View Full Version : Emergency Rescue

07-28-2003, 06:10 AM
I went out to another local rescue on Saturday to visit and see her set-up. She mostly takes in dogs, but has recently started taking in kittens. She told me that she wasn't very knowledgeable about cats, so I am helping her learn. When I visited her kennel, I found a tiny kitten who was very sick. I offered to bring it home and see if I could save it ... although I wasn't too sure.

This kitten (who happens to look like my Tucker) was very dehydrated, had terribly matted eyes, and I later discovered a sore tongue. No wonder this baby wasn't eating / drinking! The lady who took this baby in, had dewormed it earlier that day. The kitten has now been passing long stringy worms.... yet another "good" reason for it to feel bad!

I gave the baby subcue fluids, and have been giving it antibiotics and terramycin for it's eyes ..... along with Nutri-cal dietery supplement and bottle feeding it kitten milk. It did finally seem to enjoy some tuna (of course ;) ) but I am trying to get it to eat some soft can kitten food.

Here are a few pics of baby "Barnaby" ... Please pray that this baby will survive!!!








07-28-2003, 06:44 AM
Prayers for Barnaby all the way from Australia!

You go BOY!

07-28-2003, 07:00 AM
Little Barnaby, you are now in the very best care and Nellie and I keep our paws and fingers crossed for a quick recovery, so you can enjoy a wonderful cat life!!!
Hang in there!!!

07-28-2003, 08:03 AM
I will absolutely keep Barnaby in my prayers, Kim. What a precious boy, who is in the best hands possible, obviously!! :)

Steffi N
07-28-2003, 08:03 AM
Dear little Barnaby, you are in the best of care now and I hope you will soon be a happy, healthy kitten.

07-28-2003, 08:10 AM
Barnaby will be in my thoughts and prayers for sure. I now he has a great chance now that he is in your care. Keep us posted.

K & L
07-28-2003, 09:27 AM
What a cute name and cute kitten! He'll make it, he's in good hands! Do you know what the sore in the mouth was from? Poor little guy. Thank goodness you came along!

07-28-2003, 12:21 PM
No, K&L ... I have no idea about the sore. Actually it is the front end of the top of his little tongue... making it painful to suck. That is why you see him taking the bottle in the side of his mouth and chewing on it! ;) He was rescued from a barn where the people moved out and just left all the barn cats. He was the only one in his feral litter that the lady was able to catch! :( I don't even want to think what has become of the others. :( :(
I am being hopeful that his sore tongue is just a slight injury ... not signs of an illness like FeLv or Feline Aids. I'm going to give it a couple of days to clear up, and if it doesn't, we will have to do the dreaded testing. :confused:

Barnaby (since found in a barn) is showing some improvement ... he won't eat anything but Tuna (typical) but he had it really well this morning, and took some CatSip milk from his bottle. He purrs and rolls over on my chest now which is also an improvement. The first whole 24 hours he wouldn't even lie down comfortably, he was just so weak.

Barnaby is already getting very affectionate ... loves to rub his NOW cold and wet :D nose on my face!

He's not out of the woods yet, but I am hopeful... thank you ALL for your prayers!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-28-2003, 12:34 PM
Oh Kim, you are such a savior to so many kitties! And now I'm sure Barnaby will grow into an adorable adult cat because he found the best nurse in the world to take care of him. And see, everything happens for a reason. The reason everybody got so sick before was so you could learn how to do the subcu fluids so well so you could help this poor baby. He looks like a real cutie pie, and it's good to hear that so far he's making progress.

Thanks so much for stepping in and helping. Since the other lady didn't know that much about cats, I'm not quite sure this baby would have the chance he does now if not for you. :)

07-28-2003, 01:31 PM
I missed your first post about Barnaby and now I am glad to hear he is already a little better. Aren't kittens very tough????
I hope he will grow up to be a healthy and happy boy.

07-28-2003, 02:57 PM
Many many prayres going out to little Barnaby. Get well little baby, you have your whole life to live for.
Thank you Kim for taking this little life into yours.

07-28-2003, 09:13 PM
Oh what a cute bundle of preciousness!!!! Please let us know how he's doing!

07-28-2003, 10:45 PM
Oh he's beautiful! Bless you :)

07-29-2003, 12:12 PM
I am happy to announce that little Timmy (name change..lol) is doing MUCH better! In fact, he is eating like a little piggy now, and BOY have I got him spoiled! The little booger thinks mommy needs to hold him 24/7 or he cries his little eyes out!!! :D I will be putting a new thread with pictures on the Cat General board soon!

Thanks for all the prayers for Timmy! (formerly Barnaby)


07-29-2003, 12:14 PM
Glad to hear Timmy is improving. What a little cutie!

07-29-2003, 01:45 PM

You are my hero, as always!!! ;) Glad Timmy pulled through.