View Full Version : Cameo, my rescue cat, is back!

06-19-2003, 05:43 AM
Cameo came home this weekend! She was having a blast at my Mom's house, and I was hesitant about bringing her home, but she adjusted in no time! As soon as I took her out of her carrier, she was sniffing and going from "hiding place" to "hiding place", making sure everything was as she left it! She got to go on many adventures while she was at her "Grandma's" house! I don't let her outside but my Mom left the door open and every day, she would go outside, foot by foot, until she finally got to the yard. But anytime something "noisy" would happen (i.e. vehicle, another animal, someone making noise) she would bolt inside the house in a flash! I watched her do this one day while I was there and she went into the yard, being very very careful, and her tail would start moving fast and then, right there, in the middle of the lawn, my prim, prissy Cameo started rolling around in the wet grass! I guess my Mom made a mountain girl out of her after all! She brought my Mom all sorts of "presents" that she proudly displayed! She had this look on her face like "Looky here...Ain't I cute?"

Oh silly Cameo...how I missed her so!!! A BIG THANKS to everyone who read my threads on her and to those who replied, giving me tons of support and stories! I love this message board and I am so glad that I have someone to share my "pet talk" with!!!


06-19-2003, 07:49 AM
Sounds like your little girl had a good time at Grandmas but I bet she is just as pleased as you to get home. :)