miss the most his the way that every night after I went to bed, maybe 30 secondes to a minute later he use to jump on the bad and lie on my chest just to get a little love, almost felt like he was saying good night , sleep tight , my shift is starting the house will be safe ....

Well enough for the moment. just hope sharing this will help me get over his death... Rest now my little friend,xx

P/S can anyone tell me what kinda of breed he was please.. Thank you

08-05-2004, 02:20 PM
Frolic joyously at the Rainbow Bridge, sweet Gizmo! You were a very handsome boy.

He looks like he was a lovely domestic medium hair (dmh), but I'm not a breed expert. You gave him a very loving send off. Very impressive nursing skills to give him such a wonderful life after that diagnosis.

Welcome to Pet Talk. I hope you share more with us about Gizmo. We love to talk cats and it may help you heal faster, too. {{{gentle hugs}}}

08-05-2004, 02:39 PM
RIP Sweet Gizmo. Play hard on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. Gizmo was such a handsome boy. Looks to me like he may have had a cross of some Maine Coon, maybe a little Ragdoll to him as well.

It is never easy to make a decision like you had to make, but please know that you are not alone. I hope you will continue to look around on Pet Talk the support on this board is tremendous.

08-05-2004, 03:07 PM
Thanks to both of you, just wanted to add another snap shot... damn i miss him..

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-05-2004, 03:22 PM
Oh lestool, I'm so sorry to hear about sweet Gizmo. He was such a cutie pie (almost like Abner here on Pet Talk). You did what was best for Gizmo and gave him a lovely send off. I know he appreciated the grass, milk and salmon, treats he'd been denied for too long.

RIP sweetie, you are dearly missed. :(

PS - My Tubby is in the early stages of renal failure also, and he greatly misses his weekend milk treat, and I haven't let him eat grass in so long, but he still attempts it everytime he goes out. It was so sweet of you to give Gizmo a chance to savor all those favorite treats one last time. :)

08-05-2004, 06:29 PM
I'm so sorry about Gizmo. He was a beautiful cat, and I can tell he will be missed.

08-05-2004, 07:04 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk Lestool. You will find this community to be a great source of strength and comfort when you need it.

Dear Gizmo, I hope you had a peaceful trip to the RB sweetie. You are now painfree and can enjoy all the grass, milk and salmon you want. My RB Casper and OJ can show you the ropes up there and where the sweetest grasses are.

08-05-2004, 09:33 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk Lestool. I wish it was under happier circumstances.
Your Gizmo was a very handsome fella.
What a beautiful tribute to cat that was obviously very well loved.

I know it is difficult to say goodbye to a pet you held so dear.
May the loving memories comfort you and help you overcome the pain.

Rest In Peace dear Gizmo and have fun on Rainbow Bridge.

08-06-2004, 12:34 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk Lestool. I wish it was under happier circumstances though. Gizmo was a gorgeous cat and I can tell that he was very loved too. It's so hard when to know when to let go of a furkid. Now he's painfree and playing happily with all of the others cats up at Rainbow Bridge. I'm sure that my Pepper welcomed him. RIP sweet Gizmo.

Killearn Kitties
08-06-2004, 03:50 AM
I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved Gizmo. What a handsome boy he was. His photos are gorgeous. I particularly love his smudgie nose and his toe-tufties.

I'm glad you found Pet Talk. This is a wonderful place for support; not just when you have to let go of a pet, but for just about anything. There are always people here who know what you're going through. It's just amazing how much someone that you have never even met, can help with their own experiences, or just by sympathising with you. I hope you can stick around.

Rest in peace sweet Gizmo.

08-06-2004, 04:31 AM
I am so sorry about your loss. Gizmo was really a handsome guy, I especially like the second pic you posted. I also recently lost my kitty (Skootch)and I know how you feel but I am glad you found "Pet talk" to talk about your kitty. I found that it really helped me to hear from others who know what I am going through and who love kitties like I do. You will always have your memories of Gizmo, he will live on in your heart.:) :)

08-06-2004, 09:58 AM
Thanks all..

I guess now my brain just has to learn to stop seing him at his usual places. You know you enter a room and you are so used to seing him sleeping there that your brain gives you the image before it really sees that hes not there. I think that the worst part now, well you know what I mean...

here is attached a pic of him lying next to my moms, 95 pounds dog toya, also crossed the bridge 1 year and a half ago.. Even if they saw each other twice a year they had no problem with each other .. The dog and cat I mean ;)

smokey the elder
08-06-2004, 10:30 AM
What a handsome kitty. I'm so sorry about your loss. He'll find lots of kitties and dogs to play with at the Rainbow Bridge.

08-06-2004, 11:01 AM
What a handsome orangie boy you were, Gizmo. I know you're now pain free and playing hard at the Rainbow Bridge. Say hi to my RB Goldie.

My Mishi has kidney problems, although right now they seem to be under control with diet. I didn't know about grass not being good for kidney cats. What about soy milk? Mishi LOVES to share my breakfast cereal milk, and he's such a pest that I almost always give in to his begging. Perhaps I should deny him this treat?

I learn a lot on PT!

08-06-2004, 12:37 PM
OH...what a beautiful boy sweet gizmo was! You have come to the right place to grieve. WE all welcome you with open arms, so post pictures and cry and grieve as you need to at your own pace. Do rest assured you did the right thing for your beloved Gizmo....and he is healthy and ahppy now waiting for you at the bridge! One way I deal with the loss of my Lola (she passed in May) is to light a candle anytime I am feeling especially sad...or just thinking about her. Maybe this could help you too.....


RIP sweet Gizmo!!:(

08-07-2004, 09:02 AM
e aresaddened,by the Passing of Gizmo,and I will let The Found Cat angels,know to look out,for your Desar Companion,and to make sure,he gets the Angel Wings,that he so deserves,and has earned. RIP Great Cat Gizmo!

08-14-2004, 08:20 AM
Well its been 2 weeks, and still hurts, keep finding some solitaire brands of his fur , makes me think of him each time, siggg, time will pass so will the hurt. just felt like sharing..

08-14-2004, 09:06 AM
Gizmo,was such A Goiod Cat,and The Found Cat Angels,are helping him adjust to The Rainbow Bridge,where he will be as young,as a Kitten again,and his days will be full of Fun,and Play!He misses you,too,but Someday You will Be Together!