View Full Version : Pet Talk goes to TEXAS!

11-29-2001, 04:09 PM
I'm following sammi's suggestion and starting a new thread for people who are considering coming to the Lone Star State! I have a list of pet friendly hotels in the Ft. Worth area. I'm looking at a map right now to try to pick one that is convenient to get to the big cat sanctuary and any other places we may go.

I am thinking the last weekend in March may work for more people since Helen's spring break is the first week in April and Tonya's is the last week of March. (Tonya if you want to come earlier in the week or Logan if you want to stay past the weekend into the next week, I could be there the whole time!).

This is just a suggestion of course. People who are coming, post your opinions on a good time for you :)

11-29-2001, 04:30 PM
Aly, If there's a list, please put my name on it! The last weekend in March is fine with me. Actually, it's better for me if it's on a weekend.

Hee, hee, this is so exciting! :D

11-29-2001, 04:34 PM
Grrr, Motel 6 just allows one pet per room. And it says "small pet". If I can't find a hotel that allows 2 per room, would someone bringing no pets be willing to babysit one of my babies for me?

I'm trying to aim for the less expensive hotel/motels. If we can't get a group rate, maybe some people could get double rooms? Motel 6 is $36 per night. Here's some more info on what its close to:

Big Cat Sanctuary: 36.7 miles - 54 mins
Ft Worth Zoo: 12 mi.
Grapevine Mills Outlet Mall: 15 mi.

[ November 29, 2001: Message edited by: aly ]

11-29-2001, 04:41 PM
Here's a park with camping/boating/hiking/etc. It allows pets :) But they have to be on leash at all times.

And a dog park in Dallas:

11-29-2001, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by aly:
<STRONG>Grrr, Motel 6 just allows one pet per room. And it says "small pet". If I can't find a hotel that allows 2 per room, would someone bringing no pets be willing to babysit one of my babies for me?[ November 29, 2001: Message edited by: aly ]</STRONG>

If we're able to come (which we hope to) the bunny will be staying home, so one of the dogs might be able to stay with us if necessary!

So are we thinking the weekend of March 30-31? Would that work for folks?

11-29-2001, 07:49 PM
Last weekend in March sounds great...I might actually come in on a Thursday. Yay! What fun, what fun!

I wouldn't mind pet-sittin' if someone needs it.

11-30-2001, 12:01 AM
The last weekend in March sounds good. I don't think I could do the camping thing tho!! :eek: It would be nice if we got a place somewhere close to where we might get a mid-night snack if needed! :D
It might be to Aly, that we all can't stay in the same motel/hotel/campground. I gotta a feeling this group may be a loud laughing fun group and if you were not b/4 you will be by the time you head home!

11-30-2001, 12:05 AM
I should ask what the name of the town this will take place in. Is it Fort Worth? Forgot to ask. Should we bring cowboy hats (big ones of course)?
Say maybe we could get a deal on Southfork room for everybody at the ranch!!!!!
:D :eek: :D Just jokkeeeen

[ November 30, 2001: Message edited by: sammi ]

11-30-2001, 02:15 AM
Maybe they'd let us have a GREAT BIG slumber party in the lobby floor! We could talk, watch movies, chow popcorn, do each other's hair/nails/make-up...I'm sure Spencer and Paul would appreciate a great manicure/pedicure!! HA! HA! :D ;) :D

Hey girlz, can't ya pikture 'em wif kurlerz in their hair, red nailpolish on their toes? Talkz aboutz a kodak moment!

Hey Mizzer Phred...will you be joinin' us? We'll need to be sure to pack enuff kurlerz...lol ;)

11-30-2001, 05:54 AM
Aly, Aly...I can't bring my four guys so puleeeese let me babysit if you need it :D I will probably be going through dog withdrawls without a baby to sleep with (you do allow them on the bed don't you ;) I was even thinking I would have to borrow one of my daughter's dogs (she lives in North Dallas). I have a business trip to make in February to Boston but late March works. Last weekend? That ends on April Fool's day..how purrfect :D :D
laurie Hey, let's hear it from Phred & Augie..whaaaat's up wich you guys

[ November 30, 2001: Message edited by: lbaker ]

11-30-2001, 09:26 AM
I can't bring my kitty cats, so somebody's pup can room with me. No prob!

Sammi-good thinking on the midnight snack situation! ;)

11-30-2001, 11:53 AM
OK, so it sounds like Ft. Worth is the place to land/drive through. I guess we should (later on, of course) look at hotels near the airport? It would be cool if we all stayed at the same hotel.

Chuck, is there a place near the sanctuary that we can go to for lunch or dinner after or before the tour? The tour sounds great, but I'm sure we will all want to just sit down somewhere and talk at some point. Maybe we can have a picnic on the sanctuary grounds..? That might be fun if they will allow it. Maybe we can check out the price of renting a conference area at the hotel so we can have sort of a party Saturday night. I don't know about everybody else, but I'd be into hanging out that evening, too.

karen israel
11-30-2001, 12:18 PM
Unless something goes terribly wrong, count me in!!!!! I would LOVE to dog sit, if they think I'm worthy enough! But I'm an easy touch and chief spoiler so I claim no responsibility for bad behavior when you reclaim them! ME! ME! I wanna do it!!! Pick a date so I can do an early work request off (lots of competition) How exciting!
YAY! Something to look forward to! This is going to be so much FUN!!!!! :D :D :D

11-30-2001, 12:24 PM
Folks, I had a thought, and checked a calendar - that weekend (March 30-31st) is Easter weekend! Shall we move it? Will that effect anyone's planning or conflict with family gatherings?

11-30-2001, 07:27 PM
Would the weather be better in mid-March or April :confused: My daughter says if you don't like the weather in Texas, just wait 10 minutes and it will change :D :p

11-30-2001, 10:09 PM
Hmm, I forgot about Easter!! What about the first weekend in April then? The reason I picked that Easter weekend was because it was the weekend Tonya and Helen's spring breaks shared. Tonya could you make it on a weekend that wasn't in your spring break?

I guess I automatically assumed we'd all be staying in the same hotel :o If people want to find other places to stay, I can help give info on all the hotels. But I'll look into one hotel in Ft. Worth that allows pets and is near the airport. Hopefully most of us can stay there together :)

I'll let you guys wrestle over who gets to babysit. It will be for Reece because he will do better than Lolly would. She's a big freak away from her mommy ;) Ohh, and they're allowed on the bed for sure! Reece even sleeps under the covers!

Here he is sleeping with his birdie that he and Lolly like to fight over :D


11-30-2001, 10:18 PM
The first weekend in April (April 6-7) would work better for us than the March weekend prior (23-24), how about others?

4 feline house
11-30-2001, 11:00 PM
Near the airport AND takes pets - sadly, that leaves Motel 6 and Red Roof Inn (which was recently purchased by Motel 6 - the one south of the airport has already turned in to a Motel 6! Before Motel 6 took it over, Red Roof Inn was lenient on number of pets - we had three cats, and the couple in the room next door had two. That may have changed now. If anyone would be coming in on Southwest, I don't know what's around Love Field, but since it's not the best neighborhood you may not want to stay in a motel around there anyway.

Red Roof Inn - 972-929-0020

Motel 6 South Irving - 972-570-7500

Motel 6 North Irving - 972-915-3993

Motel 6 Euless - 817-545-0141

I live in the shadow of the air traffic control tower, and within walking distance of the Euless Motel 6, (and only a few miles from the others) so if anyone needs taxi service I'll be happy to oblige if I am free that weekend!

I wish I could offer my home, but I only have a two bedroom and no yard, and I don't think my four would appreciate their small territory being overtaken by any dawgs! However, if someone's motel fare is going to keep them from coming, and they are coming dog-free, and I will be happy to offer the couch, or the floor has enough room for a bedroll!

This is so exciting! Me, the shy, self-conscious, recluse is actual looking forward to this!

[ December 01, 2001: Message edited by: Leah S ]

11-30-2001, 11:03 PM
Leah - I hope you will be free so I can meet you! I guess its looking like it might be that first weekend in April if it works for everyone.

I am so excited too!!!

12-01-2001, 07:03 AM
The weekend in April is definitely better for us, but remember, I'm not at all sure that we can make it yet, so DO NOT schedule around Helen and me.

If I can make a little longer than a weekend trip out of it, and feel comfortable financially doing it, then we'll come (provided Helen's dad agrees to give her up for part of that week :eek: ). Texas was to be out next "big" vacation, and we have several other places and folks we need to see. I'm sitting here "thinking" out loud, but if all else doesn't work out for Helen to come, if I can get a cheap airline ticket and fly out for the weekend, I'll do it.

LOL! Now that I have bored you to tears, get back to planning!!

12-01-2001, 10:32 AM
I think it should be two days, the Saturday for maybe a picnic lunch or lunch somewhere, and then our big trip to the Big Cat Sanctuary, and then a gathering afterwards at the hotel, and then something else, I don't know what, but some other gathering of everyone on Sunday during the day. Those of us who are flying in would probably have to leave Sunday night, but I still think we should plan two days of stuff!

4 feline house
12-01-2001, 11:41 AM
A picnic [i]might[/] not be the best idea because spring in North Texas is a crap shoot as far as the weather goes - in fact, April is historically the rainiest day of the month.

Cinder & Smoke
12-01-2001, 12:07 PM
Dad wants to borrow our nanes for a minnit ~

You folks might want to consider being a little more distant from the airport and/or major attractions - those things drive UP all the prices. You might be able to rent a 12 passenger van all weekend for what you could save in room and meal costs.

And consider searching out a dog training facility to host and provide a FurKids Friendly place for the dawgs, kats and critters to hang out in. Our local dog training CLUB has a huge building, equipped with agility and training equipment. Possibly you could find a similar club that would rent their facility for a reasonable fee.

I'm not so sure that any motel/hotel would welcone a dozen or more doggies at the same time! Most that I've stayed at only have a few "dog rooms" - when they're filled they put up the no vacancy :( sign for additional dog familys. A smaller, family run motel might be willing to take in more critters and charge less than the major chains do.

For planning purposes - How many folks would consider bringing the 4-paw'd members of the family along for the meeting?

12-01-2001, 12:09 PM
So we "picnic" at the motel or whatever..big wup :D We will outnumber them and have a blast wherever we meet :eek: :D Aly, I have dibbs on any critter ...I will need a furkid to stave off my dogwithdrawls :rolleyes: Can't wait. And right about a mid-nite snack place..actually a beer or a glass of wine would be welcome..hedonist that I am..

4 feline house
12-01-2001, 12:47 PM
Actually, Phred, lodging prices go higher as you leave the airport, I guess becuase the airport is in the 'burbs. The Motel 6 here (which is the closest to the airport) is $34.99 before tax single occupancy, as is the one south of the airport, and the one north of the airport is $36.99 and the one on Skillman (heart of Dallas) is $39.99.

How many people are bringing dogs? I would assume that since only about 3 of us live in Texas, and I don't remember seeing that anyone lives in Oklahoma, Arkansas or Louisiana, (oops! I can't say that for sure since I don't know most of the dog people!)that almost everyone will be flying. Will that many people be flying with their dogs?

Cinder & Smoke
12-01-2001, 12:58 PM
Dad sez Wow! Rent-a-beds a cheap in Texas!

Around here (eastern Ohio - P-burgh) a "cheap" night is $50; and the chains like to get $60-$100 to borrow a pillow for a night.

4 feline house
12-01-2001, 01:29 PM
You know what I just though of, we need enough people with cars, either residents, fliers in rent-a-cars, or visitors driving, to take the gang around! Boyd is about 30 miles from my house (using me as a reference point since it still has not been established where anyone is staying). That's too far for a taxi, and a van all day can get pretty expensive! But I'll be happy to look into that, if people feel that might be the best way to go.

If not, I have an Escort, so I could volunteer three or four seats.

As for the midnight snacking, we have plenty of Jack-in-the-Boxes, Whataburgers, IHOPS and Denny's around, and there is a 7-11 or Stop-N-Go on virtually every corner! The beer and wine.....well, this is the bible belt - you can't even buy wine in Euless! When I lived in Irving you couldn't there, either. But you can buy beer in nearly every town 'til 2:00 am!

My son's soccer season generally starts the last week in March/first week in April, so I may not be able to make the entire weekend, but of course since I'm local that won't be much of a problem. Even so, he's certainly old enough by now to understand that his mommy doesn't need to be at every game!

12-02-2001, 08:22 AM
I guess I'll be flying in & probably be renting a car 'cause I will be spending some time with my daughter and grandson in McKinney (north Dallas area). Can't bring my dogs..would not put them through the plane trauma for just a few days. I would be happy to pick up and/or drive folks to and from airport etc. Would offer to share a room with someone but a confession here :o I am a smoker :( and know that may make me persona non grata with most...ces't la vie Don't hate me for that..I'm really a nice person :p

12-02-2001, 01:38 PM
As I mentioned before, we'd be flying in, and the bunny would be staying home, being a guard-bunny. We'll probably rent a car, too.

12-02-2001, 02:09 PM
Okay, I'm way out of the link here, but, if I'm understanding you correctly, there's a Pet Talk Con(vention) going on in Texas next year? Wow. You might want to check with whoever puts on any major dog shows in the area as to what hotels/motels they work with as far as "pet friendly", but be aware, most places don't like you to leave the pets in the room during the day when you're gone. Have you asked about convention rates on the rooms? I mean, geez, you get 30-40 people there and that's probably more than they'd get that weekend unless something big is going on. We used to get blocks of rooms for the science fiction cons I used to attend and had one set up as the "con suite" with sodas, snackies, etc. where everyone could gather to chat and munch all night long if they wanted to. You'd just need some coolers & ice to keep the sodas cold, maybe a coffee pot and cups, etc. Everyone that is coming could contribute a couple of dollars toward it (say $5.00/person should cover the cost of the room and most of the munchies/drinks).

Don't know if I can come since I don't know where I'll be working at the time -- I don't intend to stay at Toshiba, if I can help it. We probably won't be working much in that season, so funds would be real tight, but I'd be willing to help support a con if I can get lots of reports on how it goes. :)

4 feline house
12-02-2001, 05:01 PM
My son and I were discussing the very same issue that ktreva just brought up. People are bringing their dogs. People want to go to the Big Cat Sanctuary. Guess what, folks, the two are incompatible! So are all the other activities I've seen mentioned so far - Grapeving Mills, Fort Worth Zoo, lunch - I think it's time to decide just what kind of get together this is going to be, because ktreva is right - even if everyone can find a room that allows their dogs, the dogs will not be allowed in the room alone. At best, you will be required to keep it crated. So our activities are going to have to be pet-friendly (which leaves out everything, I guess, except a picnic), or everyone will have to reluctantly be resigned to the fact that this get together is for the Pet Talkers, not the Pets. Sorry to be a wet blanket! Me, personally, well, I already have seen lots and lots of pics of everyones' pets, and heard lots and lots of stories, but the Pet Talkers are all still total mysteries to me! Anyway, just my two cents, by maybe something to think about. I say all this with trepidation because I know some people have already mentioned they won't come without their dogs, and I certainly don't want to exclude them.

12-02-2001, 07:18 PM
I'm an ocean away Down Under in Australia. But I'll be able to go to Texas in late March...I can drive there by car & stay in a hotel room for $20 per night.

Unfortunately, it's not YOUR Texas but OUR Texas. Texas is the name of a town in my state of Queensland. It's actually in the middle of a wonderful area to visit...& one of the activities is going on a camel safari.
Texas is in the middle of farming & grazing land where everybody travels with an Australian Cattle Dog or a Border Collie or a Kelpie in the back of their ute (pick-up). So I think the hotel-motel would have accommodation for dogs.
Go to: http://seq.worldtourism.com.au/RoyalHotelTexas/
And if I drive 1 hr north along the coast before turning south-west to Texas, I can visit the real home of the Crocodile Man that you see on TV. Don't think I'll take the dogs in there!
But, seriously, I hope you all figure out plans for a wonderful visit to YOUR Texas.
Marie :)

12-02-2001, 07:56 PM
I actually can't think of anyone who is bringing their dog(s) except me. Did I forget someone? (sorry have a bad headache). Anyway, I'd have no problems staying behind during the day activities to babysit my dogs and anyone else's who come. I would be reluctant to leave them alone in a hotel anyway. I would hate for a maid to let them out or something. I shudder just thinking of it. Ugh ugh ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and as far as the car thing, I will have mine there (its a Camry) which can seat 3-4 other people. Probably 2-3 if the dogs are in there too.

12-02-2001, 08:19 PM
*If* I am able to go, I will more than likely be driving. I have a Sentra & it will seat the same as aly's (approx. 4 passengers). Pet hair is OK if anyone else is traveling with their animals. ;)

(I am a non-smoker for those who have sensitive noses.)

re: the pets--I would love to see everyone's pets but I also realize that it would be nearly impossible to take them to the zoo, etc. Sooo, for those who aren't traveling with pets...

BRING LOTS AND LOTS OF PICS! It's no secret PetTalkers love pics! We could devote an entire afternoon/evening to just sittin' around gettin' to know each other and sharing pics.

IF PICS AREN'T ENOUGH, BRING A VIDEO! Someone could bring a vcr (or we could rent one). Show us the land, your home, your pets, your kids, your neighbor, your neighbor's pets....whatever! Have fun with it!

Spencer I have a video-cam too...anyone else? Hmm...video 'conferencing' anyone?!

[ December 02, 2001: Message edited by: zippy-kat ]

12-02-2001, 08:26 PM
I don't want to stop people from doing what they want if I have my dogs with me. I had just thought people would like to see them. Why don't we put it this way: if you bring your pet(s), its understood that you may not be able to do the non-pet friendly events with the group.

If most people don't want me to bring my dogs, then I won't. It will just be awfully hard to spend nights away from them.

12-02-2001, 08:46 PM
I'll just go with the flow on what to do :)

12-02-2001, 08:48 PM
Uh-oh . . . the magic words "vegetarian restaurant" are a temptation, so maybe I can seriously consider making the journey to meet everyone . . . !! :cool:

12-02-2001, 08:54 PM
Aly, I would love to meet Reece man and Lolly girl. I know how attached you are to them and I would love for you to bring them. However, I would feel reeeeaaaalllly guilty leaving you behind if we went somewhere. If you brought them and went with to the Cat Sanctuary, would Lolly handle the separation ok? I just want you to know that I support any decision you make--I know you will choose what is right for you and your babies! ;)

12-02-2001, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by aly:
<STRONG>I'll just go with the flow on what to do :)</STRONG>

We'd love to meet your dogs, but don't let that limit you. How far from where will will be are you? Know anyone who could dog-sit during the afternoon Saturday so you could come to the Big Cat Sanctuary with us?

12-02-2001, 10:53 PM
Well I have an ex-boyfriend in that area, but I don't think I want him with my dogs! I live about 3 hours away from Ft. Worth so don't really know too many people there. I could look into some doggy day care businesses. I do know some rescue groups in the area, so maybe they could give me some info on someplace that could dogsit.

I don't want to disrupt any plans and I really wouldn't mind staying behind with them. BUT I would also like to spend time with you guys!

Decisions, decisions.

12-02-2001, 11:55 PM
First off we will be flying (my husband is going with me) so we will rent a car so would have room for 2-3people if they need a ride. I guess I had in my mind that we would spend most of the weekend visiting together and any extra sightseeing would be a bonus. I would like to see some of the main attractions.
If we could get a rough idea who really plans on going - to get a head count. I would think one of the motels would be somewhat more lax re: pets. That would be a really good idea to have a ? comfort room so we would have a place to gather. (like what Spencer suggested). Most places have different rooms you can rent for hospitality & if we had enough people and we each pitched in a few bucks that would cover it. I also read on motel 6 web site that they are somwhat lenient about dogs regarding the weight factor. I am sure we all wouldn't want to see the same things so a few could doggie sit. :eek:
and maybe for one meal we could have it delivered or catered. This is just some things I thought about. It is going to be alot of work thats for sure but it will work out!!!!

[ December 03, 2001: Message edited by: sammi ]

12-03-2001, 12:13 AM
Aly, is this about who is intrested at this time to go? This just a rough idea of who MAY go.

Sammi +1
?Logan ?Helen (won't take ya off the list yet)
Karen & Paul
? jackie
[ December 03, 2001: Message edited by: sammi ]

[ December 03, 2001: Message edited by: sammi ]

[ December 03, 2001: Message edited by: sammi ]

[ December 03, 2001: Message edited by: sammi ]

12-03-2001, 06:02 AM
Gee, I missed so much. Computer down constantly.
Aly, no Problem, I would love to Dogsit. So bring them please. Since I do like to meet everyone, my son and daughter-in-law can keep them during that time. They have four friendly Dogs and a big Yard. I can always go to the cat sanctuary. The Dogs and I could have fun going to the Park.

12-03-2001, 09:52 AM
Aly, I am LOL, can see the future for you just like me, "I DON'T GO ANYWHERE WITHOUT MY DAISY AND PERRY" HA HA. Our family looks at me like I'm crazy.
I would love to meet all of you and I could get Don to stay with our pups and go with my daughter-in-law but don't know if I could walk into an airplane, and the drive would be too much for me and I would be happy to stay with Aly, no long walking for me, bad hips. Just make your plans, if it sounds feasible I might go. It's a long way off for me so will see what happens.

12-03-2001, 10:01 AM
Helen and I put our heads together last night, and looked at the calandar. In January, we are taking a trip with Helen's Challenge Group from school for 4 days to Florida to go to Space Camp. As a chaperone, I have to not only pay for Helen's trip, but mine as well. There's at least$1,000 down the drain, plus time off from work. Then in February, Helen will be a member of the All State Elementary Chorus (a real honor for her), and again a 4 day trip will be required. That's lodging, uniform, food, etc in Charleston, SC, plus two more days off of work.

The more I consider the expenses, and my "dream trip" to Texas, as fun as it would be, I don't see a way for either of us to make this trip in April. I still intend to bring her to Texas, but I need to do it when I can plan out a whole week long trip.

I felt I needed to say something quickly, since I actually saw my name on a list a few posts back, and all along, I have been unsure whether I could make this work.

We will so miss meeting all of you on this trip, but still hope to meet you all at some point or another in the future. I know you will have a wonderful time, as we have had meeting our "cyber" friends on several occasions.

Thanks in advance for understanding my dilemma. :)

12-03-2001, 10:26 AM
I also want to go. So you can add me to the list. I will probably be driving over.... have a 2 door car but room for 4 people. I won't be bringing my dogs so I can haul dogs or people and babysit!!! :D!

12-03-2001, 11:08 AM
Sorry, Ernie, no go this time. And it might be a blessing that I don't meet you on this trip since I am such a sucker for you "Bad Boys"!! But when we come on our Texas trip, and we will come in 2002 if we can work it out, we definitely want to meet the whole gang! Hope you'll let us in and not beat us up too bad! :D :D It really is timing more than money right now. I have committed to lots of things, and need to work and make some more money before committing to anymore!!! Commission is wonderful, when you're making it! :p

PS. Ernie, we put up our Christmas tree yesterday, decorations and everything.....Day 1 and Day 2, so far, so good! Butter hasn't even noticed it yet. Just 22 days to go! :eek:

[ December 03, 2001: Message edited by: Logan ]

12-03-2001, 06:59 PM
Sounds like you guys are going to have a blast! I was just thinking of some way that some of you could brings the "kids" and still participate in some other activities. At my kennel, we have a lot of "day boarders" that provide comfortable accomodations and exercise for the dogs of working parents or vacationers and daytrippers. Since your trip is months away, perhpas someone in the area could research and visit some local kennels that offer day boarding? It usually is not too expensive. We charge 10.00 a day. You have plenty of time to make a reservation! That way, for one afternoon and perhaps an evening (most kennels provide for evening departures) you guys could go to the cat sanctuary, have a dinner or such. Just a thought!

[ December 03, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

12-03-2001, 09:08 PM
Logan - I'm so sorry we won't be able to see you. Be sure to let me know when you do come to Texas though. I'd love to meet you and Helen.

Jackie - I'm so glad there's a chance of you coming!!

Auggie - your son wouldn't mind watching my dogs for a little while if needed? I'd hate to put him out.

Angel - I'm so glad you're still going to be able to come!!

Sammi - I think your list is pretty accurate with the exception of adding Angel and maybe Jackie, and taking Logan off.

12-03-2001, 09:32 PM
Ok, I've got a question...would it be in any way possible to do it the wkend *before* easter? That would be March 22, 23, & 24 (Friday, Saturday, Sunday).

Would that work for anyone or should we keep it at the April date?

12-03-2001, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat:
<STRONG>Ok, I've got a question...would it be in any way possible to do it the wkend *before* easter? That would be March 22, 23, & 24 (Friday, Saturday, Sunday).

Would that work for anyone or should we keep it at the April date?</STRONG>

That weekend (March 22, 23, & 24) would not work for me at all.

12-03-2001, 10:20 PM
Okie doke, stick to the April date! :)

12-03-2001, 10:53 PM
Do you think you will be able to make it Tonya?

12-03-2001, 11:28 PM
I don't know. It's beginning to look a bit doubtful. :(

I'll have to check ticket prices. If I can't fly I might have to talk to the prof's once next semester begins...maybe I can 'pre-arrange' some sick days.

12-04-2001, 05:45 AM
Logan, to bad. I was so looking forward meeting you and Helen.
Zippy, I hope you can still make it.
Aly, absolutely no problem. They dogsit all the time, and the 4 Dogs(Corgi, Boxer and 2 Mutts) are very sweet and get along great with other Dogs. Of course I would love to babysit Reece and Lolly myself.

12-04-2001, 10:53 AM
Great! They are coming then!!! THANKS AUGGIE!! :D :D

Tonya - I REALLY hope you can make it.

12-04-2001, 11:24 AM
Logan- :( I really wish you and Helen could make it! We will be sure to take LOTS of pictures to share with you.

Tonya- :( I REALLY hope you're still able to make it! I'll keep my fingers crossed that you're able to work out a schedule.

Jackie- :) It would be great if you could come!

lbaker-Whew! I'm sure glad I'm not going to be the only persona non grata there! ;)

Everyone - I'll be flying in and, since I don't drive ( :eek: ), I'll accept a seat in someone's car when we go on outings. My car is the #7 train, but I unfortunately can't bring it. ;)

12-04-2001, 12:02 PM
I sure wish I could go :( We just don't have the money though :(

I hope you take tons of pics...Aly I sure would have loved to meet Reece, maybe if there's a reunion in MI you can come and bring the little Reece man and Lolly? :)

[ December 04, 2001: Message edited by: AdoreMyDogs ]

12-04-2001, 07:01 PM
Wish I could come, but since I have to travel with the dogs (no one to watch them here) and Shiloh doesn't LIKE anything but boy dogs (she's a hussy -- what can I say???) and since I don't know where I'll be working at the time (it ain't gonna be Toshiba) -- I will wish you all a great time and expect to see LOTSSSSSSSS of pix (now that I CAN see them). If y'all decide to come to Middle Tennessee, we'll see what can be done here for entertainment and doggie thingies.

12-04-2001, 07:51 PM
Oh, Jackie, I do hope you can come! When the time gets closer, I'll try to talk you out of being afraid to step on an airplane! And everyone keep an eye on any airfare emails they get for great rates from San Diego to Texas!

12-04-2001, 08:59 PM
And from Portland to Texas.

12-05-2001, 09:40 AM
Karen, As long as Don was with the pups, I don't worry, he loves them just like I do, my daughter said she would love to take some time off of work, she is a corporate trainer, I think it is such a short hop from here to Texas, I may be able to talk myself into flying, just depends on my health, I'm fine now, looks like I'm talking myself into it. LOL

12-05-2001, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by Karen:
<STRONG>And everyone keep an eye on any airfare emails they get for great rates from San Diego to Texas!</STRONG>

Also El Paso to Dallas or Lubbock to Dallas, please!