View Full Version : Placed another ad.... very discouraged!

05-10-2003, 04:33 PM
Well I placed another ad for my rescues to find homes. I have only had two calls.... one just wanted a kitten and didn't want to have to pay for spaying or anything!!! :mad:

The others were an older couple who actually came by to look. They were too scared to take a chance on any of them because they would not come right to them and act "friendly enough"!
If they only knew how far these rescues have come ... it is amazing! DUH.... they are going to have to readjust and build trust all over again with anyone new! Why can't people just understand that???

What really upsets me is that I specifically stated in my ad that these cats were abandoned and/or rescued , and they needed serious cat-loving people to adopt them!!!! UUGH!!!!

My husband and I have agreed that this will be our LAST ad for these cats. If they aren't adopted, then they ALL have a permanent home with us. It is expensive to care for 19 cats (yep, we're at 19) but we WILL NOT let these kitties go backwards again to being homeless, mistreated, or even euthanized!!!!! :(

They are all used to eachother now (YES, it DOES happen with time ;) ) and they know we love them dearly. I just have to vow to not take in anymore!:rolleyes:

This ad runs through Tuesday, so maybe there is still hope that someone will be adopted by a true cat-loving dedicated human!

05-10-2003, 04:41 PM
Unfortunately, sometimes ads do not get seen by the right people. But that does not mean that the right people are not out there.
Don't take this as criticism, but maybe "serious cat - loving person" was not quite the right wording. My friend Lisa is a serious cat loving person, but she would not do well with a shy type of cat. ( and not all rescue cats are shy ). You might need to just word the ad differently. Or try different locations to advertise.
While the cats would do well (VERY well) if they stayed with you, it may not come to that.
Try not to give up all hope. :)

05-10-2003, 07:47 PM

Anyone who can't afford to have the cat spayed/neutered has no business having a pet. I've always found it's an indication that they will not be able to afford medical care for their pets.

Hang in there. These babies have come very far and will certainly find a furrever home eventually. It may take some time. But like you said, you won't let them go backwards.

05-10-2003, 07:53 PM
If you were in Massachusetts, I might have homes for two of your kittens, as one of my co-workers has been drooling over their pictures you've posted! Know anyone driving up this way anytime soon? ;)

05-10-2003, 08:01 PM
I would gladly take a leg in a relay if we can organize one.

05-10-2003, 10:27 PM
Here is my exact ad ....

Serious Cat Lovers needed to provide responsible, loving homes for rescued & abandoned Cats. Adoption fee and spay/neuter required. 217-0603 ask for Kim

I thought putting "rescued & abandoned Cats" was pretty much saying ....."hey, these aren't your everyday easy-going cats"??
I assumed it would make it obvious that they would need a special type of home and extra effort. I don't know what to say ... I hate to say ..... "adopt a terrified cat that will run and hide from you for months"!!! :eek:

;) Any suggestions on better wording????
Thanks everyone for your support!

05-11-2003, 05:13 AM
The ad sounds good to me, but we ARE talking about the general public.:rolleyes: Think about it: it says spay/nueter right in the ad, so why did they even call to say "I don't want to pay for spay"? Because people are STUPID !!!

How about:
Rescued, stray cats in need of a loving home. Patience and understanding is mandatory while cats adjust to their new surroundings. Spay/ neuter and adoption fee required.
Indoor homes only. Serious cat lovers need only apply. NAME at PHONE NUMBER.

K & L
05-11-2003, 08:21 AM
Jen that sounds perfect!

Kim have you considered checking with your local no-kill rescues telling them you have these cats, they need a home, and you will foster until one is found? Our no-kills weed out the applicants and only choose those that will provide the cats with they home they deserve.

05-11-2003, 10:33 AM

How about putting a notice up on your vet's bulletin board?? You'd be surprized how many people read them. I think your ad is perfect. And if people don't want to pay to have them fixed, they have no business owning pets. Plain and simple.

Good luck!!

05-11-2003, 10:38 PM
Moosmom I was going to suggest the same thing about placing an ad at a few vets offices. Also calling a few no-kill shelters.

You're ad is good Kim and i wish you all the best of luck in placing these little ones in forever homes.

05-13-2003, 08:02 AM
Hey Kim, I have been following your rescue activities with great interest. You are doing such a great service for these poor homelss and loveless cats! You are completely right to screen the prospective owners in this way. If they cannot afford a spay or neuter operation, then you can only imagine what would happen when another medical prodecure arises! I guess I am always amazed at what people consider to be a necessity in terms of owning a pet. Who would consider owning an un-neutered pet ? But, like Jen so rightly said in her post, we are dealing with the great "unwashed public" here! Kim, keep up the great compassionate work and please continue to keep us posted.

regards from Deborah in Montreal.

05-16-2003, 04:41 PM
i put an ad up for puppies once. at least you don't get calls on just asking to see if they can come over just to "look" at the cats.not intrested at all in adopting one.that is what erks me the most. or the ones who want them for their kids.