View Full Version : This is 14 year old Carrie

07-12-2003, 08:55 PM
I now have a dilemma of my own.

This is Carrie. She is a spayed, declawed 14 year old cat that her owner dumped off at the shelter today because (and I quote) "She doesn't play with me kids anymore more." Her two children, ages 3 and 9 were both with her at the time. Her 9 year old son was clutching Carrie and sobbing, saying goodbye. The woman was sniffing as if she was crying. I told her "Look lady, can the fake tears, you get no sympathy from me, turning in a 14 year old cat you've had since she was a kitten."

What the hell does she expect this 14 year old cat to do??? Jump through hoops??? Go chase a ball?? In human years, Carrie is 98 years old!!!

After spending a little time with her, I went to the director and told her I wanted to take Carrie home and foster her (probably till she goes to the RB at this point) providing they update all her shots, test her for Feline Leukemia and Aids, and put Revolution on her. She agreed.

Call me a crazy idiodic whackjob, but I cannot in good conscience let that poor old sweet cat spend the rest of her days in a cage, in a hot garage at the shelter.

She's coming home with me on Monday after I drop my daughter off at the airport.

07-12-2003, 09:08 PM
14 is not old! My cat Samantha is 15 and she still plays with my kids!
How can she just get rid of the cat after 14 years?
What is wrong with that lady? Is the cat healthy or is there something she wasn't telling you?
Thank you for taking her in, do you plan to just foster her or maybe keep her?

Prairie Purrs
07-12-2003, 10:14 PM
I wonder what lesson the 9-year-old will learn from this. Maybe that when Mom's too old to "play" anymore, she should be dumped in a nursing home and ignored?

I hope he remembers his tears, and your entirely justified anger, and grows up to believe that pets are not playthings to be used up and thrown away.

It's good and generous of you to take Carrie in. Poor sweet girl! My Keke only made it to 13--I would have given anything to have had her around a little longer.

07-12-2003, 10:25 PM
Oh Donna, you are far from crazy. What you are doing for this kitty is such a blessing. Just seeing the picture of her looking scared in that cage, wondering what is happening, brought tears to my eyes.
I would have had a few more chose words for that uncaring woman.

07-13-2003, 12:25 AM
Originally posted by CatsinDenver
I hope he remembers his tears, and your entirely justified anger, and grows up to believe that pets are not playthings to be used up and thrown away.
I have a feeling he will remember. When I was just out of high school, my mom got on a kick and wanted to adopt a dog. We adopted a shepard/rottie mix and I was IN LOVE. We called him Lucky.

Lucky wasn't so lucky. :( My brother left our back door open and Lucky was in the house all day (I grew up with outside dogs :( ) and actually scared MY bird to death, tore apart a pillow and ate a video. I wasn't mad at him, he didn't know what he was doing and hadn't had obedience training yet.

A few days later, my mom had my brother drop Lucky off at the POUND at night while I was at work. When she told me her plans, I sat out with Lucky and cried my eyes out.

I'll NEVER, EVER, EVER forget that. Pets are not for throwing away!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

To this day, I will not let my mom get another animal on one of her whims. (at all, basically) :mad:

I hope that helps a bit Donna to know that I would almost gaurantee that boy wont let her live that one down.

I would be doing the same thing as you are...thanks for being there for these sweet souls. These people don't deserve to breathe the same air. :mad:

07-13-2003, 05:09 AM
BIG HUGS to you Donna and a few for that precious kitty, too.

L. Wayne
07-13-2003, 05:33 AM
Donna, thanks for caring enough to take in an elder cat from a shelter. I took in Max for the same reason, not because he was abandoned (his previous owner was now confined to a home), but because of his age, he looks to be about 15 years old and possibly older. He looked so lonely in the shelter cage, and I knew that it would be difficult for him to find another home. because of his age. All Max does is sleep and eat, he is really no trouble to care for. Neither is he demanding of attention. Although he is an older cat, his jumping and fighting abilities are not delpleated. He is learning to jump the 6 feet from the sink to the frig top, from a still position. He does not cower from Otis' attacks either.

I am afraid that our society is too youth oriented, and this "philosophy" is applied to pets as well. I would not be afriad to adopt other older furkids because of their gentleness and undemanding demenor, if they were all like Max.


07-13-2003, 05:55 AM

I think you are wonderful for taking in an older cat. I wish I could have another kitty for Bastet but sadly my living arrangements only allow for one.

That little boy seemed to love that cat - I wonder if his mum was using it as a form of peverse punishment. It seems to me his tears were genuine. I feel for him and the cat. The mum should learn what it feels like to be alone and abandoned. I wish you all the best. I am really glad that there are people like you (and everyone else for that matter) in the world.

Compassion for a creature is a wonderful thing to have.

HUGS and Head bumpies from Bastet and her human.

Ally Cat's Mommy
07-13-2003, 07:05 AM

Big hugs to you from me and Ally for taking in poor Carrie. I am sure you will be rewarded:)

07-13-2003, 07:52 AM
I wonder what people are thinking when they drop off a pet of 14 years. Maybe the cat needs to be played with.....or maybe it is ill...I surely hope not. I would check for diabetes, since it is old and seems to be a tad chubby.

Bless your heart for trying to give this little Ms. a home for the rest of her furry life.


07-13-2003, 10:17 AM
How can you give away a pet you've known for 14 years?

Donna, I am so glad that Carrie gets a chance to have a quiet age at your home. It's so important there are people like you:)

07-13-2003, 10:18 AM
Good for you. I'm sure she will be a lovely companion.

07-13-2003, 01:14 PM
Donna, big hugs for being so caring and taking care of sweet Carrie. Please give her a kiss from me.

07-13-2003, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by CatsinDenver
I wonder what lesson the 9-year-old will learn from this. Maybe that when Mom's too old to "play" anymore, she should be dumped in a nursing home and ignored?

Talk about sweet revenge...
"Mom, remember the time that you took our sweet kitty of 14yrs to the shelter? Well guess what? For your 82nd birthday, we're doing something just as swell. We're having you put to sleep."


Bless you Donna for taking in this poor, confused soul.

07-13-2003, 05:03 PM
Maybe she just didn't want to play with THEM!
I think they can sense betrayal.

Tell her that at your house you honor the elderly.

Thanks for your caring.

07-13-2003, 05:13 PM
Poor Carrie, what a rejection.

At 14 she should have many years ahead of her to give and received love, shame on them for not recogising this simple fact. :mad: :confused:

At least you can comfort her while she gets over losing her 'so called owners' and you will benefit from all Carrie's future love and affection. :) :D

K & L
07-14-2003, 11:52 AM
Oh how sad! I'm glad you're willing to foster this beauty.

07-14-2003, 12:27 PM
K & L,

I just went out and bought her a brand new Super Gigantic covered litterbox (she is what you'd call a full figured kitty) AND a catnip pillow toy for her. I am fully prepared to keep her for the rest of her natural life. I will love her like her dirtbag owners didn't. I feel so bad for that 9 year old little boy. What his mother did was despicable and I DO hope he never forgets it. I just pray that she doesn't go out and get them a kitten to make up for her stupidity.

I went to the shelter around noon and she isn't ready yet. They need to run tests, give her shots and Revolution her. Then she's mine!!!!

I took the air conditioner out of the window and put in the little kitty window box (it's called a Catio) so she has somewhere to sleep and can view the outside. I'll make sure her days with me are her happiest

I believe in Karma too. :mad:

07-14-2003, 12:33 PM
Carrie is beautiful. I'm sure she will be wonderful company for you for years to come.

07-14-2003, 01:04 PM
Carrie is gorgeous!

I already expressed my feelings on the situation via phone. ;)

Karma.... oh yes... Karma.

07-14-2003, 01:47 PM
Congrats Donna. I would have done the exact same thing. I personally know the joys of adopting a "senior" cat and even though Specks just sleeps all day, I would not trade her for anything. Carrie is just beautiful and I'm sure Speckles would love to get to know her. The two of them can sit on the kitty park bench and watch the birdies go by and trade stories of their youth.......

K & L
07-14-2003, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by moosmom
K & L,

I just went out and bought her a brand new Super Gigantic covered litterbox (she is what you'd call a full figured kitty) AND a catnip pillow toy for her. I am fully prepared to keep her for the rest of her natural life. I will love her like her dirtbag owners didn't. I feel so bad for that 9 year old little boy. What his mother did was despicable and I DO hope he never forgets it. I just pray that she doesn't go out and get them a kitten to make up for her stupidity.

I went to the shelter around noon and she isn't ready yet. They need to run tests, give her shots and Revolution her. Then she's mine!!!!

I took the air conditioner out of the window and put in the little kitty window box (it's called a Catio) so she has somewhere to sleep and can view the outside. I'll make sure her days with me are her happiest

I believe in Karma too. :mad:

You're wonderful! She will be so lucky to have you! Poor thing, it makes me so sad to think of what she must've been feeling just being dumped off after all those years. You're my hero!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-14-2003, 04:44 PM
Donna, I'm so glad you'll be taking Carrie in. She really does look scared and bewildered in that pic, and she most definitely deserves better after giving the best years of her life to a family that no longer wants her....well, at least that is run by a mother that doesn't value her elders. It's so sad, and I do believe that little boy will remember....

If that woman - and those like her - could only read these posts. I'm sure they would come up with all sorts of excuses for their behaviour, but I bet it would really make them think twice before they adopted another "pet." Poor critters. But the best news is that now Carrie has a home with you. Hopefully temporary, but at 14, chances are it'll be her last. Thanks for being a softie, Donna. ;) :D

Steffi N
07-14-2003, 06:09 PM
I know Carrie will have a happy life with you. Shame on that woman for throwing her away and breaking her boy's heart.
All of your who foster are really doing good. I don't have it in me, plus I feel that Lovable is happy as an only cat.

07-14-2003, 07:50 PM
Carrie is in her room. I had to take out the "catio" because the room gets too warm. I put the air conditioner in and it's nice and comfortable in there. She's hiding under the bed which is normal, but she DID use the kitty box (I left the cover off).

They asked me at the shelter if I was fostering to adopt her or just fostering her till someone adopts her. I just shrugged my shoulders. I told them I figured she'd live out the rest of her days with me and my brood cuz there aren't many people who want a 14 year old cat.

I just hope she and my other cats get along. If not, they'll have to find another foster home for her. But I'm getting way ahead of myself.

The GREAT news is I have someone (ahem, one of our members :D) who REAAAAAAAAAAAAALY wants Fawnie.

My last comment is I hope that those children are making their mother's life a living H E double hockey sticks.

Miss Meow
07-15-2003, 06:15 PM
Jesus, has the woman also traded in her parents 'coz they're older and don't play with the grandkids any more??? :mad:

Bless you for taking in Carrie and making her loved again.

07-15-2003, 10:23 PM
WAY TO GO!!! I think you said the right thing to that woman... good for you!!! Thank you sooooo much for taking in sweet Carrie. Looking at her in that cage after 14 years in a home, she looks so scared and bewildered, like she wonders what she did! So sad ... makes me want to cry ..... thank you again for saving sweet Carrie!!!!!!! Please hug her for me too!!!!!!!:( ;)

07-16-2003, 01:30 AM
That is just too sad. I'm so happy that you got Carrie, Donna, and that she will live in the lap of luxury from now on :)

07-17-2003, 10:17 PM
Donna, Carrie's former owner will get what's coming to her. She has taught lessions of betrayal to her young children, who in turn will surely show her the same when she gets old. She deserves it.

I LOVED Carrie. What an adorable love bug! She was so sweet and affectionate, and she really broke my heart. Thank you for taking her, and thank you for introducing me to her. She was just wonderful and so friendly and loving. Poor kitty :( It's a good thing you were there to rescue her, Donna. I know she must be so greatful for your kindness, and YOU are the person she'll be waiting for at R.B. when it's time, not that wench that had her for the last 14 years!

07-18-2003, 10:42 AM
She really is a sweet cat. She LOOOOOOVES catnip and belly rubs and being combed. And she makes this cute little noise when she sees me. I'm going to try and let her out this weekend to meet my cats. I hope it goes well. She's definitely here to stay. :D

I felt so bad for that poor little boy. I bent down as he was clutching Carrie and whispered in his ear "Don't worry, pal. Carrie will be coming home with me to live with my cats and I promise I will love her always." Behind the tears was a little bit of a smile so hopefully THAT helped. It was for HIS benefit, not his nasty mother's.

Steffi N
07-18-2003, 11:59 AM
Donna, it was so kind of you to offer comfort to that little boy. It is sad that he will be without Carrie's love. She must be the sweetest kitty. I am sure she will do well with your pride and even find someone (or more) to snuggle with.

07-18-2003, 05:41 PM
Oh what precious words to that innocent little boy, Donna... I'm sure he will never forget what you said ... OR what his mother did!

07-20-2003, 07:48 AM
What lovely words!

07-22-2003, 09:31 PM

You are truly amazing ......... brought tears to my eyes thinking about Carrie .................. and angry mean thoughts about the stupid, selfish, b_ _ ch of a woman .....:mad: :mad:

Good on you for telling her to "can her fake tears", and for making sure the little boy understood that you were going to care for Carrie forever.

Once again, amazing ....

07-31-2003, 09:36 PM
Bless you Donna.

How can people be so STUPID, GRRR makes me angry:mad:

It is wonderful to know carrie will have a great home for the rest of her day's, good luck Donna, you are the GREATEST.:)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-31-2003, 09:55 PM
Hi Carole, unfortunately there is a very sad update to this thread.

Go here (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=30630) and read the entire thread. :( :( :(

08-01-2003, 10:03 PM
Thank you for letting me know about Carrie, I was extremely upset to hear what happened to poor Carrie, Donna you never failed her, those scumbag so called family of her's did, It would appear she died of a broken heart, so needless, so sad, but then as other's have said maybe she was already ill.

Hold your head high Donna, you did the very best you could for Carrie, bless you dear Donna, and I really hope all your kitties are better now.

Be in peace and happy now dear Carrie at Rainbow Bridge.

OMG I have just read the thread completely, I cannot believe the shelter did this, how terrible, not even to consult you, talk about disgusting.

I hope you can still continue your work at another shelter, because Donna those kitties need you.:)

smokey the elder
08-02-2003, 08:26 AM
What a horrible person that woman was. You are a saint for taking in Carrie and loving her for her final days. Children at that age have incredible memories, and this will have a profound impact on their lives. For good or bad, it's between them and their Creator.

08-06-2003, 12:25 PM
Donna thank goodness for people like you!!!!!!!! I don't understand how someone can just hand their cat over like that. I don't know if I should feel sorry for someone like that or not. I feel sorry for her because she obviously missed out on the wonderful connection she could have had w/ her little companion. To bad for her child cause it seems he understood the big pic! I'm also sorry for the way this story ended but it's still great to know that Donna did all she could!

08-07-2003, 06:09 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
I have a feeling he will remember. When I was just out of high school, my mom got on a kick and wanted to adopt a dog. We adopted a shepard/rottie mix and I was IN LOVE. We called him Lucky.

Lucky wasn't so lucky. :( My brother left our back door open and Lucky was in the house all day (I grew up with outside dogs :( ) and actually scared MY bird to death, tore apart a pillow and ate a video. I wasn't mad at him, he didn't know what he was doing and hadn't had obedience training yet.

A few days later, my mom had my brother drop Lucky off at the POUND at night while I was at work. When she told me her plans, I sat out with Lucky and cried my eyes out.

I'll NEVER, EVER, EVER forget that. Pets are not for throwing away!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

To this day, I will not let my mom get another animal on one of her whims. (at all, basically) :mad:

I hope that helps a bit Donna to know that I would almost gaurantee that boy wont let her live that one down.

I would be doing the same thing as you are...thanks for being there for these sweet souls. These people don't deserve to breathe the same air. :mad:

My aunty is JUST LIKE THAT. She has these crazy whims and has moved across the country with her young son not once but TWICE then came back red faced on both occasions. The whims, sadly, extended to animals. She gave away both a young dog and a kitten when she didn't want them any more.

Donna, good on you for standing up to that awful woman. Good on you for taking in Carrie, who looks like a total darling. I feel for that poor little 9 yo :( what kind of lesson is that ????????

I, too, just read the other thread. I've tears in my eyes , it's so, so sad :(:(