12-02-2001, 08:25 AM
Howdy folks and happy December.
I just had to rub this in a little seeing
that most of the time I am running around
scrabbling to get things done. While most
of you folks were snoozin (just kidding)
I stayed home (again, <sigh> ) on Saturday evening and I actually printed envelopes out
and early Sunday morning, as of right now..I have finished the Christmas card list..WOO HOO. All I need to do now is for Hoocher Smoocher and I to sign them and they are off in the mail tomorrow AM...

C'mon folks, can I at least get 1 atta-boy??
heh heh heh..

:D :D
:) :)
;) ;)
:p :p

Hope all of ya'll have a Happy Holidays!!

12-02-2001, 08:26 AM
Oh, and by the way..iffin I could
spell and type, i'd be dangerous...

12-02-2001, 08:32 AM
Augie, you are a love, and a dog smeared message from ya'll would be like money from home :D :D Hope we see you in Texas at the lovefest.. :D atta boy...atta boy :cool: :D

12-02-2001, 11:51 AM
What a show off you are. Not only do you want us to believe you are trilingual (English, Spanish, and French) but you are putting us to shame by having your Christmas cards printed already. ;) Sorry, it will be sometime before you receive mine. Please don't go cry in a corner, perhaps some of the other Pettalkers will be ready to mail their cards to you before I do.
Big hug to Hoocher Smoocher. You can tell him that the reason why he won't get greetings from Carina and I for a while is because I'm up to my ears writing "thank you" cards to the people who have sent donations to Yankee Golden Retriever Rescue, about 100 a week. And, as you well know, dogs come first!