View Full Version : Some "people"

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-13-2003, 01:34 AM
Here is the latest quote from our sanctuary owner.......

"To the *&^%$£ who threw a very pretty kitten over the sanctuary wall - thanks very much, but we would have preferred that you hadn't cut it's head off first"

I have been sick to my stomch since hearing about it. Fortunately I was lucky not to have seen it, unlike our sanctaury manager, Jackie who arrives first in the morning.

Sometimes I think it would be easier on myself if I just turned a blind eye like most other people seem to do. Every day I have arguments with people who criticise me for caring for animals when there are people in need of care. I maintain that it is my right to decide which charities to donate my money and time to, and no-one has the right to question this. I DO donate monthly amounts to some childrens and AIDS charities back in South Africa, but I will admit that my focus here in Bahrain has been very much on the animals.

What I do not understand is the mentality that causes people to be cruel to animals. If you don't like them, that's FINE, just leave them alone for goodness sake!!!

The irony is that if the culprits in the kitten case were ever caught (and they WON'T be - this didn't even make the newspapers!), they would get a $50 fine - that is the maximum punishment for animal abuse. Quite ironic when you consider that the royal family over here spends thousands of dollars each year on pedigree racehorses, but our ONLY shelter survives on donations, and receives no government assistance.

Sorry for the long post - I really needed to vent!

08-13-2003, 03:05 AM
I am afraid these "people" exist in any nation. (And it makes it difficult to accept life at all to know that some of the people you meet on the street are capable to do things like that to animals and humans!)

However there may be some specific problems in muslimic countries.

I know a lady who runs a dog and cat sanctuary in Malaysia (she's Australian). She says that with the cats it's still more or less ok in the muslimic country but she has a huge problem with the dogs. She can't get employees of Malay origin to help her because they cannot get in contact with the saliva or poop of the dogs. So she has to look for other ethnies.....

How people treat animals is strongly influenced by how they live themselves. The Chinese traditionally do not treat animals well ( and still kill too many species for food and medicine -especially in South East Asia) but in Singapore we now met Chinese people who have founded a cat rescue organisation.

So I hope that education will help to slowly improve the situation where you live -but it will never extinct the psychopaths I'm afraid.

08-13-2003, 05:26 AM
It's equally upsetting everytime you come across stories like this. :( :( :( It's so sick, and it goes on all over the world. I'm not quite sure what makes some people do things like this, but if it's in their genes, I hope none of them will have children too pass on such evil behaviour!!! Some may say that they've had a hard time earlier in their lives, but there is absolutely no reason to take it out on defenseless animals - or children for that matter!

I better not write here what I think should happen to these animal molesters. :mad:

08-13-2003, 06:16 AM
:mad: and :( all at the same time.

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-13-2003, 06:38 AM
I suppose the thing that really upset me about this incident was that it was a deliberate effort to hurt and upset the people who work at the sanctuary. We see enough sadness to make us sick every day, without people going out of their way to create even more.

All I can say is, that one day they will stand before their Maker, and they will be called on to answer for their actions. I lose all my powers of forgivnesss with these sickos - sometimes it makes me believe in "an eye for an eye".

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-13-2003, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by Ally Cat's Mommy
All I can say is, that one day they will stand before their Maker, and they will be called on to answer for their actions.
This is what has to keep you going, and knowing that for every one treated like that poor kitten :( there are many more that are living wonderful lives due to you and the shelter and the wonderful people that you are. It's hard to think of all the good things you have done when you see something like this, but, in my opinion, you cannot dwell on the hate and cruelty in the world, but instead, try and do your best to help those you can - to bring some good to the world.

It's like that quote, but I forgot whose quote it is, and I'm not sure of how exact this is, but it's something like "Be the change in the world you wish to see."

You and the shelter are doing that by helping where, when and how you can. And that's all anyone can ask of you. :)

08-13-2003, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by Ally Cat's Mommy
Every day I have arguments with people who criticise me for caring for animals when there are people in need of care.

These people actually never care/donate for anything...
Everyone who tries to make the world a better place should be appreciated, but instead people often accuse you caring for the wrong...I just don't listen to them anymore...the thing is TO HELP and it doesn't matter for whom you take responsibility, it's a matter of just opening your heart to help!

And to the psychologically sick creature, that tornamented that poor kitten...I'm sure one day he will have to answer for this!!!

08-13-2003, 12:35 PM
Ally Cats Mommy,

All I can say is, that one day they will stand before their Maker, and they will be called on to answer for their actions.

It's called KARMA and I believe in it. What goes around, comes around.

Russian Blue
08-13-2003, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by moosmom
Ally Cats Mommy,

It's called KARMA and I believe in it. What goes around, comes around.

I totally agree with moosmom. It is a horrible act and it is horrible that in today's society cruel and inhumane acts against animals do not get the penalties they deserve.

There is much evil in this world, and you have to make a conscious choice whether to allow the 'evil' people to eat away at you. I think with every act like this, these evil people are doing themselves in. Since with every act, the anger and hate is growing in the populations and soon national laws and society willl force an end to such cruelty.

In the meantime, do as much as you can to help the subjects of this cruely by contributing your time, your compassion, and possibly your donations to strengthen the cause.

This 'person' wanted you to feel ill, to hit you in the heart. The best way to fight this is through positive acts to combat the cruel ones.

08-13-2003, 04:14 PM
I agree Moosmom,

What goes around DOES come around.

There are definatatly sick people everywhere.

The sickest thing I ever witnessed and then did something about was watching a cat in a friend's house being injected with speed by his flatmate (suffice to say after this incident we are no longer friends). He didn't stop him from doing it. The cat bailed itself up in a corner for an hour hissing and spitting and was so completely distressed by the time it *came down* from the drugs it collapsed.

Now considering cats have small hearts for their body size I was surprised that it didn't die.

I persuaded my boyfriend at the time to bundle kitty up in the car and we took it to the RSPCA. I never found out what happened to her. Suffice to say they did save her and she was put up for sale.

These people just sat there laughing at this cat. I was trying to get it to drink some water to flush out the drug from its system.

i don't know what happened to them but they certainly hope that the RSPCA came to visit.

smokey the elder
08-13-2003, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by Barbara
I am afraid these "people" exist in any nation. (And it makes it difficult to accept life at all to know that some of the people you meet on the street are capable to do things like that to animals and humans!)

However there may be some specific problems in muslimic countries.

I know a lady who runs a dog and cat sanctuary in Malaysia (she's Australian). She says that with the cats it's still more or less ok in the muslimic country but she has a huge problem with the dogs. She can't get employees of Malay origin to help her because they cannot get in contact with the saliva or poop of the dogs. So she has to look for other ethnies.....

How people treat animals is strongly influenced by how they live themselves. The Chinese traditionally do not treat animals well ( and still kill too many species for food and medicine -especially in South East Asia) but in Singapore we now met Chinese people who have founded a cat rescue organisation.

So I hope that education will help to slowly improve the situation where you live -but it will never extinct the psychopaths I'm afraid.

I think the Chinese got an attack of karma with the SARS outbreak.

Steffi N
08-13-2003, 06:31 PM
How horrible. And I agree that it was done to upset the shelter workers. So sad. And I also agree the penalties for animal abuse are not severe enough.

08-20-2003, 09:09 PM
I hate hearing stories like this! I read in the paper a few months ago about some guys putting a kitty on their BBQ pit to see what it would do. One of the guys GF heard him/her crying and ran outside to pull him/her off the pit. She then took the kitty to the vet & then humane society. I'm not sure if the kitty made it or not but what a welcome to life :mad: You are all right, they need to punish people doing these acts! If someone can hurt/kill a little animal what else are they capable of doing:confused:

08-20-2003, 09:31 PM
This is really disgusting!!!! Some people don't even deserved to be called human being's.

I just read in our local paper the maximum fine for cruelty to animals is a 25.000 dollar fine and up to 6mths imprisonment, I have to say I have never seen these being imposed on anyone yet, and I have read about some pretty awful case's.