View Full Version : Sad to See

07-08-2003, 07:32 AM
Well, I thought I would let you guys know that another little kitty is being mistreated at the hands of two teenage drug addicts in the world. (They were sniffing areosols).

I saw them as I was walking home from the store with a bag full of groceries. The kitten would have been around 10 weeks old. They had a heavy chain on it to *stop if from running away* as I found out. They stole it out of a backyard of someone's place because it looked Like Felix the Cat. It was a black tonkinese - pure bred from its looks.

I asked them when it was fed last and they said they didn't know. The kitten couldn't even keep its head up from the weight of the chain. I told them if they wanted it to live to take the chain off its neck or else it would die. They did so reluctantly. I asked them how much they wanted for it and they said $500. I said wait here to the pair and they agreed.

I scratched the kitten on the head and went to get the money. On the way I telephoned the RSPCA and The police. Neither of them wanted to know and passed the buck to each other. I hung up completely annoyed at the situation. I got the money out and went to buy the kitten off the pair. They had fled.

I feel so bad I should have done something more for it. I have been depressed and crying about it ever since. I don't even know if it will make it to adulthood or end up a stray to be euthanised. :( :( :( :( :(

I am sorry I needed to tell someone about it.

07-08-2003, 07:44 AM
How awful. I can imagine how upset you must be but please do not take on the responsiblity of those creeps! I hope the kitten will not live long under those circumstances - and that if it must die, it will die quickly, without a great deal of pain.

There are all kinds of people in this world. Some are demented at best.

I think you went way beyond your call of duty. $500 is quite a bit to pay for a ill treated kitty. I understand why you agreed. I too would do it. Maybe you could hang out in that general vacinity again, to try to find them once more - with money in hand.

Sometimes when I am confronted with an awful situation like this I think of the fact that there are also children being treated like this....not just pets...and "just pets" is not meant to lessen their importance. All you can do is try to help. You did that, bless your heart.

This makes me want to go live in the woods, by myself, with my pets and stay the hell away from humanity!

Keep us posted.

Don't give up quite yet...... I think you might have luck finding them again. Let us know.


07-08-2003, 08:58 AM
You did go above and beyond the call. But I would DEFINITELY go down to the police station and file a report as well as a complaint against the cops that you spoke with on the phone.

I pray for that little kitten. There is far too much of this crap going around and it needs to stop - NOW!!!

When I lived in CT, I was on my way to work and saw a bunch of Hispanic guys (early 20's) driving around with a pitbull puppy hanging out the window of the car by the nap of his neck. Me being the person that I am (I won't say the word as this IS a family site) followed them home. I got outta my car and told them I was calling the police. They just laughed and walked in the house.

When I called the police on my cellphone, the dispatcher said, "There's no law against hanging a dog out a car window." :mad: :mad: :mad: They said they would send a cop out. 20 minutes later no one showed up and the same guys came walking outta the house laughing their a$$es off saying, "Where are the cops lady, huh??? Where are they???" They got in their car and drove off. I had the license plate and description of the car and everything.

I proceeded to work and saw two cops standing together talking. I stopped and told them the story. I couldn't not get over their unconcern. They told me that it was probably a puppy they were training to fight. They also told me that they feed the dogs gun powder so they go mad (crazy) and get very nasty.

I was SO furious :mad: :mad: :mad: At my going away party for the newspaper, the Mayor of Hartford (a good friend of mine who is now retired) was there. I told HIM the story. He said next time it happens to call him directly and he'd do something about it.

Makes me sick.

07-08-2003, 01:06 PM
Those stories are horrible.... :( I think I feel most helpless when I hear stories like this. :(

BastetsMom and MoosMom, you both did all you can do, outside of grabbing the kitten/dog and subjecting yourself to injury. :( Don't you wish you were a big, scary man during those times?

BastetsMom....I can only imagine how heart broken you feel. I'm so, so sorry the police didn't care. That's horrible!!! I would file a complaint like moosmom said...

07-10-2003, 07:24 AM
Oh dear! That is sooo sad! That poor baby - his owners must be wondering where he has gotten to :( That is just so awful! I am disgusted at both the cops and the RSPCA ... it is the RESPONSIBILITY of the RSPCA to investigate claims of cruelty to animals. It even says so on their site!

Did you know that one of the current affairs shows did an investigation into cock fighting? And they had videos and everything of it but the RSPCA said they didn't want to know about it! What is going on with them lately?


Don't feel bad ... you did everything you could for that poor baby

07-10-2003, 04:15 PM
I haven't seen those people since but I did help a stray kitty get to where he was needed. The RSPCA came and picked up a beautiful black male cat *I called him Captain Midnight* that was injured and in my work's car park. Myself and the security guard tackled him and I wrapped him in a towel and he was purring. The RSPCA said that they would keep me up to date with his progress after all his tests.

He looked like he had been hurt in one eye but could still definately see. I think he might have scratched the cornea and developed an abscess. So at least I helped one kitty.

07-11-2003, 01:46 AM
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: