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03-09-2001, 12:58 PM
at Christmas time, Molly found the love of jingle bells. They are her favorite toy. She will swat them around the house for hours... She even likes to play with them under the bed while we are asleep (grrrrr) They are about the size of quarters or a little bigger, so i know she cannot swallow them. Do you think that they could harm her in any way?

03-11-2001, 06:46 PM
My guess is that the cat won't be harmed in any way except for him to realize that Christmas isn't everyday! I had a set of jingle bells on my door at Christmas and my cat Azzie would ring it when he needed to go out to pee. He would also greet any company when the bell rang- what a disappointment when it was just me taking the trash out!

04-03-2001, 12:47 AM
My cat Mushroom loves bells. I bought her a stuffed mouse with a bell on it at the end of a length of string. She ripped off the mouse that was supposed to be filled with catnip, which it wasn't as she didn't even look at it.
But she can't get enough of the bell at the end of the piece of string. She hits it when I wave it in front of her face and chases it around on the ground and then sits on it and looks at me as if she has won a prize. She keeps me amused instead of the other way around.

Ben E Gas
04-03-2001, 10:50 AM
i always wondered about that. those toys that say there filled with 'catnip'. yeah right, some of them are filled with nothing but the same fluff the company is spouting off. Zezu, isn't really into catnip yet anyway.

04-03-2001, 12:00 PM
Speaking of toys that make noise, I "made" a very interesting toy for my cats last night on a whim, and they ended up loving it!! I had an old pill bottle (with the childproof spin cap) that was empty, so I filled it with rice (only about 1/4 full) and rubbed catnip on it, and the cats loved it!! It makes noise as it rolls across the floor, which gets their attention. So, they had fun batting it around and watching it roll across the floor making that funny noise. You could probably use one of those black containers with the grey top that 35mm film comes in if you don't have any left over medicine bottles. Aren't cats funny? You make a toy with regular ol household junk and they love it. You buy them a toy...and with my cats...it was a take it or leave it situation. Most often than not, they left it. So, I've found that making toys works well for my boys! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

07-22-2001, 08:38 AM
Hmm.. that's interesting... now I know what to give my neighbour's Ragdoll for her b'day!