View Full Version : More on Cameo, my rescue cat (Need some feedback here)

05-27-2003, 03:04 PM
Some of you guys are familiar with Cameo, and some of you are not. If you are not, please check out my thread labeled My Cat Rescued ME.

I just recently left my cat with my mother because I am going to have some work done on my apartment and I am...um...I am...um...*kinda blushing here* not really allowed to have cats in my apartment. (oopsie) But I hide her anyways because I love this cat so much and I would rather have to find another place to live rather than give her up (which I am looking for at the moment...but until then, I'll have to keep her under wraps). Anyway, when I went to leave her at my Mom's (she lives almost 5 hours away), I started bawling like a baby!! This was yesterday and I have missed her so so so much! I couldn't believe how much that I was hurting over this! I feel like such a sap but I am hoping that this is how normal cat lovers are! I need some feedback here guys! My baby isn't coming home for another 2-3 weeks! I just need some support and maybe some stories of your cat "withdrawls"! Thanks guys!!


05-27-2003, 03:24 PM
I haven't checked your other thread yet, but your reaction is perfectly normal! I'd be bawling too. I cry like a little baby every time one of my fosters gets adopted. I get very attached very quickly. I cried for a week when a foster got adopted that I only had for 2 days!! :eek: And I'd just be a wreck without my Shiloh girl.

I'd try to find something to keep you busy for the next couple weeks to try to make the time pass quicker. Good luck!

05-27-2003, 04:50 PM
All people should love their pets so much. I have never been in the situation where I had to leave my cats, but I know that if I had to, I'd be crying too. I miss them if they need to spend an overnighter at the vet.

05-27-2003, 06:20 PM
so perfectly natural for you to feel this way, she is your baby, i hate even leaving my cats at the cattery so i can go on holiday, infact i am dreading having to leave my new cat Lexie because she is such a mummys girl and will be so sad, guess i just wont go on holiday no more, dont worry the time will go sooner than you think and you will have your precious baby cameo back again, by the way she is adorable

05-27-2003, 07:55 PM
I feel your pain. In fact, I'm so bad, that I will not go out of town at all unless its absolutely necessary. I just can't stand to leave my cats in the hands of a cat-sitter. I know it's stupid because I have a very lovable and reliable cat-sitter but somehow I just can't bring myself to do it. I'm sure your Mom will take good care of your babies and they will probably miss you too. 5 hours is a long way to drive just for a visit but you could phone. Don't laugh, I knew of someone who used to call home every day from work just to leave a message for the cats. I'm not quite that bad. Like Aly says, keep busy and before you know it your kitty will be in your loving arms again.

05-27-2003, 08:09 PM
Absolutely normal. I have to leave for Montreal in less than 2 weeks and I am already stressing about leaving my girls.

05-27-2003, 09:18 PM
That is absolutely normal! But keep reminding yourself that you guys will be reunited very soon.

Whenever I go away, I miss my cats something awful :(.

05-27-2003, 11:38 PM
As others have said, yes it is normal to feel that way. A few years ago I had to go to Mississauga, Ontario for my nephew's wedding and had to depend on my sons to take care of my babies. I was only gone from Friday and was back home by Sunday afternoon.
I called about 4 or 5 times to check up on the animals to make sure they were ok. My son's nose got a little out of joint cause I didn't ask how he was. lol

So don't worry CameozMom, before you know it those 2-3 weeks will fly by and your Cameo will be back in your arms.
By the way, your Cameo is one gorgeous girl.:D

05-28-2003, 01:06 AM
Thank you guys so much for the support and the wonderful stories! I just got back from the movies and I had to come home to an empty house! Well, not exactly empty...I have two hamsters but it just isn't the same! I love having her greet me at the door every time I come in! She is always soooo glad to see me!!

Keep it comin' guys! I love these stories and words of encouragement!!

05-28-2003, 05:54 PM
to me thats the best part of coming home from holiday, i get so excited to pick up my furbabies, even when i go out shopping to come home and be greeted by them never ceases to just make my day.:)

05-28-2003, 08:33 PM
You're completely normal... I had to leave my two babies for 2 1/2 weeks with a friend I've known forever and who has 5 kitties and a bigger place... so I knew they would be fine... but it was still horrible having to leave them and I felt terribly guilty because it was for vacation, I think I ended up calling every few days so see how they were doing. I missed them horribly. (and you're not the only one that has an animal they shouldn't... my apartment has a one animal limit ;)

L. Wayne
05-29-2003, 04:16 AM
Your reaction to leaving your furkids is perfectly normal. When I leave my house to only do some errands around town, I worry about them. If I am gone more than 2 hours, it is very worrying to me. Although they are perfectly capable of caring for themselves, and there is plenty to eat set out before them, it is still a worrying situation. One of the most satisfying sights when returning from town, is to see Chris and Happy cat laying in thewindowsill as I drive down my driveway. I usually talk to my furkids and tell them what I am doing and how long I expect to be gone. I believe they understand. Also, when I am getting ready to leave the house, they know. And when leaving, I can see the dissapointment in their faces -especially Chris' face.

05-29-2003, 05:22 AM
When ever I leave the house, I actually tell our furkids where I am going and how long I will be.

PaysForIt thinks I am dotted. :D

PS. I also have considered setting up our web cam so I check on them, when we are away overnight, how sad is that !!!

05-29-2003, 07:08 AM
You are having a perfectly normal reaction. I worry about my kitties even when I am away at work and I know that nothing will happen to them. When I go out of town (even for a weekend), I can hardly wait to get back (and I have been known to leave early just to get back to see the cats). I have to go back home this summer and there is a part of me that is dreading that because I will have to be gone for at least a week. I don't know what I will do when that happens:(

05-31-2003, 10:09 AM
As Jen says, if more people cared for their pets as much as the people in this forum do, then the world for all the kitties would be that much better!

I can totally sympathise. A day after getting Pixel from the RSPCA, she became ill and we had to take her to their infirmary for treatment of an infected ear. She was gone for a WHOLE week after we'd just bonded! I was beside myself with worry and sadness. And yes, I cried my eyes out! I drove my partner half balmy saying "I miss my kitty!" constantly :)

You will soon be re-united with your kitty! My thoughts are with you, I know it is an awful wrench.

05-31-2003, 12:02 PM
Just thought I would update you guys on Cameo. She is living like a queen at my Mother's house! She gets to sit and look outside all day (something she loves, but can't do since I have to hide her from my neighbors). She has been getting spoiled to death! Even my Dad has grown fond of her and he isn't really a cat lover (but I think by the time she leaves, she'll make him a feline fan forever!). I guess in a way, she is spreading her magic to other people..because when she's around, you can't help but notice her. She is very entertaining to watch and can amuse herself for hours on end with anything....towels, socks...and my Mom has been feeding her bacon! I think I am going to have one very spoiled kitty on my hands when she returns!

Thanks everyone for your stories! I have really enjoyed reading them! Please, keep it up! This is wonderful!!

L. Wayne
05-31-2003, 12:39 PM
cameozmom; maybe your dad will also want a cat when yours comes home with you.:)

I am thinking that when you get your cat home, that perhaps you could find a look-alike cat-doll and place that in the viewing window so that your neighbors will not be so suspicious. This will allow your furkid to look out the window all she wants.:D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-02-2003, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by CameozMom
and my Mom has been feeding her bacon! I think I am going to have one very spoiled kitty on my hands when she returns!

When I first got Tubby, I lived alone so it was just me and the Tubster. He was just a kitten, so I thought I'd start him off right. I didn't want a cat that begged all the time, so most of the time when I was in the kitchen, I made him stay out of the kitchen. He would sit right at the very, very edge, just so the tips of his toes were ever so barely in the kitchen, but not enough for me to tell him no and push him back some. :)

Well, when Tubby was about 1 1/2 years old, I decided to move to Florida (from Wisconsin). At first everything was temporary, so I left Tubby at my mom's house until I got settled and could bring him down with me. After that, he was a lost cause in the begging department. She spoiled him so rotten with scraps from the table that there was no way I could have ever retrained him to stay out of the kitchen while I was cooking. When I said something to my mom about it, she responded with "Well, that's what Grandma's are for!" and that was the end of that discussion. ;) :rolleyes: :D

Now I fear for Tubby because he lays underfoot all the time when anybody is in the kitchen. :rolleyes: Terry and I have gotten used to it now so when we're in the kitchen, we don't ever take a step without looking down first to see where Tubby is - because we know he's there somewhere. :rolleyes:

So much for all his first year training. :rolleyes: :D