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01-20-2004, 12:32 PM
The Second Annual California BBQ will be held on July 24th, 2004
in Los Angeles.

I am hoping as many people as possible can make it. I realize a flight or drive to Los Angeles is asking a lot.

I am working on a list of local hotels to share with you, which I will post later.

Depending on who can make it, and for how long, we can plan some sightseeing trips as well.

Last year it was so much fun to meet Kelly (Noah's Mommy), Karen and her husband Aaron (wolflady), Pam (the AntiPam), Tracey (KrazyaboutKatz), Laurie (lbaker) and last but not least Richard......the best slushie maker west of the Rockies.

Rusty and Ginger (neighbor's Goldens) can hardly wait - Richard sure knows how to scratch a dog in the right place.

Rascal, always the perfect gentleman and greeter is excited. Annie and Emma went under the bed when I told them.

I am hoping that it will be like a "real" Thursdays - everyone is welcome - a guaranteed good time - no one will drink and drive.

Please feel free to p/m me to ask any questions. directions, phone numbers etc. will be given out later.

Also feel free to email me at: [email protected]

Who knows, we might even have some "entertainment."
:D :D

01-20-2004, 12:42 PM
I don't think I have to tell anyone how excited I am to be attending!!! My holidays are already planned and depending on how expensive the hotel costs are, I may be down there for a week.

I want to be easily amused for a change :D :D

Mr Fish: my heart palpitates at the thought of meeting you.

01-20-2004, 12:50 PM
I'm going to try to make it out there. L.A. isn't too far from me, and I wouldn't mind making a trip out there this summer.

01-20-2004, 03:39 PM
Oh wow! I might be able to make that! :D My fiance and I will be moving out to San Diego hopefully in June or early July. If it all works out, I'm sure we could make it to the BBQ. Ah, I really hope I can...it would be so much fun!! :D

01-20-2004, 04:26 PM
Yay!!! You can count me in Gini!! You're the hostess with the mostess!! :D **hugs**
It was so much fun last year and everyone had a blast talking and sharing pictures of their animals. Maybe I sould bring Priya along??!! LOL LOL :D I'll be there with bells on!

Anyone from up north is more than welcome to carpool with Aaron and I. Maybe Amberlee could make it this year and KAK has to come again! I'm looking forward to the bottle of Bailey's and Richard's drinks and salsa!! YUM! ;) Is Mr. Fish ready?.....

01-20-2004, 05:44 PM
Ooooh, I'm in L.A. :) I'll ask my parents about this, that is, if you don't mind a teenager going. :o

01-20-2004, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
that is, if you don't mind a teenager going. :o

THEY DONT! :p I so wish i could come, yet its just a bit far.. Just a bit further than the bat bush...........

01-20-2004, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
Ooooh, I'm in L.A. :) I'll ask my parents about this, that is, if you don't mind a teenager going. :o

Absolutely we don't mind - there will be all ages at the BBQ.

In fact, if you would like to bring your parents and they understand our passion for our animals = they are more than welcome to attend also. It is a BBQ - very informal!!

More later (I am working late tonight).

01-20-2004, 08:10 PM
Ok Gini! :)
I'll ask them late tonight, and we'll see.

01-20-2004, 11:14 PM
Ok.. I've requested some time off in for this meeting, so we will see what happens. I've also requested time off for Utah, too, so I might have to pick between the two. We'll have to wait and see! :)

01-20-2004, 11:29 PM
Gosh, this is the best incentive to get my back yard looking good in July.

Please know, everyone who can make it regardless of your age is more than welcome. (bring your Mom and Dad too).

There are some plans cooking for some sightseeing trips - the word DISNEYLAND was mentioned............a chance to see the REALLY BIG MOUSE!!

It will all fall into place nicely, I hope.

01-20-2004, 11:50 PM
Can we bring our cones????? Gilbert really needs some socializing.

01-20-2004, 11:57 PM
Cones? Hmmm, how old are they? I don't want to be arrested for corrupting underage cones.

01-21-2004, 12:11 AM
Tentatively this looks good. I'm not sure about travel plans yet. I'll be in touch.


01-21-2004, 12:39 AM
I'd love to go again.:D It was so much fun last year. Since Karen has already offered, I'd probably carpool with her and Aaron again unless AmberLee wants to drive down too. At least we have plenty of time to plan for it this year.:)

01-21-2004, 12:47 AM
Originally posted by gini
Cones? Hmmm, how old are they? I don't want to be arrested for corrupting underage cones.
But I thought Richard was going to be the chaperone/bartender???

01-21-2004, 02:49 AM
:( :( :( :( :( :( :(

I *wipes tears out of eyes* cannot *tears her hair* come.

01-21-2004, 07:29 AM
Yay! Count me in! :D Unless some ungodly thing happens, I'm there. I can't wait to meet you all! Richard, you better make me laugh just as much in person. lol. It's only about 4 hours for me with my driving. ;) I *believe* that my timeshare works for Anaheim and I can get additional discount rooms. I'll call them next week and find out for sure. With all the crap that's going on right now, PM me if it looks like I've forgotten. :)

01-21-2004, 09:30 AM
I want to come so badly! :( Wonder if I could work in a trip to Sacramento, then fly down?????? Hmmmmmmmmm....still too early to tell at this point, but I'm going to see in the coming months!!!! :)

01-21-2004, 01:28 PM
You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running (or flying)
To see you [all] again :D

Already warned my brother in San Diego to expect another visit from me. I promise KAK, if you take the train south again we wont lose each other this time :( How can you lose someone on a moving train anyway :confused: Would like to rent a car for ease of getting around and not be dependent but driving around LA is not EASE at all for me. I honestly can say that was the best vacation I've had in years! Maybe this time I wont have a broken arm and can actually eat without someone having to cut up my food :o 6 months and counting!
Wolflady, were have you been? was going to pm you just to make sure you were doing OK with the job and all. Good to hear from you Karen.

01-22-2004, 04:14 PM
I can make it......


last year I had to cancel my trip to the planets...

01-22-2004, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by slick
But I thought Richard was going to be the chaperone/bartender???

Slick - don't you mean the "coneperone"? :D

Gini - I cannot make the flight over, sorry :D, so I think I will "tackle" Miss Meow and have an Aussie 1st Annual celebrating the Second Annual California BBQ" BBQ ...... and take pics...... and think of you all ..........

Mind you it will be WINTER here ............... so you won't see much of us hidden under the jackets!

........ off to email the Devine Miss M .................

01-22-2004, 06:14 PM
Well, we had another meeting of the minds today to try to figure out our holiday time. Because I'm so far behind (I have 30 days for 2003 and 30 for 2004 :eek: ) it's been decided that I'm getting the whole month of July off......

Do you think CA would be up to a whole month of Slick????:p :cool:

In your KAL-EE-FORN-EYE-EH?? dreams baby.....

01-22-2004, 06:22 PM
gini - Miss M and I will be having a BBQ in honour of your BBQ.

Complete with Vegemite, prawns on the "barbie", and copious amounts of alcohol ............. :D

Not sure where we will have the BBQ - so, will keep you advised!

01-22-2004, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by Nomilynn
Ok.. I've requested some time off in for this meeting, so we will see what happens. I've also requested time off for Utah, too, so I might have to pick between the two. We'll have to wait and see! :)

You pick Utah! ;) :D

I'd love to come...I haven't been to Cali since I was 5...too many things going on this summer however, so I won't be able to make it. Maybe summer 2005!

01-23-2004, 08:25 AM
Gini, how far of a drive are you from Disneyland?? Sometimes we can get cheap rates for flight and hotel for DL. If you are only say 15 min drive then it's worth me looking into.

01-23-2004, 09:00 AM
Beware, beware - walk with care
In Anaheim there is - no there there
Disneyland is in Anaheim. That's about it, oh Knotts Berry Farm (big wup). Try the coast For whatever we lose, like a you or a me... it's always ourselves we find at the sea Just my personnal opinion. So you will be renting a car the whole time? Come visit me in San Diego (Mission Beach) the train from LA to San Diego is incredible. "Let's go surfing now, everybody's learning how"


My friends all drive Porsches
I must make amends
~ Janis

01-23-2004, 09:27 AM
Hey Laurie, I see you are continuing the song......all together now

Worked hard all my lifetime
No help from my friends
Oh Lord won't you by me a Mercedes Benz.

Very good people :D

Not sure what I'm going to do yet Laurie; it's too soon to tell but I'll let you know.

01-23-2004, 09:53 AM
The Lord never did buy Janis a Mercedez Benz. She had to find her own car and in typical Janis fashion. It was an eye-popping, traffic stopping hippiemobile. The 1965 PORSCHE Cabriolet Super C was a classy expression of her lifestyle. Custom painted in psychedelic hues with images of janis and Big Brother on one fender.......... Cry Cry Bayeeeby

01-23-2004, 10:15 AM
Good lord, I wake up and you guys are talking about Anaheim,
janis and who knows what else. And I can't get Janis' voice out of my mind wailing for her car. (dear lord, I would like one too).

Let me try to be somewhat polite first and tell Michelle and Nicole that I would give anything if we could all be together in July. Melbourne is such a beautiful city..........but wherever you decide to meet - we will have to coordinate a time and toast each other as Richard recommended.

Tonya - what great news - Modesto isn't around the corner, but at least it is still in California.

Naomi, no wonder you are pulled in all directions - we all love you and Bassett - everyone wants to meet you (I hope we get to).

Now, back to Anaheim - Laurie is absolutely correct - aside from The Head Mouse - there isn't a lot there - and it is about an hour in good driving time from my house to Disneyland.

I will work on the hotel/motel list this weekend. I am sorry, but I have been so darn busy at work that I just haven't had a lot of extra time.

I am getting excited - and it is still January.

And Logan, you would be so welcome - a guaranteed delicious slushie would have your name on it...........

01-24-2004, 11:56 PM
Yay!!!! I'm so excited its already time to plan our next CA meeting...which reminds me, Gini....we HAVE to get together!!!!

I'm up for anything!! Just let me know what I can do...what I can bring and who all wants to have a slumber party with me, David and eight cats!! ;)

YAY!! Only 6 months from today!!!! :D :D :D :D

Disneyland???? I'm so there!!!! Gotta get our $$'s worth from our annual passes. David and I will be your tour guides for anything Disney related. :)

01-25-2004, 07:35 AM
Gini, do you have a juicer? I can be in charge of juicing up some lemonade (REAL good lemonade, and no, no alcohol) and maybe some oj for mimosa's. Karen? Can you manage a bit of champagne from your northern vineyards? I'll try to think of something I can bring in the plane that won't raise eyebrows at the security check-in. "Honest officer, it's just catnip and milky bones!" QUICK, IT'S SECONDARY FOR THIS OL' BROAD, not.

01-25-2004, 10:57 AM
I'm planning on flying down a couple days ahead of time so I'll do my booze/food shopping down there. I would like to bring some of my home-made doggie treats if that's OK.

01-25-2004, 11:24 AM
Good morning everyone! Good grief, you guys are already planning the food and drinks?

Let's see - a juicer? Well, Laurie, do you remember my old-fashioned kitchen? On the wall is one of the best juicers I have ever had. It takes a little elbow grease - but if the power ever goes out, I know that I can still get some juice. I also have several of the old fashioned glass juicers - but you have to pick out the seeds:D

Last year we had some excellent BBQ chicken (thanks to Kelly and Aaron) and wonderful fruit kabobs (thanks to Kelly). We also had potato salad and hamburgers - and other assorted munchies. Thanks to the Anti Pam we had every soda known to man + iced tea.

And then there were Richard's slushies!! (say slushie three times quickly and try to sound sober about it).

Real lemonade? Ummm, sounds good.

We need to get the word out to as many people that would like to come as possible.

Homemade dog bisquits? Rusty and Ginger are already drooling.

Last year my friends and neighbors were curious. This year they insist on attending. (They heard that we "talk" to the animals).:D

01-25-2004, 11:59 AM
After they hear us talking to each other they will probably be even more curious :rolleyes: ;)

01-25-2004, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
After they hear us talking to each other they will probably be even more curious :rolleyes: ;)

... is curious quite the word? Appauled springs to mind, as does amazed, amused, and befuddled! ;) :p

01-25-2004, 09:49 PM
Fresh lemonade sounds wonderful, Laurie! Yum!!

Gini, I can make the kabobs again if you'd like. Anything else too...just let me know. :)

01-25-2004, 09:51 PM
Fresh lemonade sounds wonderful, Laurie! Yum!!

Gini, I can make the kabobs again if you'd like. Anything else too...just let me know. :)

Can Karen bring "cat in the tree" wine again????? ;)

01-25-2004, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Can Karen bring "cat in the tree" wine again????? ;)
Oh, I intrigued. What is this???

01-25-2004, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by slick
Oh, I intrigued. What is this??? Slick...I forget to tell you how excited I am that you'll be coming as well. :)

The "cat in the tree" wine is a sparkling wine that Karen brought from up norht. I'm allergic to alcohol, but I made sure I at least had a sip of that, and the wonderful champagne Miss Meow sent us. :)

That "cat in the tree" wine is really good. I was in a wedding and we added some sort of raspberry liquer to it. Yummy. :)

01-26-2004, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Slick...I forget to tell you how excited I am that you'll be coming as well.
Thanks Kelly. :) I excited to meet you too and the rest of the gang. I really want to be down there for a week although I'm not sure CA is ready for it :D

02-22-2004, 08:05 PM
Almost 5 months to go! :)

Any ideas on any extracurricular activies? Should we do something animal related?

Gini, do you know of any animal sancuaries? What about Shambala? I'll go find out where it is.

FUN!!!!!!!!!! :D

Edit: Here's the link to Shambala, a large wild cat rescue: http://www.shambala.org/

Its $35 a person, that may be too much if people are already flying out here.

02-23-2004, 03:06 PM
Yup, it's sneaking up fast. Before you know it, it will be July. I've already been scouting around the Net for airfares and I think I can get a pretty cheap one. I really don't know how long I'll be there; it depends on other people. If everyone goes back to work on the Monday, then I might as well fly back home on that day. Laurie did provide me with another alternative as well, so we'll see what pans out.

Shambala looks interesting and I'd be up for it. Let's hope the exchange rate improves between now and then.

02-24-2004, 01:29 AM
Scuse me - but Laurie and Slick - you would fly all of this way and stay for ONE whole day. And then leave me to go back to work on Monday?

What kind of a party will that be? It sounds like a great excuse for me to take some work time off too - and then plan some fun things to do.

Now, Kelly, I love you dearly, but werent' you the one that told me you would be at my house at 8AM? last year? I was up at the crack of dawn - showered - clean - ready and waiting ..........and the phone rang - what time was that???? Oh, you all slept in huh? And I was up and waiting at 8AM for a bunch of people that I had never met before............(I think I will sleep at your house)
or better yet - maybe you all should all come and sleep at mine.

So don't you go making plans for trips to Long Beach and other parts at least not on the actual BBQ day - :D :D But the day before is good - or Monday after is good too.............

Start thinking about what you want to eat...........not too soon to talk about food is it???

I remember last year the reason we had chicken was because Lut asked for it. Well, guess that was last year............wish she could have come.

02-24-2004, 11:51 AM
LOL LOL Gini! :o
Slick, I'm so excited that you're coming! I will definitely bring some of my favorite "cat in the tree" sparkling wine! It's sooooo good. I may even have to bring some framboise to mix with it! Kelly is absolutely right in that it's delicious! Yum!! :D

Gini, it's never too soon to talk about food! :p The chicken was good last year, so we should have some of that again, but Aaron makes a mean burger! Amberlee couldn't stop raving about them when she and KAK came down for our mini BBQ a couple of weeks ago! We can stick Aaron at the grill again for some burgers, dogs and chicken. What do you think? Chips, potato salad and of course....Bailey's.... ;)
I think I need to make my artichoke/cheese dip this year: crab and spinach optional.

Hmm.....let me ponder some more....how about a visit to the recipe thread??!! LOL

02-24-2004, 12:05 PM
:D :D I had another PT dream last night.

Laurie and I were sitting around Richard's place (sober, of course) when the phone rang and it was Gini. R & G spoke for a minute or two then he passed the phone to me. I got on and started to slur my words and pretended we were all tanked up. R & L were rolling on the floor with laughter and Gini was howling as well.

then I woke up..........

A premonition?? :eek: :eek:

02-24-2004, 10:51 PM
Hopefully i won't be considered such a newbie by July. so.... Two words... ROAD TRIP!! I'll be tagging along with Laura. It'll be a few days after my b'day, so I'll just call it a belated b'day gift to myself! It'll be great to meet some new people. =)

02-24-2004, 10:53 PM

Remember, whatever is planned as food for your BBQ better be passed onto Miss Meow and I!!

We are having a BBQ the same day in your honour .......... :p

02-24-2004, 10:58 PM
Yay! I'll have someone to keep me company on the drive now. So be expecting be and JC there!

02-25-2004, 12:22 AM
What great news........more people are coming. Tucson is just about eight hours drive to L.A. unless you wear "heavy shoes" then it is six or seven. Do not try to get here on a Friday though, you will hate it. (weekend/going home traffic).

Heinz57 - come on, live up to your name, you must have 47 more posts before July. You have ten at my last look.

This is a really fancy barbecue you know..........you have to wear your clean jeans and a better T-shirt. (maybe it is the other way around, I forget).

Seriously, I am glad that more people will be able to make it this year.........last year a bunch of people arrived - all total strangers to me.........but when they left, they were all good friends.

Name tags, gosh, we probably need name tags.

Captain and Miss Meow, please don't make me have vegemite on my menu, please!!

It is a guaranteed good time, nobody shuts up for a minute and why should we? Just be sure to bring lots of pictures of your furkids, skinkids and good sense of humor!

02-25-2004, 12:25 AM
Originally posted by slick
:D :D I had another PT dream last night.

Laurie and I were sitting around Richard's place (sober, of course) when the phone rang and it was Gini. R & G spoke for a minute or two then he passed the phone to me. I got on and started to slur my words and pretended we were all tanked up. R & L were rolling on the floor with laughter and Gini was howling as well.

then I woke up..........

A premonition?? :eek: :eek:

I think you got it just about right................we are one serious bunch! Slick, would you like a Kleenex?

02-25-2004, 12:33 AM
Originally posted by gini

Captain and Miss Meow, please don't make me have vegemite on my menu, please!!


03-01-2004, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by gini
Now, Kelly, I love you dearly, but werent' you the one that told me you would be at my house at 8AM? last year? I was up at the crack of dawn - showered - clean - ready and waiting ..........and the phone rang - what time was that???? Oh, you all slept in huh? And I was up and waiting at 8AM for a bunch of people that I had never met before............(I think I will sleep at your house)
or better yet - maybe you all should all come and sleep at mine.

hee hee, SURE, tell EVERYONE I'm not a morning person!!! ;) Actually, I think I was the first one awake...NOT that my cats had anything to do with that or anything. ;) hee hee

RE: other than BBQ activities
I was thinking that would be reserved for another day if people were staying in the area longer. I agree, no one can just come for the day of the BBQ. Gotta make this a drawn out bash!!!! :D I think I'll ask for the time off tomorrow morning, that way, I'll be sure and have it off.

Food? Did somebody say food? You know, I JUST got to see all the pictures Wolflady took of our 1st Annual BBQ on Saturday and there I am, in a towel, wet hair, no makeup (looking ever so lovely) making fruit kabobs for us! I'm up for that again if anyone would like it? I also make pretty good tarts and haven't made any in a while.

Hotdogs and chicken...Mmmmmmm!!!! Cat in the Tree sparkling wine and frambrois sounds yummy, even I can just have two or three sips. YUMMY! Is it July yet?????

An offer to stay at Gini's? With Gini AND three orangies??? Gosh, that sounds like heaven on earth!! :D

03-29-2004, 12:33 PM
It really breaks my heart to say that I wont be able to make it. I just realized today that my Dad's 80th birthday is on July 24th. (I guess that makes me a bad daughter for not realizing until now that its the same day as the BBQ). So of course my place is here.

I really hope someday to be able to meet all of you, but now it looks like it just wasn't meant to be. I will be thinking of all of you. Drink a slushy for me.

03-29-2004, 02:26 PM
That's too bad Catland, but family does come first. There's always next year and we'll make sure it's not on July 24th.

03-29-2004, 08:08 PM
:( Darn it. I'm sorry the timing doesn't work out for you catland. Hopefully next time will work for you.

04-02-2004, 12:46 PM
Is it July yet?????? ;)

04-02-2004, 12:49 PM
I wish!!!!! I can just taste that BBQ chicken now..

04-02-2004, 12:55 PM
Slick, every time I see your quote under your name I have to stop and laugh.

Scotty is the nickname I have given to my Toyota Highlander.

It never occurred to me that he could "beam me up" anywhere - but you never know, do you?

July - only three plus months away - maybe this year you will be able to see Annie AND EMMA. I can't promise though, but I am working on her. At least now she doesn't spend most of her time under the bed.

If there is chicken around - it is a given that Rascal will be in everyone's lap!

04-02-2004, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by gini
If there is chicken around - it is a given that Rascal will be in everyone's lap!
Yea!! I'm going to put chicken in my pockets!!! ;)

04-02-2004, 01:04 PM
Kelly, you'd better take extra special care of yourself from now on. We want you well for this parteeeee.:) :)

04-04-2004, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by slick
Kelly, you'd better take extra special care of yourself from now on. We want you well for this parteeeee.:) :) I sure will!! :D

04-04-2004, 09:53 PM
Looks like we'll be going to Disneyland after (as in the next day or so) the BBQ. Let me know who's in. :)

04-17-2004, 05:38 PM
Please keep all fingers and paws crossed.

I just spoke to my cat-sitters (they are a retired couple) and her husband is having his heart operation on July 19th and he will be in hospital for about a week. What timing. Anyway, I have been reassured that I should still plan the trip but now I'm feeling guilty. She says not to worry, it will give her something else to think about.

Just in case, I'm looking for alternates. Wish me luck.

05-12-2004, 12:00 PM
Oh no, I just saw this.

How are things going with your neighbor, Slick?

05-15-2004, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Oh no, I just saw this.

How are things going with your neighbor, Slick?
I spoke to them last night and again they have reassured me that everything is OK to go sooooo

I've booked my flight.....

Look out CA - I'm arriving at LAX on July 22nd at 9:15pm so I'll catch up to Gini on Friday.

The only thing that will hold me back is if, God forbid, her husband does not pull through the operation.

05-15-2004, 08:45 PM
July 22? Where will you be staying Thurs night? hmmm, should I fly in Fri morn? Poor Gini if she has to put up with the TWO of us for more than a day or two :eek: My little Mario clone is soooo anxious and excited to fly on a plane again (he just looooved that free beer and happy flight attendent that fell hard for him). Wolflady/Karen, you have to bring the book "Pack of Two" that I passed on to you from Staci/Aly/me and a few other old timers here. Will p.m. the both of you... OH BOY! I need this badly. WHOA listening to the storm/thunder/lightening storms gathering right now outside.. NEAT :cool:

05-16-2004, 12:16 AM
Laurie, I am getting some hotel names together for Slick

There are so few in my immediate area...........and I want her to be safe so I will be selective in the ones that I recommend.

There is always Ye Old Gini's Inn.........it comes highly recommended by friends and also welcomes monkeys.

05-16-2004, 07:51 AM
:D :cool: :cool: I'll call you later today (if I can find your number amongst my clutter..) * memo to self..clean up clutter *
re-reading my note it reads like "dean up dutter" suppose to read "clean up clutter" but maybe I'll dean my dutters too :rolleyes:

05-29-2004, 10:18 AM
I am going to push this right up to the top...because I am so jealous of the Findlay Park Meeting this weekend.

JULY 24th................

It is time to start planning seriously on who can make it this year to the Second Annual So. California BBQ.

If anyone has any questions, please feel free to email me or p/m and I will get right back to you.

I hope many who missed it last year will consider coming this year.

I am excited about it.................

Karen and Aaron???
Kelly and David?????????


05-30-2004, 10:37 AM
I'm in fur sure. Not sure if arriving Friday or Sat. morn (like last year). My bro in San Diego is expecting me for a few days but trains run often every day so I'm flexible *except maybe on the trampoline these days* :rolleyes: Can't really bring much with me on the plane in the way of food or drink but I hear they DO have stores in LA :D Count me out on a side trip to Disneyland. Loved it when I went a few years back but now I feel like I'm living in FantasyLand or Wierdo-Land and don't feel the need for more. I love you guys and can't wait to see you all

05-30-2004, 12:08 PM
HOORAY - so far we have a BBQ for two..............

(I know more are coming, I am just having fun)

ZippyKat????? how great it would be to meet you!

05-30-2004, 03:57 PM
I plan on being there but I need to talk to Karen and Aaron to make sure that they're still going because I'm planning on riding down with them again.:)

I'm not sure if they're planning on staying with Kelly & David but if they are I'd like to stay in a motel close by to Kelly's so I'll need some help in finding a decently priced motel room in the area.

As far as I know, I don't think that AmberLee will be able to go because she's planning on going to Ireland with her family in Sept.

05-31-2004, 01:20 PM
David and I are in....I know Karen and Aaron are in as well and will be staying with us.

Tracey...there is a pretty nice, good priced hotel next to us called the Palm Garden Hotel (Clarion)...here is their phone number: (805) 716-4200

Can't wait!!!! :D :D :D

As far as the Disney trip...how's Monday?? (the 26th)

05-31-2004, 01:23 PM
OK...let's talk MENU, Gini....

What should we do for this year? We'll bring whatever you want...

Do we want chicken again? (I hear it'll make Rascal my best friend...)

Want me to do main course? Or sides? Just le me know. David and I LOVE to bake and cook...I'm thinking of a few homemade tarts???

05-31-2004, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Tracey...there is a pretty nice, good priced hotel next to us called the Palm Garden Hotel (Clarion)...here is their phone number: (805) 716-4200

Can't wait!!!! :D :D :D

As far as the Disney trip...how's Monday?? (the 26th)
Gini and I have been emailing back and forth because I'm looking for a hotel as well. How far from Gini is the Palm Hotel??

I've spent hours and hours on the net trying to find a cheap nice hotel in a safe area. So far no luck so I may have to get a more expensive one but only stay until Tuesday instead of Friday. I'm flighing in Thurs night July 22nd and my flight is already booked. :)

I will be in town for the 26th for DL so I'll start saving money for it now.

**sqeals with delight**
Can hardly wait!!!!

05-31-2004, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
David and I are in....I know Karen and Aaron are in as well and will be staying with us.

Tracey...there is a pretty nice, good priced hotel next to us called the Palm Garden Hotel (Clarion)...here is their phone number: (805) 716-4200

Can't wait!!!! :D :D :D

As far as the Disney trip...how's Monday?? (the 26th)
Thanks Kelly.:) Now I just need to talk to Karen and Aaron and find out the details of arrival and departure times. This time I'm not planning on going to my brothers for a visit so I'll also be riding back with Karen and Aaron. I can't wait.:D

06-01-2004, 11:43 PM
I am not sure how long each of you can stay.........but if the BBQ is on Saturday, we will need to coordinate flight arrivals and pick up times.

Laurie, we promise we will find you sooner this year - if the dern flight arrives at the right gate...........

Richard and I have talked about making arrangements to pick up those flying in.........so not to worry.........we just need your flight arrival time and airline.

Pauline, gosh - Ireland or Gini's BBQ???? A no brainer in my mind!:D :D

Be sure to bring your recent pictures for show and blab!

Amazing, but you will probably not get to see Emma........she is the master in hiding when company comes......but Rascal has been training Annie quite nicely.........and she will "grace" the room.......petting her might be another matter.

06-02-2004, 09:28 AM
Don't worry about picking me up. My flight arrives at 9:15pm so I'll just take a taxi to the hotel and catch up with you the next day.

06-02-2004, 12:28 PM
If only it was possible to attend ALL of the meetings!!
Have fun you guys!

06-02-2004, 09:34 PM

Gini and I are about 45 minutes apart from each other. The hotel I'm recommending to Tracey is less than five minutes from our apartment...she could even walk if she wanted. :)

Have you tried travelocity or sites like that? I'll ask David for some hotel ideas too, he works about 10 minutes from Gini.

06-02-2004, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by gini
ZippyKat????? how great it would be to meet you!

I would be honored to meet you guys! I don't know that I have the $ for it though. I'll see what happens these next couple of weeks... :cool:

06-02-2004, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
I would be honored to meet you guys! I don't know that I have the $ for it though. I'll see what happens these next couple of weeks... :cool:
Oh Tonya,
please please please please...........come to the BBQ!!! :) :)

Thanks for the info Kelly. I have tried the net. There is a site called tripadvisory.com and that's where people can post their opinions of hotels they've stayed at. Most of the ones in the downtown area don't have great reviews at all.

I'll keep looking.......

even if I can't find anything, I'll pitch a tent in Gini's back yard...:eek:

Just joking Gini. I wouldn't think of spoiling your neighbourhood like that!

06-04-2004, 01:07 PM

That's what David said too. He recommened staying in Century City...its about 20 minutes (am I correct, Gini??) from Gini, but we could pick you up on the way to the BBQ. This time, I PROMISE we'll get there when Gini needs us there....I promise!!!

Let me know and I can get a list of hotels there too.

06-04-2004, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
I would be honored to meet you guys! I don't know that I have the $ for it though. I'll see what happens these next couple of weeks... :cool:
You can camp out with us in our apartment....there's not much room and I have a million cats, but it'd be free. ;)

I'd so love to meet you, Tonya.

06-04-2004, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy

That's what David said too. He recommened staying in Century City...its about 20 minutes (am I correct, Gini??) from Gini, but we could pick you up on the way to the BBQ. This time, I PROMISE we'll get there when Gini needs us there....I promise!!!

Let me know and I can get a list of hotels there too.

Thanks Kelly. That would be great. You can either PM me or email me at [email protected].

In the meantime, I'll see what I can find in Century City. :)

06-05-2004, 02:05 AM
Smuggle me in your suitcase Vickie? Pleeeeeeeeeease? :D

I hope you guys have lots of fun!

06-05-2004, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by binka_nugget
Smuggle me in your suitcase Vickie? Pleeeeeeeeeease? :D

I hope you guys have lots of fun!

LOL If only I could, I would.:)

06-09-2004, 06:01 PM
I hope as many people as possible can make it this year.

We really did have a lot of fun last year and I am getting excited about this year too -

I promise, if I win the lottery - everyone gets to come to the BBQ!

06-09-2004, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by gini
I promise, if I win the lottery - everyone gets to come to the BBQ!


06-09-2004, 06:21 PM

However, in your case, I think it would be necessary for me to fly down to Australia and pick you and Miss Meow and Shane up - wouldn't want you to get lost:D :D Maybe a week or two in advance:D :D

06-12-2004, 06:47 PM

I was wondering if a hotel close by LAX would be better? I don't know for sure, but that may be closer to Gini than Century City. Either way, try some of these:

LAX Hotels
Four Points Sheraton

The Travelodge at LAX
*Complimentary breakfast* ;)

The Radisson at LAX

***STAY AWAY FROM THE Furama Hotel in LA....HORRIBLE!!***

I went to Orbiz.com and found some good deals there too, but couldn't link them here.

Check out the Doubletree, any Courtyard hotel, Sheraton hotels, Marriott or Hilton. Those are usually, if not always, a safe, clean bet.

I didn't find anything in Century City, other than the Century Paza Hotel, which is utterly gorgeous!!!

06-13-2004, 01:04 PM
Has anyone ever used orbitz or priceline or cheaptickets or anything similar? Just wondering if they're "too good to be true"?

06-13-2004, 02:28 PM
Thanks Kelly.

What's the difference between these two hotels: proximity to LAX?

Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites LAWNDALE-LAX AIRPORT AREA

Holiday Inn Los Angeles International Airport

There is not much difference in price ($1 to be exact) but I wonder which is closer to the airport? They are both in my price range and I know that I'll have to put up with planes overhead but I think this is my only option.

There is also
Four Points by Sheraton Los Angeles International Airport that you mentioned and that is also in my price range.

The others are out of my price range ($189/night :eek: )

Gini once mentioned the Radisson on Wilshire Blvd and that's not only closer to Gini but also a bit pricier. $121/night which is my limit.

So it looks like I have a choice of 3

Holiday Inn Airport (pretty good reviews on tripadvory.com)
Four Points Sheraton (out of 11 reviews, only got 4 good ones)
Radisson Wilshire (a couple of bad reviews and a couple of good)
Gini, some people commented that the Radisson Wilshire was in a bad part of town, True or not.

I know that you can't always believe what other people post on these web sites like tripadvisory.com but it's worth reading and taking into consideration.

Onward and upward.

Edit: I just read a great article on the Secret Garden Bed & Breakfast. It also had great reviews and one couple from Vancouver said it only cost them $105/night.

Kelly, Gini, Richard: ever heard of it? Know anyone that has stayed there? It looks really promising.

06-13-2004, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
Has anyone ever used orbitz or priceline or cheaptickets or anything similar? Just wondering if they're "too good to be true"?
We've used Priceline...it's OK. You really have to know the area that you'll be staying in because its not specific. The best deals I've got are with yahoo travel.

Tonya...is there a chance you could be coming too????
(EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :) ) <---that was my high-pitched scream!

06-13-2004, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by slick
Thanks Kelly.

What's the difference between these two hotels: proximity to LAX?

Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites LAWNDALE-LAX AIRPORT AREA

Holiday Inn Los Angeles International Airport

There is not much difference in price ($1 to be exact) but I wonder which is closer to the airport? They are both in my price range and I know that I'll have to put up with planes overhead but I think this is my only option.


Edit: I just read a great article on the Secret Garden Bed & Breakfast. It also had great reviews and one couple from Vancouver said it only cost them $105/night.

Kelly, Gini, Richard: ever heard of it? Know anyone that has stayed there? It looks really promising.

**I'm thinking with the Holiday Inn, they are just different locations. They probably bought out another LAX hotel and just had to name it something else. Although, I've heard the "Express" one's are less formal.

**The Secret Garden sounds nice! Is it close to the airport? What's the address? I can have David look it up and see if he knows that part of town. :)

06-13-2004, 05:09 PM

-Gini (+Rascal, Annie & Emma)
-Gini's neighbor's (+two goldens)
-Kelly & David
-Karen & Aaron

-Laurie (Lbaker)

*COUNTDOWN: 41 days!!!!

06-13-2004, 10:23 PM
The Secret Garden

Downside: location - in Hollywood
Price - $95/US per night :eek: as I've just found out

Do pay lots more to stay 5-10 min from Gini and spend less on taxi fares? (Secret Garden)
Do I pay way less to stay farther away and pay way more on taxi fares? (Holiday Inn LAX)

Six of one and half dozen of the other.

OMG Kelly - 42 days????? When you put it that way I'd better get my a** in gear and find something quick!!

Should I buy new clothes?
Should I whiten my teeth?
Should I get new glasses?
Should I buy new shoes?

Ahhhh, what the heck, what you see is what you get! :rolleyes:

06-13-2004, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Last year, I couldn't stop with the head counts...and now I want to do it again. ;)

Who's coming???

-Gini (+Rascal, Annie & Emma)
-Gini's neighbor's (+two goldens)
-Kelly & David
-Karen & Aaron

-Laurie (Lbaker)

Am I missing anyone else?? I'm sorry if I am....

Oh and the COUNTDOWN!!!!! ;) Only 42 days!!!!

Kelly, The AntiPam will be coming again this year. I had an email from her. Also GoldenRetrLuver may be coming too. She needs to ask her family. Not sure where she lives but in So. Calif.

06-14-2004, 12:03 AM
Vickie, I am going to tease you! Have you ever heard of private cars? Well, I have one and I can drive it...........and taking expensive taxi's was not what I had in mind for you.

I do need everyone to know that the Tuesday after the party my brother is coming into town to stay with me..........so I won't be as available after that.

Vickie, guess I will cross off the blueberries on my list if you are going to have your teeth whitened.

New shoes? Are you nuts??

06-14-2004, 08:53 AM
Originally posted by gini
Vickie, I am going to tease you! Have you ever heard of private cars? Well, I have one and I can drive it...........and taking expensive taxi's was not what I had in mind for you.

I do need everyone to know that the Tuesday after the party my brother is coming into town to stay with me..........so I won't be as available after that.

Vickie, guess I will cross off the blueberries on my list if you are going to have your teeth whitened.

New shoes? Are you nuts??
Gini, with all these people coming into town how can I expect you to be my private chauffeur??? :eek: If I stay at the Radisson, can I stumble/stagger, ooops, I mean can I walk to your place from there? If so, I'll book it today.

No problem for Tuesday. If no one else is in town or no one else wants to get together that day I'll fly home then.

Just think with all this hotel talk, it will make it alot easier for next year.

06-14-2004, 08:34 PM
Well, I've gone and done it!

I've booked 5 nights stay at the Radisson Wilshire for only $120/night through Expedia.ca.

Looks like there's no turning back now!!!!!:p :p

OMG the hotel has a Japanese Rest with a sushi bar!!!!!! I'm in love. I may never come back home :D :D

06-15-2004, 01:17 AM
Originally posted by slick
Well, I've gone and done it!

I've booked 5 nights stay at the Radisson Wilshire for only $120/night through Expedia.ca.

Looks like there's no turning back now!!!!!:p :p

OMG the hotel has a Japanese Rest with a sushi bar!!!!!! I'm in love. I may never come back home :D :D


06-15-2004, 02:07 PM
The best news is just pouring in here about the people that are coming.

(I guess I had better warn the neighbors again)!!

Pet Talkers???? Hmmm.........could you please interview Fifi - she has some issues.

Slick, I am thrilled because it will be so easy to pick you up and bring you to my home..........and easy to then take you around to see some things too.

I will email you to get additional information.

Better get the back yard in shape...........

This has me very excited about the 2nd Annual California BBQ.

Are there any others out there who are thinking about coming.
I hope that you will..........just let me know as you are very welcome.

06-15-2004, 07:55 PM
Will I get to meet Mr. Fish????? I sure hope so.:)

06-16-2004, 07:02 AM
My clonie boy, Mario is VERY excited about the BBQ - and seeing his Auntie Slick again! Hopefully he'll manage to cop me a few free drinks on the plane again * heh heh heh * I will have to give him some "downers" before we reach the airport, he gets very excited at times and Slick, you KNOW the havoc that would raise :eek: OH GINI! What a time this will be!! Saturday morning - LAX - IT'S HAPPENING :D

06-16-2004, 08:37 AM
Laurie: tell Mario that I might have a surprise in store for him when he arrives. ;) ;)

I really really hope the Zipster can make it.

06-16-2004, 11:16 AM

Is this who you meant Slick?

06-16-2004, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by slick
I really really hope the Zipster can make it.


06-16-2004, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
Does this mean what I think it means????? :) :) :)

06-16-2004, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by slick
Does this mean what I think it means????? :) :) :)

06-16-2004, 07:06 PM
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

How many of these am I allowed to Post:D :D

06-16-2004, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by gini
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

How many of these am I allowed to Post:D :D



06-16-2004, 07:27 PM
Slick, with all due respect - maybe skip the teeth whitening and new shoes and buy yourself some new underwear before you get here:D

06-16-2004, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by gini
Slick, with all due respect - maybe skip the teeth whitening and new shoes and buy yourself some new underwear before you get here:D

I second that!:p

06-16-2004, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by gini
Slick, with all due respect - maybe skip the teeth whitening and new shoes and buy yourself some new underwear before you get here:D

Well, that "depends" :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-16-2004, 10:47 PM
Waaaahhhhh....I wanna come. :(

You guys are already having way too much fun. Life just isn't fair, why must there be work, why can't I just play all the time?


(oops, starting to sound like sirrahbed now) ;) :D

06-16-2004, 11:02 PM
Debbie: all you need is a flight ticket.....

expedia.com to the rescue.....

06-16-2004, 11:09 PM
Well I just booked my hotel room at the Premier Inn. I decided to go through my AAA discount so I only had 2 places to choose from and Premier Inn was less expensive than Motel 6 and it also offers more extras.:) I also noticed that in both places they allow pets. I thought that was great.:D

I'm so glad to hear that Tonya aka zippy-kat will be attending this year.:D So is the head count now up to ten? Maybe we can talk a few more PetTalkers into coming.;) I can't wait.:D

06-16-2004, 11:27 PM
OK, I actually need a head count of pets including those belonging to attendees.

number of dogs_______
number of cats _______
number of birds_______

06-16-2004, 11:32 PM
Who wants to buy my plane ticket? :p

06-17-2004, 12:46 AM
Well, Rascal and Annie will be your Host and Hostess. If any of your get to see Emma you will receive an extra prize.

I think that Rusty and Ginger (two magnificent Goldens) will also be in attendance. I love them dearly, but last year they peed all over the place and I had brown spots on my lawn for the rest of the summer. But, it was worth it.

1. Gini
2. Laurie
3. Slick
4 Kelly
5. David
6. Karen
7. Aaron
8. Tracey
9. AntiPam
10. Richard
11. Unconfirmed mystery guest.
12. Assorted friends of Gini's who cannot quite understand her passion for Pet Talk, but humor her endlessly.

Gosh, I hope that I haven't forgotten anyone..............hoping that GoldenRetrLuvr can make it with her family, but haven't had a confirmation yet.

06-17-2004, 01:26 AM
OK...thankfully I'm going back to school next week. I can't count!!!

COUNTDOWN: 44 days

Tracey...that's great you picked your hotel. Gonna bring any kitters to test out that "pets welcome" policy? ;)

Zippy.... :D

Gini....will you PM me your phone number? I can't find it! :(

06-17-2004, 06:49 AM
Does clonie boy Mario count as a pet? Or an honored guest? Any cone-kids coming? Klark & Kent want to come but airport security is going to have a tough enough time with me as it is. "Why is the security dog so interested in your bags m'aam! Oh it's just the catnip & shrimp for my friends Rascal and the orangie girls... and some jerky treats for the neighbors... some parsley for a certain bunbun and... OH NEVERMIND WOMAN, GET ON THE DANG PLANE ALREADY" :rolleyes:

06-17-2004, 09:44 AM
Originally posted by lbaker
Does clonie boy Mario count as a pet? Or an honored guest? Any cone-kids coming? Klark & Kent want to come but airport security is going to have a tough enough time with me as it is. "Why is the security dog so interested in your bags m'aam! Oh it's just the catnip & shrimp for my friends Rascal and the orangie girls... and some jerky treats for the neighbors... some parsley for a certain bunbun and... OH NEVERMIND WOMAN, GET ON THE DANG PLANE ALREADY" :rolleyes:
I was thinking the same thing. I'm going to have to pack a separate suitcase just for the pet treats. Doggie biscuits/toys, catnip toys, and the lot. I've checked with customs and apparently I can bring in "baked goods" so I guess the doggie bickies would fall into that category.

I was hoping to bring my rescue cone Gilbert but like you Laurie, I'm not sure if I'd get past security.

06-17-2004, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by gini
Gosh, I hope that I haven't forgotten anyone..............hoping that GoldenRetrLuvr can make it with her family, but haven't had a confirmation yet.

I checked with the folks a few days ago, and we won't be able to make it. :( My dad has to work in July.. [he doesn't really get a 'summer vacation' like we do, just a few weeks off here and there] and we're already planning a trip out of the country.

Sorry, guys. :( I would have loved to go.

Hope ya'll have fun, though!

06-17-2004, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
OK...thankfully I'm going back to school next week. I can't count!!!

COUNTDOWN: 44 days

Tracey...that's great you picked your hotel. Gonna bring any kitters to test out that "pets welcome" policy? ;)

LOL Kelly:D The only furkid that would even half way enjoy it would be my cat/dog Sky.:D I think that Karen and Aaron might be bringing Priya though.;)

06-18-2004, 01:40 AM
GoldenRetvLuver, I am so sorry that you will not be able to attend our BBQ. There will be two lovely Goldens attending that I know you would fall in love with. They are both leaners...........and always take my heart away with them.

06-18-2004, 02:38 AM
Originally posted by krazyaboutkatz
I think that Karen and Aaron might be bringing Priya though.;)
Uh oh....my cats ARE NOT going to like that. :( :( :(

06-18-2004, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
OK...thankfully I'm going back to school next week. I can't count!!!

COUNTDOWN: 44 days

What number is it today on the Kelly-Kountdown? ;) :p

06-18-2004, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
What number is it today on the Kelly-Kountdown? ;) :p

42 days!!!!! ;)

06-19-2004, 12:09 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Uh oh....my cats ARE NOT going to like that. :( :( :( Kelly, I don't know this for sure and Karen would have to talk to you first any way. She had mentioned the idea quite a while ago and I didn't know if she was serious or not. Please try not to get too worried just yet. I think that if they really wanted to bring her that Karen and Aaron would need to stay at a pet friendly motel/hotel.

06-19-2004, 06:28 PM
I have a surprise for everyone. It should be ready either tomorrow or by Monday. I hope that everyone will like it.:D

06-19-2004, 08:25 PM
Oh boy, and I just love surprises.

What a thoughtful thing for you to do!!

06-20-2004, 03:02 AM
Originally posted by krazyaboutkatz
I have a surprise for everyone. It should be ready either tomorrow or by Monday. I hope that everyone will like it.:D
Does it meow??? ;)

hee hee

06-20-2004, 11:02 AM
Ooooo, a surprise, I can hardly wait!!

06-20-2004, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Does it meow??? ;)

hee hee LOL No, it's not alive.;)

06-20-2004, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by krazyaboutkatz
LOL No, it's not alive.;)
Hmmmm, we know it's not alive so it can't be an animal. That leaves vegetable or mineral.

BTW The weather here has been near 30 degrees for the past couple of days and this heat is making me miserable. How am I ever going to cope with the LA July weather. Everyone up here has been warning me about it. Those cool slushies are sounding better all the time.

06-22-2004, 04:11 AM
Kelly Kountdown: 32 days!!!!

* :D * :D * :D * :D * :D * :D *

06-22-2004, 10:31 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Kelly Kountdown: 32 days!!!!

* :D * :D * :D * :D * :D * :D *
So much for whitening my teeth :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Guess I'd better start looking around for some new shoes.....

06-22-2004, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Kelly Kountdown: 32 days!!!!

* :D * :D * :D * :D * :D * :D *


06-24-2004, 01:13 PM
Kelly Kountdown: 30 days!!!!

* :D * :D * :D * :D * :D * :D *

Can you believe it??? A month away!!!! Yay!!!

06-24-2004, 01:41 PM
:D :D :D I'd better start packing.....

06-24-2004, 01:46 PM
And I'd better get organized:D :D

06-24-2004, 11:49 PM
I'd better get my surprise for everyone finished.:D
I also need to call Karen & Aaron. :)

06-25-2004, 12:04 AM
Originally posted by gini
And I'd better get organized:D :D
Oh my gosh!!! I forgot to call you, I'm so sorry, Gini.

Are you around tomorrow evening??

06-25-2004, 12:05 AM
Can we do a roll call???

*Pets (# and species)


*Kelly & David (2 hoomans attending)
*8 cats, 2 birds, 5 fish


06-25-2004, 12:07 AM
Slick (1 hooman)
2 cats
1 cone

OMG I'm sooo excited....I know I keep saying that but.....


06-25-2004, 12:22 AM
Slick...are you going to bring your cone???? ;)

Hey guys, are we up for doing this at the BBQ???

06-25-2004, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Slick...are you going to bring your cone???? ;)

Yes, I was thinking about it but it's kind of big so I don't know how the airport security will like it.

Hey guys, are we up for doing this at the BBQ???

Sorry, I'm so creatively challenged. There's no way I could even hand-sew a straight line.

06-25-2004, 12:42 AM
Originally posted by slick
Sorry, I'm so creatively challenged. There's no way I could even hand-sew a straight line.

No, we get to color them.

I'll bring a bunch of blank fabric squares. I was thinking baby or animal printed and we can just draw a little something with those crayon things Corrina was talking about. Or...if we aren't up to drawing, we could just put our names and hearts or whatever.

I don't sew either....last time I tried, I stepped ON the needle and it got stuck in my heel!!! :eek: I enjoyed my tetnus shot greatly!!!! ;)

06-25-2004, 01:17 AM
AmberLee will be giving me plenty of squares to draw on. I've already made mine and I messed up the first one so I had to redo it. I'm not artistic at all.

Roll Call:
Tracey ( 1 hooman attending)
4 male cats

06-25-2004, 06:45 AM
Laurie Baker reporting in....
Roll Call: 1 hooman, one Mario CloneBoy attending, leaving behind at home - 6 dogs, 5 cats, 1 son, 1 d-in-law, 2 step grandkids, 2 cones.
Bringing: (food and beverage wise) may be able to stop at store on way from airport
Quilts? First I've heard of it... will have to thunk upon it. If I can bring a 12x12 with some embroidered thought or something? Is something embroidered acceptable? * ohboyohboyohboy * EXCITED!!

06-25-2004, 07:43 AM
*official Non-Mystery ( ;) ) Guest = leaving home K'Cee Kat :( :( :(, Piper Bunners :( :( :(, & Mushi-Sushi the fish.
*Bringing - a 'slurp-prise' and ?? on the food.

06-25-2004, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
Quilts? First I've heard of it... will have to thunk upon it. If I can bring a 12x12 with some embroidered thought or something? Is something embroidered acceptable? * ohboyohboyohboy * EXCITED!!
If you can do it, I'm sure its welcome!! :)

06-25-2004, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
*official Non-Mystery ( ;) )
:D :D :D

About this quilt, I'm really quite confuzzled. What am I supposed to bring?? 12 x 12 squares but if we are drawing on it doesn't it have to be plain??
I don't even know what it's like to step foot in a hobby shop or fabric store so I'm gonna need some help here. Thanks.

06-25-2004, 10:23 PM
Slick....don't bring a thing. Tracey will bring everything we need. All we'll need from you is whatever you want to draw/write/etc. on the square Tracey will give us at the BBQ.

Just bring that creative mind with you. ;)

OH....Kelly Kountdown: 29 days!!!!

I better get cleaning!!!! ;)

Edit: Gini is WAY too funny!!! I called her to discuss things and her answering machine tells me I've called the private/personal line of Rascal, Emma & Annie. Too cute!!! :D :D :D I'm now awaiting their return call.

06-25-2004, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Just bring that creative mind with you. ;)
That's the problem! My mind is about as creative as a toilet brush :eek: but I'll do my best.

Kelly you should call me: Max and Speckles' butler answers the phone.:D :D

06-25-2004, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by slick
That's the problem! My mind is about as creative as a toilet brush :eek: but I'll do my best.

Kelly you should call me: Max and Speckles' butler answers the phone.:D :D

Toilet brush.....baby bottle brush! You can draw one of those! ;)

OK....I may have to jump on the bandwagon and have my kitties on our message too!! :D Cute!!

06-26-2004, 08:56 AM
My message machine broke but when I had one I had no voice.. just a bunch of dogs barking then the "beep".... hahahaha Anyone that knew me knew it was my house and would simply leave a message. Anyone that didn't have a clue I didn't want to hear from anyway. I'll get cracking on an embroidered square but don't know how to sew the edges. hmmm, MarioClone/me/mini bottles of Kahlua for the free coffee on the plane/cat and dog treats/small quilt square WOW.. security guys are gonna have their work cut out for them :cool:

06-26-2004, 10:10 AM
Can I draw my handprint on one of them?

06-26-2004, 10:14 AM
Mornin' everyone. Kelly, I am sorry I missed your call. Rascal told me that you had called on HIS answering machine.

MMMM, we have even MORE mystery guests! Ha, and I am not telling either.

Laurie, are we going to have to post a bond to get you out of the airport?:D

I cannot believe that the BBQ is now less than a month away and I am so looking forward to it.

I hope that anyone else who reads this thread and is thinking about coming, to email me or p/m me and you are more than welcome to join us. The more the merrier.

Kelly, I probably won't be able to call you until Sunday........I am going to be gone all day today.

Hugs to you all. Gini, Rascal, Annie and Emma too.

06-26-2004, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by gini
Kelly, I probably won't be able to call you until Sunday........I am going to be gone all day today.

No worries. If you can, would Sunday evening work??

Also...we don't have to know, although we WANT to, could you do the roll call thing and let us know how many and what type of animals MYSTERY GUEST has at home?

06-26-2004, 12:38 PM
Roll Call List:

*1 hooman
*3 orange kitties

*1 hooman
*2 cats
*1 cone ;)

*1 hooman
* 4 cats

*1 hooman
*What is a Mario Clone Boy???
*6 dogs
*5 cats
*2 cones ;)

*1 hooman
*1 kitty
*1 bunny
*1 fishy

*2 hoomans
*8 cats
*2 birds
*5 fishies

Karen (Since she wont ever come online, I'll do it for her)
*2 hoomans
*3 cats
*1 dog

Richard (although, not much posting here, he's coming, right?)
*1 hooman
*1 cat

*I don't know if Pam still has her two kitties, but Gini says she's coming. :) Is that right?

* # of hoomans
*# and type of pets

TOTAL: 11 hoomans, plus MYSTERY GUEST(S), 29 cats (so far), 7 dogs (so far), 3 cones, 2 birds and 1 bunny all staying at home. ;)

Oh, and by the way....only 28 days!!!! ;)

06-26-2004, 01:11 PM
Pssttt... Kelly!
I *was* the mystery guest until I got too excited and opened my big mouth. ;)
Now I'm the official UN-mystery guest! hee hee

06-26-2004, 09:49 PM
OK, I'm bringing along a little surprise package for each pet. Do any of your pets have allergies???

06-26-2004, 09:50 PM
No, but K'Cee-the-problem-child ( :rolleyes: ) will eat strings!

Thanks, slick! :cool:

06-26-2004, 10:10 PM
Thanks Tonya. Everything for the pets is home-made either by me or a friend of mind who is very crafty and has her own business. Everything she make is for pets or pet parents. :D For obvious reasons the kitties are not getting anything edible so I'll make sure there is nothing that kitties can bite off.

BTW - you should see what Piper is getting :D :D :) I'm checking with the Border people to make sure I can bring it across.

EEEEEEEKKKKKKKK - after tonight makes 27 days.....

06-27-2004, 11:49 AM
That's sweet of you, Slick! :)

If its edible, Micah isn't allowed to eat a ton of stuff because of his tummy.

Kelly Kountdown: 27 Days!!! :D

06-28-2004, 02:36 PM

"Rascal, what is it?"

"Moommmmm, the talker box started talking while you were gone. It's from Max and Speckles BUTT...LER.
I wasn't sure what to do so I made Anna and Emma bow real low while we listened to it. Wow! They have a BUTT...LER??"

"Hmmm, let me listen to the message, Rascal."

"Rascal, Max and Speckles live with our friend, Slick. They had their BUTT.....LER call to say they won't be here at the BBQ in July."

"Well, Mom, I'm kinda glad cause they sound real, well, you know, outta our league. We are just regular 'ol orange tabbys. They sound pretty royal to me."

"Oh, Rascal, I am sure that Max and Speckles are lovely and they wanted to R.S.V.P. properly."

"Oh, O.K., Mom. But, Mom? What's a BUTT........LER????"

06-28-2004, 02:38 PM
:D :D :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-28-2004, 08:51 PM
I know who the mystery guest is, I know who the mystery guest is and I'm not telling, nah nah na nah nah. :p

Oh, and unfortunately it's not me - really. I only wish it was me. :( I really thought about it and I could have made it work, but it turns out we have a Corvette thingy that same weekend and they're highlighting our cars so not that it's really important, but it's more important than just any ol' Corvette thingy - drat!!!! :(

06-28-2004, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
I know who the mystery guest is, I know who the mystery guest is and I'm not telling, nah nah na nah nah. :p :(
I think Zippy already blew her cover that it was her.....


there's another mystery guest........

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-28-2004, 09:25 PM
There's another one and I know who it is.

So, just how much is knowing worth to you? ;) :D

Ok, ok, since I can't be there I gotta have my fun somehow, don't I? ;) :D

06-28-2004, 09:35 PM
I have a guess as to the identity of the guest!

06-28-2004, 09:35 PM
BUT!!! Can you be SURE you know who it is?

You can't can ya??? Ha Ha! I am THE ONLY one (aside from the guest) who knows who it is!


I will give you a clue - bring hay as a gift.

06-28-2004, 09:41 PM
OK, I just went back and read of the posts in this thread and I think I may know who it is but I'm not going to guess at this point. Let me just say that if it's who I think it is....


Sorry, don't mean to scream in your ear :rolleyes:

06-28-2004, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by gini
BUT!!! Can you be SURE you know who it is?

You can't can ya??? Ha Ha! I am THE ONLY one (aside from the guest) who knows who it is!


I will give you a clue - bring hay as a gift.

Ohhhhh 'tis Hollywood, right? Is it Mr. Ed? :cool: Flicka?

(Do I dare mention that "Flicka" is what I suggested for my sister's name while mom was preggers? :rolleyes: )

06-28-2004, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by gini
bring hay as a gift.
This is such a giveaway.....

06-28-2004, 09:53 PM
Awww I'm so jealous! When Tonya told me she was going I seriously considered flying out but it turns out I'll be gone on vacation that day!


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-28-2004, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by slick
This is such a giveaway.....

It is? Now I'm confuzzeled.... :confused:

06-29-2004, 12:33 AM
What kind of hay????

Timothy hay?? (as in, the kind bunnies are supposed to eat)

Alfalfa hay?? (as in, the kind horses like to eat)

hee hee, I'm a brat!!!!!


Kelly Kountdown: 26 days!!!

Last night I stayed up until 1:30 cleaning out our den and the den closet. Next on list...tackle walk in closet so I can hide crap in there...Karen & Aaron wont notice. ;)

06-29-2004, 06:39 AM
So what is this?? I'm supposed to bring me, MarioClone, kittie/doggie gifts, my little stash of Kahlua for the plane ride, OldBaySeasoning for my extra treat, and now a bale of HAY :eek: Gini, you best think about that bailbond for the airport :eek:

06-29-2004, 09:54 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
Awww I'm so jealous! When Tonya told me she was going I seriously considered flying out but it turns out I'll be gone on vacation that day!

Wait a minute....gone on vacation???? Where??? Could you just be taunting us?? Could you be the 2nd mystery guest??

06-29-2004, 10:30 AM
Laurie, if you show up at the airport with a bale of hay, I am going to turn around and act like I don't know who you are!:D :D

06-29-2004, 01:51 PM
Tonya is coming out??



Gini is setting up a petting zoo in her backyard.

06-29-2004, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by slick
Will I get to meet Mr. Fish????? I sure hope so.:)


I was just going thru the thread looking for Mystery Guest clues and ran across MR. FISH.

I just finished "On The Wings of Eagles" by Ken Follett.

There is a character named Mr Fish in it...:eek: :rolleyes: :confused: :D

06-29-2004, 07:23 PM
There is also a restaurant in Brazil (yes, Richard, that camp thing again) called Mr. Fish.

I received a letter (all in fun) asking me to cease and desist using their restaurant's name for our mascot.

However, I ignored it and Mr. Fish will be attending the party.

06-29-2004, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by gini
Mr. Fish will be attending the party.
Be still my heart........

06-30-2004, 09:55 AM
Maybe my MarioCloneBoy and Mr Fish can co-host Gini's petting zoo. * or maybe they ARE the petting zoo * ?? I don't think either one of them eat hay though :confused: Oh what a tangled web we weave... etc etc ;)

06-30-2004, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by lbaker
Maybe my MarioCloneBoy and Mr Fish can co-host Gini's petting zoo. * or maybe they ARE the petting zoo * ?? I don't think either one of them eat hay though :confused: Oh what a tangled web we weave... etc etc ;)
Laurie: just a thought.....maybe we are the petting zoo occupants???:eek:

06-30-2004, 10:43 AM
Well, I have invited the neighbors over to "see" you...........

(keep the gate closed, please)

06-30-2004, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by gini
Well, I have invited the neighbors over to "see" you...........
Does that mean I have to shave???? :eek:

07-01-2004, 12:37 AM
You guys are just too funny! :)

Kelly Kountdown: 24 days!!!

My den is completely clean and gorgeous. Now, I'll takle the balcony and maybe the bedroom. Fun stuff! ;)

07-01-2004, 04:25 AM
I am trying to figure out the mystery guest. If Debbie knows who it is (and does not want to make just trouble), then it could be a dog person as well as a cat person. From Ohio maybe?

07-01-2004, 08:35 AM
Don't I wish..... I think I'll leave the Klam Juz at home just in case ;)

07-01-2004, 11:21 AM
I'm pretty sure that I know who the mystery guest is but I'm not telling.;)

07-01-2004, 11:26 AM
I don't want to know who it is. I love surprises. :)

07-01-2004, 02:02 PM
I just heard from the AntiPam and sadly she will not be joining us this weekend.

However, she has the best reason! She is very involved in a large fundraiser in Big Bear that is raising funds for the local
Moonridge Zoo.

They have taken in many of the animals that were robbed of their natural habitat during our recent mountain fires and badly need funds for their care.

And of course, the BBQ and the fundraiser are on the very same weekend.

We will miss seeing her!

07-01-2004, 02:36 PM
That's too bad about AntiPam. I was looking forward to meeting her. The next time you speak to her, please pass on a Hi from me and wish her luck. If I were in her shoes, I would make the same choice. (no insult intended Gini..)

You know, I was just looking at the calendar and the week before the BBQ we have a two-day dog wash fundraiser for my Humane Society that I always attend and EVERY YEAR I get burnt to a crisp even though I used sunscreen (40). I'll try not this year, however you may be entertaining a lobster. Please don't cook me :eek:

07-01-2004, 11:40 PM
Originally posted by slick
you may be entertaining a lobster. Please don't cook me :eek:
Mmmmm!!! Oh how I LOVE lobster!!! ;)

That's too bad about Pam. I looked forward to seeing her this year. I wish her luck in her fundraising, though. :)

07-02-2004, 12:14 AM
I'm sorry that Pam won't be attending the barbeque. Gini, tell her good luck with her fundraising and that we'll miss her this year.

07-03-2004, 10:00 AM
3 weeks today!!!


:) :) :)

07-03-2004, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by slick
3 weeks today!!!


:) :) :)

YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

I can't wait!!! :)

07-03-2004, 07:53 PM
Yippee!!! I can't wait either.:D Now I've got to start working on the surprise for everyone.;)

07-04-2004, 11:19 PM

Less than 20 days!!!!!

07-05-2004, 01:45 AM
Disneyland Plans (Monday, July 26th):

*Park opens at 8:00...Tonya and I are ready to go NOW, so we'll have to be there at 8:00 AM, at least. ;)

*Blue Bayou is where we'll be going for lunch or dinner. I'll call for reservations. :D Yippee! Even David and I haven't been there yet!

*David and I will drive...we have room for one more (me, David, Slick & Tonya already the first four) in our car..if anyone else wants to go, please do. :D

*EDIT: It closes at Midnight! Are we (those attending) up for that? ....you can always sleep on the airplane home ;) ...

WOOHOO!!! I can't wait!!!!

07-05-2004, 09:13 AM
:D :D :D YIPEE!!!! Count me in for Monday however I'm not sure if I'll be up to staying until midnight but you never know. Once I get there I might get so caught up in the spirit that I won't want to leave. Do you have to buy tickets in advance or can I purchase when we get there.


07-05-2004, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by slick
:D :D :D YIPEE!!!! Count me in for Monday however I'm not sure if I'll be up to staying until midnight but you never know. Once I get there I might get so caught up in the spirit that I won't want to leave. Do you have to buy tickets in advance or can I purchase when we get there.


You can buy them in advance or at the gate. I think Kelly and I just decided to get 'em at the gate; it shouldn't be too long of a wait if we get there a little before opening. :)

07-05-2004, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by slick
[BI'm not sure if I'll be up to staying until midnight but you never know. Once I get there I might get so caught up in the spirit that I won't want to leave. [/B]

If you get tired, no worries. We can take you back to your hotel any time. :)

07-06-2004, 12:05 AM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
You can buy them in advance or at the gate. I think Kelly and I just decided to get 'em at the gate; it shouldn't be too long of a wait if we get there a little before opening. :)

Are you kidding? If you have money in your hand - TRUST ME - there are tons of booths with people just waiting to take your money.

I am not sure of the current admission fee, but I think it is close to $50.00 per person. I hope everyone is aware that Mickey Mouse has a LAVISH lifestyle that must be maintained!! And Minnie 'aint' cheap either.

07-06-2004, 12:11 AM
I just talked to Kelly this evening and here is the menu!

BBQ CHICKEN by Chefs Aaron and David



TO DRINK..............well, it wouldn't be safe to post all of that here!
A good portion of the Thursday's crowd will be here and this will not be a cyber bar (just kidding).


What didn't we cover? Any requests? We are a very agreeable group and want everyone to be happy.

07-06-2004, 12:15 AM
Originally posted by gini
I just talked to Kelly this evening and here is the menu!


Even though he's an aspiring pastry chef, I'm the tart maker in the family. ;)

Mmmm Mmmm! I'm getting hungry already!! ;)

07-06-2004, 12:20 AM
What? You are the tart in the family????;) :p

07-06-2004, 12:57 AM
Originally posted by gini
What? You are the tart in the family????;) :p
Had you any doubt???? ;) :o

07-06-2004, 07:18 AM
I was planning on making one or more of the following depending on people's tastes:

Smoked oyster roll (basically, smoked oysters/cream cheese jelly roll style and covered with chopped fresh parsley

Layered shrimp appy; bottom layer is cream cheese, topped with cocktail sauce, topped with fresh shrimp, topped with chopped tomatoes, chopped green onion, and shredded Mozza cheese.

Hot crab dip. Everyone knows what this is and NO, I'm the crab that's being dipped :rolleyes:

It's just after 5am here and I can't sleep. I dreamt that we were all sitting in in the back of Gini's place waiting for Richard to make his grand entrance with Slushies. There was even a band playing.:D

07-07-2004, 01:02 AM
Originally posted by slick
Hot crab dip. Everyone knows what this is and NO, I'm the crab that's being dipped :rolleyes:

I typically need to eat blandly, but I know David's vote would be this one. :)

Kelly Kountdown: 18 days!!!!

07-07-2004, 01:36 PM
Gosh, have I missed a few posts, or what??! :o
I'm really looking forward to this BBQ! I wish I could stay a few extra days, but just starting in my new job, I thought it best not to take days off yet, so I'll be there Friday-Sunday. At least the reason is because I finally have a job! Yay! :)
Gini, you know what beverage I like! LOL :D Any requests for wine this year?

Slick, I can't wait to meet you and that crab dip and layered shrimp appy sound fabulous! (I love seafood)

Does anyone like artichoke dip with sourdough bread?? I made a pretty mean artichoke(cheese) dip! Yum! I'm sure the the little tart...uh...I mean Kelly, and I could whip it up before we get to Gini's! :p LOL LOL JK Kelly, you know I love you! :) **hugs**

Did we want any burgers, hotdogs, salmon for the grill also?

Yay! Can't wait!!!

07-07-2004, 01:55 PM
Tonya just reminded me I was going to make some lemonade for any non-alcohol drinkers or anyone that may just want a break. (Also good mixed into a slushie ;) ) I'm sure picking some lemons up on the way from the airport won't be a problem. What with the cat/dog treats, bale of hay, mini-Kahlua bottles, sleeping bag and all - I think I'll wait until I get off the plane ;)

Cinder & Smoke
07-07-2004, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by gini

... If you have money in your hand - TRUST ME -
there are tons of booths with people just waiting
to take your money...

I am not sure of the current admission fee,
but I think it is close to $50.00 per person.


Seems to me I read a story somewhere on the 'net that told
about the poor folks who bought "Bootleg" partially-USED
Disney tickets - that did NOT "work" when presented at the gate!

Here's a link to a Disney Information site >>>
http://www.mousesavers.com/ (http://www.mousesavers.com/dltickets.html)
NOTE: this site is *NOT* run by Disney!

One tip the site gives is to
PLAN your Disney trip *BEFORE* you arrive at the Park ~
many folks waste valuable hours *wandering around* the vast Park.
They suggest that you research WHAT you want to do and learn
WHERE the attractions are - IN ADVANCE!

Have a lot of **PHUNN** at Disneyland!! :D

07-07-2004, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
Tonya just reminded me I was going to make some lemonade for any non-alcohol drinkers ...

(Well, Tonya didn't mention the limon bicardi she hopes to bring.... )

07-07-2004, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
PLAN your Disney trip *BEFORE* you arrive at the Park ~
many folks waste valuable hours *wandering around* the vast Park.
They suggest that you research WHAT you want to do and learn
WHERE the attractions are - IN ADVANCE!

Have a lot of **PHUNN** at Disneyland!! :D [/B]
Tonya and Slick are in serious luck! David and I are Disneyland Freaks/Experts. We've had annual passes for the past 3 or 4 years and have grown up going many, many times a year. We know all the tricks and places to see. :)

Yippee!!! I can't wait!! :D :D :D

07-07-2004, 09:41 PM
Karen I'm so glad you posted. Can't wait to meet you too!!!

Kelly: I'm into EVERYTHING Disney but especially the Lion King and 101 Dalmations :) :)
And I want to buy a Disney watch for myself, a gift for each of my two neices and something for my Mom.

I'm so excited I can hardly think of anything else.:D :D :D

Note to self: To Do list: whiten teeth, get new glasses, get haircut, shave...... :rolleyes:

07-07-2004, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
anyone that may just want a break.
Like we did in Seattle??????:D :D

07-07-2004, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by slick

Kelly: I'm into EVERYTHING Disney but especially the Lion King and 101 Dalmations :) :)
And I want to buy a Disney watch for myself, a gift for each of my two neices and something for my Mom.

Oh Oh, wait until you see my Disney Beannie Baby collection........I have Nala and Simba and the crew and some of the dalmations.............(not all 101):D

07-07-2004, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by slick
Kelly: I'm into EVERYTHING Disney but especially the Lion King and 101 Dalmations :) :)
And I want to buy a Disney watch for myself, a gift for each of my two neices and something for my Mom.

Cool! There is a gigantic Disney store called "World of Disney" right outside the park. Its huge...I don't think I've ever seen a larger store...well, maybe Target or Costco...but not by much! ;) They'll have EVERYTHING you'll need and more.

Plus, there are a ton more shops inside the park too.

Tonya, I'm not sure if you're into Roxy stuff at all, but there is a fun store in Adventure land that has a ton of cute Roxy stuff to buy. :)

Kelly Kountdown: 17 days!!!

I just got back from buying my wrapping for my presents to the furries that aren't able to attend. Gotta keep myself busy, I'm like Slick and beginning to not be able to think about much else. ;)

YAY!!!! :D :D :D

07-07-2004, 10:47 PM
Roxy? I'm so there! :D

I'm getting exxxccciiittteeeedddddd!! :D

07-07-2004, 11:48 PM
Has anyone figured out who the other mystery guest is?

07-08-2004, 12:09 AM
Originally posted by slick
Has anyone figured out who the other mystery guest is?

Well, yes, as a matter of fact I have :D :D :D :D :D

07-08-2004, 12:46 AM
Originally posted by gini
Well, yes, as a matter of fact I have :D :D :D :D :D
HA HA!! VERRRYYYYY Funny!!!!! :p :p :p :p


07-08-2004, 06:26 AM
Originally posted by slick
Has anyone figured out who the other mystery guest is?

Unfortunately it's not me!!!!! *whine, whine*

07-08-2004, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by wolflady
Gosh, have I missed a few posts, or what??! :o
I'm really looking forward to this BBQ! I wish I could stay a few extra days, but just starting in my new job, I thought it best not to take days off yet, so I'll be there Friday-Sunday. At least the reason is because I finally have a job! Yay! :)
Gini, you know what beverage I like! LOL :D Any requests for wine this year?

Slick, I can't wait to meet you and that crab dip and layered shrimp appy sound fabulous! (I love seafood)

Does anyone like artichoke dip with sourdough bread?? I made a pretty mean artichoke(cheese) dip! Yum! I'm sure the the little tart...uh...I mean Kelly, and I could whip it up before we get to Gini's! :p LOL LOL JK Kelly, you know I love you! :) **hugs**

Did we want any burgers, hotdogs, salmon for the grill also?

Yay! Can't wait!!!

07-08-2004, 10:49 AM
I'm partial to wine too Karen, but I prefer a dry white. Once I started drinking Richard's slushies last year however ..... ;) Assuming I can stop at a store on the way I'll be picking up lemons and some plastic cups. ZOUNDS, getting close!!!

07-08-2004, 11:40 AM
Scuse me Mizz Laurie, but I think it is highly possible that both lemons and cups will be available to you when you arrive without making a grocery store run!!!

Karen, Mr. Bailey will be here.

I, like Mizz Laurie, like a dry chardonnay.

I need to get everyone's arrival time again. I will p/m you.

07-08-2004, 12:24 PM
Kelly Kountdown: 16 days!!!

07-08-2004, 02:01 PM
Slick's countdown - I leave in 14 days!!!!

07-08-2004, 05:48 PM
15 for me! :)

07-08-2004, 06:01 PM
My Mario Clone just tapped me on the shoulder and reminded me that he is rather partial to beer. And cherries, and ... oh nevermind, my guy is verrry flexable!

07-09-2004, 01:05 AM
(memo: add cherries and beer to grocery list!)

07-09-2004, 10:38 AM
You guys are killing me!!!! I am almost wishing for a meeting in Sacramento so I could find a way to come down there too, but it will not happen. :( :( :(

I know you're going to have a marvelous time!!!!! :D

07-09-2004, 11:01 AM
Oh, Logan, and how we wish that you could join us.

I know that I am really getting excited about this Second Annual!

07-09-2004, 09:25 PM
I wish you could come too, Logan. :(

Kelly Kountdown:

BBQ: 15 days

Tonya, Karen, Aaron & Tracey's arrival: 14 days

Slick's arrival: 13 days

Oh my! Its getting so close! Next week, we'll be in single digit numbers!!!

Anyone else wanna come to Disneyland? Laurie, how long will you be staying? Richard? Gini?? Rascal (you can hide in my purse)?? Mystery Guest??


07-09-2004, 09:42 PM
Oh My, 13 days??? Maybe these shaving cuts will heal by then??? :D :D

To the Mystery Guest:
How many pets do you have and what kind??

I need to make sure I have one surprise package per pet.:)

PS: I think Laurie is flying in on Sat the 24th, Laurie correct me if I'm wrong.

Gini: I don't need to pack anything "dressy" do I?

BTW: I called the airline yesterday to change my departure from LA from the 30th to the 27th. Turns out I leave LA at 9:45am.:eek: Will I make it after being in Disneyland til midnight??

07-10-2004, 04:36 PM
Correcto-mundo Slick on my arrival, Sat morn at 10:15. I'm not into doing the Disney thing so will probably leave Monday am (If Gini can put up with me that long, maybe Sunday eve). Not sure where I'm going, bro is moving the same time to Imperial Beach instead of Mission Beach where I thought he would be. But that's OK.. I've always relied on the kindness of strangers. I can't bring a bunch of stuff on the plane so treats etc will have to be limited. doG willin' and the crik don't rise I'll have a surprise or two. See ya soon By the way Gini, I've lost your phone number.. call me? Tonya, can you find a picture of Sophie for me? I want one for my "Wall of Fame". Drake, Angus and Binx are there, not to mention my own loves

07-10-2004, 08:22 PM
I was shopping at Drug Barn today and I decided to look in their pet section because they sometimes have some great deals. Well they sure did. :) Just when I thought I was finished, I saw some very cute things for all the hoomans. I think I've gone overboard on the gifts this year. Oh well, it's only once a year.:D

Everyone flying back will need to be sure to leave enough room in your suitcases for all of the goodies.:)

07-10-2004, 08:30 PM
KAK: that's very kind of you but I must admit that I wasn't planning on buying anything for the hooman crowd because I don't know any of you or your likes and dislikes.:o Not only that but financially, I just could not afford it. Instead, I will wait for the next Pet Talk Gift Exchange.

Sure hope that's OK with everyone. :o :o

07-10-2004, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by slick
KAK: that's very kind of you but I must admit that I wasn't planning on buying anything for the hooman crowd because I don't know any of you or your likes and dislikes.:o Not only that but financially, I just could not afford it. Instead, I will wait for the next Pet Talk Gift Exchange.

Sure hope that's OK with everyone. :o :o Slick, don't worry no one expects gifts. The gifts are all pet related and not really personal and very inexpensive.;)

07-10-2004, 10:31 PM
Bless you all. Most of you will have come quite a distance and at a great expense to be here..........airfare, gasoline expense, hotel expense. NO ONE EXPECTS PRESENTS ---- what is the most imporant is your presence! And that is what I am looking foward to...........a group of people who adore and love their pets, all together in my back yard!

Rascal, Annie and Emma feel the same way!

07-11-2004, 02:07 PM

Name and gender of your cones please. Thanks.

OK, I just read through all 8 pages of last year's BBQ thread. Can you tell I'm excited???:D :D :D

07-11-2004, 07:25 PM
Slick, my cone boys Klark & Kent are staying home and watching over the house. They love to play horse shoes. If I remember correctly Richards AKA is Chauncey but that was after a few of his Slushies so maybe I'm just halucinating :o Oh my gosh my golly, I'm sooo excited :D