View Full Version : A tramatic night!

09-26-2003, 03:47 PM
So last night my husband and I were driving home after doing some grocery shopping. We were going along a busy 4 lane road named Atherton Street or 322 Business. There in the middle of the road was a white cat just standing there...looking around like it was lost or something. I started frantically giving my hubby instructions like "pull in the middle....put on your blinkers....flash your lights!!! As I was starting to fly out of the car the cat was hit by oncoming traffic. The front tire of a truck went right over the back end of the cat and the cat ran across the street before the back wheel was able to get it.

I ran after the cat as it dove under some very nasty, prickly juniper bushes in front of the loca Dairy Queen. Some college age girls came out of the Dairy Queen just hysterical. They had seen what had happened. I wanted to just slap the one that was bawling and screaming but I calmly managed to tell her to shut up in the nicest way possible. I just can't tolerate hysterical people in a crises. All the while the poor cat is just crying and howling in pain and fear.

I started digging in the bushes and after about 10 minutes or so managed to get the cat to move the the edge of the bush. I reached under so VERY carefully and placed my hand on the back of it's neck grabbing the scruff of the neck. I reached back further and managed to slide my hand under the cats rear end and slowly slide the cat out. I was then able to scoop her up gently and started walking down the the vet hospital that was just a block away.

She never even attempted to bite or scratch at me. Even with all the pain and fear she was in. I got to the vet just as my hubby was coming out with a carrier and instructions on how to place the towel over her to pick her up just in case she had rabies. *L* That never even entered my mind. I just kept thinking calming thoughts towards the cat and confidence that I was helping her.

She turned out to be an 8 month old solid white DSH female with the most beautiful green eyes. I checked with the vet this morning and it appears as if she has a broken pelvis. She was able to pass urine this morning in the litterbox no less. But they are waiting to see if she has any further internal injuries.

I was able to get the local PAWS to give 50 dollars towards her medical care and the vet said that most of their work would be pro bono. However, PAWS can't get her in their facility for adoption for months. She is going to need 6 - 8 weeks of cage care. I found her owners in the trailer park right there where she was hit. The whole park is like walking into the movie Deliverance and it is being closed down. The residents have 90 days to get out. So they don't really want her anymore.

I would love to be able to foster her but my Deirdre just is so stressed out with all the other cats in the house I am afraid that one more is just going to undue all the hard work I have done in getting her to calm down some and quit mutilating herself. She has almost completely grown back her hair and most of the raw spots are healed.

So now I am frantically looking for a foster home for this incredibly sweet little cat.


Cinder & Smoke
09-26-2003, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by Denyce
...I wanted to just slap the one...
but I calmly managed to tell her to shut up
in the nicest way possible.
I just can't tolerate hysterical people in a crises...

Dad's been there, dun that! :p

But hey ~ Gud On Ya! :) for the fantastic Kat Rescue!! :cool:

Hope *Whitey* pulls through OK!

What about checking at the Penn State Vet School?
Maybe you could find a Vet Student that needs a "project"??

Keep us Posted.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-26-2003, 04:59 PM
Oh my! I would say that would be a traumatic night! :mad: :mad: to the truck driver that obviously could have cared less and probably took pleasure in hitting the poor thing.

Thank goodness she's doing good so far. Oh how I wish I could be of help to the sweet thing. :(

I know Jen is in PA, so maybe the organization she works with can help out.

I'm so sorry this had to happen to you, but at least someone with a cool head was there to make sure the cat was taken gently to a place that could help. Hate to think what would have happened if only the hysterical girl was there. :rolleyes:

Thank you for being so kind and caring to an unknown kitty.

K & L
09-26-2003, 05:07 PM
Oh the poor thing. You did a wonderful rescue job. Best of luck in finding the baby a home. Please keep everyone posted.

09-26-2003, 06:19 PM
Here comes a huge hug for you


Way to be level headed, loving, and quick.

09-26-2003, 09:27 PM
I'm so glad that you were able to rescue her and I sure hope that she'll be able to recover and find a great forever home. Good luck and please keep us posted. :)

09-27-2003, 06:57 AM

Great job! I'm so glad you were able to locate her. As far as her (ahem) owners are concerned...


I hope she gets well soon and finds a home that cares about her health and well being.

Keep us posted.

09-27-2003, 10:52 AM
There should be a list of people who should never own animals...like that poor cats "owners" to save any other animals from pain and suffering.:mad:

Thank God you were there to help this poor cat....keep us updated.

09-27-2003, 11:10 AM
Oh Denyce!! Again you were about 5 minutes from my house--I have to get you my number!!!!
No, I don't live in the trailer park everyone, lol!!

Anyway, I am so glad you were able to save her--and thank God Animal Medical is right there--they are great doctors--long story, but a friend of mine's cat snuck into the dryer, and had to be rushed down there late at night, and he is perfectly healthy--looking at him they weren't even sure he would make it!!

PAWS has so many cats right now, it's heartbreaking to look at their website.

How long does she have to stay in the hospital? And do they need any more donations--I would be more than happy to stop down today and give them something.

I hope a foster can be found--I know I can't do it, but I can ask around--I'll get in touch with you later today.

For now, is that where she is staying??

09-27-2003, 12:25 PM
Hi Emily and everyone,

Yes for right now she is still at the Animal Medical Hospital. It is looking better everyday that there aren't any internal injuries. So it is the broken pelvis that she needs to heal from. The people at the clinic just love her. She is such an incredibly sweet cat. They have her on IV's and a pain patch so she is comfortable and just relaxing. They also gave her a topical flea med so she probably is without fleas running across her body for the first time in a long time. I am still trying to find a foster home but I am sure it will work out.

I haven't talked to the Hospital about costs since Friday morning. At that time they said that they do a certain amount of pro bono work. I know my hubby and I are going to give some money when it is time for her to leave there. I have also received a couple of offers of donations. I will give you all more information on that when I talk further to them. I think she should be ready to be moved into a foster home by early next week.

Thank you all so much for your care and concern. Even though it was a tragic accident for her...perhaps in the long run it will end up being a very positive experience.


09-27-2003, 01:50 PM
Oh Denyce you are an angel in disguise. Bless you for coming to the rescue of this precious kitty. I'm so glad to read that she is doing well and that you were able to get her help right away.

As for her owners.:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Words cannot express how I feel about people like that.

I pray and hope that she will be placed soon in a loving forever home that she truely deserves.
Someone was watching out for this kitty that's for sure. It could have turned into such a tragedy.

09-29-2003, 01:22 PM
Continued thoughts and prayers for the little white kitty.

Such a survivor! :)