View Full Version : Kito, Abbey and Riley love their new home!!!

04-03-2003, 12:53 PM
Well, we're in--thank goodness. It was a rough couple of days, but things are settling down a little now. The dogs really seem to enjoy it here--the yard isn't fenced yet, so they still have to go out on leashes, but there is a huge field out back, so we have lots of potties:)
The move itself went very smoothly--I left the dogs with their vet for the day (we figured it would be easier to have them not underfoot), but things got a little chaotic on Tuesday. Around 3pm, the landscapers came to do an estimate for us--at the same time, the phone company came, the cable guy came, and my friend stopped by with a cheesecake:) We had some issues with the phone lines (in fact, they're out there right now digging all over the place), but everything else was good. Since my friend stopped by, I took her with me to help get the dogs (I took all 3 of them in the morning, and it was tough), and when we got back, one of my hubby's friend's was there with his little boy. I was worried, because Kito doesn't usually like kids, but he was so good--this kid has no fear either--Kito barked at him because he was in the dog's pen, and he just growled back--it was funny.
Then, somehow, the dogs got out:eek: Abbey and Riley went out front, and came back when we called. But, you-know-who decided to take a tour of the neighborhood. He went out back by the field, running and running and running, with a big smile on his face, there I was in tears, afraid he was going to run to the highway--we tried everything to lure him back--not that stubborn INU!!! Finally, he decided to come back by the houses, and went right up on the neighbor's front porch--I snagged him up, and gave him kisses and hugs, I was so glad to have him back with me!!!!
Other than that incident, we're all doing well. When the dogs came home for the first time, they found their toys and their food and beds, and their whole special area just for them, and best of all, now they have stairs to run up and down 100 times a day!!!!

04-03-2003, 01:58 PM
So glad everything went well! I am going through the same thing right now so I feel your pain.

WOW - you had all their stuff unpacked and ready on the first day? How do you do that??? :)

My dogs will have stairs now in my new place too. Lolly has been over there twice now (moving my things in slowly - should be done by this weekend) and she LOVES the stairs. She'll run up to the top and look down on everyone like we're peons - hehehe!

04-03-2003, 02:10 PM
Kito! Don't scare your mommy like that!!!

I'm glad to hear the move went smoothly and the you are settling in. :)

Pics! ;) :D

04-03-2003, 02:20 PM
Good Luck and Happiness in your new home!
So pleased the move is over and done and you are settling in ok!:)


Dakota's Mommy
04-03-2003, 02:31 PM
Glad to hear things went fairly smoothly. Hope things get better and better as you all settle further into the new home. What an exciting time! Thanks for giving us an update and update us again soon sometime to let us know how they like the new house and if they are telling you what parts they don't like (hopefully they won't do that though). Good luck on the rest of the issues in front of you with this move!

04-03-2003, 02:48 PM
Thanks for the update:)

Glad to hear that they are adjusting well to their new enviroment and have some stairs to run!

04-03-2003, 03:24 PM
Glad all went well (except for that scare Kito gave you). I wish you all the best in your new home :)

Cisco's Mom
04-03-2003, 05:44 PM
Cheesecake! Oh ya baby! Now were talk'n.:D

Well, I'm glad the move went well. I know how ya felt when your fur baby got lose. My cats have gone over the rainbow bridge, but when my siamese(Kitty-Kitty) would get out I would just about worry to death! She was such a good escape artist! She passed of old age after putting grey hairs on my head!:)

04-03-2003, 07:03 PM
kito! how could you scare your poor mommy like that? :p lol

congrats on your new house emily! glad everything else went smoothly. I have been living in my house for exactly one year on april first:D

04-03-2003, 07:08 PM
I'm glad it went well. I was wondering how it went. I look forward to pictures!

04-03-2003, 07:37 PM
So glad you in your home now.
Make sure after all the workers leave, you do
a quick check in your back yard for anything
that might harm the doggies.
I remember when we had our roof done,
and the back fence, I was picking up nails for a week.
I even found some glass from a broken bottle. :(

Shame on KITO for making you worry like that.!!!!

Don't forget pics.

04-03-2003, 07:41 PM
Congratulations, and welcome to your new home!!:) Sounds like things went realitvely smoothly........for moving day, that is!:D Now, as for you nawtee dawg Kito.......Don't scare your Mommy!!! I know well those happy, angry, loving, thank goodness you're alright tears!!:) Have fun! (Have you mastered finding your way to the bathroom in the dark yet??:D) PICTURES PLEASE!!:)

Byakko's Mom
04-03-2003, 07:45 PM
I am glad you are all moved in.Wow they are lucky all there stuff is set up.You are quick.That is really nice to make them feel good with the move.I know those shiba's.I am so glad you got Kito.They are so onry and such runners.Keep us posted on how everyone is settleing in.

04-04-2003, 07:26 PM
Hehe.. You need to get a pic of all three of them togther and give me a holler for i can make you a new sig :D :cool: