View Full Version : When the chewing begins...

03-25-2003, 02:47 PM
What has your dog destroyed the most out of your furniture/clothes/ ect..? My dad was so terrified Mickey was gonna chew at the material at the bottom of the big screen TV :rolleyes: But so far, all he's chewed on badly is the windowsill. It's missing some paint and it's all gnawed at. Plus, yesterday my mom accidentally left some cheese on the floor (it was new from the store and sliced so she could put it in the sandwiches) and Mickey go to it. There was a hole right through the bottom, through every single piece. lol

Got any stories to share? :D

03-25-2003, 03:25 PM
Nala doesn't get the chance to chew. Once we see her getting into something we say no, and she stops. We keep an eye on her;) And anything she does chew on, it's hers so we don't care, unless she starts to eat it.

03-25-2003, 03:33 PM
jewels doesnt chew on much, but there was a cat in our house before we moved in. He would pee in one corner and now jewels and jordan go crazy over it:rolleyes: I had to put a trash can on it

03-25-2003, 04:25 PM
omg just today this happened.. there was two incidences.. i was home sick and so i layed in my brothers room and she was with me.. when i fell asleep i woke up to the soung of like her chewing on something.. i didnt know what it was but when i woke up she like ran and hid and on the corner of the NEW entertanment stand it was all chewed up.. my mom just about had a heart attack! she hasnt even told me dad yet and he will flip out! the other incident was cami chewed a whole in the leather couch :eek: my mom wasnt happy about that either!! :D

03-25-2003, 04:34 PM
lol :D

Well, we always keep our eye on Mickey too it's just that when he's up on the sill, he has his bone to chew on, so I thought he was chewing on that. He had his head turned too and the bone was under his paw so I couldn't see it so I thought it was okay. Turns out...it wasn't :rolleyes:

03-25-2003, 04:40 PM
Izzy chewed up my brand new flip flops!! and the deck>> with the help of a (wild) squirrel> who still chews the hand rails

03-25-2003, 07:59 PM
When Chester was a young 'un we lived in an apartment and had to keep him pinned in the kitchen, so he should go out the pet door to our very small backyard. We kept him pinned in with 2 baby gates (one on top of the other) and he soon learned to climb them. I walked in the front door one day and Chester came running up to me. Then I realized he should be in the kitchen. Well, the only thing he'd done was rip up the carpet in front of the door and shred it! :eek: That's the only thing he's ever damaged or destroyed.

Millie LOVES shoes. Our shoes were always safe with Ches, but Mills has, in three and a half months, chewed 4 pairs of my shoes. You'd think I'd learn, but old habits are hard to break, for Millie and me. ;)

03-26-2003, 02:30 PM

03-26-2003, 05:11 PM
:) lmao... :)

03-26-2003, 05:14 PM

03-26-2003, 06:08 PM
LOL! Brings back the memories. :D
Since ROcky did the most damage I will
talk about his puppy days.

He never chewed up anything in the house because
he was never alone in the house.
(so all in the house was saved)

Now the outside:

He went through more than 5 garden hose's,
till I got smart and put them away till needed.
Chewed up my drip system, chewed/dug up every
plant and bush, He actually chewed down to
the stump two young trees, chewed up my
chase longe and chairs and broke 2 large
clay pots, and chewed up 2 large plastic pots,
dug trenches and I can't remember what else
but believe me he probably did it. :rolleyes:

03-26-2003, 06:45 PM
omg :eek:

Hehehehe :p

03-26-2003, 07:27 PM
Well I have a story and it just happend this morning, it's kinda gross though. My puppy Ringo is'nt potty trained just yet so when I woke up today I stepped out of bed right into a pile of his mess and I'll just say it wasn't in liquid form!!! Ecck!!! I must have scrubed my foot for 10 minutes !!:p :eek: :rolleyes: :mad: :(
But I wasn't too mad at him after all it was my fault for not watching where I stepped!

03-26-2003, 07:44 PM
posted by puppygrrl4eva7:I woke up today I stepped out of bed right into a pile of his mess and I'll just say it wasn't in liquid form!!! Ecck!!! I must have scrubed my foot for 10 minutes >>>

LOL! Yep that would gross me out too.

03-27-2003, 12:00 AM
yes... Ruby has chewed up many things... shoes, books, remote controls, and other little things around the house... she's usually not left home alone, but sometimes she has to be :rolleyes: She has gotten a lot better though... now she usually just destorys her toys

03-27-2003, 10:35 AM
puppygrrl4eva7- ewwww that happened to me!! ughhh it was digusting.. i guess he wanted to show how much he loves :D uuuccckkk!!! :eek: