View Full Version : new pup!!!!!!

03-28-2003, 01:33 PM
Let me start out by saying I had NO INTENTIONS of getting a puppy. And, I don't have any pics yet.
So, I get up today, take the dogs for a walk, feed them, and run to the store. While I'm at that end of town, I decide to run to Petco--while there, I met a beautiful Aussie, and the woman told me they just adopted her from the SPCA. Hmmm, I haven't been there in a while (it makes me cry), so off I go to see the dogs. I saw all of the older ones, and there was a beautiful Akita, but he had a sign that said he bites, so you know what will probably happen to him:( 2 boxers, a yellow lab, a bunch of pups, a beagle, a brittany, and some other mixes that I couldn't quite identify. I'm leaving, and I am outside saying goodbye to the ones in the cages, and there's this woman yelling something to me, as she is struggling to hold this wiggly black thing in her arms. I went closer, and she was asking me if I wanted a pup. He's a male, purebred lab, 6 months old she said. He looked a lot younger, but the thought of him having to go in there and sit in those cages made me sad--she said if I could give him a home, he was mine--I asked her what she wanted for him, she just said a home, and that's all. I said ok, and she hurridly got into her car and drove off--she told me his name is Dominic, and that's it. Off she goes--something about being too busy to handle a pup:mad:
So, there I stand with a little labbie boy in my arms--and boy is he sweet. I put him into the car, and he is whining a little, but calms down on the drive home, and curls up right in my lap and falls asleep. He threw up all over me, but I didn't care. I called my husband, and he could hear the dog in the background, and told me to come to his office. Since his office is right next to our vet, we took him in--she took one look at him, and said he is only around 12 weeks or so!!!! We have an appointment in an hour to make sure he is ok--I don't have him here at home, in case he is sick or something, I don't want Abbey and Kito to catch anything.
My intents were to call a rescue, or PAWS, but my hubby loves him (and so do I)--we're going to see how these 2 react to him later, and then we may have our 3rd doggie!!!

I promise I'll get pics up as soon as I can--all he wanted to do was sleep this afternoon, so he's at the office in a crate snoozing, until the appointment. If we cannot keep him, I am going to foster him and call PAWS or a rescue, or put him on petfinder, but we are getting him all of his shots too. I am not keeping the name Dominic either, so I have to come up with something else--he doesn't know it anyway.

I really shouldn't have days off from work--look at what I do!!!!!

03-28-2003, 01:40 PM
Aww! Lucky you! I would die if my parents just went to Petco and came home with a pup! You are soooo lucky! Hope the pup is okay, he sounds adorable! And I sure hope you get to keep him! Give him some kissies for me.

03-28-2003, 02:16 PM
Don't feel bad. While I was out doing some running today for work, I stopped by the Animal Rescue League. Not really looking for a dog, but thought I'd check. Never know when you might find just the right puppy.

03-28-2003, 02:47 PM
Aww thats soo sweet. I'm glad you were there to get him from that lady...who didn't even kno his AGE~!!! I hope you get to keep him & Kio n' Abby like him.... Can't wait to see some pix of him~!

03-28-2003, 02:48 PM
What a irresponsible lady! Not even knowing his age :rolleyes: This must have been quite a day! I wish you the best in luck in whatever happens. Hopefully, sweet little 'Dominic' will be your 3rd puppy. I know he would be in a great home with you guys! :D Keep us updated :)

03-28-2003, 02:50 PM
yay!what an exciting day! hope you get to keep him. i have a few suggestions on names if you don't mind...

P.J.-peanut butter & jelly
Jonny B.G-Jonny Be Good
Chance-cause you don't know what would have happend to him if you didn't take him.

03-28-2003, 02:52 PM
aw! how wonderful! I really hope everything comes out ok and you can keep him:D He just sounds just wonderful and completely sweet! dang lady....:rolleyes: want a pup? and then drives off, probibly not even caring. agh. well im glad this little angel found you! like i said, i hope he can find a wonderful home with you!:D but if not, make sure he gets a wonderful one. much luck to you! congrats!:)

03-28-2003, 02:53 PM
Chance might be good. :D I may be wrong, but it sounds like you were meant to end up at the shelter and take home a dog ;)

03-28-2003, 03:19 PM
ya,you were probably sen there for that very reason.

03-28-2003, 04:22 PM
Congrats Emily!!! Hard to resist those little black labbies puppies, isn't it :)

I saw the pictures first and was confused, wondering how I missed this new addition...but then found this and realized it all happened today!!! Hope things go well at the vet and with Kito and Abby!

03-28-2003, 05:54 PM
Hope you keep him,and hope he's healthy.

03-28-2003, 11:50 PM
Can't wait to see pics!!!!

03-29-2003, 05:00 AM
Oh Yeah!!! Another Pet Talk "New Addition!!".....or should I say "New Edition?!?!?!" :)
Congratulations, Emily on being SUCH a big Hearted Soul!!!!
I hope he is alright...and gets along with your kids!!!!
O.K....Now for a name!!!! HHHHHMMMMMM


03-29-2003, 08:31 AM
Shelter are a dangerous place to go - to just "take a look!" That's what happened to me and why Ripley is now asleep on my bed instead of in a cage! :) I am soooo happy for you! I was actually told about this thread by Christiansmommy and now I will go look at the pictures. Congratulations!!

Byakko's Mom
03-29-2003, 11:34 AM
I found your posts.What a wonderful story for the little puppy.How lucky he was to find you.I am like that at the spca too.I have gone with friends and my daughter and we ended up with me as the cosigner for my roomates staffordshire Tyson and my daughters pom mix ( oh you did see the new pics with the pom mix and the one new pic of Byakko on the web page didn't you)
and my daughters pom mix and then Mojo the lab mix came from rescue and two different trips with another friend wound us up with her adopting her great dane/ponter mix and a cat .Your new baby is so adorable.I am so glad they are all getting along.Keep us posted..

Cisco's Mom
03-29-2003, 11:47 AM
Aww that is so very sweet of you to take care of that little baby! We def. need more people like you in the world. I know what ya mean about going into the SPCA. I volunteer at my local Humane Society. So many fur babes that need hugs & kisses. :( It is very hard not to want to bring them all home. I went this morning to walk the dogs and just fell in love with this little male Brittany. What a beauty! His name is Paxel and just needs a forever home. There are always lots of pups there and if people would just have thier animals fixed!! :mad: Well, so much for all that. I wish ya'll all the best with the new pup! Congrats!!

03-29-2003, 04:10 PM
Oh my goodness, I'm away from Pettalk for a couple of days and look what happens!!! Congratulations on your new baby, and really, Thank you for giving him a good home!! I can't wait to hear all about him and how he is settling in!

p.s. I CANNOT believe that ANY person in their right mind, would just go off and abandon a TWELVE week old pup that way. I just want to take that person to a strange and scary land and leave them to fend for themselves!! GRRRR!!

Cisco's Mom
03-30-2003, 09:03 AM

I CANNOT believe that ANY person in their right mind, would just go off and abandon a TWELVE week old pup that way. I just want to take that person to a strange and scary land and leave them to fend for themselves!! GRRRR!!

You know what realyy bugs me? Are the people that have a pet for 7,8,10yrs. and just decide they don't want them anymore!!:mad: Just makes me so mad!!:mad:

How can a person have a pet for so long and decide they don't love them anymore?? Or maybe they just didn't love them to begin with!:(

03-30-2003, 09:46 AM
Cookiebaker: I CANNOT believe that ANY person in their right mind, would just go off and abandon a TWELVE week old pup that way. >>>>>>

I think their is more to the story,
but only the lady whom left the pup knows.

A big CONGRATES!! That lab puppy could not
have found a better home. :)

03-30-2003, 10:07 AM
I'm so glad you were there who knows whom else she'd have given him to. I think Fate should be his name.
I think we should really all wear hats that cover our foreheads we must have some sign on us that says "hey I love animals load me up!" thats how I ended up with 25 angora rabbits!!!!!

03-30-2003, 10:08 AM
A Name
~Luckey~cuz u r soo luckey to have a cute pup like him
~Fudge~ cuz... umm, just cuz
~pookerz~just kiddin

03-30-2003, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by KYS

I think their is more to the story,
but only the lady whom left the pup knows.

I agree with you there, and of course, I have been wondering now too. She said she had 2 other dogs at home, just started back to school, and didn't have the time for him. She barely even gave me his name, and took off in her car, and she had driven from a town about 40 minutes away to bring him. Part of me thinks she wanted to make sure I didn't change my mind, and hurried off, but I want to think that maybe she was sad. I don't know--why would she get a pup if she knew she didn't have the time for him?? Getting an older dog is different, that's probably what she should have done.
Either way, little Riley is home with us now, and other than some separation anxiety (pretty bad), he loves it here--he and Abbey have been playing non stop!!!

03-30-2003, 04:20 PM
Even if you don't end up keeping the pup - it sounds to me like it would have already had a better life for 5 minutes with you - than for its entire 12 weeks with horrible "drive off in a hurry" woman!!! :mad:

Keep up posted on the pup - soon to be re-named by us PT'ers I am sure!!!

Dakota's Mommy
04-02-2003, 03:49 PM
Yes, keep us posted! He's such a cutie! I hope all works out and you get to keep him making our Doggy group get a little bit bigger and knowing he got into a great home.