View Full Version : Sneak Peek at latest fosters: Bella & Orangina

05-24-2003, 08:17 PM

The girls out number the boys here at Mama Rosa's tonight.
Periwinkle is being picked up by her new Mommy & Daddy tomorrow.

I put Orangina, 8 month old Flame point female in the isolation room. And opened a second 'ward' for Bella. A 8 week old Snowshoe/ Torti Point.
Bella's got the URI, but she's active and eating and drinking.

Here's where I need some input:

Orangina growled (from behind the door) at Periwinkle. Snowy, my male, was there and said nothing (he usually trills at the newbies)
Periwinkle took to growling too, and took it out on poor Snowy.

Now, do you all think that this female, Orangina, needs placement without females? Or wait and see how she does when Periwinkle's gone and it's just Snowy?

Anyway, that's the first hostilities I've heard from amy cat (except for Mr. Jones, who lets everyone have it).

Here's some sneak pix, before they even hit the website.

05-24-2003, 08:18 PM

05-24-2003, 08:19 PM
Baby Bella

05-24-2003, 08:19 PM

05-24-2003, 08:20 PM
Likes her new Daddy...

05-24-2003, 09:07 PM
Congratulations on bringing home the new fosters! I love the nose and tail markings on Bella! :D
About Orangina's behavior towards the other cats, I would wait and see, she did just get there.
Maybe she will settle down and get to like Snowy once she has been there a while.
Thanks for the pics!:)

05-24-2003, 09:22 PM
Females are notorious for being hard to get allong with. Do not be surprised at a growl. It would not doubt pass with time. When Kim got her she was 4 ppounds of spit and fire, she growled at all the cats......3 times her size, but it never amounted to anything. Soime cats need more time than others.

They are very pretty and congratulations to periwinkle on the new forever home.:D

05-26-2003, 12:02 AM
They're both gorgeous. :D I'm sure that things will settle down. It just takes time. :)

05-26-2003, 10:58 AM
They are both very beautiful cat. Please keep us posted.

05-26-2003, 11:10 AM
Oh wow, Bella is beautiful, and Orangina is too ... looks like she was just spayed???
So glad to see she loves her new Daddy too! ;)
It's a good idea to keep Bella separated while she has the URI ... as we all have learned through my "example" :rolleyes: . hehehe
Don't worry about the girlie hissing ... just give it some time... girls tend to be more hissy anyway! ;)
Congratulations to sweet Periwinkle on the forever home!!!

Keep us posted on your babies!

05-26-2003, 11:42 AM
AWWWW what a great way to start off the day!! Bella, I just love your little nosie.

05-26-2003, 03:15 PM

All the girls at my house are recently spayed.

So many wounds to check on.

Check this out:

On Bella's shelter doc. it has her spay date of 5-22-03. She is scarcely 2 lbs now. AND on top of that sh'e had that URI!

She's quite amazing really, that she still had an apetite and wants to play too!

I hope she keeps it up and starts to feel better. Today doesn't seem to be as bad as yesterday. Hopefully tomorrow I can squeeze her into my Vet's.

05-26-2003, 06:12 PM
Wow, they are both completely gorgeous!!!

05-27-2003, 07:10 AM
They are both beautiful ... especially Bella's facial markings - adorable! Sometimes, all cats need is a little bit of time to establish a "pecking" order before they settle down into forced civility. If this is the first instance of trouble you've been very lucky so far considering that you've had quite a few fosters stay with you!

Good luck with placing Orangina and Bella, both adorable Meezers! I heard that siameserescue.org has a chapter in Australia - when I have my own place they will be my first port of call for rescues because I just LOVE meezers! :D

05-27-2003, 03:12 PM
Hey, that's great I didn't know they were 'down under'

It's a wonderful organized group to be a part of. They take the stress out for you.

These are my first females, i just don't know how they integrate.

No more growling since Periwinkle went home. Snowy, my male, is singing at the door, he seriousely needs a Mariachi band to help out.


05-29-2003, 08:04 PM
Bella has such distinctive facial markings, she is a real beauty, they are both cuties for sure