View Full Version : You must go "Look"

10-23-2001, 09:48 PM
My pictures from our weekend at the beach, with Honey and Lilly, aren't back yet. But you must go look at what my friend posted over at the Golden Retriever Community. My Honey and Lilly very much enjoyed the ocean. Therefore, I did too!! :D

10-23-2001, 09:57 PM
Logan, those are just WONDERFUL pictures!!!! ;) I just love them! It looks like all of you had a lot of fun! ;) More pics!


10-23-2001, 10:01 PM
LOGAN!! Those are fantastic pics!!!! I am sooooooo jealous! The dogs are all gorgeous :D! That looked like so much fun! Can't wait to see your pics next :D!

10-23-2001, 10:20 PM
How fun!!!!

10-23-2001, 10:52 PM
I wish we could do that!! Your dogs are great!!! It looks like they like the water!
Show us the rest when you get them developed.

10-23-2001, 10:56 PM
Those pics are great Logan! I love the ones of Honey refusing to move :D :D It looks like you guys had so much fun! I hope you can go again soon. I am so excited to see these new Honey, Lilly, and Helen pics (and was that you trying to budge Honey?). I can't wait for your roll.

10-23-2001, 11:48 PM
Awesome pics, Logan! When I grow up, I wanna be able to post stuff just like yours... ;)

Seriously, that's a lot of canine poundage enjoying the beach! Doggie smiles galore...

Dixieland Dancer
10-24-2001, 07:39 AM
Oh Logan, you sure do know how to make me yearn to be at the beach. The pictures were beautiful and brought back memories of my furkids on the beach with extended family. I know the joy you feel and the paradise feeling of watching them all have soooooo much fun. We had 9 of them at a lake once (all related) and 4 at the beach. :eek: PURE JOY!!!!

10-24-2001, 07:39 AM
Here are a couple more:




10-24-2001, 08:51 AM
Delightful! I loved the pics, all of your girls are beautiful, and that berner....oh boy that's a fine looking dog! Graham has never seen the ocean. I wonder if he'd like swimming in the ocean as much as he likes swimming in freshwater. I loved the pic of Helen walking in the water with her golden girls. Beautiful :)

10-24-2001, 10:01 AM
Oh Logan, those photos are wonderful, they just made my day. All those beautiful dogs on a beach having the time of their lives, what more could one ask for. Honey and Lily look like they are having a great time. Wonderful, wonderful pictures.

10-24-2001, 11:45 AM
What a great bunch of pictures!!! The girls, all three of them, look like they are having great fun with their new friends. What a joy must have been for you to see all those pups getting along so well and for lovely Helen to be able to play with them. :D

Daisy's Mom
10-24-2001, 06:59 PM
What beautiful pictures! I love the ones with Helen and the doggies in them. The beach is such a perfect place for pictures. I have a few of Daisy, but no scanner yet. Maybe when Santa Paws comes... ;) Anyway, Logan, I am so glad you had so much fun! You can tell from the pictures that you all had a blast.

10-24-2001, 07:05 PM
Logan I said it in an e-mail but I have to say it again....these pictures are just terrific!! To say that you had a wonderful time is an understatement I'm sure. I would want to blow them up into 8 x 10's, or even larger, and hang them up all over the house to remind myself of those wonderful warm days at the beach when winter arrives with all of its fury! :)

10-24-2001, 08:22 PM
There is NOTHING like other people, whose opinion you respect, saying nice things about your "skin kid" and your "fur kids". I mean it! I love you all to pieces, and I appreciate every single word you have posted. :) My girls (all of them) mean the world to me, and it is so heartwarming to have each of you validate that love!!! When they are happy, I am happy. So we were all happy on this trip and I can tell that you all know that by looking at the pictures.

Thanks a million to each and every one of you who have responded by email or posting here!!! Love to you all!! :D

10-24-2001, 10:16 PM
God! I wish I had a real computer. All the pics at Nana Betty's site were fairly grainy, but I could still tell you guys were having a blast with the "kids" (human and otherwise). Maybe when I get my new 1.7G HD on-line??? Probably not, I'll still have the old processor. Oh, well, save those pennies. Anyway, it looked like the furkids were enjoying the heck out of the beach and that Bernese Mountain Dog was gorgeous! I love the Bernese (heck, I love just about anything that has legs, fur, wags [something, anything], and occasionally woofs). Anxiously awaiting further pics.