View Full Version : Just Practicing posting pix!!(don't mind me)

Golden Smiles
11-14-2001, 12:32 PM
Hello there, I just wanted to post some pix, and I haven't figured it out yet.....so i'm off work and practicing!!!

Golden Smiles
11-14-2001, 12:33 PM

11-14-2001, 12:37 PM
Hi Terri :)

You linked to the whole website instead of the actual photograph. To get the photo addy, just right click the picture you want and select properties. Then copy that address and paste it here.

You put this address: http://swt.edu/~aw1024/banners.html
Try using this one: http://swt.edu/~aw1024/terri-31.jpg


[ November 14, 2001: Message edited by: aly ]

Golden Smiles
11-14-2001, 12:38 PM
Terri ~ Here's the code you entered:

http://swt.edu/~aw1024/banners.html[/IM G]
THAT code resulted in this Broken Picture icon:

BECAUSE that address is for the Web Page that contains 3 different sized banners. That address is NOT a "picture location" - it's a web page.

What you need to do is pick ONE of the banner images (or photos) on that web page;
* Right-click ON the desired banner or photo
* then click on "Copy Image Location"
* come back to the Pet Talk post message box
* select the "IMG" click button
* Right-click again
* Click on "Paste"; then on "OK"

Now step by step:
Go to: http://swt.edu/~aw1024/banners.html
* Pick ONE banner or photo (I'll do the big one)
* It's "Location" is:
"ht tp://swt.edu/~aw1024/terri-3.gif" (notice it ends in ".gif"
* Right-click ON the banner / photo; Then "copy image location"
* Come back to PT and push "IMG" button
* "Paste" the ...gif address into the image box
* and you should see:
http://swt.edu/~aw1024/terri-3.gif[/IM G]

Which should give us the largest banner of the three on the "...html" web page. ;)


Now we'll see :D if I showed all the codes correctly... I might have to come back and re-edit if I goofed something up. :rolleyes:

wow! Only made one little boo-boo :o.

Take a look and see if this make sense to you. E-mail me if you any problems. [email protected] /s/ Phred

[ November 14, 2001: Message edited by: Phred ]

11-14-2001, 12:50 PM
Terri, have you seen Phred's tutorial? It's the third one down in the topic.Phred's tutorial (http://PetoftheDay.com/cgibin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=5&t=001416)

11-14-2001, 01:45 PM
Terri ~ Come-on back and re-read your post two windows above this one. I edited in some "pointers" for you. :D

11-14-2001, 04:29 PM
Lets try again....

Kim ~ Phred here...

The photo you entered above, with this code:
http://ramanth.tripod.com/images/pictures/kiahappy.jpg[/IM G]
displays the broken picture icon.
The "kiahappy" photo does not exist or display on your Tripod web site :(. Therefore it won't display here on Pet Talk, either.

I'm going to try a picture of Kia that DOES display on you site. The code will be:
[IMG]http://ramanth.tripod.com/images/pictures/Kia1.jpg[/IM G]
Now let's try to post your Kia1 photo...
Here's Kim's Kia... Not!

As long as Tripod permits you to post your pictures, stored on "their" site, on a BBS like Pet Talk, we should all be looking at your beautiful Kia. But we're not :mad:

I suspect that Tripod does not permit you to post pictures from "their" site onto other sites. Sooo, I've "stolen" your Kia#1 photo and loaded it onto one of my WebShots pages.
It *may* display here for a while... But if Tripod discovers that it is on my WebShots album, they (Tripod) may do something to interrupt the display. Here goes:

Kim's photo of Kia... (maybe ;))


>> This is what's called 'trial & error' :D.

OK; that worked :cool:. See my follow-up post a couple of windows below... /s/ Phred

[ November 14, 2001: Message edited by: Phred ]

11-14-2001, 04:30 PM
aaarrrggghhhhh... why won't it work!?!?

*frowns darkly*

UMMMMM... WOAH! Now she's there...LOL!!

what did I do!?! what did I do!? LOL!


[ November 14, 2001: Message edited by: Kim S. ]

11-14-2001, 06:11 PM
Attn: Kim and others...

You had two problems with your picture posts:

1) The "KiaHappy" picture is not properly loaded onto your web site at Tripod. Something is wrong on the Tripod site because that picture won't display if I'm on your site and try to view the "KiaHappy" picture there. All your other photos ARE viewable when I'm on the Tripod site.

2) I suspect that Tripod will not allow photos stored on "their" Tripod site to be viewed and displayed on BBS sites such as Pet Talk. It's probably covered somewhere in their "Terms & Conditions".

Since you have a very large and beautiful Homepage & Web Site created on Tripod - you DO NOT want to upset them by violating their Terms & Conditions - they could legally turn off your whole site for a violation!

There's an easy fix - Join up and establish an account at WebShots! You get started at:

Once you open an account; open an album and upload any photos you want to share via e-mails or by posting on Pet Talk.
THEN you use your WebShots album to store the pictures you want to post.

As we speak, WebShots does not openly object to folks posting photos stored on WebShots. But everyone should understand that WebShots *might* change this policy in the future.

Hope this helps you, Kim; and anyone else who is having picture posting problems.

http://wsphotofews.excite.com/007/S5/qr/LC/M198156.jpg << That's me, Phred :D

[ November 30, 2001: Message edited by: Phred ]

11-14-2001, 06:59 PM
With all this great advice that you give out on "how to post pictures", it sure seems like you would test your knowledge a little, every now and then, and give us some new pictures of Cinder and Smokey, and Boots too, of course. :D :D :D That was a BIG hint, in case you didn't get it. :p

11-14-2001, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by Logan:
<STRONG>Phred...new pictures of Cinder and Smokey, and Boots too... :D That was a BIG hint, in case you didn't get it. :p Logan </STRONG>

Yep; got the *hint* :rolleyes:.

But I'm *toy challenged* ~ no DigiKam and no Scanner :(. Hope Sandy Klawz will fix that ;)

But then I'll have to drag out the Dreaded Vacuum Sukker and clean up all the clumps of *fur bunnies* piled up all over the Ranch :eek: before I'd dare to take any pix!


11-14-2001, 09:26 PM
I don't have a digital or a scanner either, and I definitely don't have a clean floor! LOL! That was supposed to be my excuse for not posting more pictures!!!! :D But you know, Phred, there are ways around it.......get your film developed online or on a Picture CD!!!! I'm refusing to give up on you!!!! :)

11-14-2001, 09:44 PM
Thanks Phred!

I highly agree that both Tripod and Geocities must of done something to keep from posting pics. You used to be able too. I thought it was just me.

I'm starting up an account at Webshots. Thanks for the link!


11-14-2001, 10:04 PM
Lets she if THIS works...


11-15-2001, 06:19 AM
Alright Kim, you DID IT! And this beautiful picture is well worth the effort. Wow! I've said it before, but it needs to be said again, Kia is gorgeous!

karen israel
11-15-2001, 07:26 AM
GASP! Those eyes! That smile! What an absolute beauty! :) :)

Golden Smiles
11-15-2001, 07:39 AM
Okay....it's got to be my computer right?? I have tried A LOT, w/ the "control C, Control V" way, and the regular url button way.......NO DEAL! I am very frustrated, I post a lot on an MSN site, PIX and all......WHAT am i doing wrong??? All your babies are so pretty.thanks for sharing and helping :D

11-15-2001, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by Golden Smiles:
<STRONG>...and the regular url button way... I post a lot on an MSN site, PIX and all... WHAT am I doing wrong? :( </STRONG>

Take a DEEP breath, Terri ;).

You mentioned "the regular URL button way". You need to be using the "IMAGE" Button on Pet Talk to post a picture or photo!

And on MSN; are you posting PHOTOs or are you making links to a web PAGE? Big difference!

A web PAGE address is in your browser's location box - don't use that. Run your mouse over the picture and try to bring up the photo's "image location" - which will END with a ".jpg". It's that "ht tp://lottamumbojumbo.jpg" photo location that you have to bring over to Pet Talk and put between the [IM G]and[/IM G] brackets.

If you can post a single photo on MSN, you should be able to follow the same steps and do it here. He said, :rolleyes: hopefully.

11-15-2001, 10:24 AM
Phred here ~

I just switched off NetScape and fired up my old version (5.00) of Internet Explorer. I'm going to see how photos post with this browser...

Here goes with an attempt to post Cinder & Smokey's large guard shack photo...

Cinder & Smokey; Spring 2001...


Let's see if it posted (looks good!) :D

11-15-2001, 11:56 AM
No wonder there was confusion in the ranks... :eek:

Internet Explorer does it Differently than NetScape!

Here's the steps to post a picture on Pet Talk using the Internet Explorer Browser...

** Open a Pet Talk post in one window; and your Photo Hosting web page in another window. Display the Thumbnail or next size up photo that you want to post.

* Point you mouse ON TOP of the photo image
* RIGHT-click ON the photo
~~ A drop-down box will appear with the following active choices:
~~~ Save Picture as
~~~ Set as Wallpaper
~~~ Set as Desktop Item
~~~ Copy &lt;&lt; IGNORE THIS / DON'T USE IT!!
~~~ Add to Favorites
~~~ Properties &lt;&lt; This is what we use!!

* Point to Properties
* RIGHT-click on Properties
~~ Another drop-down box titled "Properties" will appear
* Find the line labeled "Address: (URL)"
~~~ It will Start with "ht tp:// and End with ".jpg"
*Put the cursor on the "H" in http
* HOLD DOWN the LEFT-mouse clicker and
* Scroll across the whole address - get it ALL highlighted (might take up two lines).
* Release the left mouse button
~~ You should now have Highlighted the whole address
* POINT to the highlighted address
* RIGHT-click on the highlighted address
~~ Another drop-down will appear with "Copy" an active item
*POINT to and RIGHT-click on the word "Copy"
~~~ You have now memorized the photo location address :)

** Come back and Open up the Pet Talk window again
* Find the "IMAGE" Push Button
* LEFT-click the IMAGE button
~~ A data box should open
* POINT to the empty area inside the box
** RIGHT-click inside the box
~~ Another drop-dow appears with PASTE active
* Point to and RIGHT-click the Paste choice
~~~ You should see the photo address appear inside the box
~~~ It will start with "ht tp:// and end with ".jpg"
* Click on the OK inside the data box

~~ Now you should see the photo address inside the Pet Talk Message window. It will have an [im g] in front of and an [/im g] behind the address. The whole image line will look like this...

[im g]http://wsphotofews.excite.com/022/ka/gF/Qm/fG70377.jpg[/im g]
(but those two spaces in the [im g] and [/im g] WON'T be there.)

Finish up your post message and you're DONE! :D
Hit the "Add Reply" button to finish.

Hope this helps the Internet Explorer users. ;)

[ November 30, 2001: Message edited by: Phred ]

11-15-2001, 12:15 PM
I'm going to confuse things here, but Phred, what's with this pushing of the "image" button? I've never done that! :eek: And I've not had any problems either!! LOL! I have Internet Explorer version 5.5, if that makes any difference.

Golden Smiles
11-15-2001, 12:35 PM
OOOOOH I hope this works!! LOL :D http://wsphotofews.excite.com/003/1z/R3/HW/if98054.jpg

Golden Smiles
11-15-2001, 12:38 PM
WHOOO HOOOOOO .........WHOOPIE!! I did it!! HOW COOL!! Thanks FRED!!! I am sooooooo happy!! This is a picture of me and Otis when he was only 5 weeks old!! (it was an early morning picture,hence the hair and face LOL) Isn't he darling!! I'm on a posting roll now....LOOK OUT :D :D :eek: :eek:

Golden Smiles
11-15-2001, 12:41 PM
I gotta try another one!! http://wsphotofews.excite.com/028/As/Ed/gL/3Q89124.jpg
If this worked too...this is my moms dog Dakota.one of my Bailey's babies!!

Golden Smiles
11-15-2001, 12:43 PM
:D :D KNOW wonder i couldn't do...I was doing it wrong!! :eek: I got it now!! THANKS AGAIN PHRED!!! I gotta go get some film!(Now i need a Digicam) :D Happy Day.!!!Happy Day!!

11-15-2001, 12:45 PM
Terri, did you have problems with the email I sent you?

Just post the pic the same way you have been, but put it in your signature box.

11-15-2001, 12:48 PM
Logan, remember when they updated the whole layout of Pet Talk? The image button was one of the things they added. Under the message box when you type, you will see 10 buttons. They just make things easier for people who can't get the code right. All you have to do is click image, paste the addy in the box, and then hit 'OK'.

11-15-2001, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by Logan:
<STRONG>... what's with this pushing of the "IMAGE" button? I've never done that! :eek: </STRONG>

Logan ~ You must post pictures the
hard way ;).

The "IMAGE" Push Button is one of the features available on Pet Talk that is just below the post entry Message box. Just below the message box are two feature boxes:
* One labeled "Instant Icons"
* and One labeled "Instant UBB Code"

In the Instant UBB Code box are push buttons that activate Bold, Italics, Link(URL), and IMAGE features.

When you activate a push button; a data entry box pops up where you can fill in the words you want made BOLD, or in Italics, or shown as an active Link, or as a Photo Image.

The IMAGE button gives you a data box to paste in the photo address location. After you paste in the photo's address, click on the OK box to return to the message entry box. And you'll notice that the photo's address is AUTOMATICALLY wrapped inside the special [im g] and [/im g] code brackets. :)

Like, it's jest plain MAGIC!! :D

The bold and italic buttons likewise put the [b] and [/ b] or the [i] and [/ i] brackets around whatever words you enter into the data box.

Takes a bit of getting used to, but they're all pretty handy.

Gotta watch for two things, though...

* After you use the buttons, the durn cursor returns to the TOP of the message box - if you don't arrow back down to where you were in the message, you'll start erasing :mad: the top of your message. (Been there, dun that :mad:!!)

* And the URL (link) and IMAGE (photo) buttons ALWAYS put their output at the BOTTOM of your message at the time you use them. You CAN highlight, cut, and paste the results back up into the middle of your post if you want to.

Try 'em; you might find some of the feature buttons handy. :D

[ November 30, 2001: Message edited by: Phred ]

11-15-2001, 12:59 PM
I think I'm too scared to try anything new!! What's not "broke", I am not even going to try and fix! LOL! But thanks for the info. I never did figure out how people were doing bold type, and didn't try too hard to figure it out either!! :D

And I forgot to say..... YIPPEE for Terri!!!!! :D :D :D I'm so glad you figured it out!! Dakota is beautiful, but Otis is the one that stole my heart a long time ago!!! :)

[ November 15, 2001: Message edited by: Logan ]

11-15-2001, 01:06 PM
IT'S WORKING!! IT'S WORKING!! Way to go Terri!

I can't stand the difference between IE and Netcrap. It makes my job all the more harder. *ggrrrr*

I prefer IE. :)

My webpage works in IE, but a lot of images won't come thru if it's viewed in Netcrap.


Golden Smiles
11-15-2001, 01:40 PM
Okay...how do I get this into my signature?? Sure hope it doesn't take a month like the pix posting LOL :eek: http://wsphotofews.excite.com/018/6m/WH/PN/5j56619.jpg

Golden Smiles
11-15-2001, 01:43 PM

11-15-2001, 01:49 PM
Terri, right where it says "my profile" above in the upper right corner. Click on that and put the same code you used to post the pic in your message there where it asks for a Signiture.

Then Save the changes. Your pic will show up then in your Sig. :)


11-15-2001, 02:44 PM
Two reminders about Signature photos...

1) Use the Thumbnail size (smallest one available). Anything bigger will be too big!

2) You must ADD the [im g] and [/im g] code
brackets in front of [im g] and behind [/im g] the photo address. (NO spaces between ANYTHING in the line of code.)

Daisy's Mom
11-15-2001, 03:34 PM
Dakota is beautiful, and Otis... WOW! How precious!

11-15-2001, 05:26 PM
This whole thread is cracking me up! :D What memories Logan, of those "early" days, learning how to post pics. Just one or two of us did it then; and at first, only by emailing Paul and driving HIM nuts. Now it's Phred and Spencer! :D :D But, like you, I was at first confused with Phred's instructions, having Int.Exp. not Netscape. Well, when we got all THAT straightened out, he started talking about the "image button!" I just agreed, like I knew what he was talking about, and like you, figured if it ain't broke, don't fix it!!

Kim, Golden Smiles, your efforts are commendable, (been there!) and your doggies are GORGEOUS!!!!

Golden Smiles
11-15-2001, 10:24 PM

Golden Smiles
11-15-2001, 10:26 PM
OMG........I cannot believe it!!! I posted a picture and added to my signature all on the same day!! WHO KNEW I WAS SO COMPUTER SAVVY???? LMAO :D :eek: THANKYOU guys, for all your help!!

01-11-2002, 09:06 AM
just practicing my signature...

01-11-2002, 09:10 AM
ok, once more...see what happens

01-11-2002, 09:15 AM
trying again... http://community.webshots.com/storage/1/v4/5/72/88/22157288jDhzGIOaxb_th.jpg

01-11-2002, 09:18 AM
wow, got it ... now I'll try my sig again..