View Full Version : A Pet Talk sleep over!!

04-18-2003, 09:15 PM
Graham and Kersey should be back home by now...and boy did everybody have a fun week!!! The were such good doggies(and mine were so good about sharing attention this week!)

Here's some pics:

Watching the squirrels...

Crashed out pups!!!


The three Amigos

More squirrel watching!


Of course there are more...Visit Pics (http://www.imagestation.com/album/index.html?id=4290328073&mode=&idx=5)

04-18-2003, 09:37 PM
Cincy'sMom, those pictures are excellent!

You must have had a blast!

"crashed out pups" is way too funny!

04-18-2003, 09:43 PM
Amy those pictures are great. Everyone looks like they had a great time.

This one is my favorite...


04-18-2003, 09:48 PM
Oh I didn't know that you were Pupper Sitting!!!Thats' why we haven't heard much from you this week!!!!!

What a great time was had by all it seems!!!!!
Graham and Kersey are the best aren't they??????(next to our own,of course!!!)

Loved viewing your album!!!!!

I think that The Three Amigos should be your new signature pic!!!!!!;) :) :D
They are Wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Big {{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}\And Treats for all....From your friends south of the mason dixon line!!!!

04-18-2003, 11:19 PM
What great pics!
I am glad everyone got along well!
Looks like everyone had fun!

04-18-2003, 11:56 PM
Awww i wish i coulda been there! I love Graham boy!! :D Hehe in that last pic u posted, he has Simba ears!

04-19-2003, 12:16 AM
What sweeties!

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-19-2003, 12:47 AM
Squirrel watching pics!!!!



HA!! HA!! HA!!
silly puppies

Looks like yall had so much fun!! those pics are great!!!:D

04-19-2003, 04:49 AM

04-19-2003, 05:44 AM
I never realized how much larger Kersey is than Graham until that pic of them side by side! Wow!

Oh, Amy, I know that it helped Leslie and Dan so much to know that you were caring for their babies while they were away! Had no idea you were doing that! I'm sure you enjoyed it thoroughly!

Thanks for the wonderful pictures!!! :)

Cisco's Mom
04-19-2003, 05:45 AM
Good to hear all went well!:) It looks like everybody had a good time.

04-19-2003, 07:26 AM
We are back home from vacation, and the dogs are home from Camp Amy :) They had a GREAT time! I can tell because they are extremely happy and extremely tired! I paid in advance for them to go to doggie daycare every day, since it was during the work week and Amy and Ralph were both at work full time, and that place really wiped them out, because they (especially Kersey) were more tired then I have ever seen them! They even had the energy to play with Sadie, Cincy & Spot when Amy picked them up from daycare after work. They had huge fun :)

I missed them so much, but I was not worried about them. It worked out so well with Amy taking them. It meant a lot to me to be able to enjoy myself and not have to worry about my babies.

Thank you again, Amy. And Graham and Kersey thank you as well. They will really look forward to the next dog park day when they get to see you and your pups again.

-Leslie :)

04-19-2003, 07:30 AM
Originally posted by Logan
I never realized how much larger Kersey is than Graham until that pic of them side by side! Wow!

Oh, Amy, I know that it helped Leslie and Dan so much to know that you were caring for their babies while they were away! Had no idea you were doing that! I'm sure you enjoyed it thoroughly!

Thanks for the wonderful pictures!!! :)

Kersey is at a whopping 75 pounds now! Graham is 46 pounds. Kersey was 56 pounds when I adopted her and she has filled out a huge amount. She's a big dog and she's quite a bit bigger then my Graham boy.

04-19-2003, 09:37 AM
Oh how fun!!!
It must have been quite a time at your house, with all of those dogs--how long until you have 2 more;)

Great pictures!!!

04-19-2003, 09:49 AM
They are so cute and looked like they had lots of fun :D

04-19-2003, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by lovemyshiba
Oh how fun!!!
It must have been quite a time at your house, with all of those dogs--how long until you have 2 more;)

Great pictures!!!

It was fun and Graham and Kersey were very good! They are welcome to stay here anytime!! However, I think 3 full time residents is our limit. We just do not have the space in home/yard/cars to bring more of our own furkids in. Besides, if we did that, we couldn't invite our friends to stay over!!!:)

04-19-2003, 11:05 AM
Great pictures! :) thanks for sharing.:)

4 Dog Mother
04-19-2003, 11:08 AM
Yeah, remember her number swells to 8 when she takes care of her mom's 5 when she goes away LOL!!!

Dad wants to know why you didn't take a picture of him and Graham. After all Graham liked him best!

I know all had a great time and you are a great friend to take care of an extra couple of dogs.

04-19-2003, 11:22 AM
I loved the pictures and the ones in your album:D I'm glad to hear all went well and they got along so good together!

I agree with Deli~love the 3 Amigos pic!!!

Dakota's Mommy
04-22-2003, 10:38 AM
The pics are great sis! I really miss you're three, they're so good! One day we'll be home with our 3 and we'll have a big family reunion with pictures, but until then, keep the pics coming of your babies so I can see how their growing up! Thanks for sharing the pics!