View Full Version : She is HERE! She is HERE!!

11-11-2001, 07:07 PM
The owner's called tonight and said the puppies were ready so I ran to get her!!!
She is so sweet and scared. She is Sleepin right now. I gave her a bath, was going to wait - too much trauma but I couldn't stand it anymore she stunk!!:EEK:
Will try to get some pics, tho you will have to wait for the whole roll to be taken and for me to take them to Walmart!! :o
I am soo happy and excited I just can't stand it!!!

11-11-2001, 07:18 PM
Congratulations, Staci!
I'm so happy for you. It looks like you got everything for the Puppy except a Name. Have you decided on a Name? What does Kylie think about her new Sister? :)

Dixieland Dancer
11-11-2001, 07:36 PM
How did she like her Bath? Probably not as much as you liked giving her one? Does she look like and Aspen or an Autumn? How is the puppy breath? How old is she?

I know lots of questions but we have been waiting as long as you to "GET" her! Can't wait for pictures. Congratulations! :D :D :D :D :D

[ November 11, 2001: Message edited by: Dixieland Dancer ]

Daisy's Mom
11-11-2001, 07:38 PM
I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! I don't think I can stand to wait for pictures!

11-11-2001, 07:40 PM
Or maybe Cinnamon?

11-11-2001, 08:01 PM
AWW Staci I AM so happy for you!! Good luck trying to get yourself to work tomorrow :) :) I have a million questions as well but I'm sure you'll give us an update as soon as you can pry your hands off that big puppy belly.

I am so glad I get to take my foster pupster to work with me :)

11-11-2001, 08:03 PM
She is 6 weeks,I thought they were going to wait until they were 8 weeks old, but I guess not :(
But I was sooooo excited I couldn't wait :(
I know Candy, you told me to wait until they were 8 weeks, but I couldn't was too happy and excited :( :o
Kylie doesn't quite know what to think~!
She is watching from her perch on the couch!

Actually I am thinking of Aspen or Keegan!!

11-11-2001, 08:05 PM
Oh, I just can't believe it, Staci!!!! Congratulations!!! :D :D :D I had just finished typing a note on Alicia's post about the PBS program, saying that I hoped you watched it!!! So much wonderful puppy advice, and puppies everywhere!!!

How exciting this is for you!!! Helen and I were talking about you again today, and Shaianne, and the new puppy. :)

11-11-2001, 08:07 PM
Oh, do tell us her name, when you and she decide. How's Kylie doing?

11-11-2001, 08:28 PM
YaY! Puppy time!!

11-11-2001, 08:30 PM
Congrats on the new family member!! Pictures!!!!!!!

11-11-2001, 08:35 PM
Staci what fun you are going to have with a puppy in the house!! How wonderful that she is already with you now! I remember Bella's first night. She cried all night but that was because I didn't have the crate in my bedroom. The breeder had mentioned that in a little packet of info that she gave me and I never read it under after that first night and also my fellow Pet Talkers said "put the crate in the bedroom!" :) Hope little "no name" has a good night tonight. You, on the other hand, will probably be up all night from sheer excitement!!

11-11-2001, 08:37 PM
I'm so very happy for you!!! How does it
feel being a 'brand new Mom' to such a little
bundle of love & sweetness?
I think Mom should take a day off from work
to celebrate,love and comfort this sweet
little baby girl...Pictures can wait a bit,
just give the little one a hug & kiss from all her "aunties & uncles".

11-11-2001, 08:59 PM
Staci, 6 weeks is not as bad as 4 or 5 weeks, but you still may come up with problems in the future. From 3 to 7 weeks puppies learn canine socialization and pack order. This is really crucial if you want your dog to get along with other dogs. Puppies weaned at 6 weeks may have the socialization skills but not the confidence. I would just watch her for any major personality traits and socialize her a lot while she is in her young months.

I found this website.. and its a Golden Retriever site too.. but it explains puppy development.

[ November 11, 2001: Message edited by: aly ]

11-11-2001, 10:52 PM
Congratulations!!!!! Hurry, take those pics, and post em. I can't wait!!!!!

11-11-2001, 10:56 PM
Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep little pretty girl
Mama loves you, though you miss her
You new human mommy's near

And up in the night sky
Your own angel stands by
Shaianne watches over you
And she and Kylie love you, too

Lullaby and goodnight, go to sleep now sweet baby girl
When you're lonely, don't you cry,
You new mama's standing by

Close your eyes, now, and dream
Chasing rainbows in your sleep
Sleep so soundly and sweet,
Tomorrow's promise you must keep

11-11-2001, 11:00 PM
I have decided to call her Keegan. When I call her "Keegan" she turns around and looks. I am sure she is just responding to the sound of my voice.
Now I have to think of a middle name!!!
Maybe Marie!!
She certainly squats faster than I can watch her!! She pees and is off and I find it a minute or 2 later! Any advice, I can't correct her unless I see her do it.
She is still timid and is hiding under the chairs, but I can't expect miracles, its only been a few hours!

11-11-2001, 11:45 PM
Keegan is a very pretty name :) :)

She should come around in no time with a mommy like you Staci :)

As far as the potty training, try to get her on a very consistent schedule. The main times she will need to be taken out is before she goes to sleep at night, when she wakes up from naps, after she eats, and after rough playing sessions. When she does go potty outside, praise her until blue in the face so she knows that is good.

I assume you're using Shai's crate which is too big to pottytrain Keegan with. Block part of it off with cardboard or anything you have. She should have just enough room to stand up, lay down, and turn around. If its too big, they have no problems pottying in the far corner from where they sleep.

11-12-2001, 02:03 AM

i am so happy this day has finally arrived for you!!!

personally i liked Aspen over Keegan. i think they both sort of sound like boys names though *shrugs* but it is what makes YOU happy that counts. right gang?! *nudges* *says out loud* "Keegan"

Welcome abord Keegan :) :D :)

11-12-2001, 06:00 AM
Staci, Keegan was my maiden name! (A good old Irish name! :) ) How was your first night? Oh I wish I could see her!!

Golden Smiles
11-12-2001, 06:20 AM
:D :D HURRY AND TAKE THOSE PIX TO WALMART!!!! I CAN"T STAND IT ANTMORE!!! YIPPEE!! I am sooooooo happy for you!! I bet she's darling!! :) I love the name Keegan!!

11-12-2001, 07:41 AM
In times of extreme importance (like now) I have been known to take a roll of film in for developing with only a few pictures on it. Hint, hint.

11-12-2001, 08:07 AM
Yeah....Keegan is home!!! You know I love that name :D

Please, please get that picture clicking and get 'em developed SOON! I can hardly wait!

Congrats on your new little bundle of joy. Good luck, and welcome home, Keegan :)

11-12-2001, 08:18 AM
Oh! I am so excited for you! I can't wait to see pictures of Keegan. I bet she is adorable! I envy you! I wish I could have a puppy right now. A friend of mine has a Golden and she just had puppies and offered me one. It was so tempting. But I had to turn it down :)

But I went over last to smell the puppy breath! Andrew and I had so much fun playing with them!

Good luck and finish up that roll of film. We gotta see Keegan's sweet puppy face!

11-12-2001, 08:26 AM
WHOO-HOO!!!!!!! KEEGAN!!!! You all know that I loved that name! But seriously, I hope it is the name you wanted and that it just sounded right :D!

I cannot wait to see more pictures of her! Keegan just seems to fit a little golden.... And personally, I think it really sounds feminine. It is a good unisex name.

Congrats Staci! I know you will be a great mama and hearing all kinds of puppy stories will be awesome! It's like we will all grow with her - living vicariously thru YOU!

Kisses and hugs to that sweet little bundle of joy. Lexi, Sasha and Maddie say "WELCOME TO PETTALK KEEGAN!!!!"

karen israel
11-12-2001, 08:33 AM
OH YAY! :D :D Staci, I couldn't be happier for you! How fabulous! How exciting!!! Puppy Power! Great name too!!!! Welcome 'lil Keegan to our Pet Talk world!! Our little celebrity sweetie! :D :D

11-12-2001, 08:35 AM
Congratulations, Staci, Keegan is a wonderful choice for a name. Good thing you got those supplies when you did.

At 6 weeks she may not be ready for much in the housebreaking department. She is just a baby and there is just not much maturity in that little bladder. I wouldn't do much correcting her even if you catch her in the act other than saying "no, outside" and then taking her out. Also, I would just let her run around in areas such as the kitchen where cleaning up isn't going to be such a hassle, and be taking her out for potty breaks a LOT. Like Aly said, very first thing in the morning, after she eats, before you leave for work, after any play time, if you note that she has just drank a lot of water. As she gets a little older you may find she will do a little sniffing before she pees, so watch for those cues, and then you get to swoop her up and get her out before the deed is done. Do you have anyone that can come in during the time you are at work to let her out as well?

[ November 12, 2001: Message edited by: RachelJ ]

11-12-2001, 08:36 AM
Finaly Keegan is home. How much fun you are going to have.
Aly is right about trying to socialize her and teach her the things that her mom would have taught her in the next couple of weeks. I also got my first Golden when she was six weeks old and it took her a long time to accept the fact that she was a dog and not a person ;) Some of it was my fault because I was so madly in love with her.
Give Keegan many belly rubs, hugs and kisses from us.

Dixieland Dancer
11-12-2001, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by shais_mom:
<STRONG>She is 6 weeks,I thought they were going to wait until they were 8 weeks old, but I guess not :(
But I was sooooo excited I couldn't wait :(
I know Candy, you told me to wait until they were 8 weeks, but I couldn't was too happy and excited :( :o

Staci, did the breeder mention why they let the pups go at 6 weeks? Most of the time it's because they are weaned and they don't want to incur the extra expense of vaccinations at 6 weeks and the extra time it takes to care for the now rambuncous little babies. It's not that the pup will have any medical problems that it is critical the pup stays with the litter, it is the socialization and learning that go on between week 6 and 8 that make it important. This is also a major cause of seperation anxiety in dogs as they get a little older.

As much as you love Keegan and will provide the best environment possible for her, you need to realize you are not canine. They learn many valuable things from their littermates such as how to play with other dogs, pack heirarchy, bite inhibition, basic potty skills and more. Leaving the nest early only makes your job that much more difficult.

What you need to do is get the pup around it's other littermates occassionally if you can. Get shots first though. Be very careful around weeks 10 - 13. This is a time when fear creaps in and things the pup was doing with no problems only weeks ago can cause alarm. During this time you want to introduce the pup to many different stimulus but make sure not to go too fast or forceful. Stay away from loud noises during these weeks 10 - 13 unless the noise was introduced earlier. I use to take a pan and spoon and beat them together all the way until the 8th week. I would knock on doors, stomp my feet, sing real loud, etc. You don't want the pup fearful of sounds. Making the noise now will help with noise phobias as the pup grows.

I don't want to alarm you or scare you. You did nothing wrong. If anyone did it was the breeder. It is just that you need to be aware of what goes on with puppy development in order to help Keegan have a sound, stable puppyhood. This can prevent the problems that normally creep up from taking baby away from mom too soon.

I am excited for you and the name Keegan is pretty neat too! If I didn't make this quite clear just let me know and I'll try to clear things up.

We all want pictures!!!!!! :D :D :D

11-12-2001, 10:25 AM
How exciting!!! Have you decided on a name yet??? I can't wait to see pictures..... :)

11-12-2001, 10:27 AM
Oh how very wonderful - a new baby in the house - I'm so jealous!!!!! :D

11-12-2001, 12:28 PM
Karen, Thank you very much for the poem I didn't see it last night and it made me cry reading it.
Candy, I think the main reason they wanted them to go is b/c of the rambuctiousness etc. It was the vaccinations, they got them on Sat.
She is eating and drinking well. I woke up this am with her eating and drinking Kylie's food. :eek:
The first night wasn't bad at all. I put her in the crate(I did buy a smaller crate, so I can transport Kylie when I need to)
But that lasted about a half hour!! :o Kylie just sat and watched the crate. So I got her and put her in bed with me, which caused Kylie to disappear. I was so afraid of falling asleep and her falling off the bed. So I took her outside real quick, by the time we came back in I was freezing my teeth were chattering so I got Keegan under one arm and Kylie under the other which went over well also.!! :o And shut the 3 of us into the bedroom. Keegan went under the bed and fell asleep she spent most of the night there. Then about 5oclock I woke up to the smell of poo, I just thought, OK she had an accident no biggie. So I got up, and checked Keegan and it wasn't her. Then I looked at Kylie and she must have had diarrhea and she was scootin across the floor and had it all over her butt!!! :eek:and the floor :eek:
So I got her into the bathroom and shut the door and tried to wash her butt off, which was not fun at all!!!poor thing.I got most of it off her and she was able to clean herself of the rest. ugh! So then we went back to sleep and when I finally got up, Keegan had a couple accidents and I took her outside and she went again and she is doing fine. I love to see her hop all over the place.
Unfortunately, I don't live near family, and we just had 2 people quit at work so I can't sneak home to check on her. My heart is going to be breaking the whole time, I just know it. With the 2 people quitting there was just no way I could get the time off. :(
I will post again after work!!

11-12-2001, 12:36 PM
Poor Stace, sounds like a bit of a rough night for you and Kylie. Kylie might have gotten the diarrhea from being stressed out. Hopefully she will warm up to Keegan soon and feel better.

Your poor carpet :eek: Sounds like it needed a good cleaning this morning!!

Don't worry, I'm going through the potty training experience with Founder too. Although she is so reluctant to mess up her house, she'll usually crawl in to the bathtub and go in there :eek: I think she is too shy to go in front of me still when I take her outside. She will go but it takes 30-40 minutes of walking around out there.

11-12-2001, 12:40 PM
oh the adventures of puppy years!!!!

poor Kylie!!!!

the best of luck to the three of you!!!

(you made me chuckle. i know how they hop...it is sooo cute.)

11-12-2001, 12:46 PM
If it makes you feel any better, both Honey and Lilly came home to me at six weeks old. Of course, Honey has her issues, but considering the environment she came from, she was probably better off leaving when she did!! Although I have learned in the last year or so that it is better to keep them with "mom" until they are 8 weeks old.
Both of my girls have adjusted fine, and have become quite the well-behaved babies. I know your Keegan will do the same. Just love her and keep those warm clothes out, so you can jump into them and take her outside for a quick break in the cold nights!! :eek:
Kylie....you will get used to this new intruder. I'll be you and Keegan will become fast friends!!

11-12-2001, 12:57 PM
Welcome Keegan!!! How exciting! Contrats, Staci! Ahhh....you're first puppy 'episode' for us to 'enjoy' vicariously through you!! :D :D :D :D You're poor carpet! Yikes! :eek: I hope everything works out ok for the 3 of you! Be sure to smell that puppy breath and take lots and lots of pics for us!!

Dixie Belle
11-12-2001, 01:13 PM
I am so glad to hear about you new little one. Sounds like you are doing a great job with her. Keep it up!

11-12-2001, 04:17 PM
Keegan is a very pretty name, I'm so happy for you, nothing like Puppy Love.

Daisy's Mom
11-12-2001, 04:31 PM
I am so happy that Keegan is home - and named!! ;) She sounds soo cute! Sorry about poor Kylie's bad night. I hope she feels better soon. I bet it was just the stress.

11-12-2001, 04:39 PM
Welcome home Keegan! :) :) :) And congratulations to our proud mommy Staci! Staci, how excited you must be! The mommy of a premie! :D I'm sure the coming days will be filled with so much joy, laughter, happiness and exhaustion! :D Can't wait to hear the daily updates on our latest, most blessed new family member here at Pet Talk! :) PLEASE, give kisses to Keegan all over her precious self!

11-12-2001, 07:00 PM
I didn't want to miss out on the congratulations!!!! Oh, the puppy days. They are priceless!!! Take a wiff of that puppy breath for me, would ya?

11-12-2001, 07:30 PM
Any pictures yet? Huh, huh?
How's poor Kylie feeling today?

Can't wait to see pics!!!!!!!

11-13-2001, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by Logan:
<STRONG>keep those warm clothes out, so you can jump into them and take her outside for a quick break in the cold nights</STRONG>

Oh, how well I remember all adaptations one makes when one has a "baby" in the cold months. :rolleyes:

Staci, we need a Keegan update....

11-13-2001, 07:23 PM
Rachel, as the mom of one winter baby to another, I remember those cold mornings well!! I am sure the neighbors enjoyed the sight of me walking through rain, sleet, slush and snow with my winter coat over my bathrobe and my pjs saying "ok Bella let's go potty" while my teeth were chattering. :eek:

11-14-2001, 02:01 AM
She is doing wonderful. I haven't got her signals down quite yet. She cries when she is in her crate, which breaks my heart.
This is too funny:
The first night, Monday, she must not have wanted her poop in her crate. When I came home, there was a little terd(am I allowed to say that?) on the outside of the crate!! She must have put her little butt up against the door and pooped thru it!!
It was too funny!
She is so darn cute!
Kylie is doing better, I think it was due to stress. Tho she refused to sleep with mom last night so the bed was very lonely!! I just think Keegan is too little, I am afraid she will fall off the bed.
Kylie isn't overly thrilled with Keegan, lots of batting and hissing but it has only been 2 days. And she hasn't lost her appetite. I just hope she doesn't think, I don't love her anymore, b/c Keegan is taking alot of time. But I knew that!
I must confess, I went out the other night, in just my flannel pjs and slippers. No Coat!
And it was about 35 degrees!!! I know better, trust me! I do! Which explains why my teeth were chattering!! :D :D

11-14-2001, 02:04 AM
I have to live vicariously through your puppy antics tonight because my foster puppy is getting spayed :( :( :( Reece, Shiloh and I miss her terribly. Lolly is living it up being able to sleep stretched out without a little rugrat trying to curl up with her.

11-14-2001, 08:23 AM
hehe Aly, there are quite a few of us living vicariously with little Keegan. And there are even times when we are saying...glad I don't have to clean THAT up.

11-14-2001, 12:32 PM
Keegan Update!!!
Last night went pretty good too, she is trying to get onto the bed with me so she cries and I woke up and reached down and got her. Then she crawls all over my bed and my head. Try not to let her do that tho, b/c I really don't want her on my head when she is 10-12-14 weeks old and up!!!
I took her to my work today to show her off, everyone was in love!! She cried and shook the whole way over.I had to hold her on my shoulder like a baby! Then I ran to the store to buy her a collar I wasn't gone 5 min! I put her on the floor of my car and when I came out she was curled up into the driver's seat!!! ;)
Then we came home and I took her outside to play and potty, my neighbor came over with her Bichon, Bud and she played with him for about a half hour. She barely made it into the house for a drink and now she is zonked!!
I put her collar on her she lifted her head up and looked at me and fell right back to sleep!! I think she is down for the count for awhile.
Kylie is ok if she approaches the puppy, but if Keegan approaches her. No way! Poor Kylie, wanted out of the bedroom last night so I put her out and after she ate and used to litter box. I felt so bad b/c when Keegan woke me up to get up to bed Kylie was sitting on the outside of the baby gate and was just watching us. I try to bring her in the bedroom with the intention that if she stays on the bed then Keegan won't bother her, but she doesn't even want to be in there. I miss her sleepin' with me, but she will come around.
And that is today!!! :) :) :p :p

11-14-2001, 12:39 PM

karen israel
11-14-2001, 01:36 PM
:D :D Yuk! yuk! I'm laughing at the poop outside the crate, imaging her little butt through the bars! Oh God! :eek: and I vividly remember the whining and the temptation to put Cody in my bed! I would have but the thought of him peeing on my pillow (listened to other people's tales)..well.. ok, truth be known, I slept next to the crate..couldn't stand it, I'm so weak and wimpy...but the poor little thing!! :(
I am SO jealous though! Two friends just got puppies and the stories are so funny..I know it's not happening to ME but the maternal pangs are just tugging at my heart! Maybe I'll be better at it, maybe not, but Puppy Power prevails! I want pictures so I can melt and swoon!!
And I'm sure in time, Kylie will come around, it's just a matter of getting used to a new family member!

Dixieland Dancer
11-14-2001, 01:43 PM
Check your email.

Daisy's Mom
11-14-2001, 06:18 PM
Keegan is just too cute!!!! Behave yourself, sweet puppy! I am just dying for pictures still!!!

Karen I slept next to the crate too when Daisy was a puppy. I slept on the hard cold kitchen floor just so I could hear every whimper, every moan!

11-14-2001, 07:51 PM
Many thanks for the Baby updates..
I read about her and remember Buddy when he
was a babe.I could actually carry him in one
hand,(His legs hung over the sides)but I
could just swoop him up to go potty outside.
I also believe Kylie will come around and
adjust to the new family member sooner than
you think. Keegan sounds so precious !!!

11-14-2001, 09:17 PM
O im so happy for you! Have fun, andgood luck in training her.
Where does she sleep? what color eyes? is she dark? is she light? what name? what color nose? is she playfull? is she shy? is she always play biting? I know this is a lot of questions, but i just love puppies!

11-15-2001, 05:09 AM
i am sssoooo happy for you!!! congrats on new puppyhood!!!! oh and all that puppy breath!!!! i am jealous!!! i have never had a puppy...i have always adopted adults....but i always take time to play with the puppies at "dogs and cats forever" where i volunteer!! we need pictures!!!!!!!!! the deli dog ;) :D :) ;) :D :)

11-15-2001, 07:59 AM
Staci, thanks for the updates! Love the poop story! :D We need a daily report and of course pictures ASAP!

I totally understand the feelings you are having about Kylie now. When Bella came to live with us my cats went into hiding for the longest time. It really upset me because they weren't even eating! (For Trevor that's really saying something! :D ) Anyway, gradually over time they got brave and found that Bella wasn't so scary after all. I know that one day Kylie and Keegan will be good buddies and Kylie will once again be cuddling with you in the big bed!

11-15-2001, 12:36 PM
Well, last night I followed Aly's and Candy's advice. I put her in the crate over night. It was so hard. I just wanted to cuddle with her. But I decided if everyone else can do it so can I!!! I couldn't help but think I was increasing her chances of aquiring(?) separation anxiety b/c that is what she sounded like. She bit and clawed at the door. I kept it right beside my bed so I could put my fingers in so she could touch me. But on the positive note I woke up with Kylie sleeping beside me for the first time since Sunday night!!!
Today I took her outside and we were out the behind the house and my neighbor dogs came out of their house(shelties) and were barking at something, ( they were a very good distance away) but Keegan pooped and took off tearing around the house, I was following her wondering where she was going and there she was standing at the door!!! :) :)She had wasted no time getting up those 2 steps and wanted inside with her kitty sister where it might be safer!
Kylie certainly hasn't given up eating!!! She wasn't real happy this morning when Keegan wanted to play and tried to mouth her and pulled out a whole mouth full of while Kylie hair!! I must confess I wasn't happy either! Poor babies.
She loves her gumabones, and her stuffies, they are intact so far!! Surprisingly!
I also tried to feed her in her crate today I took a TEASPOONof canned food that I still had from Shai (it was unopened)
and mixed it with her puppy food. And tempted her to follow me and she went into her crate and ate it! I wasn't sure about doing that, b/c I really don't want her to get started on canned food, unless its an occasional treat. I ran into problems with Shai, when I did that. She would rarely eat her food dry! And I don't want Keegan to start that.
I am working on the pics, took a couple today of her sleepin.
That is it for today!

11-15-2001, 12:58 PM
Staci, YAY! I'm glad you got through the night! The first one will probably be the roughest. Keegan will gradually get used to her crate as her sleeping place (at least until she is old enough to sleep with mom). And don't worry, it won't cause seperation anxiety. Keegan needs to get used to having some alone time so she won't think she is going to be near her human every second of every day. Trust me, its good for her as hard as it is for you. You would have more of a chance of causing seperation anxiety if she slept with you at this point.

I AM SO GLAD Kylie slept with you last night! YAY! Good girl Kylie!

Thanks for the update. Did you email a copy to Candy?

11-15-2001, 05:03 PM
Thanks for the update Staci! Oh, how I hated those first few nights in the crate. Like you, I kept it within a fingers reach, and would always be sticking them in to console her...or me???! :D She sounds so precious. I can't wait to see the pictures. And for me, feeding Star in her crate in the beginning was the best thing to get her to love her "den!" After a while, I could keep the door open, and she would go and sit, lay in there, loving her "place." Now, if for some reason I have to put her in it, she doesn't mind it a bit. PLEASE, give Keegan a big, big kiss and lots of hugs. LUCKY YOU! LUCKY HER!!! :) Oh, and as Star was a "winter" puppy, I can really feel for you when I read about those cold, cold mornings on the other end of the leash! :D

[ November 15, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

11-15-2001, 08:43 PM
Congratulations, Staci!!! I'm so excited for you! ;) I love the name Keegan!!! Welcome to Pet Talk, sweet Keegan!!! ;) Pics!!!!! :D

Hugs and kisses,
Sarah & Sadie*