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Dixie Belle
11-29-2001, 11:13 AM
I was coming home from work last night around 12.30 a.m. The car went off the road a little, so I carefully pulled it back on. Next thing I knew it was out of control. My driver side door took out two pine trees. The car then spun and hit a light pole. It is totaled. But I am okay. But I shouldn't be. The rescue workers couldn't believe that I walked out of it. Most of them stood in shock when they first saw the car. If it had worked a little different...if I had not been wearing my seat belt...if the air bags had not worked...as it is I have bruises from the seat belt and the air bag. One of the pine trees hit me on my arm and bruised it. And I have a huge knot on my temple that we are unsure how I got it. I plan on taking pictures of the car, and I probably will post them. Everyone that saw that car made the statement "Someone was watching over you. You are very blessed."

11-29-2001, 11:19 AM
OMG Dixie - thank god you're OK - that must have been a terrible experience for you. It's horribly slick and snowy here also. In fact today it's sleeting and snowing and I know my commute will be really tricky, but I'm so very glad you made it out of that one. Guardian Angles on your solder for sure!!! God Bless You!!!

11-29-2001, 11:25 AM
Oh Dixie Belle! Thank God you were not hurt in that accident. You are right, somebody up there was looking for you to keep you safe. Take care of yourself and make sure that whatever bruises you have are nothing more than that. Sorry about the car, but that is something that can be replaced.

11-29-2001, 11:25 AM
Thank goodness your ok. Someone was watching over you for sure. Glad your not hurt but,sorry about the car. That is a very frighting experience to loose control on icy roads.
It is very icy here in areas. Take care.

11-29-2001, 11:41 AM
Cheryl!! What a frightening experience for you!!

I sure am glad that you're ok. The bruises will heal and all those precious pups and other creatures, plus your husband, and of course your friends (I mean us!) still have you around!

Be careful!!! And heal quickly. You must be "livin right" to have those angels watching over you like that. :)

11-29-2001, 12:11 PM
Cheryl I'm glad that it was the car that was hurt bad and not you! :eek: I have had a couple of surprises on slick icy roads myself but thank God no accidents. The weather all of the country is very strange lately. Here in the northeast we are having a high of 60-64 today. I just pooper scooped the back yard and didn't even have to wear a coat! You take care of yourself and rest up.

11-29-2001, 12:40 PM
Dixie Belle, I am glad that you are OK. You are very fortunate to have come out unharmed. From the sounds of itm it was a pretty bad wreck.

Thank God you are ok!

11-29-2001, 01:04 PM
OMG Dixie Belle! That is so scary. I'm so glad you are okay. :)

11-29-2001, 01:12 PM
How scary! I'm so glad you're ok.

11-29-2001, 01:31 PM
Oh Cheryl!!!! WOW! I am so so so happy that you are okay. Everyone is right, you are blessed. That little angel took care of you. Things always happen for a reason..... please take care, relax and heal. My prayers are with you. Gosh, I am just so glad you are okay.

11-29-2001, 01:49 PM
Thank God you are ok! Sounds awful! And in my line of work I see alot of people that come in that aren't so lucky.

Sat night my 20 year old cousin almost totalled his car. He was driving down the road and some power lines were down and he hit the brakes and slid and went down both ditches and when he finally stopped the electric lines were on his car. He sat there for about 15 min and finally got out of the car. He called his dad, and he is ok didn't get hurt at all. He also had an angel on his shoulder. Maybe her name was Shaianne. I would like to think she was Dixie's Angel also. :)

11-29-2001, 01:53 PM
Prayers of gratitude going up tonight for the safe keeping of one of our own.

11-29-2001, 01:53 PM
I am so glad that you are alright. that must have been realy scary!

11-29-2001, 02:30 PM
For certain it must have been a heavenly, spirit that "steered" you through this near fatal disaster. Could it be a angel with fur?? I'm so relieved to hear that you are OK!! How very frightening for you! And while I'm sorry for the vehicle being totaled, cars can be replaced...you can't! Rest up and take it easy for a few days!

11-29-2001, 06:17 PM
Oh my gosh is that scary! I am SO glad the outcome was good...someone was watching over you, that's for darn sure!

I gasped when I was reading your description. Very terrifying.

Again, I am SO glad you did not get badly hurt. Thank God!

11-29-2001, 06:23 PM
I'm thankful you were watched over and are here to tell us you are ok!! ::Huggs to you::

Daisy's Mom
11-29-2001, 07:18 PM
I am so glad you're okay! With the icy season coming up, everyone, please be careful!

11-29-2001, 07:51 PM
I'm soooo glad you are ok!

11-29-2001, 08:25 PM
Oh Cheyrl!!!! :eek: That must have been really scary! :( I'm SO glad that you are ok, though! ;)

Hugs & kisses,
Sarah & Sadie*

11-29-2001, 09:18 PM
Cheryl, im am so glad you are ok... accidents weither im in it or not make me cringe.
It must be the week of cars to mess up or car accidents. My brother's girlfriends younger brother got in a car accident the other night but it was his fault. He was driving recklessly and was out past his curfue (the one inforced by the state for kids his age) and well he ran down a whole row a chain linked fence and into some guys yard. He turned out ok, but not when his parents heard!
Then on sunday, my brother's girlfriends truck wouldn't accellerate as we were going to the HUMANE SOCIETY well anyways.. we were in the middle lane to go straight, and it just wouldn't go... we pulled over in the left hand turning lane and just stopped. After THREE cop cars passed us, one finally stopped. At that time we were on the phone with the tow truck guy, the officer told us to idle over to the other side of the road onto the side.my dad finally gets there befor the tow truck and he gets it started but we get it towed to the dealership (which my brother and his g/f live right across the street from) just for they can take a look at it. It was crazy.. so now their family is down to only 1 car, in which her dad,mom,one of her younger brothers, and her all work, and she goes to school. So they ended up not keeping the truck at the dealership and just driving it. cRAZY STUFF!
once again im glad your ok Cheryl.

11-29-2001, 10:19 PM
Oh, Cheryl!! I'm so glad you are ok. Someone was watching over you for sure to walk away from that mess!!! My daughter had an accident that she should not have walked away from, too. She was driving an Escort and was hit by a semi that ran a red light traveling at least 50mph. She was making a left turn at the light and the truck plowed into the passenger side right after the door. She spun around and miraculously no cars were coming. The impact bent the entire frame and dislodged the driver's seat. She and her b/f (in the passenger seat) walked away uninjured. Someone was watching over her that day, too.
I am so glad that you're ok!! {{{{{hug}}}}}

11-30-2001, 09:17 AM
I am so glad that you are okay. Thank God for the miracles that he performs!!!!!

11-30-2001, 09:29 PM
How scary, Boy! you sure did have
a angel looking over your shoulder
that day.
Glad you 100% ok.

12-02-2001, 04:39 AM
dixie, i am sorry that i saw your post so late!!! i am glad that you are o.k. and nothing serious happened to you!!!!(cars can be replaced!!!) go hug your furkids...they will make you feel better!!!! deli and i are saying a prayer for you!!!!