View Full Version : Kitten games

11-14-2001, 07:06 AM
my cats, especially my kittens, thoroughly enjoy playing "grab at the lump". If I hang a blanket, drapes or whatever
up , so that the edges just touch the floor, one kitten will be on one side and another kitten on the other. Then they grab at a lump in the cloth caused by one of the other kittens. They will play at this for a long time, and infact, they play it with the shower curtains. Often, the older cats will also be caught up in the excitement Eventually they will climb the blanket and if you don't watch it, they will tear it to shreds.

Cougie Wechsler
11-14-2001, 07:27 AM
Sounds like they have a blast! When my guys were kittens they would hide under the bed, piles of laundry, etc... and do the ole pounce on feet or other cats routine. They don't do it as much now that they are older but it was a fun kitten game for them!

11-14-2001, 08:09 AM
Oh the wonders of kittenhood - there's no end to the antics of a little furry - love that age!!!!! Could spend hours and hours just watching them play :)

[ November 14, 2001: Message edited by: purrley ]

11-14-2001, 08:59 AM
This "phantom grab game" appears to be a natural for kittens and older cats, for that matter, as every kitten I have had in the past enjoys playing this game. All that is necessary is to hang up an old blanket on a horizontal rope (or some other similar item that is expendable) and let them play at it.

My cats and kittens do not play with manufactured cat toys. Is it because they have access to the outside at any time during the day? I have even bought some catnip the other day, and they do not seem interested in that either.

Former User
11-14-2001, 10:05 AM
Casper and Kitty like to play with blankets too, they get hours of joy out of them :)

But catnip...nope, doesn't seem to do anything for them. We bought two balls with catnip in, but they're not interested in those at all. The only manufactured toys they seem to approve, are mices with fur. Other than those, they are interested like for 5 seconds and then they forget them :rolleyes:

11-14-2001, 03:17 PM
Kitti (1 1/2 yr.) does not like catnip filled toys. She never has. She loves catnip when you pour a small amount onto the floor though. She will sniff it, roll around on it and just have a blast. She goes nuts for the catnip bag when i have it out to pour some. When she was younger she would grab the bag while in my hands and stick her whole head into the bag. lol. :D It was so funny to watch her!
So don't give up on catnip just yet. Maybe they just don't care for the stuffed toys.Or maybe they will like it moreas they get older.

11-14-2001, 03:35 PM
Casper & Kitty,
SpencerTheLion is right. Catnip had no effect on Danny until recently. When I got him, he was appx. 6mos old and couldn't care less about the stuff. Now, he's like 9mos old and he's starting to show an interest. Nothing like Elvis, mind you, but he seems to like it. Elvis goes crazy.

11-14-2001, 03:49 PM
OMG, Chuck! I haven't seen those!! Sounds like something Elvis must have!!
Where did you see them?
I'd love to get a Bin Laden one, that would be too funny! http://bbs2.fanforum.com/images/smilies/LOL.gif

11-14-2001, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by Spencer-The-Lion:

Just thought of another catnip doll</STRONG>

LOL...yeah, but she'd prolly get endorsements from it or something.

They should make Lifesize dolls and give 'em to the cheetahs (tigers?) she had on stage!

Hmm...now there's a question. Does catnip have the same effect on Panthers, Tigers, Lions, Cheetahs?????

11-15-2001, 06:37 AM
:D :D :D :D :D
As for the catnip question, the big cats would have to be given catnip in a zoo environment, because the plant does not grow naturally wild in Africa or Asia. Perhaps a local zoo website would have an answer?

11-20-2001, 11:11 AM
Hi all you krazy kats out there, Marius here with the latest 'rules' for a game of cat entertainment that your two-leggars are sure to uh...enjoy...honest!!!!=^..^=

Cat Roller Poopies
Rules of Play

One or more cats and/or kittens may compete.
Poopies used must be good and dry, and preferably rounded and small, in order to roll properly and fit into the various goals.
A non-carpeted floor should be used as the playing court.
Game is to be played at night, just as owners are about to fall asleep.

Object of the game:

250 points to be scored within an 8 hour period of time divided into four 1 hour periods of play interchanged with four 1 hour periods of rest.


Retrieval of poopies from the litter pan:
A. Two-paw retrieval 2 points
B. One-paw retrieval 5 points
C. Retrieval of inadequate or mushy poopie minus 5 points

Dribbling poopies
A. Non-stop to within 4 feet of litter pan 3 points
B. Non-stop across the kitchen floor 5 points
C. Non-stop from pan, through kitchen and into living room 7 points
D. Same as C, done in presence of the owner's dinner guests 10 points

Passing of poopies (in air at least 2 seconds)
A. One kitty toss in air 3 points
B. Completed forward pass 5 points
C. If poopie shatters on impact 10 points

Goals in Roller Poopies
A. Under stove or refrigerator 5 points
B. Under furniture with 1" clearance 10 points
C. Dead center of food plate 15 points
D. Water dish 25 points

Bonus points
A. Water dish goals
1) For every hour before discovery 5 points
2) If nearly dissolved upon discovery 10 points
3) If owner gags when dumping 15 points
B. For placing in 3:00 A.M. path to bathroom
so owner steps on it with bare feet 10 points
If stepped on with fleshy part of arch 15 points
C. Movement of poopies up the stairs
1) With mouth (never observed) 5 points
2) Using paws, 1 step at a time 10 points
3) On wooden steps between 12:00-6:00 A.M 20 points
D. Night-time bonus
1) After lights out 5 points
2) After 2:00 A.M. 10 points
3) If owner confiscates it, having another one in play within 10 minutes 15 points

11-20-2001, 11:18 AM
ROFL, Marius' Mom ... that was the funniest thing I've read in a long time! :D :D :D

11-21-2001, 08:13 PM
Marius' mom---too too hilarious. Ritz doesn't get dried poopies outside box, once by accident. Your story reminded me of an episode I had "cat sitting" for a friend. The rather large grey tabby had a penchant (actually it was more like an art) for "pooping on the edge". He would manage with great accuracy to "lay it down" just on the ledge of the litter box. I wasn't sure if he was trying to build a fort or just had really bad aim!

I had to keep going into the room and "flipping" them back into the box.. blech

11-21-2001, 08:25 PM

11-23-2001, 06:47 PM
You know, that I (had) to make a super-dooper kitty doodoo scooper! All it consists of is a sheet of cut steel about 6"x8" square attached to broom handle. It works really great for what it is designed for! (This is off the orignial subject of the post, but I didn't want to make a "headline" feature of it. This is as bad as the "kitty-poop song").


[ November 23, 2001: Message edited by: wayne0214 ]

4 feline house
11-23-2001, 07:00 PM
Wayne, I need one of those! We have a 20-pounder, and big cats make big poopies! The scooper breaks on a regular basis! Good thing they're cheap!

11-24-2001, 07:30 AM
Kitty poop song???? Do enlighten, Wayne...I must have missed this!

11-24-2001, 08:45 AM
tuxluvr; yes, there is such a song. It is sung to "Here comes Santa Claus": "I smell kitty poop, I see kitty poop, right there on the ground! Don't step in it, please avoid it, be sure to walk around! But door bells ringing, bags are burning, that makes kitty poop fun. So, get your shovels and little sacks and be a poop-scoopin' son-of-a-gun!"

Now, I know this is not what one would say; is a classic, but it does get the idea across. :D


11-24-2001, 09:15 AM
Leah, let me make you one and ship it to you! It is really a great piece of cat- equipment!


11-24-2001, 09:26 AM
spencer; That sounds like a great idea for one or two cats. How does it work, do you plug it in the wall socket? However, this morning it is beginning to rain, and I had all 9 of the "inner group" in the house! While the kittens were playing with whatever, the older ones were trying to sleep. Now, when there are that many felines around,I had to make a larger litter box. 24" x 24" and about 4" deep. And since it is in the bathroom and the weight would be substantial, I placed 4 castors on it and a pull rope. Sure eliminates a bunch of physical stress! Also, when it begins to smell like ammonia, then I know it is time to clean it out,. which is about evey 18 hours, :D


[ November 24, 2001: Message edited by: wayne0214 ]

11-24-2001, 12:07 PM
Spencer; OK I understand it now. I was under the impression that perhaps through heat, it evaporated the litter! Although, living in a rural area, I do not purchase any type of commercial litter product, but instead use creek bottom sand. There is plenty of that around here, and besides, the price is right! My homemade 24" x 24" litter box is made entirely of wood. I have found that a good washing out with a nozzelled garden hose, and then leaving it in the Sun for a while cleans up any odor that might persist. Then I put new, clean sand in it -about 4 gallons worth and truck (pull) it back into the house's bathroom. I'd imagine that the whole thing weighs around 40 to 50 lbs when full.


11-24-2001, 03:38 PM
Wayne, it sounds like you have implemented the first public cat lavatory!! 40-50 lbs???

11-24-2001, 08:07 PM
tuxluvr; Yes, and it works too. I don't know if you know how much 4 gallons of sand weighs. It is more than I care to carry, even though it has to be loaded up in those popular 5gal white plastic paint buckets. Do you think that I should patent this "tote kitty box?" :)

I've seen the Dallas clay. However we have a thick clay deposit next door. It is so pure that it is gray, and feels like the same stuff that is purchased for children. :D

..........wayne &gt;^-^&lt;

11-25-2001, 09:04 AM
No doubt the creek bed sand works! Growing up, I lived on a farm and we had a huge sandpile. My father replenished it with creek sand frequently. We also had a lot of farm cats - it was a regular gathering place and we had to "shovel" before playing. :)

Your original post reminds me of the commercial for cat litter, shows a guy with a giant shovel cleaning out a lion's litter box.


[ November 25, 2001: Message edited by: tuxluvr ]

11-26-2001, 06:48 PM
All kitties love these fake fur mice...Caught these pictures today - one looks like a "ballet" pose and the other looks like she tripped and fell over her kitty lair in pursuit of Mr Mousey


4 feline house
11-26-2001, 06:56 PM
Oooh, those little white tootsies! Oooh, that little white tummy!

11-26-2001, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by wayne0214:
<STRONG>"I smell kitty poop, I see kitty poop, right there on the ground! Don't step in it, please avoid it, be sure to walk around! But door bells ringing, bags are burning, that makes kitty poop fun. So, get your shovels and little sacks and be a poop-scoopin' son-of-a-gun!"...


LOL LOL :D :D I like it, I like it! :D

11-26-2001, 07:38 PM
Those pictures are great. Actually she looks very comfortable in the picture on the right. It looks like the same position I get into at the chiropractor's and it's very relaxing! :D

11-26-2001, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by Leah S:
<STRONG>Oooh, those little white tootsies! Oooh, that little white tummy!</STRONG>

Tummy, you say? I love to show off my tummy :)

http://wsphotofews.excite.com/029/el/RO/yy/4C99706.jpg :D :D

11-27-2001, 07:03 AM
Tux - how delightful - what a beauty of a tuxie ;)