View Full Version : The Diary of Eduardo

Edwina's Secretary
06-22-2003, 10:42 AM
Dear Diary,

I continue on my journey for a forever home. For the last few days I have been in some sort of subterran forest -- with lots and lots of dusty and hidey places.
There are two furless one. One blonde and one big with curly hair. They seem to want to befriend me but they call me Eddie. I have not granted such familiarity! So I taunt them. I hide and let them call and call and call "Eddie", "Here kitty, kitty." :rolleyes: I let them go on for hours yesterday until finally I started giving little squeaks. It was such fun to watch them try to locate me from my squeak!

They feed me well. The catsip is refreshing but how dare they! Offered me Sara Lee Honey Roasted turkey...leftovers from the other cat!! I think not!

I let the curly haired one hold me and talk to me.


But I must be careful!

Count Eduardo

06-22-2003, 11:09 AM
Eduardo, I have been waiting anxiously to see a picture of you in your weekend haunt, so I'm glad you came out from your hiding place. :) You do look a little suspicious though, but I can see you let "the big one" hold you. That is some progress!! :D

Sara, where was our little princess Edwina during all this?

06-22-2003, 11:12 AM
Oh this is so sweet! Eduardo you are a very handsome kitty .. and I hope you enjoy your meeting with Edwina! :D

Edwina's Secretary
06-22-2003, 11:31 AM

Sara, where was our little princess Edwina during all this?

06-22-2003, 11:59 AM
I am so glad that Eddie came out of hiding and I love the photo of Edwina!:)
I can't wait to see more photos!:D

06-22-2003, 12:08 PM
I am glad he came out and you were able to get his picture at last! Such a beautiful boy!:) He has won my heart, how about you Sara?!:D
I feel sorry for Lady Edwina though, she looks so sad sitting there.

06-22-2003, 02:35 PM
Ah, Lady Edwina, you finally have them coming right to your door.

I too, would watch carefully from the staircase........why show your beautiful self too soon.

However, Eduardo is very handsome.........so don't be too rash in your judgement.

06-22-2003, 03:11 PM
Ahh Edwina, you're beginning to get curious now. ;) Are you starting to realize that Eduardo is not such a big threat? Or are you checking out what your dad is doing down there? :eek: I bet you need his tummy very soon! :)

Sara, that is such a sweet picture of Edwina. She is really curious! A good sign neither of them are hissing!

You must keep us updated, please!

06-22-2003, 04:48 PM
Oh what a precious big cuddle boy he is!!!! WOW, now that HAS to win mom and dad over!!!!!:D

Sweet Edwina, you are not forgotten .... you just take your time and I'm sure you will be charming Eduardo in no time at all!;)

Miss Meow
06-22-2003, 06:23 PM
The pic of Edwina reminds me of Scarlett O'Hara ready to come down the staircase in Gone with the Wind :) Don't go down there too soon Edwina, you'll ruin the mystery and intrigue!

Steffi N
06-22-2003, 07:02 PM
Eduardo, I just read your story for the first time. You are just adorable and have such a cute little pink nose. The pictures of you in your office were precious, you look just ready to be picked up and cuddled. I hope that you soon will become Edwina's brother.

06-22-2003, 07:14 PM
Dear Diary,
I have high hopes for Eduardo, that this will be his furrever home. With two lovely hoomans, and a very special femme fatale, how can things go wrong? Do keep us updated.

Edwina's Secretary
06-22-2003, 08:09 PM
Dear Diary,

I will not be leaving tomorrow morning after all. I'm going to stick around and see what this place is all about. However, it is important I remain elusive. I have found a number of hiding places from which to observe the behavior of these furrless one.


I remain undecided about the future and I still like the big curly haired one better.

Count Eduardo

Cinder & Smoke
06-22-2003, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
I will not be leaving tomorrow morning after all.
I'm going to stick around and see what this place is all about.
/s/Count Eduardo

Talk about *Progress*...

Sounds like you got to First Base, Eddie...
Now let's member to use da litter box!, Please!

Nice that you like the Big, Curly, Wun - but dont ignore da Blonde Wun -
she's kinda important... ;)

Anna "Furrie Wun" iz Reelee Important!!
Treet her wifff da Kid Gluves - kuz we tink she's purdy much In Charge -
an prolly haz da Finul Say bout yer Stayin or goin back to da offis.

Keep us posted, Eddie!


06-22-2003, 08:48 PM
What a great story teller you are ............ Eduardo!! :D

06-22-2003, 09:27 PM
You did it boy .... mission one ACCOMPLISHED!!!! Don't worry too much about Miss Edwina .... every grand lady has to make a special entrance!!!:D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-22-2003, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
Dear Diary,
I will not be leaving tomorrow morning after all.

:D :D :D
What more can I say....
:D :D :D

......except thank you sooo much Sara and Don, for giving this sweetie a chance. I'm sure as the week goes on he will start feeling comfortable enought for his real charm to come out - and hopefully Edwina will take notice of that charm too......and Eddie, don't forget to show a little of that charm to the blonde too.....

:D :D :D

PS - Sara, we were at the race track at Road America in WI when you called, so I'll email or PM you tomorrow, from work, where it's a lot quieter than it was today. Thanks again!!! :D

Prairie Purrs
06-22-2003, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
Since Edwina is famous for her hats, might Eddie have a thing for . . . shoes???:D

Edwina's Secretary
06-23-2003, 07:04 AM
Dear Diary,

An interesting development this morning. The curly haired one was talking with me when a furred one entered my room. She is BEAUTIFUL but she must eat alot of birds because she has a very foul mouth! She sashayed into the room, paused, looked at me and began to hiss, fluff, and growl! And the language! It would make a sailor blush. I maintained my dignity and merely endured her slings and arrows. She sashayed back out and I enjoyed head bumpies and quality time with the curly haired one. I think she is a mama's girl!

More to come,

Count Eduardo

06-23-2003, 08:31 AM
Eduardo, with time I am sure Miss Edwina will lighten up to you! It is good to hear that you are not provoking her, and you are 'maintaining your dignity' :)

LOL you tell great stories Eduardo, I enjoy reading your posts. You are also a very handsome cat, very mysterious eyes! :D

Kona & Oreo's mom
06-23-2003, 08:58 AM
Eduardo, you are such a gentleman to endure such foul language from the beautiful Edwina. But remember, she is a lady at heart and just a little unsure about you right now. I'm sure she'll realize what a good man you are soon!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-23-2003, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
She sashayed back out and I enjoyed head bumpies and quality time with the curly haired one. I think she is a mama's girl!

Way to go Eddie! You've endured the first encounter with Lady Edwina with such grace. :D :D As long as you don't provoke back, I'm sure she will get over it real soon. Continue to endure and she will soon realize you are not a threat and may just become curious about you. :D

And I'm glad things are going so well between you and the curly haired one. Keep up the good work sweetie. :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-23-2003, 09:13 AM
Just had another thought! :D

Anybody ever read any of the Harlequin Romances? I don't anymore, but I read my share as a teenager, and the plot usually goes something like this:

1) Man and woman meet under some unfortunate circumstances - car accident, death of parent, etc......

2) Man and woman clash dramatically, each hating the very earth the other walks on, but usually with the man having enough curiosity to continue with some contact.

3) The woman continues to hate the man, the man is intrigued by the woman's stubborn-ness and independence, so instead of just continuing contact, the man begans the pursuit.

4) Some dramatic event happens which causes the woman to realize how much the man really means to her. At this point the man is to the point of giving up, so pursuit has slacked off some.....

5) ....but.....the woman decides to fly in the face of reason and goes to the man and reveals her true feelings for him, usually during one last big blow up between them where they start out fighting, but end up in each others arms. He and she are both ecstatic and run off to wed, and end up living happily ever after.

I think Edwina and Eduardo might be at the ending stages of "2" and the beginning stages of "3." We may just have our own little "Harlecat Romance" developing right before our eyes! :D

06-23-2003, 12:10 PM
Ohhh!! I'm on pins and needles. :)

Just keep calm Eddie and soon you will woo the Princess Edwina. :D

06-23-2003, 02:52 PM
What an exciting and romantic story!! Keep charming lady Edwina, Eduardo, she will melt for you soon;) ;) ;)

06-23-2003, 03:02 PM
Hi Conte Eduardo -from your literary style I can see that you fit quite purrfect into the household in which you are staying. From the cuddling style you seem to fit very well in with the curly one (maybe we'll have to call you Don Eduardo:confused: ) -so there is just the furry one with the bad language...

I for myself can't understand why she doesn't melt but maybe she's just playing hard to get. Our fingers and paws here are crossed:) :D

06-23-2003, 03:43 PM
Well, I think Lady Edwina is a hard nut to crack, she IS a Lady after all. Can't be fawning over the first man (cat) that comes to her door (err, basement?) ;)

LOVE these pictures, Eduardo looks like such a wonderful cat! :D

06-23-2003, 03:43 PM
Dear Count Eduardo,

Me thinks this has all the trappings of an ARRANGED MARRIAGE!! So, sit tight...little Miss Edwina is simply holding out one last time, objecting to the whole thing. I think you should try to befriend Shirley...maybe that will get Edwina in a finer mood.

Good luck!

Edwina's Secretary
06-23-2003, 05:31 PM
Dear Diary,

It was an accident....really!! I heard a noise in the window well and felt it my duty to check it out. I didn't realize the absent one had so many ceramic frogs on the window ledge. Only two of them broke when they hit the floor! But why did the blonde one have to find this instead of the curly haired one?!?!?!

I hear he is thinking of taking me upstairs tonight!

Count Eduardo

06-23-2003, 06:01 PM
What's this???? I take 2 wks off work and now you have another kitty??? I've truly missed something here.

Eduardo: I notice you are quite the handsome devil but you seem to lack the appropriate courting attire. Princess Edwina has very discriminating taste when it comes to companionship. May I suggest you sport a bowtie before your next approach.

In the words of ZZTop - Every girl crazy 'bout a sharp-dressed man!!

Prairie Purrs
06-23-2003, 06:12 PM
Sir Eduardo, slayer of ceramic frogs! That may not be the best way to impress Lady Edwina--not to mention the furless ones! :D

Enjoy your adventure into the upper realms of the castle, big fella!

06-24-2003, 05:02 AM
A Meowmie's Girl and Daddie's boy? A match made in heaven really ... and I know our lady Edwina LOVES to accesorise ... and what is the perfect accessory? A lovely, gentleman named Eduardo whose luxurious fur coat that matches hers!

She'll come round soon enough!

Edwina's Secretary
06-24-2003, 07:25 AM
Dear Diary,

I cannot figure out the one who is absent. She has army boots and satin beaded shoes!?!?!?!? How does she know when to wear which? I decided if I sleep on her bed it might help me understand her. Plus it is alot nicer than the dustbunny covered floor!

The blonde one came to my rooms yesterday to clean my toilet and prepare my meal. Since she was so nice about the breakage (the one she glued looks perfect!) I let her rub my ears. I even purred for her a little.

The curly haired one has his morning coffee with me. It is nice. The furred one is still being snooty though!


Count Don Eduardo

06-24-2003, 07:26 AM
Uhhh, not very elegant, Eduardo. :rolleyes: I think Edwina will have to teach you how to move around in a more dignified manner.

Getting to upstairs tonight. :eek: Perhaps that was your plan all along. ;) But you must find another way of telling it.

Sorry about your broken frogs, Sara. :(

Looking forward to hear a report from upstairs!

06-24-2003, 08:38 AM
Originally posted by Randi
Looking forward to hear a report from upstairs!

he he, me too, Sara !!;) :cool: :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-24-2003, 09:34 AM
Yeah! You're sleeping on the bed! This is a very good sign that you're getting more comfortable in your new home, Eddie. And you even let the blonde one pet you!??! And you purred for her too??!?!?!? :eek: :eek: Good boy! Of course that's the least you could do after the frog slaying fiasco. :rolleyes: Please try and be more graceful next time ok? Breaking things is definitely not a good idea right now.

Keep up the good work and please tell your diary how the trip upstairs went. Oh, and don't worry about the snooty one. She will come around. Just be your normal dignified self and she will soon realize that she can't get a reaction out of you, which will cause her curiousty to come around, and she might just find that she likes having a Count around to keep her company. :D

Yeah!!! :D

06-24-2003, 10:33 AM
What is this? A new furkid? I have been away for a few days.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-24-2003, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by HayleyRosie
What is this? A new furkid? I have been away for a few days.

Check this out
Looks Like I'm a Foster Mom (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=28701)
for the beginning of the story. :D

06-24-2003, 03:43 PM
You keep on squirming you handsome boy. :D

06-24-2003, 06:41 PM
"Progressing" ----one of the BEST words I've seen all day!! :) I'm so pleased he's working out so well!

06-24-2003, 06:55 PM
OMG! How on earth did I miss this one! Congratulations miz Sara for giving this guy a chance! What a sweet little pink nose he has! I just love his diary entries. I've been so hooked on them ever since I found this thread! I sure hope Edwina comes around. How cute! A matching set! Kind of like Sara's Tinky and Jupiter! ;)

Do let us know how the jaunt upstairs went! :eek: ;)

06-24-2003, 09:28 PM
Dear Count Don Eduardo,

I just found out about you yesterday from T & P's mom &
her stories of fostering you at her office. May I say that I loved
all your pics & video. You look a little puzzled as to just what's
going on in your life right now, but oh so ready to be loved &
pampered. I can see you are a real lover & softie at heart and
hope it won't be too long before the lovely Miss Edwina sees
it also. Just keep on being your own sweet self & you'll never
go wrong. :) Big {{{{hugs}}} to you dear boy.:)

06-25-2003, 10:57 AM
I'm so glad to hear that Eddie is still in Sara's home. :D I knew that he was a keeper. I'm sure that Edwina will come around soon. :)

Killearn Kitties
06-25-2003, 04:39 PM
This is so exciting!! I'm on tenderhooks waiting for another diary entry.

Prairie Purrs
06-25-2003, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by Killearn Kitties
This is so exciting!! I'm on tenderhooks waiting for another diary entry.

Me, too! It's a real page-turner! :D

06-25-2003, 06:16 PM
OMG! I'd totally missed this thread. What a thrill!

Edwina, I know your heart is still sore from several issues this winter/early spring... perhaps a brother can share solace with you as you both soak up a spot of sun in the garden? I'm not TOO wild about my brother, either, but keep in mind: we get double rations of goodies because of him and extra toys come into the house which is a real plus. At any rate, purrs to THE lady of Pet Talk.

~~Livvy Wivvy

06-26-2003, 03:10 AM
I was waiting for news in the first thread and I totally missed this one :)

Biting my nails :) waiting for another diary entry.

06-26-2003, 09:38 AM
Eduardo! of course you are welcome to come with edwina to the Canada Day parteeee! lots of Whiskas Temptations and our dad has stocked up on The Fancy Feast! All flavors! 144 cans just for the party!And more , we have filtered water , ice cold! And Cans of Nutro Max , Iams and Science diet! And 2 deli chickens ! come one , come all! Your hosts are below!

Edwina's Secretary
06-26-2003, 10:05 AM
Dear Diary,

There have been some interesting developments. Last evening the Blonde One spent some time with me. Since she brings me food I decided to let her drag me from behind the couch. I let her scratch my ears and cuddle me. I demonstrated my ability to get on the window ledge and the need to do something with the cord!


I let her hold the bowl of catsip up to me in the window so I could get the last drops. Then I did head bumpies and even a nose touch with her.

She sprayed some nice smelling stuff around the room (muttering about...what this cost it better work!) It made me feel calmer but I worry it is some mind control chemical!

This morning the Curly Haired One was back. He encouraged me to expand my horizons. I started up the stairs and BAM!! the Snooty One was in my way. Freeze Basement Boy! I froze.

She makes me nervous!

Count Don Eduardo

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-26-2003, 10:14 AM
Boy, talk about airplane ears! If that shot had been straight on, it probably could have gone in the dictionary under the definition of airplane ears. :D

Eddie, it's good to hear you're being so nice to the blonde one. Now we just have to work on coming out on your own instead of having to be dragged out. :rolleyes: :D

And you're such a good boy for freezing when the snooty one tells you to freeze. Thankfully you're learning quickly that what she says goes. :D

Freeze Basement Boy!
:D :D :D

Oh my! The first pic didn't show up the first time I read this! Way to go in getting all tangled in the cord Basement Boy. :rolleyes: Good thing the blonde one noticed this though, because I don't think she'd be real happy if you somehow happened to tear the blinds down! :eek: :rolleyes: :D

Kona & Oreo's mom
06-26-2003, 10:24 AM
Oh my gosh..."freeze basement boy"...I can't stop laughing! :D Lady Edwina sure runs the show! Good luck, dear Eduardo. It sounds like you are making excellent progress, at least with the furless ones!

06-26-2003, 10:29 AM
Oh wow! It sounds like Basement Boy is having an exciting day!
First mind-controlling drugs and then a run in with the Snooty One! It seems she gave him a very bad case of airplane ears!:eek:
I can't wait until I see a photo of him and Edwina together!:)

06-26-2003, 11:49 AM
:D :D :D

06-26-2003, 12:54 PM
Basement Boy! Oh, my, I can't stop grinning!
Eduardo, just keep doing EVERYTHING the snooty one tells you, and you'll get along fine. Can't wait for the next chapter in your adventures. Good luck!:D

06-26-2003, 12:59 PM
Boy, I sure need a laugh today!! Thank You!!

Basement Boy indeed:D :D :D

06-26-2003, 07:34 PM
Dear Eduardo,

How very sweet of you to point out the cord to the humans.
I'll bet they are ever so grateful. :) Do you have any toys to
occupy your time as you wait for dearest Edwina to calm herself?
Maybe if SHE saw you playing nicely, She might want to join in.
:D Hang in there sweetie, let the Lady Edwina see your soft
fluffy belly. :)

Cinder & Smoke
06-26-2003, 07:51 PM
Sure wish Eddie (aka Basement Boy) had bettur aksess to a puter...
This waitin :mad: fur a Diary Update is a
royal *pain* inna butt!

Da preveeus Basement Tenant musta taken da puter wiff her :(.

An wundur why :confused: da Gud Princess Edwina izint sayin nuffin?

Shuld tink SUMbuddie wuld be Meowin more offin!


06-26-2003, 08:41 PM
LOL!!!:D :D :D
Eddie, you are so adorable!!!
I'm sure you can charm Lady Edwina in no time.
Just remember, she is the Boss!;)

06-26-2003, 11:51 PM
Edwina, Ritzy wants to let you know you can come crash wif her if living with the Earl of Eduardo becomes too much, but she also sez that he's a pretty hunka hunka guy kitty and to give him a chance.

What's a prima donna puss to do?

Looking at Edwina's visage at the top of the stairs cracked me up....I have seen some of Casper & Kitties two new siblings, and it looks like Kittie is also having some "opinions" about the two new kittens - some very cute and funny pictures on their site...there is one ppicture where she looks like she is sticking her tongue out at the little tuxedo guy. But, we know Edwina is much too sophisticated to resort to such folly....

Debbie, thanks for the special update and the urge back to PT -I've been way too absent. ES, so wonderful of you to open your home to this obvious sweetie pie - those eyes, that face, what a charmer. I fell in love instantly

06-27-2003, 01:00 AM
Thanks for letting me know about this thread! Boy is Eddie adorable! Is Edwina still being queen of the house? ;) Will Eddie ever wear hats? Hope so! Good luck and congrats!

06-27-2003, 09:48 AM
Edwina , this is Juke Joint Joseph! Please give Eduardo a chance! it is fun to have other Cats around , even if our dad overdoes it at 13! Nonone should be Lonely and Eduardo needs a home TOO!Being homeless for a cat is no FUN! JJJ3! Party Time!

Edwina's Secretary
06-27-2003, 09:56 AM
Dear Diary,

I have a new friend! No, not the Snooty One. Basement Girl! , formerly known as The One Who is Absent, came back yesterday. (She is a REAL blonde, but that name is already taken!) I love her. I came right out when she arrived, followed her around, talked and talked to her in my squeaky voice. You should of seen the Blonde One when she came home...and Basement Girl raved about what a friendly cat I am...as I lay beside her watching t.v. Basement Girl didn't even mind that unfortunate accident with some of her frogs!

Sadly, Basement Girl is going to California today. :( :( I guess I'll just have to make some other friends.....

Count Don Eduardo

06-27-2003, 10:35 AM
Hey, Eduardo, did you tell Basement Girl how you helped rid her room of those vicious dust bunnies?

06-27-2003, 10:45 AM
Don't fret FastEddy, look at all the friends you've made here, just by listening to you and seeing pictures of your oh-so-handsome self. Any time you need a friend you just call-out-our-names, and we'll be there......

Edwina's Secretary
06-27-2003, 11:46 AM
Dear Diary,

I must make a confession....I slept with Basement Girl last night. I know I just met her but I am in love! This morning I lay on the floor beside her bed and gazed at her.

I'll miss her....


p.s. What's a guinea pig???? I may have a rival for her affections!

06-27-2003, 11:50 AM
Dear Don Eduardo,
we strongly hope it has not been a one-night-stand as your new love is already parting for California. How about trying with the other one. Sometimes it's good to make the first step:D

the Munich pillow boys :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-27-2003, 12:07 PM
Oh Eddie! How wonderful that you were able to open up to somebody and show your true purrsonality! Now if you could just please, please, please do that with the blonde one and the curly haired one....please???!!!

And you even slept with her! Of course, that could be because you had taken possession of the bed and she happened to sleep in your bed. :eek:

It's too bad she's leaving right away, but that will give you a reason to become more sociable with the blonde and curly haired one so Basement Girl can be impressed with your progress when she returns.

And don't worry. You can happily co-exist with a guinea pig. It's the snooty one that has us worried. ;) Just don't be afraid of the guinea pig's red eyes, and whatever you do, DO NOT eat - or even attempt to eat - said guinea pig. Basement Girl might have forgiven you for the frog fiasco, but I don't know if she'll be so forgiving if her guinea pig disappears! :eek: :eek:

I'm so happy you came out of your shell for a bit. I miss your little squeaky talking. :( :D

06-27-2003, 12:36 PM
OK, now I'm really confused. I was following this up until now but.....

who is Basement Girl?? (I must be getting too much sunshine..)

Edwina's Secretary
06-27-2003, 12:59 PM
Basement Girl is my niece who normally lives in the basement aong with her guinea pig, Turnip. She is an art student in Chicago. She is on break right now and went home to visit her mother. She returned yesterday so she could fly off today to visit her father in California. Turnip will remain with "grandmother" until my niece goes back to school after the holiday.

06-27-2003, 01:02 PM
Thanks, I was confused as well but figured I was just being...duh/blonde:rolleyes: :o ;)

Cinder & Smoke
06-27-2003, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
... and whatever you do,
DO NOT eat - or even attempt to eat - said guinea pig!
Basement Girl might have forgiven you for the frog fiasco,
but I don't know if she'll be so forgiving if her guinea pig disappears! ;)

Big Ed ~
Ya *get* dat!??
Klawz :eek: OFF!! da Pig!!

Bend wun singul Pig Hare - an you kud be sleepin inna
Kat Pound at Animul Kontroll!

Which begz da questshun...

Edwina's Secretary sed...
... lives in the basement along with her guinea pig, Turnip.
... Turnip will remain with "grandmother" until my niece goes back to school after the holiday...

Lil kornfuzzeled here...
Zaktly WHO is da GranMaw in dis tail...
da Edwina's Secretary Blonde Gurl or
da Niece's MawMee??

WAY too mennie "Blondez" in dis Tail...

Kuz whut we'z tinkin...
Iffin da Piggy's "GranMaw" is da Local Upstairz "Blonde" (aka "Edwina's Secretary")... den it sorta soundz like Miz Piggy (aka Trunip) haz ALSO moved back inta da Howze...

Do we now have THREE Kritterz raomin da Howze!
OMG! Where'z da PIG gonna Hang Out!?

Wunder iffin sumbuddie's gonna move up inna ATTIK?

Edwina's Secretary
06-27-2003, 01:56 PM
Lil kornfuzzeled here...
Zaktly WHO is da GranMaw in dis tail...
da Edwina's Secretary Blonde Gurl or
da Niece's MawMee??

Just to make it MORE confusing.....

"Grandmother" would be the mother of my niece. She...the mother of my niece that is....is also the mother of Pettalk's Gavin


Also, my sister, and, you'll be grateful to know...a brunette.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-27-2003, 02:45 PM
Gee Sara, maybe you could borrow Gavin's outfit for Eduardo. He could wear it for Edwina and maybe impress her that he is soooo much more than just Basement Boy. ;) :D However, I'm sure you would definitely need to wash it first, because if it smells like Gavin in anyway at all - back to the drawing board Basement Boy! :D

Cinder & Smoke
06-27-2003, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
Just to make it MORE confusing.....

"Grandmother" would be the mother of my niece. She...the mother of my niece that is....is also the mother of Pettalk's Gavin...
Also, my sister, and, you'll be grateful to know...a brunette.



Den WHO'z DAT holdin Gavin inna pix!?? :confused:
Dad sez "SHE sure lookz like a *BLONDE*!???"

But we'z gettin da Kart affore da Horsey here...

So it soundz like Miz Turnip, da Piggy iz NOT gonna be a big wurrie fur da Near Term, huh?
She (Miz Turnip, da Piggy) iz gonna be Safe & Sound at GranMaw'z (aka Sister, Gavin's Mom, da Brunette, etc) Howze - an outta reach of Edwina AND Eduardo...

RITE? :rolleyes:

So all we gotta wurrie bout is gettin two Kats whut hardlee seen each udder to be Palz!
Thank Hevin we dont gotta wurrie bout da PIG!

MEMO ta Eddie: Mynd da FROGz!
Basement Gurl iz onlee gonna let da Frogz slide wunst!

Mebbee borrow Gavin's *Bow Tie* an wandur UPstairz fur DinDin tanite...
Pop a bottel of Bubblie an Woow dat Snottie Gurl ovur a Kandil-Lit Dinner!


Edwina's Secretary
06-27-2003, 03:37 PM
an outta reach of Edwina AND Eduardo

Den WHO'z DAT holdin Gavin inna pix!??
Basement Girl!!

06-27-2003, 03:43 PM

Cinder & Smoke
06-27-2003, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by gini

Dad sez he needz a Programme anna Skore-Kard! :rolleyes:

But HEY! He gotz mosta da Gurlz figgered out now...

ES = Blonde Gurl (nummer Wun) (hangz out UP stairz)
BS (guess Basement Gurl soundz bettur :o ) = Blonde Gurl (nummer Too)
Sis = da Brunette (aka GranMaw / Gavin's Mom)
an Kurley Top gotz da Harey Legz...

Piece a Kake! :p

Back ta Dinner wiffa Katz...
Whut'z fur Dinner?
Eddie need a bottel uv Red or White Bubblie? :confused:

06-28-2003, 09:33 AM
Glad to see it's an international problem that the harey legz have problems with analyzing relationships.
Women gossiping all the time about "the aunt of my co-worker's brother-in-law, you know the one who married....." have a genetic advantage:D :cool:

We now know a lot about your fur and skin family but the big question is: How is Don Eduardo doing?

Edwina's Secretary
06-28-2003, 10:02 AM
Dear Diary,

I am beginning to suspect the Snooty one is really a female dog because she is such a ...........

Last evening she hissed at The Blonde One when they were playing....just cuz I left a little smell on her hand!

During the night I figured Snooty was safely tucked away with her momma. I thought I would venture up from the basement and see more of the house. Once again..... BAM!!!! Where does she come from????? And why does she keep telling me to do that??? Doesn't she know I've been clipped???? She was so loud and obnoxious she woke the Curly Haired One who came to investigate.

Today the Blonde One and the Curly Haired One brought me upstairs to look around. I was too afraid Snooty One was lurking somewhere so I ran back to the basement...

When will my Basement Girl come back!?!?!?!?!?!?


Prairie Purrs
06-28-2003, 11:50 AM
Edwina, dear, I believe you've firmly established who's in charge. Now, why don't you give the boy a break? You'll find it's not so bad having another furperson around. :D

06-29-2003, 01:42 PM
Dear Eduardo. I think you have to try another approach with miss Edwina. I know you've tried a bit of everything and you have already conquered the basement girl, and I think the curly haired one and the blonde too. :) How about asking them to put a drop of Valeriana on your gorgeous coat, that may attract the little lady Edwina. ;) I would love to see a photo with both of you in it!

06-29-2003, 02:30 PM
Dear Eduardo,
Relationships can be so hard, can't they? I have great faith that Miss Edwina WILL come around...it is just going to take time. Why not try some catnip, together? Or, some tasty treats, together? Food often brings us together (and together, and together). I hope it isn't too lonely in the basement without the BG....she could be your new best friend.

Edwina's Secretary
06-30-2003, 11:06 AM
Dear Diary,

It was a dark and stormy night....and I'm not talking about the weather! The furless ones have been leaving the door of my suite open so I've been carefully exploring. I was all the way up on the second level of the house (took me until 4:30 am to get there!) Snooty One was all tucked up with her momma. The bathroom up there is much bigger than the one in the basement! What a nice floor! I was checking it out when YEOW!!!!!! Attack of the Snooty One!!! She chased me down two flights of stairs. Then she hung out in my rooms daring me to show my little pink nose.

She sure is a fiery thing.....

Don Eduardo

06-30-2003, 11:27 AM
Miss Edwina,

Would you please give the very handsome Eduardo a little break? You may find your very best friend. I was a little mad when my mommy and daddy brought little Mandy to live with us but now I love having her around. Sometimes she is a pest but most of the time she does what I tell her to. I find I have to give her a bath a lot of the time. I so wish she would learn to do that herself. Anyway, now that you have made it quite clear you are the boss of the house, I'm sure if you give him a chance things will be fine.


P.S. My mommy says that if you give Eduardo a chance it will make your mommy very very happy.

06-30-2003, 11:51 AM
Dear Eduardo, I think I may know one of the things that is bothering the snooty one: she is afraid you will want to wear her hats. She has quite a collection you know.

Miss Edwina, please be tollerent of Eduardo. I'm sure he will promise to never ever go near your hats when he learns how important they are to you. It can be fun having a friend in the house. More treats!!!!:D

06-30-2003, 01:43 PM
Eduardo, why don't you offer to share some of your shoes with Edwina.........perhaps this will appeal to her.

06-30-2003, 02:13 PM
Don Eduardo, we know you are a shy and well educated kitty, kind of Little Lord Fauntleroy -so it should be possible to win the heart of that bossy lady.
But it may take time. I send you a kiss on your pink nose.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-30-2003, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
YEOW!!!!!! Attack of the Snooty One!!! She chased me down two flights of stairs. Then she hung out in my rooms daring me to show my little pink nose.

:D :D You did the right thing Eddie! She will soon realize that you are no threat to her reign as resident princess and hopefully she will relent and allow you out of the basement on occassion. :D

And hopefully she'll soon realize that that little pink nose of yours is so adorable......:D

Edwina's Secretary
07-01-2003, 08:58 AM
Dear Diary,

So much happened yesterday! My foster mom Debbie, aka Tubby and Peanut's mom....came to visit me. I did some tricks for her. I even played with a mousie for her!

Basement Girl came home!! It was wonderful. I followed her around and told her all about what I did while she was in California. I cuddled with her and I slept with her again!! She is going away again but will be back in two weeks. I'll miss her so. I followed her out of the basement and helped her clean.

I went out on the screen porch (had to be snuck past the Snooty One.) It made me nervous though.

Here's a picture of me in the kitchen.

Don Eduardo

p.s. I got chased by Snooty One a few times....:rolleyes:

07-01-2003, 09:33 AM
Awww... Mr. Count Edwardo. :) So glad to hear you had company and that Basement Girl was home for a short time. :)

07-01-2003, 09:33 AM
Eduardo, looking like you do, little miss Edwina is bound to give in soon - you are just adorable! :p

Being chased all the time does give you some exersice, but it's no fun, is it! I heard that the hoover came after you too. :eek: And now the basement girl are leaving - what are you to do? I think you better try and get some lap time with the curly haired one this evening. :)

It must have been fun to have Debbie come and visit, could you regcognise her?

Kona & Oreo's mom
07-01-2003, 09:42 AM
Eduardo, you are a very handsome boy! I doubt that the snooty one will be able to resist you much longer. :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-01-2003, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by Randi
It must have been fun to have Debbie come and visit, could you regcognise her?

I think he did. He was up on a window ledge when I got there (after having been chased back to the basement by the snooty one) and came down for pets as soon as I said "Hi Eddie." :D He let me pet him for a bit, then headed right to his dish and proceeded to have dinner - must have been hungry because he really chowed down! I stayed for a bit and he continually rolled over and showed his belly, batted at a mouse a few times and scratched on his scratcher. He really looked a lot more comfortable than when I left him last time, so he must be settling in. The Snooty One was at the top of the stairs for most of my stay. I got to see this pose in person. :D

Edwina was a bit nicer to me when I first got there, but after I came back up from downstairs she wanted nothing to do with me. I think she knows that I'm the one that brought her tormentor to her, so she doesn't want anything to do with me either. ;) :D

It's just interesting because she certainly doesn't seek Eddie out like Ti seeks out Miley, but if he comes into view.....watch out Eddie! :D

I'm sooo glad he is making himself more comfortable. Hopefully the snooty one will relent - just a little - so he can start feeling more comfortable in the whole house, not just the basement, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time.

Oh, and I got to meet Basement Girl too. :D She's really nice and seemed to be working on getting rid of all the dust bunnies that Eddie discovered and stirred up. :D

07-02-2003, 07:19 AM

Go figure women! This guy is just gorgeous, and it's not like he is a meannie or anything...sensitive, shows the belly, how could a girl resist?

Edwina, guys like this don't grow on trees! Toss in the hat, sweetie, and see what we all do in Count Eduardo...see how much you compliment each other? He even matches your ensemble, what more could a girl want? I'm sure Eduardo would even look smashing in a grey flannel fedora, or perhaps a jaunty little tweed sportscar racing tam! Think of the fun you two could have...

07-03-2003, 07:51 AM
I just found this thread and have read it all in one sitting after starting with Debbie's thread! I really do think it has the makings of a movie! Has anyone got any connections in Hollywood? I guess maybe it's too soon, though, as we don't yet know the ending but I am rooting with all of my heart for Edwina to weaken and submit to the dashingly handsome Eduardo! I can just picture them curled up in a huge kitty ball, happily grooming each other, as the credits begin to roll at the end. :D

07-03-2003, 11:44 AM
Actually, I've been dying to hear Ms Edwina's side of this story...where is the "other" diary? :);)

07-03-2003, 02:14 PM
Great updates Eduardo!! I have to tell you, I was crying when I read what the Snooty One was telling you to do...and your confusion. (SOOOOOOO funny!!! :D )

Looks like you're a happy guy. Just ignore that Snooty One....I have a feeling that will attract her much quicker, she seems like one of those "play hard to get" girls. ;)

07-03-2003, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by tuxluvr

This picture of Eduardo always makes me laugh.

Doesn't he look as though he has his "sleeves" rolled up?

07-03-2003, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by gini
Doesn't he look as though he has his "sleeves" rolled up?
And yet, SOOO cute! :p

07-03-2003, 02:39 PM
Randi, I totally agree. He is one beautiful cat with this huge personality.

We are rooting for you Eduardo!

07-03-2003, 02:41 PM
Yeah, you're right. I never noticed. It also looks like he has only 1 airplane ear.....:D :D

Update July 4 - Hey Eduardo, check out the Cat General side. There is a sweetie by the name of Lucille that you just might consider being your cyber love! If the Snooty Once continues to get on your case maybe you should turn your thoughts elsewhere.:D :D