View Full Version : Time to say Goodbye :( :(

Dixieland Dancer
11-15-2001, 09:34 AM
Dear Friends at Pet Talk,
This is a very difficult post to write but I must. I am an obsessive person and when I become passionate about something it kind of takes over my life. :( I have become too obsessive (or is the correct term addicted) to Pet Talk. I find that I am spending more and more time here when I should be doing work. I wake up real early in the morning to find out what I missed during the night or stay up late to catch up on the posts. I even think about everyone's posts throughout the day when I should be working and in the middle of the night when I should be sleeping. :eek:

It is not just Pet Talk that I do this with. If I start to read a really good novel then I will stay awake all night reading and go to work so tired I can't keep my eyes open. I even find myself pretending to be going into the bathroom at work to "SNEAK" a few more pages. For this reason I don't read Novels (just short stories) unless I am on vacation or have a long weekend with nothing else going on! :rolleyes:

My husband is very understanding and we have agreed that he will let me know (for my own good and the families) when I am getting carried away again. It happens over and over with different things. :mad: He is the one who has told me I am addicted to Pet Talk and need to get it under control. Unfortunately, I am not able to take small doses and be happy. I have found from past experiences that I need to go cold turkey in order to be successful in getting it under control again. :confused:

I have come to love and care for each of you and your dogs as if they were family. The stories, concerns, hurts, and joys of all the furbabies is a passion in my heart that goes to my very core of who I am. I will miss all of you and pray that you will all be well. You all have great love for the animals that are entrusted in your care and I share that with you. Thank you for letting me be a part of this wonderful family with open arms extended to me. For caring for Dixie and Dusty and letting me brag a little about them. For letting me feel special when you asked for advice or when I could share some knowledge with you. For letting me cry with you, laugh with you, and most important love with you. I love each one of the Furbabies we all treasure so much. :)

I wish I was stronger and able to do small doses of Pet Talk but for now I feel like a recovering addict who needs to take it just one day at a time and get detoxified. Please do not think this means I will not think of you or that you are not in my prayers. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is the greatest website on the whole internet and you are all the most wonderful people. If anyone ever needs anything, please email me and I will be there for you in whatever way I can. ;)

Kiss all your furbabies for me! God's blessings to all of you and thanks for understanding.

Candy - AKA - Dixieland Dancer

PJ's Mom
11-15-2001, 09:41 AM
Candy, you are a much stronger person than I could ever hope to be. I admire you for that. :)

Good luck, and know that you'll be missed. :(

11-15-2001, 09:50 AM
Candy, I understand your need to withdraw from Pet Talk. It is very addictive and I am thankful that I have a job where not every minute needs to be accounted for, or I would be in serious deep water! You have to do what's best for yourself, and I'm sure that everyone here will support the decision you feel that you need to make.

I hope that we can continue to hear about you, Dixie, and Dusty in some way, though! I hope you are on the Christmas card address list, so that we can all send Christmas cheer and a letter your way! You have become part of the Pet Talk family, and you will not be forgotten! I hope we see you back here someday!

Please take note of everyone's e-mail addresses -you can still keep in touch with us that way!

(mine is [email protected])
:( :( :(

11-15-2001, 09:52 AM
Dear Candy ~

Pleas know that you will be missed, by ALL of us :(.

God bless You, your FurKids, and your Family!

Please return to us when you are able to!

11-15-2001, 10:02 AM
I need to call Dixie because that is how I have always thought of you. This is so sad, and I know exactly what you are talking about as I have felt that I have spent too much time here and yet in the same vein, not enough time. Sometimes I feel I even have sacrificed time with my dogs for Pet Talk. I don't know if there is a happy medium or not. When I'm not able to stay current, I am unhappy about it, when I feel I am current, I'm usually neglecting something else and feel guilty about that.

You have been so generous with your knowledge and expertise to all of us. I know that I speak for everybody when I say Dixie you are part of us and always will be part of us whether you are on the BB or not. We will not forget you. I think all of us are bonded in very unique way. Maybe one day you will be back, and maybe some of us will be gone, but the essence of this family ever changing as it is will always be better for the time you have spent with us. So Dixie, don't ever feel the time you spent here was wasted. Each of us carries with us a little bit of your wisdom and caring.
Goodbye Dixie. http://plauder-smilies.com/sad/suru.gif

11-15-2001, 10:31 AM
I only recently joined the board and you have been so helpful. I'll really miss ya, but I do understand.

Addicting little thing, this internet is...

Many hugs and doggy kisses from me and Kia.

~Kimmy and Kia

11-15-2001, 10:34 AM
Oh Dixie, I'm going to miss you so much, your making me cry, I know what you are talking about, but I have come to rely on you and love you, Dixie and Dusty. I know you have to do what you have to do, but it doesn't make it any easier. I look up to you and Carrie as the resident authorities on dogs. You have made me feel better when I do something that's not exactly right by all standards, like Daisy sleeping with me, you made me feel it was O.K. I hope we hear from you on and off and I will really, really miss you.

11-15-2001, 10:48 AM
Dearest Candy,

I completely understand what you are going thru. I am the same exact way with things. I find something that I love and it takes over my life. Please know that we love you and cherish your advice and expertise. You have been a wonderful friend to all of us.

I wish we didn't have to sat good-bye to you but there is always e-mail!! Thank you for all of the time you have spent with us and for all of the words of comfort and help you have given us. I wish you the best with your friend and those new puppies and hope and pray that they all grow up healthy and strong. I pray that your friend finds solace with her very own new puppy. Good luck to you, your husband and Dixie and Dusty. Love to you all. We will miss you.

Lexi and Sasha and I appreciate your advice with our situation. If you can manage sometime, please "stop in" and say a quick hello. We would all love to hear from you and make sure that you and the furbabies and new puppies are all okay.

Love Angel and the girls :)

11-15-2001, 11:07 AM
:( we will really miss you. You have been so great! Please let us know how you and the babies are doing from time to time!

Hugs from Drake and I.

11-15-2001, 11:37 AM
I am very saddened by your decision, tho I am completely at an understanding with you. I am the same way. I totally agree with you and Rachel, I sometimes feel the same way. I am just not that strong of a person.I do hope you come back and check on us from time to time. And I will send you Keegan Updates if that is ok.
I do appreciate your email and I did follow your advice.
I was very scared to read this post especially when I saw it was from you. I was hoping no one crossed to the bridge.
Your advice and support thru all our trials and troubles is appreciated. I greatly appreciate your support thru Shai's passing and my decision to adopt Keegan.
We will miss you very much, maybe you can post around the holidays so we know how you are doing.

11-15-2001, 11:57 AM
We will miss you Candy. Keep us up to date on your poochies through email!!


11-15-2001, 12:12 PM
I'm sad :( , but I appreciate your honesty, Candy. I too have had to step back recently, as I was ignoring silly things like cleaning my house, filing my expense reports, etc, because I was spending so much time on my computer! Not necessarily answering posts, but reading, staying up too late on the computer, etc. I am fortunate that I can take a quick glance during the day as I work, but I am not disciplined either! And if there is a "hot" topic, then I am constantly coming back to check it out.

Honey and Lilly don't mind because they get their best scratches when I am "reading". I don't have a husband, and I don't do the computer when Helen is around unless she is wrapped up in something else.

OOOh. I've gotten long winded here. But my point is..I understand completely where you are. And if you get your Pettalkitis under control, you must tell us "how" and then come back and join us again. You will really be missed.

Hope your entire family, Goldens especially :D, have a wonderful holiday season, Candy.

Your Golden Loving friend, Logan.

11-15-2001, 12:20 PM
Candy, I'm sorry to read this but understand completely.
May I continue sending you the Name/Pets List?

11-15-2001, 12:25 PM
Ms Dixieland,

I sure am sorry to hear that you need to step back. I was hoping to get to know folks on this board better, and you really seem like a great gal. But at least you are understanding where your place is, and that darlin, is half the battle. I hope in the near future you can come back and share with the folks here. Beside all I said, I just loves your doggers, being a golden owner myself.

I wish nothing but the best to you and your family ma'am.

Be Well, and hope to see ya on the board again in the near future.

--Augie & Hoocher Smoocher & Santana

11-15-2001, 12:42 PM
Candy, I completely understand where you are coming from. I am the exact same way. In fact, we are alike in so many ways, its crazy. Like Staci, I was scared to read this post, and my heart especially sank when I saw it was from you. I admire your strength and your priorities, but I hope that you can someday come back and join us.

I will greatly miss every post you make, every word you had to say, everything. I will be thinking of you still too, even though you won't be posting. As Rachel said, you will always be a part of our family.

Kiss all of your fur and skin kids for me. They are all so lucky to have such a great mommy. Just like all of us are lucky to have such a great friend. Be careful, stay safe, and if you ever want to email me, I will be glad to put a post on here for you updating everyone how you are.

We'll miss you :(

Golden Smiles
11-15-2001, 12:46 PM
:( :( I am so sad to hear that Candy. I completely understand what ya mean though....I go a little wacky with things too! Maybe if ya take a break, you could come back later and use a timer....like a dial egg timer thingy, and restrict yourself??!! Take care, and don't stay away forever!! :(

Daisy's Mom
11-15-2001, 03:32 PM
I know exactly what you mean. I feel like my internet addiction is unhealthy at times because I am always online. I don't get as much sleep anymore because I am always here! I wish I could be as strong as you. I will miss you so much. You were a wealth of information and we all appreciated everything you had to say. Please keep in touch.

11-15-2001, 04:01 PM
Dixie, you and your pups will be missed. Good luck in all that you do.

Hope we can hear from you sometime soon!

11-15-2001, 05:16 PM
Dear Candy. I am SO saddened to read the news! :( You are such a wonderful, insightful, kind and compassionate member of this family. But, I do know exactly of what you speak. It's either HOURS, or I just have to stay away for a day or two. Then I start wondering who's not feeling well, who's missing, etc. SO hard. I appreciate and respect your decision. BUT, we all fully expect that, after a while, you will be back with us, spreading and sharing your wisdom and love. We will miss you, Dixie and Dusty so. Please make sure you're on the Xmas list. And I hope you will find a way to let us know, from time to time, how you are all doing. And especially at this time, how Dusty is doing. God's speed and all our love to you Candy. Sandra, Cody and Star

[ November 15, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

11-15-2001, 05:48 PM
Dixie, we will miss you and your furbabies terribly. This BB is addicting, that is true. It is because it is like a big happy family which has so much going on. Everyone is interested in everyone else. We all care about each other. It is sad that you won't be with us anymore, but I know exactly what you mean. I, also, spend too much time on this. I should be cleaning the house or going to sleep at a reasonable time, too, but noooo, I have to check just one more time. Then I have to comment, one more time....and so on and so on..... When a furbaby is sick, I think about them all the time and keep checking for an update. I worry about them. I've been trying to cut back a bit too. We will miss you. Please stop by just to say hi and let us know how you and the babes are or drop us an e-mail, please? Good luck!!!! You will be missed!!!!!!

11-15-2001, 08:29 PM
Dixie, your are going to be missed here, very much. It made me really sad, to hear that you must leave. :( I'll be thinking about you, your furbabies, and your family! God bless you, Candy! :) Give your furbabies a kiss for me! ;)

Hugs & kisses,
Sarah & Sadie*

11-15-2001, 08:41 PM
Candy, there's such a loving, caring heart behind your difficulty with obsessiveness. You've been so much appreciated for that & it's why you will be so sadly missed.

What a courageous person you are to go totally 'cold turkey' in giving up something that means so much to you.

There's nothing worse than well-meaning people like me giving advice. But it is possible to turn obsessiveness around so that you use it to prevent your life being 'taken over' by certain actions.

And you're clearing the decks of your time on PetTalk so that you can make that fresh start. Bless you for your good sense & strength. You might be gone (for only a while, I hope) but you will not be forgotten. I admire you very much.

11-15-2001, 09:03 PM
I am sorry you have to compeltely remove yourself from the site and or internet. You will be missed.I think you are a great and brave person to admit that you have a problem arising and that you will do what is needed to make things better. I also have to keep after myself about the time i spend on the internet.It is so very addicting. I have also had to step back before and start setting limits for myself. So i know what you are going through. I wish you the best of luck!! Take care.


11-15-2001, 11:30 PM
I also am very sadden by you leaving.
Can't you just cut your time to
once a week to keep in touch?
I udnerstand about being a internet
addict. I have to be carefull too, because
it takes time away from my family.

I will miss you and hope you will keep
in touch. :(

11-16-2001, 05:03 AM
candy...we will all miss you and your furbabies ssssooo much!!! you are kind,knowledgeable,caring and giving....just a taste of your qualities!!! i understand and respect your position...perhaps you won't have to stay away forever!!! you can contact us through e-mail if necessary...i am at [email protected] a great holiday season!!!!! delilah and i will be thinking and praying with you!!!!!! the deli dog!!!

11-16-2001, 07:17 AM
Candy, you will be sadly missed here by us all.
We all wish you and yours a very happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.
Take care, love Carrie.

11-16-2001, 08:08 AM

I don't know if you will see this message. I did not see this post until just now. I am greatly saddened by your decision, but at the same time, I feel so proud of you for being so strong. I feel like I lost a friend today. I cried when I read your farewell post. I hope you don't mind an occational email. I wish you all the best in everything you do. You will be greatly missed, more then you even think. I always had so much respect for you. You advice was extradinary, and your love for your dogs shined in all that you said.

God bless you, your entire family, and please check in when you are able to. You will always remain a part of our PetTalk family.

Goodbye :(

karen israel
11-16-2001, 09:07 AM
Candy, you're probably not even going to log on to read this, but I still want to thank you for all your excellent advise.
I, too know exactly what you mean. I check Pet Talk at work, get distracted, then try to recheck it at home, but rarely have time.After I finally got into the loop and got a computer, the poor thing is almost abandoned, I'm always so late, as you see, in replying, as it takes forever to catch up!
I had to try to cut back cause I used to not eat lunch at work to read PetTalk and sometimes stay late to finish.
I am terribly addicted too. I have never, ever met such wonderful people! I have developed such beautiful relationships with some people that I know they will be friends for life.
It'll be hard, but please try to check in once in a while! I hope it's not like smoking- you stop for months, then one puff starts you up again! We never met and I don't know you that well personally, but believe me when I say I'm almost in tears. I feel like I'm losing someone I adore. I hate finalty, so, a hello now and then would be great. I'll miss your signature with your gorgeous puppers looking at us with thos indescribable Golden faces!
Please feel free to email me at any time!
MY E-mail at home is [email protected].
Have a peaceful, healthy, happy Holiday!
With love, your PT friend and fellow GR lover, Karen

11-16-2001, 09:59 AM
Just wanted to say Dixieland Dancer/Candy
that if this decision helps you & your
family gain a more peaceful life, then do it...I will miss hearing from you but I do
understand that you feel you must re-gain
control by disengageing for awhile...
I wish you ,your family & furkids all the
Best that life has to offer!!!Good Luck Friend !!!

11-20-2001, 12:29 AM
Candy, perhaps there will be a time when you may come back. Until that time comes, fare thee well.


11-25-2001, 04:32 PM
no offense but why did you let everyone know that you were like that and stuff and you being obsessed about pet talk is kinda sad is seems that you have a problema nd i hope you come back soon but not to soon you need some help.

ill miss ya

:rolleyes: :( ;) :D :p

11-25-2001, 05:14 PM
BPlovebug, Dixie doesn't need any help, she just needs a little time to herself as she is very busy and just hard to keep up with everything. She is just taking a little vacation to catch up.

11-25-2001, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by BPlovebug:
<STRONG>no offense but why did you let everyone know that you were like that and stuff and you being obsessed about pet talk is kinda sad is seems that you have a problema nd i hope you come back soon but not to soon you need some help.

ill miss ya

:rolleyes: :( ;) :D :p</STRONG>

Well.....I for one think that Dixie having the courage to be honest about her situation is a great and brave thing to do- probably difficult too. Let's not be too negative about it. After all, there are many addictions/obsessions that would be far worse than Pet Talk! I can also understand, because I am starting to 'border' on being addicted to it myself. My hubby and friends tease me about it all the time!

I will agree with one thing BPlovebug said though- we will miss you. Goodbye and hope you can come back soon &/or drop a line once in awhile. Good luck!

PS- Dixie, you helped me a lot with my dog, Scout (separation anxiety, especially the housebreaking issues). Thanks!

11-25-2001, 06:30 PM
BPlovebug, Dixie is helping herself. A person is Very Brave when they can talk about their weakness - I sure don't like to admit mine !!! And yes, we do miss her here.

Also happy you could join us - as you will see down the road everyone is friends.

11-25-2001, 06:57 PM
I admire Candy very much for just telling
it like it is !!!
Whenever anyone needed help with a dog's
was there to help advise or console.
I agree with Jackie and others, this is a
VERY BUSY woman with a young family of her own.She is trying to explain that she would
not be as accessable for advise as before.
I wish Candy All The Best in anything she
chooses to do and welcome her comments
whenever she is able to take the time..

11-25-2001, 07:51 PM
By the way everybody Dixie has agreed to come on my community to help anyone who has a problem with their dog, but of course on a limited schedule, she is a wonderful person,
I really admire her so much, she has helped me with Daisy and Perry and does not need to explain herself to anyone, she is her own person and does what she thinks is best.
You all are the very best friends!!!!!!!

11-26-2001, 07:52 AM
I'm so sorry to hear about this. Good luck.

11-26-2001, 08:52 AM
Don't worry, Candy is off the wagon already! :D