View Full Version : Thank you for your prayers - Zack will be home soon

11-29-2001, 08:56 AM
Logan gave me the this link in her email - I was just speechless. I am very touched by your prayers for my darling Zack - you dont even know us at all.
prayers from you and people in golden retreiver websit meant so much too me, that is the reason why Zack could be home with me tonight.
Only thing I could do to payback everything you have done is take a very good care of Zack, make sure he has a very long , healthy and happy life with us.
I will post some Zack's 'home coming ' pictures tomorrow for you
but now i have to go back to work so that I will have a paycheck pay Zack's bill : :)))
thank you sooooooooo much, have a great day.

11-29-2001, 09:26 AM
Quanzhan, thanks for checking in with us and giving us the update for your special boy. I know from experience how scary it is when your baby is having problems, especially when you aren't sure what is wrong. Zack got him a good Mama though, the best kind! That will see him through a lot of difficulties. I bet he knows how much he is loved.

11-29-2001, 09:36 AM
Quanzhan, Zack is lucky to have been rescued by you. You have already done so much for him, and that is so very wonderful.

Zack is such a handsome dog, he's going to look like a king when gets his hair back, too! His rescue story was very touching and I am amazed at how beautiful he is. I wish you all good things with Zack. I hope his 2nd heartworm treatment goes smoothly and he only gets better by the day. I wish him and you a long, happy life together.

11-29-2001, 11:50 AM
Welcome to this board Quanzhan, and thank you for letting us know that Zack is home and feeling better. He is a most beautiful Golden and I'm sure he will return all the love and care you have lavished on him. Have a long and healthy life together. Give him a big hug from me.

11-29-2001, 01:34 PM
You know I'm glad you're here! The message thread that I posted was under Dog Rescue.
And, if you need help posting pictures here (it is a little different), let us know, and one of us will be glad to help you.
Can't wait to hear about Zack's homecoming!!! :D


11-29-2001, 02:34 PM
Through Logan, we have all had the privilege of meeting, and coming to know and love beautiful Zack, and his VERY special mother! No doubt Zack will come to learn the true meaning of a loving, devoted and most caring Mom and forever, EVER home! Can't wait to see pictures of you both and hear about the happy homecoming! Please give Zack many, many hugs and kisses from all of his Pet Talk pals, humans and furry!

11-29-2001, 03:18 PM
Welcome and thank you for the great news!
We are looking foward to the pictures!
Give Zack a big hug from us.

11-29-2001, 03:25 PM
Yippee! I am glad that Zack will be coming home soon. I can not wait to see the pictures.

Good Luck!

11-29-2001, 03:39 PM
Quanzhan - I am so happy you made it through the difficult time and will have your boy home tonight!! Please keep us posted and let us know how he is doing. I know he will be great when he is at home with his humans. I can't wait for the pictures :)

11-29-2001, 03:53 PM
Quanzhan, first of all welcome, we are so glad to have you become one of us animal lovers here at Pet Talk. I am so happy that Zack will be home with his Momma where he belongs. It was so heartwarming to hear how you adopted him and I know he will be grateful and give you love forever. Can't wait to see the pictures. Hugs and kisses to Zack from Miss Daisy, Perry and me.

Daisy's Mom
11-29-2001, 09:01 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk! We are a bunch of very caring, pet-loving people, and so when we heard of your beautiful baby in heed, we all stepped in with our prayers. Thank God they worked! We are glad to have you and Zack aboard with us, and even more glad that he is home, safe and sound! Please keep us posted!

11-30-2001, 09:05 AM
You and Zack are burning a hole in my brain this morning! I hope the homecoming was happy, and that Zack is resting comfortably in your home this morning.
Update us when you can.

11-30-2001, 11:47 AM
Poor Quanzhan, another lady and I were the "worrywarts" over at Golden Retriever, so she finally let us know he is home!! Here's her message....

" sorry, everyone, for being LATE (try to solve some issues at work)! but first off all, I left home at 9 this morning, Zack is fine and he is home.
Here is the detailed update
I was told to come to pick up Zack at 6PM instead of 5PM. I got the chance to talk to the specialist. He told me that until he got all Zack's test results - culture (for bactira) and tumor test, he can't say Zack is 100% OK with his nose. But he personally pretty sure Zack should be OK. If they do not get any bad news from the lab (all results will come back next Tuesday), we should go ahead schedule Zack's HW treatment phase II.
We were all so happy to see Zack when he dragged that assistant to us, and his hair on the legs are coming back, but he look little thinner than before. My daughter kept saying he is so beautiful - that was everybody keep telling me in hospital (like I dont know :)). We just so happy that big old Zack is OK!
It was over 7pm when we were finally home. Zack had a lot of treat before dinner, he was really busy making marks last night - he was not sleep very tight, though, he kept checking on us, up and down (my husband went to bed around 2am). And I could not sleep at night very well, because each time I heard him licking (legs, etc...) I thought he was bleeding again. So I took him for a little walk at 4AM. it was so comfortable outside, we were just sitting there, breathing the cool air (not so cool - we are having a 75 degree here today, i have all the windows open last night). it was so nice to have him home again..
We took a little walk in the morning in the park.
Doc said, he does not need any medication right now. His blood work shows he is fine even after all those blood loss. He needs to have limited activities because the HW treatment.
OK, I will get some picture during the lunch hour.
thanks for caring us soooooooo much. "

11-30-2001, 06:37 PM
Even the non-doggie people here at PetTalk are doing the happy dance to know that Zack had such a good report! :) :) :)

Welcome Quanzhan! How wonderful that you care so much for Zack!

Daisy's Mom
12-02-2001, 12:25 AM