View Full Version : Pepper returned..........

L. Wayne
08-28-2003, 08:15 AM
I returned Pepper to the animal shelter yesterday, even though I had had him since Feb. 1 st.,this year. The main reason was because instead of getting better about pooping in the litterbox, he was getting worse. He would poop where ever he wanted, usually at the door threshholds, and around the litter boxes I have scattered throughout the house. I miss him, but he was causing me too much extra work in cleaning up after him, especially in the bathtub. When ever I want to take a shower, I have to clean up the kitty poops first. So, I took him back to the animal shelter yesterday. He is a very affectionate kitten, but his pooping habit was getting out of hand. I even cleaned and refilled their litter tubs the otherday, and he still did not want to use them. That is when I decided to return him, even though the others use them. I hope this is the first and the last time I have to do this sort of thing.

Yesterday, they had a little snowshoe or Himmy kitten there, which I was ready to take, but Laurie said that someone else had already claimed him. Since I volunteer my mornings at the shelter on Thursdays I'll look into exchanging Pepper for another kitten.
They also have another all black kitten there who is quite a character. I was asked to take her, because of the antics she does when any one walks by her cage. I may come back with her today.


08-28-2003, 12:40 PM
Awww....I'm sorry it didn't work out for you and Pepper. :(

08-28-2003, 01:00 PM

I'm sorry to hear about Pepper. It's sad but sometimes things just don't work out the way we'd like.

How old is Pepper?? I'm SURE you tried everything in your power to help him through his "problem". I wonder if someone from the shelter might want to work with him a little more. Cats that have "potty" problems most likely will NOT get adopted. I hope they don't euthanize him because of it.

If he's a baby, he CAN be trained. It might just be a behavioral problem. Let's hope it works out for the best.

You tried your best. That's all anyone can ask.

08-28-2003, 06:41 PM
I am sorry to hear that you had to return Pepper. That must be one of the most difficult decisions to need to make. I have thankfully not had to make that one, yet, and hope that I never will. I do agree, though, that sometimes it simply does not work out and you must do what is best for your family.

L. Wayne
08-30-2003, 04:54 PM
Pepper is about 10 months old. He is a long-haird tabby with a very affable disposition. He would get poops on his long haired tail, so back in May I took him to the vets' to get his tail shaved down. Well, that stopped the problem, but I noticed the longer I had him the worse he was getting about pooping on the floor. I still have another floor-pooper in my menagerie. I will attempt to correct which ever one is doing it. :) So, Pepper will probably be adopeted to someone who wants an outdoor cat. However, I am beginning to believe that if he were an only cat in a household, that his pooping may undergo a habit change. I believe that he requres a spotless litter tray, and someone who will keep it that way for him. But when there are so many other cats in the same house it is impossible to keep all of them from using which ever litter tray they want. I'm sure that Pepper will find another home, as AWOL does not euthanize cats, unless they have a serious personality problem, such as attacking people.


08-30-2003, 08:05 PM
It's sad to see Pepper go, but thanks so much for taking him to another no-kill shelter. We know you did your best, Wayne...sometimes things just don't work out! ;)