View Full Version : wow perky a GOOD dog!

04-17-2003, 08:03 PM
perky went out of the yard thinking my she was going out with my dad, my dad did not notic that she followed him. we did not know she was even outside. well perky who by the way was at the shleter cuz she kept running away, just waited in the driveway, anmd kept looking at the gate as if to say "let me in, I want back home!" but she did not leave the driveway as far as I know, my dad drove up and perky was in the driveway looking at him then at the gate, I went outside to let perky in the house(not knowing she was not in the yard) and I saw perky running around the driveway! :D she is such a good dog! proof that postive methods work!:D

04-17-2003, 10:28 PM
Though Very Cute!!!!
Thank God Sweet Perky was alright!!!!!!
Give her a hug from us!!!!:)

04-18-2003, 12:58 AM
Its a sign that Perky is maturing & loving his/her home.