View Full Version : My cat fostering days are over :(

07-24-2003, 12:39 PM
After today, my days as a foster home for the animal shelter are over. It's just too much of a risk for my own cats. I will be adopting Fawnie once the director of the shelter returns from vacation. But that's it, I'm done. :( :( I'm also done adopting. This URI has totally overwhelmed me. And I always believe that if you can't afford to care for the animals you have, you shouldn't have them. I'm putting my money where my mouth is (no pun intended).:( :(

07-24-2003, 01:35 PM
...but I think you've made the right decision. After all, as a cat owner, you promised to look after your own cats long before the fosters came along and, so, they come first. Sometimes, it just gets to a point where it is no longer fair for your cats, and from I've read of your dealings with the URI, it sounds like you are there.

Maybe, there will come a time in the future where you may be in a different situation and want to try fostering again. Then again, maybe not. But there are plenty of other ways to help the shelter out. Volunteer to clean out cags and socialize with the critters there, volunteer to organize fund raising events, or simply make a donation. While they may not be as "hands on" as serving as a foster home, these tasks are appreciated just as much by the shelters and will let you continue to help them out, if that is what you want to do.

For what it is worth, I think you are making a good decision. While it is hard to say you won't share your home with any more of the deserving shelter cats (and they are all deserving), your cats are just as deserving and they were promised first.

Maresche (who had to make the same decision a year ago).

07-24-2003, 01:49 PM
I also am sorry you had to make that decision. My fiancee used to foster cats years before I knew her. She had to stop because she got one foster cat with FIP. :eek: Her whole house got infected, and all her kitties and foster kitties went to the Rainbow Bridge. :(

07-24-2003, 02:48 PM
I know how you feel Donna.... and as you know, I definitely went throught the URI outbreak!!! It was no fun, very stressful and very costly! These 3 kittens I took in this week have me worried for mine again as well. Can only hope and pray that they haven't brought in something terrible to my others. I have to quit doing this as well!!! :( We both have to just realize that we can't save the world, no matter how much we would like too ... and devote ourselves to the ones we already have! I don't think the volunteering to work around kitties would help me at all... I'm too weak, and would get back in to bringing more home. I think what I will do is start being a financial donor to other rescues whenever my finances are a bit caught back up. I'm still really paying out the rear end for my daughters court charges, etc.!!!

K & L
07-24-2003, 03:13 PM

It is important to know your limits. Unfortunately, until people take responsibility for their pets, there will always be some kitten(s) that will need care in a foster home. If we could save the world in one day, believe me, it would have been accomplished by now. You can become burned out and not recognize the symptoms. Some of the symptoms of burn out are listed below and should not be ignored:
1) always tired,
2) feelings of hopelessness,
3) feeling unappreciated,
4) getting upset or angry more easily,
5) no energy to do even the smallest tasks,
6) snapping at people or even at the kittens.

Our hearts may be in the right place and full of compassion, but common sense must also rule. After fostering your first litter, or whatever the case may be, take some time off. This may be three to four weeks or maybe more. Fostering is demanding physically and emotionally and can also tax our financial resources. Kittens can suffer at the hands of a foster who is burned out and may not be able to give the proper care needed. In some extreme cases-animals can actually be harmed. Taking care of yourself is important and should never be neglected.

07-24-2003, 04:47 PM
I can understand you too. I think that the last years have not been easy for you and it is absolutely ok if you take more time for you and your own furkids.

A person like you will be back to helping as soon as her energy comes back:) :)

07-25-2003, 11:55 AM
When I moved from CT to Michigan, I promised to take a year off from rescue or volunteering due to burn out. I lasted exactly 6 months. But this is definitely IT for me. I am now owned by 9 cats. I never in my wildest dreams thought I'd EVER have that many. But things happen for a reason. At least, as my signatures says, I'm still in the single digit range, for what it's worth.

07-25-2003, 12:26 PM

Anytime you need to chit chat, you know where I am. :)

Steffi N
07-25-2003, 09:59 PM
I agree that your first responsibility is for the cats living with you now. And to yourself. Maybe you can give advice and encouragement to others who are in a better position to be fosters.

Ally Cat's Mommy
07-28-2003, 05:39 AM
I understand your decision. Your primary responsibility should always be to your existing animals. And although less "hands-on", there are numerous other ways of helping, either with time or money, if you are inclined!!!

Just think how much of a difference you have already made:D

Ally sends you a big Kitten Kiss:D

07-31-2003, 11:21 AM
There was a recent story in our local news about animal neglect - it was due to a caring person who, unlike you, didn't know when to back away and she became totally overwhelmed.:(

You are doing the right thing.

07-31-2003, 05:16 PM

Absolutely!!! ;)

08-04-2003, 12:17 PM
Hi Donna,

I just now saw this post...I don't know the background of the URI you reference, but for sure, you've done more than your share. And your first responsibility is to your own babies.

When the URI went through our pride in January, I thought I was going to lose my mind trying to keep up the correct meds for the right cats, etc.

We have taken in one cat since then (Raven now lives with Vicki in California), but we were able to get him checked out at the vet immediately and he was "clean!"

Kim's right, none of us "can save the world" and there are so many sad stories out there, but you've made a big difference! There have to be others to pick up where we leave off when we've reached the number of adoptees and the time they deserve is being threatened.

God bless you, Donna, for your huge heart. If you have time, drop me an email and update me on your babies. Oh, and it sounds like I need to add more of your "babies" to my web page!


Bari et al

08-04-2003, 12:39 PM

After the shelter put my foster, Carrie, down because they "needed cage space for sick kittens, because nobody is going to adopt a 14 year old cat" I just walked away. When I first volunteered, they said, and I quote, "There is no such thing as a no-kill shelter. We ONLY put animals down who are VERY sick or are a danger to themselves or the public." Carrier had a cold. She was getting better, according to them.

I am still fighting something in my house. Lil Eli is sneezing again and has a cough. If it doesn't go away with Orbax and Interferon, I'll have to taken him to the vet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it WILL work.

It just seems that there is alot of this stuff going around lately and I don't understand why.

I will e-mail you pictures tonight when I get home.

Thanks for caring. Hugs to you and your brood! ;)

08-05-2003, 03:31 PM
Oh Donna, I didn't know about Carrie. :( I'm so sorry. :( :( :(

I also agree with your decision, its hard to know when to stop, especially with so many needy cats out there. Have you thought of doing public education instead? I'm learning that so many people are ignorant regarding indoor/outdoor, spay/neuter, declawing ect.

Anyway, I think your furries (and the unfurry) are so lucky to have you. You're a wonderful mama to them and all the others you helped. Because of you, three cats got home recently and that's amazing in itself. :)

Love, Kelly