View Full Version : Well, I'm gonna do it.

04-08-2003, 05:55 AM
I am going to foster a mom-to-be cat! :D

Kim inspired me! ;) So when the call for a foster home came via e-mail from one of the local organizations that I have adopted from, I answered.

The cat, which is a torti that they named Freddie Freckles, needs to be Felv/FIV tested. If she comes up negative she'll be moving in to one of my rooms. Her appointment is this Wed. afternoon, so please pray for a negative result. :)

Any and ALL information or suggestions about "raising" kittens will be appreciated! I may have much cat experience, but I've never had newborns.

Wish me and Freddie Freckles luck.

04-08-2003, 06:36 AM
Jen I am so excited for you!! When is momma kitty's due date. Do we have an idea? I have no suggestions for you as my two were over 8 weeks old when I got them and their momma had done it all for me. I am wondering if you are going to be able to do this without adopting one of these little babies or even mom herself. hehe! You know it doesn't take long for a kitty or kittens to worm themselves into your heart. Getting ready for *Cuteness Overload* pics soon!! :)

smokey the elder
04-08-2003, 07:00 AM
Let mamma cat have a dark, quiet place to nest. You can provide a nest of old blankets; she may drag them somewhere that she finds more suitable.

The two females I've had give birth in my home were both unassisted, no breeches or any other troubles. Bosun did have one stillborn and three healthy kittens. Make sure mamma bites off the cord; if she doesn't you can cut it and use a styptic (sp?) pencil to stop bleeding.

For the most part, just observe and let her do her job. Do you know if she's had other litters?

If mamma allows it, start touching the kittens as soon as possible. This helps socialize them; they get used to your scent. Scent is their primary scent cue for the first 10 days of life or so.

Good luck! Raising kittens (or watching mama raise them) is so rewarding!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-08-2003, 02:34 PM
Oh Jen, I'm so excited for you! And like Pam, I can't wait for the *Cuteness Overload* pics. Unfortunately I have no experience with newborn kittens.

We did have a feral momma cat have kittens in our warehouse here at work once. As soon as they were big enough to walk, I brought them in the office with me while I was working. I didn't want to touch them before that because I didn't want momma to move them or abandon them. They were so adorable - two greys and an orangie. We left food for momma and a litter box, which the kittens started using too. Eventually we had to get rid of them because they would lay on top of my desk, right on top of all my work - as we all know cats will do - and I couldn't get anything done. We found good homes for all three, and I know that one of them is still in that home and doing very well (my bosses SIL adopted him). My boss stumbled on the kittens when he was working in the warehouse. I think momma moved them there because there was no "mess" from the birth.

So I know this isn't helpful, except that momma did everything and all I did was enjoy the kittens and play with them to socialize them. They were a little scared at first, but they were so young that they couldn't run away fast enough. They had to submit to my cooing and adoring pets. ;) :rolleyes: :D

Good luck with the vet visit. I hope it all works out and you have pregnant momma home soon. :D

04-08-2003, 03:22 PM
I am wondering if you are going to be able to do this without adopting one of these little babies or even mom herself. hehe! You know it doesn't take long for a kitty or kittens to worm themselves into your heart
I love this mom cat ALREADY, and I have not even seen her yet. :D
When is momma kitty's due date. Do we have an idea?
SOON I should know more after her vet visit Wed.

Do you know if she's had other litters?
They think she is 2 years old, and always been outside, so I would guess that the answer is "YES".

The organization just trapped her on Sunday. They think she is part of a small colony they have been working to round up, but this one has been elluding them.
Wed. cannot come fast enough.

04-08-2003, 05:44 PM
I'm so excited for you, Jen ... and Miss Freddy Freckles!!! She is going to have a wonderful place to give birth, and YOU are going to have a BALL!!!! :D

04-08-2003, 07:43 PM
Oh goody goody goody, more kitty pile pictures. Can hardly wait! Congrats Jen.

04-08-2003, 09:09 PM

That is great news! There's nothing more rewarding than socializing a mama cat and her babies.

What I would suggest is seeing if the shelter will lend you a cage. It's so much easier keeping them contained as opposed to letting them have the run of the room.

You'll need to work with the mama while she's pregnant. Even if it's just sitting in the room watching tv or reading a book. Your presence will let her know that you aren't a threat to her. Feeding her will reassure her.

Once the babies are old enough (6 weeks) you can start handling them by wrapping a kitten in a towel. Stroke their heads, talk to them. The more handling the better. You'll be surprized how fast kittens come around.

I am so happy for you. Good luck! If I can be of any help, please let me know.

04-09-2003, 05:39 AM
Actually, one of the fescue organization's people wrote that this mama needed a room (vs. a cage) because she was afraid inside the cage. And the lady who has her now says she is VERY people oriented. Should not be a problem.

I also thought the handling the babies BEFORE 6 weeks was very important to their socialization. Am I wrong?

04-09-2003, 07:54 AM

Then I would do what the rescue organization says. A happy mama is a healthy mama. Just don't be surprized if she moves her babies around. It's normal. Make her a nice birthing box lined with plastic and towels or blankets. When you cut out the opening, make sure the box is deep enough to keep the kittens IN the box, and low enough so mama can take a break now and then.

As far as handling the babies before 6 weeks, I don't see a problem as long as the mama is okay with it. The more handling the better socialized they'll be. It'll also gain the mama's trust.

You're doing a great thing, Jen. I only wish I could do the same. But with 7 cats it's a little difficult to close off a room. Keep us posted on their progress!

K & L
04-09-2003, 11:42 AM
That's wonderful! Here's some sites that may provide you with some info:





04-09-2003, 11:52 AM
Congrats!!! Hope everything works out fine!! :D

04-09-2003, 01:21 PM
How exciting!!!! I would LOVE to do that...but our cats wont allow ANY door to be shut, it would drive momma and babies crazy.

Can wait to here about todays appointment. :)

04-09-2003, 03:14 PM
:D :D :D
Awww you are going to have sooo much fun! :D :D
Everyone here gave great advice already, so I don't have much to had. We had a cat when I was younger that was pregnant when we got her, and she had the babies in our shed, up in the attic part of it.. We weren't sure how she would react to us, so we visited her, and then she moved her babies more near to us..then with her ok we started playing with them.. oh how i love baby kitties! They are soooo adorable.

Now are you sure you're going to just foster, or is Mommy freckles going to be the latest addition to your cat heaven? ;)

Can't wait to see photos of Mom and then the babies when they arrive. I know you'll do great! You're so good with cats, you're going to be just as great with the kittens!

04-09-2003, 06:24 PM
Freddie Freckles passed her tests......she's NEGATIVE !!!!!!!!

She is also giving birth at this very moment!!!!!!! She is still with her rescuer and will be moved here when the vet says the babies can move. At this time she has 3 orange kittens and she is not done. Well, I missed out on the birth, but soon they will be here and I'll get to love them to pieces.

I haven't even seen her or them yet and I am in love with this little mama cat. :D

04-09-2003, 06:31 PM
Congrats! 3 ORANGIES?!!! YAY!!!!! Can't wait to hear how many she has total. I'm soo glad she'll be with you. And I know ur going to have a ball with those kitties!

04-09-2003, 06:41 PM
You must be sooo excited! Can't wait to see pics

04-09-2003, 09:19 PM
I'm so excited for you.... be sure to have film and camera on hand when they get there!!! Hope you get them soon!!!


04-10-2003, 05:45 AM
Meet Freddie Freckles and her 5 babies born April 9, 2003

04-10-2003, 06:05 AM
OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!! Jen they are soooo cute. It looks like there are 6???? Oh little cutie pies for sure and they were born on Iraqi Freedom Day. No one will ever forget their little birthdays. Oh my knees are week. Oh my! Jen have you picked out one or two for yourself yet? :D More pics when you can please!!!! :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-10-2003, 09:22 AM
Awww......more kitty babies to swoon over.... ;) :D

4 orangies and a tortie on white? I see Momma's paw is spread wide. Is she maybe baking bread while her babies feed? Awww that is just so sweet. :)

And Pam, sounds like you've got "kitten mania" as bad as I do. :D

04-11-2003, 12:40 PM
She's so pretty. And the kittens are adorable.


04-11-2003, 12:51 PM
Oh they are so beautiful and healthy looking!!! Momma Freddie Freckles looks so much like my momma Lacie!!! Oh how exciting! It's amazing how so many of them look alike, may be hard to tell them apart!!!! :D