View Full Version : Rocky's Rescue

10-30-2003, 09:25 AM
Here's a sad story with a happy ending.

My husband, on his way to work oneday, came across an injured orange tabby. He was stumbling in the middle of a road. Sopping wet, terribly under weight and in very much pain. My husband put him his truck and took him to the nearest store and got him some food and water. He showed no interest, meanwhile he called and got the number to the nearest vet. My hubby said that Rocky had managed to get a grip on a pad lock in his truck and was biting down so hard on it that he couldn't get it from him. Odd? Anyway, the vets took him in right away! Later they called us and said that they believed he had been hit by a car and suffered a major blow to the head. Hense the name Rocky. They gave us the option to take him in until we could find a home for him. I have to be honest, I wasn't really looking forward to having another pet in the house, we just have so many already. But as my husband had said "It's just until we find him a home:( ?". I told him "I think you already did." So we were able to pick him up a few days later after they gave him shots and were able to hydrate him. They were so cool about everything, they only charged us $100.00 for everything they did for him because he was not our pet. Very cool.
Well unfortunately Rocky didn't do too well in our home. He was having a hard time getting up and down stairs. We think his equilibrium was messed up because he stayed real close to the floor. Didn't care to be picked up. He bit me once, I believe it was out of fear. He was scared of our other pets. Too bad though because he was a love bug when he could get us to himself. So I called around and eventually found him a home. He needed to be in a one floor house or apartment. Friends of Animals helped us find Rocky a good home.:D

We miss you Rocky!

10-30-2003, 09:44 AM
Bless you for saving this little furbaby!!! Have fun in your new furever home Rocky!! Did you take any pictures??

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-30-2003, 10:28 AM
Awww...that was so sweet of your husband to stop and help Rocky. Sorry it didn't work out in your home, but things always work out for the best and it sounds like you found Rocky a good home where he could be happy....and level. ;) :D

10-30-2003, 10:53 AM
How wonderful that you guys helped him. I'm sure you saved his life.
I love a happy ending!

10-30-2003, 11:13 AM
Your hubby is WONDERFUL for taking this sweet little one in and caring for him! God Bless you BOTH for helping him find his forever home!:)

10-30-2003, 07:06 PM
sorry we didn't have Rocky long enough to take any pics. I wish I had. He looked REALLY BAD when he came here, he still didn't look completely recovered when he went to his new home but he had picked up atleast 2 pounds before he left. Come to think of it I imagine that he probably looks alot like the Cat Of The Day in full state of health.

I wonder how long it takes for an animal to pick up his full weight after being so malnutritioned? I know Rocky only weighed about 4 lbs. when he came here. He was only about 9 months old too.

10-30-2003, 07:09 PM
Great job helping out an animal in need! There's a special place for you in heaven!

10-30-2003, 11:27 PM
What a heartwarming story.:) I'm so glad that your husband saved Rocky and that you were able to find him a great loving and caring forever home. :)

Steffi N
10-31-2003, 12:10 PM
Thank you for saving Rocky and helping him to find the right forever home.