View Full Version : PERRY'S NEW PAD

10-26-2001, 03:16 PM
Hi, Perry here just wanted to show everybody my new Pad. Mom said I was too big for my old one and she went out and got me a new one. Daisy has already stuck her nose in it, but she likes the fleece bed she has for naps. Hey all you pretty girls are invited, c'on Bella, Hannah, Lolly, Lily, Honey and all you other pretty gals, got plenty of room.


Cinder & Smoke
10-26-2001, 04:15 PM
Hey Perry ~ The New Pad looks :cool:! Nice paint color onna walls, too.

We're wonderin - What's inna lay-me-down pad thingy? Give her a liddel rippy :eek: wiffa teefs and let us all knowe what the stuffin tastes like! :D

Yer pals...

10-26-2001, 04:39 PM
Hey Cinder and Smoke, Been there, did that, my Mom sez to me ain't you ever heard the saying "Don't bite the hand that feeds ya"
or "Don't bite the piller you lay on or ya lay on the floor"? Geeeeez I think she means it, won't be able to tell you what it tastes like but it's sure soft ta lay on. Be glad to share my pad with you all, as long as we can keep goody four shoes, Daisy out.
Later, Perry

Dixieland Dancer
10-26-2001, 05:41 PM
Perry, You sure are sleeping in style! Dixie and Dusty prefer the big bed but I think you have it all figured out. And it's all yours! :D

10-26-2001, 06:51 PM
Wow Perry! Cool digs :cool: Am I invited along with ALL THE OTHER pretty girls?? :(

10-26-2001, 06:56 PM
WoW, Perry! You're very lucky! ;) You have a very nice, sweet mommy! ;) :)

LOL, Sandra, that's funny! :D

LabLover & Sadie*

10-26-2001, 07:00 PM
Perry all you need to entice the girls is maybe a doggie cookie or two! :D I know Bella would love to sniff inside your new pad! Oh by the way, I just got my 2002 Mighty Dog calendar in the mail tonight. I have a poodle calendar for downstairs and the Mighty Dog calendar will be for upstairs. Anyway, the October dog is a miniature schnauzer who bears a striking resemblance to Perry except she is a lady schnauzer and her name is Suzy. Maybe Perry would like a pin-up calendar of Suzy for inside his pad! :D

10-26-2001, 07:04 PM
Heeeheeeeheeee!!! Pinup Schnauzer calender... :D :D :D OK, Sadie May, let's show Perry what a REAL doggie girl looks like!!! (Bella would be some pretty stiff competition! All those curls :)) And dare we all not forget, Ta Dah!!...............

[ October 26, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

10-26-2001, 07:14 PM
Hey Perry,
COOL DIGS !!!I'll bet Daisy will have her
paws full keeping all those'beautious babes'
out of your new house!! Do you plan on adding a 'really cool' sound system ?
Check Ya Later, Buddy...

10-26-2001, 07:31 PM
Wow, Perry!!!! What a great new "pad" you have!!! Honey and Lilly said to tell you that they don't like those crates, but they would be glad to sleep right outside, if you would let them. They're a little worried since your Mom says you aren't too fond of "new friends". They would win you over in a heartbeat!! :D

When our little friend Cheech was on his way to his new forever home, he spent the night with us. His Nana Betty said to put him in the crate to sleep. :( Mom told him he didn't have to sleep in the crate while she was babysitting! :D So, she left it in Helen's room, with the door open, so he could get in if he wanted to. Look what she found when she got up the next morning!

Mimi says she would sleep in your crate with you, if you would be nice!! :p

10-26-2001, 08:43 PM
Kewl pad, Perry. I wouldn't fit in it, though. I could visit and sleep inna big bed (like I do at home)! LOL


[ October 26, 2001: Message edited by: Sudilar ]

10-26-2001, 09:15 PM
Perry here, Pam wow I didn't think of the pinup girls, it might be the next best thing to having Bella here.
Shiloh, you can have the big bed anytime, but I think you would have to sleep with goody four shoes Daisy.
Sandra, if you came I would give you my pad for the weekend.
Buddy you come on down to cool :cool: Ca and we will check out the babes.
Honey and Lily you are beautiful and you can sleep anywhere you want. I'm not sure about Mimi, do you think she would like me?
Kisses to everybody
Dom Perignon better known as "Per"

[ October 26, 2001: Message edited by: Jackie ]

10-26-2001, 09:24 PM
Perry, Bella here! You can put this picture of me inside your pad if you want! :D I love picking up these little ball things that are attached to the leaves that are falling and then I bring them into the house and shred them. Now my mom is catching on and she won't let me bring them in any more. :( She says I make a mess!


Here I am playing with one! :D


10-26-2001, 11:00 PM
Hey Bella, this is Graham. I must say, you a fine looking babe. you can come over here an play with all the fallen tree things any ol time. i'd like that, your bee you tiful!

10-26-2001, 11:05 PM
My goodness, Pam, what wonderful pictures of Bella!! She could be a calandar girl!!!! :D

10-26-2001, 11:11 PM
Hey Perry...this is your buddy, Graham, remember, the one you generously gave your halloween costume to? By the way, I LOVE it. Thanks, buddy. Hey, how bout a guys nite out? whatta say? we could crack open some brewskies and watch the game in your nifty new pad?

(actually im just trying ta keep Hannah outta Perrys pad...dont tell Perry)

10-27-2001, 01:35 AM
Perry, Lolly here. Your pad looks pretty fun. Can ya squeeze a date with me among all your dates with these beautiful girls?

Bella, I think Reece has a crush on you! Heehee! He didn't want me to tell. He's a little 'barrased.

Dixieland Dancer
10-27-2001, 05:06 AM
I think Perry is going to be one busy pup now that you got him this cool :cool: pad! Seems all the girls want to visit :D This may be what Daisy needs to realize how special her brother really is????

10-27-2001, 08:28 AM
Per, it's me, Hannah. Thanks for the invitation to share your new digs, and it seems that the line has already formed by the other girls. I do like the selected color and I have noted how it sets off your coat. I think you ought to keep the door closed because I see from these other posts you can never tell who will crawl in there. One thing that is cool when your crate is big enough is if you go way to the back, it's real hard for the moms to get at you. Keep that in mind in case the need ever arises. As for me, I am a top of the crate girl myself as I like a room with a view, but if I ever get out your way, I will sure stop in and maybe we can snuggle up together provided you don't have COMPANY! http://albums.photopoint.com/j/View?u=167892&a=1367662&p=15255003

Uh, Graham, don't think I didn't notice you calling Bella a Babe and I've seen the enticing looks that Ms. Star has been giving you. So, whatever I said to Perry is just too bad. Okay, okay, I take it back. Never was much good at hiding my true feelings. Sorry, Perry, gots to give Graham another chance to decide if he wants play the field or not!

[ October 27, 2001: Message edited by: RachelJ ]

10-27-2001, 11:01 AM
Pretty color too!!!

Bella you are Beautful!!! SOOOOO PRETTY!

10-27-2001, 03:22 PM
Hey Perry!
Pup says that she likes your bachelor pad, and that she want's to coem and visit it. She wanted you to have this pin-up of her to hang up in the meantime!
Paula and Boo would visit too, but they think that the ceiling may be a little loww for them!

Daisy's Mom
10-27-2001, 11:55 PM
Daisy here. Perry, can I come too? My mom always tells me that I am a pretty girl. I am a real lady. I even cross my legs when I sit sometimes:


I'd love to come to your new pad! It's really cool!


[ October 28, 2001: Message edited by: Daisy's Mom ]

10-28-2001, 01:23 PM
Perry here, I want to say :cool: to all the gals who sent pictures, WOW, I didn't know there were such beauties on PetTalk. Reece man you can come share, plenty of room, plenty of gals.
Talk at ya later
Perry :D


10-28-2001, 04:01 PM
HA! Jackie!! You have quite a flair for decorating! :D Now Perry will start having insomnia from gazing at all of his girlfriends when he should be falling asleep! :D Cool shades Perry!

10-28-2001, 04:39 PM
LOL!!!!! Jackie, that's toooo cute! I love it!

Sadie here!! Per, if my Mom just knew howta' post my kyoot pikature here, you kould put it up on your crate, just like all the other girls' pikatures!

Sadie May*

10-28-2001, 04:48 PM
Hahaha....I laughed out loud! So funny :) Perry, you stud! Look at you all suave, all those hotties pined up for you do stare at :) I won't tell Graham that I saw Hannah's picture there, he'd be upyset :)

10-28-2001, 06:45 PM
LOL! Perry, you are too much!!! :D Honey and Lilly say that you MUST add their pictures too, even if they won't fit in your new pad. And they also told me to tell you that if all those pictures were where they or Butter could reach them......they'd be history....goats that they are! LOL!


10-28-2001, 07:10 PM
Perry, you have the best California bachelor pad! Are you going to take up surfing now too?

Everyone sing along (with apologies to the Beach Boys):

Well that East Coast dog is hip
I really like the leash she wears
And that Southern pup with the way she barks
She knocks me out when I'm down there

The Mid-West farmer's dog can really make you feel alright
and that Northern gal with her thick soft fur
She keeps her boyfriend warm at night.

I wish they all could be California
I wish they all could be California
I wish they all could be California girls

I got friends all around this great big world
And I've seen all kinds of fur
Yeah, but I couldn't wait to get to PetTalk Estates
Back to the cutest girls in the world

I wish they all could be California
I wish they all could be California
I wish they all could be California girls

Go Perry, Dude! :D :D :D :D :D

[ October 28, 2001: Message edited by: TheAntiPam ]

Daisy's Mom
10-28-2001, 07:39 PM
LOL! You are all so funny!

Perry, cool shades, bud! Daisy is very honored to be hung up on Perry's new pad. Jackie you are so creative ;)

And Pam, nice song ;)

10-28-2001, 07:42 PM
AntiPam, Perry here, LOL your really groovy!
Want to say that's not my green stuffed rabbit in the pad, must be Daisys, A :cool: Guy like me wouldn't sleep with a stuffed green rabbit like that, thats for sure!HA
Honey and Lily I would always have room for two beauties like you, Mom says even a Rottie would fit in my pad.
Hey Graham, that picture of Hannah is pretty hot, but since you are super dog I better watch my step.
Sadie, I would love to put your picture on my Pad, are you old enough?
Per aka Dom Perignon

10-29-2001, 03:08 PM
Gosh Perry, Carl wishes he was as lucky as you. He just has an old blanket in his crate!!! :D

10-29-2001, 03:28 PM
Ok, didn't think I had to stoop to selling myself, but here I am. That is, if there's any more room on the walls of your pad for me, Per. Well, catch ya later, big guy. My date's waiting! ;)

[ October 29, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

10-29-2001, 04:25 PM
Star, Per here, what a beauty you are, I have a wall inside my pad just waiting for your pic, you say the word and I'm yours.
Per aka Dom Perignon

10-29-2001, 05:12 PM

10-29-2001, 10:00 PM
Perry, Reece here! I jus hafta tell you that you are a righteous dude for sharing yur womens wit me! Thanks for sharing yur nifty pad. I gotta hire yur mommy as my decorator.