View Full Version : What a morning!

10-30-2001, 10:02 PM
First Rocky is fine.
20 minutes before I was to leave
for work, I went outside
to fill up the water bowls.
(Rocky had only been outside for 1/2 hour)
I noticed Rocky laying down licking his paw.
Their was blood on the cement patio.
Blood was comming from his nail.
I got the Quik stop and applied it to his
nail and it stopped bleeding.
I noticed the nail was away from the skin.
Yuck! The vet saw him at 9:00 a.m.
and said Rocky had to stay.
His nail was split all the way down to
the base.
I was worried because he had eaten his breakfast and they had to put him under to remove his nail.
Their is a hole in his paw now, but the vet
said his nail will grow back again.
Poor Rocky, the first thing he did when he
got home was pee and pee and pee.
He than bumped his head on some furniture
and almost fell twice. He is very
groggy. I have to keep him in the house
for the next 24 hours.
He is now sleeping.
Why do these thing always seem to happen
right before work. :rolleyes:

10-30-2001, 10:15 PM
Oww! I wonder how he did that? Ow! Ow! Ow! Poor guy ...

Glad he'll be okay, though.

10-30-2001, 10:19 PM
Oh, Rocky, I am so sorry you are in pain! I know you will be better soon....all paws crossed here, plus lots of prayers... :D

10-30-2001, 10:25 PM
Oh poor Rocky!! Get better quick!

10-31-2001, 12:22 AM
YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a scary morning for you!! I am so glad everything worked out okay and Rocky is on the road to recovery.

Get well soon, Rocky!

10-31-2001, 06:04 AM
Poor little Thing! It's good that he'll be o.k. :-) Another litttle thing... If he ever bleeds on his toenails again, use Cornpowder! It works MUCH beteer then quik stop.

Dixieland Dancer
10-31-2001, 09:03 AM
OUCH! Poor Rocky. Glad he is going to be okay! :D

Things always happen right before work or when you are all dressed up and ready to leave for an event for me too! Somebody's (Can't remember who) law says that's just the way it is! :(

[ October 31, 2001: Message edited by: Dixieland Dancer ]

10-31-2001, 09:13 AM
:( Poor Rocky :( I didn't know that their nails grew back after they were removed. Anyway, good luck keeping him relaxed and keeping him from using that foot too much for a few days :(

Dogs really do have a knack for doing something that requires your time right before you leave for work. About a month ago, right before work I took Graham for his last potty before I left, and he thought it might be fun to roll in something smelly :eek: . He got his wish, I had to go in late to work because I was bathing my dog so the smelly did not spread throughout the house :mad:

I hope Rocky does OK, and I hope your job understands that the dogs come first :)

10-31-2001, 09:26 AM
Aww, poor Rocky! I hope he feels better soon.

Why is it that we have had 3 Pet Talkers injured this week?

10-31-2001, 10:01 AM
Poor Rocky - we all know how awful it is to have a hangnail - this is much worse! Hope he feels better soon! :D

Funny you should mention the peeing... when we had Paula for about a month, we took her in to get probed :eek: for a possible vaginal infection. She was sedated but not put out cold. When Joe brought her home, she stood there in the living room, looked at him, and squatted to make a HUGE puddle! Then she proceeded to stumble through the house, bumping into things! She wasn't herself again until the next morning. :(

10-31-2001, 10:41 AM
Think that's what is called "Murphys Law".
Sicknesses or accidents always seem to happen
1)The humans are rushing off to work.
2)Your about to leave on a long awaited vacation trip.
3)Just because it's Friday night after 5pm,
and the Vets office won't be open till Mon.

Hope Rocky is feeling better SOON !!!

10-31-2001, 10:58 AM
Rocky, Star here. I was so upset to hear my Rocky pal was hurtin and hadda stay inna hospital and get konked out. What a hurty-ouchy that musta been Rock. :( I wuz soooo releeeved to hear you are home and startin to wake up and get better. Make sure mom helps ya get around till yer up on all 4 paws today. We love ya Rocky man. And I hopes Sheba and Pepper are beein good to their brudder :) Get well quick Rock. Love, yer pals, Star and Cody

10-31-2001, 11:43 AM
Oh Rocky, I can imagine how much that hurt. It's amazing how dogs just go on with the pain, sometimes one would never know. Our Vet told us Schnauzers are that way, they will never let you know if they are sick or in pain. Thank goodness the Vet took care of Rocky's boo boo and now he can kick back and enjoy the good life. Get better Rocky and treats, hugs and kisses to you.
Perry, Daisy and me.

10-31-2001, 11:54 AM
I hope is doing better today!!

TollSetter, What is cornpowder? I have never heard of it!!

Daisy's Mom
10-31-2001, 08:15 PM
Ouch! Poor Rocky! Wonder how he did that! I hope he heals up real soon! For now, give him plenty of treats, hugs, and kisses from us :)

Bridget and Daisy

10-31-2001, 10:38 PM
Woof Woof,
Rocky here,
I wanted to thank everyone for all
the great get well wishes.
The vet says my nail will grow back,
because he cut it down to the base.
I have a funny empty spot on
my toe now.
I get to stay in the house with Pepper,
and Sheba for a couple of more
My human mom accidently stepped
on my hurt paw and I cried. :rolleyes:
(I think I made her feel very guilty)

I have to go to sleep now so I can dream
about chasing squirels again soon.
Woof Woof and tail wags

11-05-2001, 04:01 PM
Hi ya, Rockster! Star here. Just wonderin how yer paw hooks' doin. Hope momma's been steerin clear a yer footies! Ouch!! Hope yer healin good and takin it tizzy fer a while! Well, that all fer now! Just wanted ya ta know we wuz thinkin a ya. Me and the Cody girl luvs ya, and Sheba and Pepper too, of course! Catch ya later. Love, yer pals, Star and Cody

11-05-2001, 08:37 PM
Take care of that sore paw, Rocky, so it will heal soon. Poor little fella...what a bad time you've had. And your mom, too.

I agree with lizbud about Murphy's Law explaining when these pet emergencies happen.

11-06-2001, 05:58 AM
What a scare you had! I'm glad Rocky is going to be OK. Several months ago I had to rush to the vet early in the morning before work. Bella was a young pupster and had eaten some wood chips from a tree that had been taken down in the yard. She looked as though it was stuck in her throat because she kept trying to do this sort of odd swallowing motion. I dashed to the vet and he said nothing was in her throat at the moment but to be on the watch for the wood chip on the way out. :o I was a little late for work but everyone there knows that my babies come first!

11-06-2001, 06:42 AM
Originally posted by shais_mom:
What is cornpowder? I have never heard of it!!</STRONG>

I think cornpowder would probably be corn starch (what is used for cooking).

Glad to hear Rocky came through this ordeal with no ill effects. I know it put a small scar on Mom's psyche. These incidents get the heart racing to say the least. You take care now Rocky.

[ November 06, 2001: Message edited by: RachelJ ]

karen israel
11-06-2001, 01:07 PM
Who is that Murphy person? Cause I don't like his law at all!!! If emergencies happened when you were bored at home, life would be dull and miserable :eek:
Poor Rocky! That's an ouchy!
If it makes you feel any better, my Cody ripped his dew-claw (ewww, creepy, tingly, yuck)and it bleed like crazy as I tried to catch him. Anyway, the vet said it would grow back and it did, the gory details you all can do without! So he was all wrapped up but probably felt much better than I did!!
:rolleyes: Kisses to the Rock-ster!

11-08-2001, 08:00 PM
Hi Rocky here,
Sorry I could not get back sooner,
my mommy keeps having darn computer
I am not a happy camper.
Mommy took me to the vet yesturday to
get fitted for an Elizabethan Collar.
I don't understand what the big deal is, just cause I like to lick my boo boo.
Well I guess because I keep on licking my boo boo, it is not getting any better. :(
Mommy even put a sock on my foot, but I kept taking it off, than she put some nasty tasting stuff, but I just licked that off too. hehehe
Mommy ordered some boots, so when
we go on vacation in a week I can go to.
If I do not where the boot than the vet office said I might get a nasty infection.
Ummm! Cody, did you vet put a bandage on your leg when you ripped your nail?
I wonder why my vet did not do that??
Thanks everyone, but I sure do hate
that funny collar. :(

Daisy's Mom
11-08-2001, 09:30 PM
Daisy here. Rocky I was so worried about ya! You take good care of yerself now, and stop lickin' your booboo cuz then you will get better faster. I am real glad you are okay!
Daisy and her Mom

11-10-2001, 12:16 AM
I had to take Rocky back to the vet today.
His paw looked worse and was bleeding a little. He found a way to lick his paw even
with the Elizabethian collar on.
He now has an infection and is
on antibiotics. The vet put a bandage on
his foot until Monday. Hopefully
Rocky will not lick it after I take
his bandage off, or it will be back
to the vet for him. HE was not feeling
well today, and he left a soft
present on my off white carpet.
(2nd present this week)
His paw should have healed by now. :(
IF only he would understand not to lick
his boo boo or do that scratch dance
on the lawn.

11-10-2001, 06:28 AM
Please leave your boo boo alone Rocky. You want it to get better and now you have some good medicine to help it heal much faster. Plus we all know how Moms worry and you don't want yours to be fretting over you, do you? Okay? Be a good boy now and make you know what you know where, not in the house.