View Full Version : How do you resist taking them all home?

06-11-2003, 04:05 PM
Hi everyone! As some of you know, I have started volunteering at my local humane society as a way to get out of the house and to get a break from posting resumes.
My question is, how do I build up a resistance to my want of bringing home all the furbabies! LOL I have totally fallen in love with this beautiful female grey kitty, but I have to resist the urge to bring her home. There is also a dog that I'm absolutely in love with. Her name is "Jo Jo" and her tag says she's a shep/lab mix. She is recovering from mange, so she looks pretty bad, but she has the most soulfull eyes! I'm going to take her out today for a walk. Everytime I walk up to her Kennel, she just looks at me with these sad sad eyes and sticks her nose into my hand. All the other dogs and puppies are jumping and barking at the doors of their kennels, but no Jo Jo. Gosh! What to do. I know Aaron would be furious if I brought home another cat or worse...a dog!

What to do??!! :eek: :o

06-11-2003, 07:09 PM
You mean that a person is suppose to RESIST taking them all home?!?!?!?


06-11-2003, 07:17 PM
My fiancee has felt like keeping all of our fosters. I keep in mind, they are only with us a short time, and will go to a permanent home after leaving us.

Just give them all the love you can, and know a home is out there for each one.

I Love Brian, Forever <3
06-11-2003, 09:07 PM
LOL, Jen!!! :D :D :D :D

I HAVE to resist cause my mom says no. :rolleyes: lol.

L. Wayne
06-13-2003, 04:21 AM
I know it is difficult to resist taking all of them home. I had one shelter employee suggest that I take all of theirs. To this day, I do not know if she was serious or not. It was the same shelter that I rescued Amy cat from. This is one reason I do not like to visit any animal shelter, because of all of those beautiful furkids who need a home. If I had the facilities, I definitely would take more, but 14 plus 2 small kittens is more than enough.


06-13-2003, 07:42 AM

Wayne - how are the two bubbies? You'd be the last one I'd ask about resisting the temptation :D:D

06-13-2003, 08:45 PM
get rid of Aaron;)

06-14-2003, 02:37 AM
I obviously can't!! Although, notice that we haven't been to the shelter since May and I STILL managed to get another new cat!!!! :rolleyes:

Repeat my "shelter mantra"...."I'm SOCIALIZING them so they can go to their intended (my house, God? No? Are you SURE? Yea, You are? Well OK.....) ok, their INTENDED forever home...I'm giving them a second chance. Yea...

You may need to tattoo it on your forehead or tell the shelter you aren't allowed to leave that place with anything fuzzy! ;) (That didn't work for me....hi Micah!!) ;)

06-14-2003, 03:32 AM
Although, notice that we haven't been to the shelter since May and I STILL managed to get another new cat!!!!

Mmmm. We have the same problem. I am now finding cats in bramble bushes ?

It was a miracle that Mum & first 2 kits were taken to the shelter. I REALLY wanted to keep mum. Well lets be honest I would have kept them all. :D

L. Wayne
06-14-2003, 04:32 AM
Tamara, they are doing great! Although they both still have clymedia. Every morning I have to administer some terramycin, and sometimes amoxycillin to them. But it can be determined about how they feel because of the way they run, jump, and wrestle on the table top. Midnight has also joined in on their kitten play. Sometimes I wonder if he isn't too rough with them. But until Jumper begins to squeal, I'll let them play together. I can tell that both of them have grown. Callie is now about 9 1/2 inches long and Jumper is about 12 inches long, not measuring their tails. and I'd say they both have doubled their weight. Callie is so small yet, I'd say she would have been the "runt" of the litter. This morning they both have plenty of pus around their eyes, and will have to daub it off, before administering more terramycin. I'll be glad when they are old enough to get over this clymedia.

Yesterday, I found the Bartlesville, Okla. animal shelter. They had some of the prettiest and cutest flame-point Simamese kittens. The keeper openen up their cage and let me hold one of them. It was all I could do to resist taking that one. This time of year it is particularly difficult to visit an animal shelter because of all the kittens that they acquire. I told the keeper that I wish I could take all 7 of them. Even in our local shelter, there are an abundance of tuxedo, black, and tabby-colored kittens. Also there is a young queen who is white with a few black spots on her. She is beautiful.


06-25-2003, 04:09 PM
I thought I would post a picture of the grey female kitty that I really want from my shelter! She is so sweet and I just have such a strong bond with her. She is tiny at about maybe 6 pounds! She's estimated to be a year or so old. This picture really doesn't do her justice, but finally there is a pic of her available! :D Isn't she beautiful??


I have not had any luck convincing my husband to let me adopt her. He's still a little miffed about sergei staying! He says 3 cats are already too many, so a 4th one is out of the question :rolleyes:

06-25-2003, 04:11 PM

Keep trying!

06-25-2003, 04:20 PM
so a 4th one is out of the question
I remember MY # 4......Bear.........He just HAPPENED to come home with me from work one day, you know, just until we could find him a safe home (he was being taken to a shelter by his owner and at 5 years old would not have lasted a week before he was PTS). We DID find him a home but these people had NO clue how cats behaved and they called us to come get him. He was with us for 15 years after that day :D
moral of the story..............."oops, it followed me home".:D

06-25-2003, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
moral of the story..............."oops, it followed me home".:D


06-25-2003, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
"oops, it followed me home".:D
I agree!!!! Its not like Aaron does the taking care of the cats, right? Its your house too....I understand if there was a REAL reason he didn't want another, but he hasn't given one yet. Three cats are too much for who? HIM??? Or is that what he thinks other people will say?

I'm telling you. When I come back up in July....I'll get her for you...as a gift. You can't take gifts back, right? It'd be rude! ;)

hee hee

06-25-2003, 11:22 PM
I met the little grey cat and she's so sweet and I can tell that she and Karen have a very special bond. :) AmberLee and I have already jokingly said that if we come down to visit Karen and Aaron again that we'll also bring her over with us and tell Aaron that we found her on the side of the road and we couldn't just let her stay there. :D I know that Aaron likes cats because he and Sergei were seen cuddling together last Saturday when we were there. :) I sure hope that you can change his mind Karen. Little grey kitty needs you. :)