View Full Version : My foster update

12-01-2001, 08:15 PM
My sweet baby girl Miss Priss (I changed her name to Tiger Lilly) went to her new home today. The girl who adopted her was so nice, and I sent her home with a huge bag full of presents. She said she wasn't going to leave the house all weekend because she wanted to be with Tiger Lilly :)


Founder has parvo :( She has been in her new home for almost 2 weeks now. I'm going to find out tomorrow how she is doing :(


Wiggles is happy and healthy in her new home. I didn't really foster her though, just babysat!


I am REALLY attached to a couple shelter dogs right now, one in particular. They really want me to foster her but I know if I do, there is no way I will give her back. And I need to move before I get another permanent pet. It is so heartbreaking for me when I get sooooo attached to these animals. I spend the whole day at work crying! I will post pics if I get another foster in.

12-01-2001, 09:09 PM
Aly, all of these sweet furbabies are so beautiful. I know how hard it is to get attached and then have to say goodbye. I'm sure they are all thankful for all the love you have given them. I was telling Logan how there was a Standard Schnauzer in our local county animal shelter and I wanted to adopt him so much, but cool heads prevailed and we knew Perry would never get along with this one, so I did call a girl in LoS Angeles, a Standard Schnauzer rescue and she said she would contact the shelter and that she would let me know what happened, but I haven't heard from her yet. I hope he has been adopted.

Daisy's Mom
12-01-2001, 11:03 PM
They are all so beautiful! Congratulations to Tiger Lilly and Wiggles, and good luck to Founder.

12-01-2001, 11:13 PM
Your heart must be HUMONGOUS!
Beautiful, precious babies. Hope Founder
gets healthy! paws and fingers crossed!

12-02-2001, 04:36 AM
aly, you are truly one to be admired....all the furkids you have helped lift their paws in a hi-five for you!!! my prayers go out to founder...what a precious fur baby he is!!! and congrats to all that you helped find forever homes!!!!!! the deli dog!!!! :) ;) :D