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04-11-2003, 04:56 PM
Mickey can be so clumsy at times. It's so hilarious though, so I don't mind. :D What are the clumsiest things that your pup's done?

Mickey has had three pretty funny moments:

1) Once he was taking his normal sprints outside in the back and somehow tripped and slammed head first into the telephone pole. He kept running though, so he was okay. Just shows how hard his head is. ;)

2) Another time, he was just walking and his front legs just colappsed on him and he fell with his butt in the air.

3) And finally, I was out with Mickey and he had just finished peeing. I opened the patio door and told him to go in. He was distracted by something and didn't hear, so I closed the door to go pick him up. He heard the door shut, thinking it had been opened and ran right into the door (which is glass, and clear). It was so funny! My sis was inside and just saw him run in and smush up his face on the door! I was laughing so hard. :D:D:D

Anyone else? :p

04-11-2003, 05:03 PM
Oh geez.. Nala is soooooo clumsy. She runs into the sliding glass door allll the time, she tumbles as she's running and sumersaults off the cough. She trips when she has toys in her mouths, she runs into walls she falls backwards when she's jumping. sooo many

04-11-2003, 05:57 PM

Jordan always lays on top of the central air vents. he was laying on top of one, and his id tags got stuck in one of the vents. when he got up it was attached to his collar! you should have seen the look on his face, he looked soooo humiliated! poor baby!

Jewels ran strait into the mirror:rolleyes: :) :D we have it on vidio, too. its so funny:D

04-11-2003, 06:28 PM
LOL @ both :D

04-11-2003, 06:42 PM
I don't know if this is considered clumsy but Bull likes to sleep at the very edge of the foot of the bed. Sometimes he forgets that there is no more bed and rolls over. I've woken up a few times to a thump and turn on the light to see Bull givin me this "how-did-I - get-down-here" look, I just have to laugh cuz he always looks sooo confused! :D

04-11-2003, 06:52 PM

btw ~ I like your new sig :D

04-11-2003, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by primabella
btw ~ I like your new sig :D


04-11-2003, 07:54 PM
That's funny about the bed--Kito used to do that all the time--middle of the night--thump, and there he was!! Abbey is just a big doofus, always crashing into things, because she thinks she is as small as a pom, and Riley, well, he's a pup, and soooooo clumsy--it is hilarious to watch--he misses steps, runs into things, and falls--always bounces back for more playtime though!!!!:D

04-11-2003, 09:03 PM
Whenever Foxy is runing in cicle in the backyard somehow he always manages to trip and gets up and starts running again. I don't know how he does it. If it was me i would be in pain but not Foxy.

04-11-2003, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by Andie
I don't know if this is considered clumsy but Bull likes to sleep at the very edge of the foot of the bed. Sometimes he forgets that there is no more bed and rolls over. I've woken up a few times to a thump and turn on the light to see Bull givin me this "how-did-I - get-down-here" look, I just have to laugh cuz he always looks sooo confused! :D
