View Full Version : Leashes

11-11-2001, 03:25 PM
One of the new things I got for the puppy was a training lead(upon Rachel's advice) and a new leash. Of course I still have Shai's leashes, but one is retractable and the other one isn't. Someone said or I read it somewhere that you shouldn't use retractables with puppies. So now the new pup has 4 leashes!! :eek:
And this is the what I got from Emazing.
The Lowdown On Leashes

An unbelievable selection of leashes is available on
market today. It's important to choose one that's
right for
your dog:

- Choke Chains: These are best used for training
your dog
to a leash. After that, they can be dangerous if
they catch
on something.
- Nylon Leashes: Solid and dependable, these are
your best choice to keep your dog comfortable, but
- Retractable Leashes: These leashes, which can
extend up
to 16 feet, are perfect for letting your dog
explore, while
keeping him under close supervision.
- Harnesses: Some dogs just pull too hard on a leash
matter what. A harness solves this problem nicely.

Walking a Dog has pointers for teaching your dog to
behave on a leash. http://www.walking-a-dog.com

To search the largest collection of pet sites on the
Internet, go to PetscapeNavigator.com. http://click.emazing.com/ads/w3/link2.html

11-11-2001, 05:02 PM
This is just my opinion, but I hate nylon leashes! The nylon ones burn your hands. Leather is the way to go. :)

11-13-2001, 12:47 AM
I agree with Rottie... Nylon Leashes do burn your hands!!! I got a pretty bad burn from one! Yes, Leather Leashes are better, I think! Good luck! ;)

11-13-2001, 01:32 AM
I have a short leash and a retractable leash for my 10 month old Boxer (Olli). I like the retractable leash the best. He still has freedom to roam a little and be restricted as needed. They also make extra long retractable leashes that are 26 ft. long.
The kind of leash to use is a personal preference. Use the leash you like or are more comfortable with.
Just out of curiousity, do you remember why they say not to use a retractable leash with a puppy? :confused:


[ November 13, 2001: Message edited by: AngieS ]

11-13-2001, 07:37 AM
I use a nylon leash and have always had on Simba. They come in perty colors!!!

Dixieland Dancer
11-13-2001, 08:52 AM
I also prefer the leather leash. I personally don't like the retractable leads (puppies or not) since I want my dogs to walk acceptably on a loose leash at all times. They get enough play time and sniffing time when we are not walking.

I especially hate it when someone walking their dog on a retractable lead will let their dog come into my yard and take a dump without cleaning it up. I don't let my dogs go anywhere but our yard and I don't think other people should let their dogs go in the neighbors yard! :mad:

11-13-2001, 09:04 AM
I use a nylon leash. It's a purty light blue that matches her collar and eyes. ;)

I'd use leather but couldn't afford it at the time.

I don't use the retractable leash because I've heard horror stories of people with Huskies that had their dog bolt after something and they pulled the leash right out of the plastic casing. :eek:

I want something thick and sturdy even though Kia is not much of a puller.


11-13-2001, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by Kim S.:
I don't use the retractable leash because I've heard horror stories of people with Huskies that had their dog bolt after something and they pulled the leash right out of the plastic casing. :eek:

Originally posted by Dixieland Dancer:
<STRONG> I want my dogs to walk acceptably on a loose leash at all times. They get enough play time and sniffing time when we are not walking.

I feel i have to explain a little more about the retractable leashes...
The retractable leash i use says on the package that it is intended for dogs that are well trained and that do not pull. It also came with an safety collar to add more protection.(It goes around the neck along with the collar you use.)Although that will not help if the dog pulls the leash part out of the handle.

So the retractable leash is NOT for training purposes. Get a leather or nylon leash if you are looking for a training leash.

I guess i should have stated that i use the retractable leash for mainly around my yard. (i don't have a fenced in yard).
I use the short leash for walks or other outings for more security. That is why i have 2 leashes. They both have different uses or purposes. Also Olli was trained on a regular nylon leash before having/using the retractable leash. So i have had no problems switching between the 2 leashes when i want/need to.Nor have i had any problems with using the retractable leash.
Shais_Mom I have no idea what you are wanting your leash for,but i thought i would share what i use.


11-13-2001, 05:23 PM
Heres a few pics of Simba's leashes and also his collar!

My aunt has a monogramming (i think thats what its called) buisness and she stitched Sim's name onto his leash and collar for me!

11-13-2001, 10:24 PM
The kind i have and LOVE is a leather handle, w/ a metal chain. i absolutly love them. nice on the hand, and absorbs some tension if the dog pulls. ...and the best part, if you find a stray dog that doesn't have a collar, you can use the chain as one, just snap the clasp in place and the dog doesn't get chocked.

(what's odd, is i can find these in Kmart, but not in Petsmart. and i swear by these leashes.)

11-13-2001, 10:53 PM
What kind of dog do you have?
Are these leashes for medium to large breed dogs?
I always liked those kind of leashes but i have only seen them for small dogs.


11-13-2001, 11:11 PM
KayAnn.. you're Aunt did a great job! I wish I could get Sadie's name stitched on her collar. Great pics!

11-13-2001, 11:29 PM

i have a medium dog. He's a GSD, but kind of small (he was the runt after all ...lol) he weighs 50 / 55 lbs. i've seen these leashes for small, medium, and large dogs. at first, i used the thickest, but had to take it back, it was just too heavy for the both of us, and also, way exagerated, as i was getting him under control. so, i went down one step and used the medium chain. (which we also used for our rat terrier who is 20lbs.)

i've seen other thicknesses and lengths, but i don't know where people get them from. these leashes that Kmart sells are 5ft in length.
(I have to admit, they are often under stocked, so finding just what you are looking for is based on luck.)

11-13-2001, 11:40 PM
Thanks for replying.
I had thought they would make them for large dogs too but not seen them. maybe i don't see them until after everyone gets the larger ones.lol. I have a male,Boxer. He is 10 months old, weighs 80 pounds and is all muscule! So i have to make sure i get a thick chain so he won't break it.
Excuse my ignorance but what is a GSD?


[ November 14, 2001: Message edited by: AngieS ]

11-13-2001, 11:58 PM
oops! sorry, i'm used to everyone knowing the term on my other boards. German Shepherd Dog. (yes, Dog is actually part of their official breed name.)

Good Luck finding the thick one!!!

...hmmm... you could go to the hardware store, and they could help you make one. same parts, just not put together yet. well, you might have to go to a leather shop after ward ...lol. (if you don't have one in your area, then you might want to look at a motercycle shop or tobacco shop.) and this way, you get it made custom length that will work perfect for you.

11-14-2001, 01:04 AM
I just wanted to see what people think of Leashes.
I used a retractable leash on Shai b/c she was never intentionally off leash and the retractable gave her the ability to explore and roam. The only trouble I ever had wasn't from the leash. The first one I had I saw that is was wearing thin and threw it away rather than risk Shai's safety. The 2nd one that I still have, I was at my granparents in the dead of Winter.Snow all over. And I was outside with Shaianne and I let her run to the end of the leash and she yanked on it just a little and THE COLLAR she had on the ring for the leash hook, BROKE and the leash came flying back towards my head. I ducked and then Shai ran in the opposite direction!! So I had to chase her!! NOT FUN!
But it wasn't from the leash, so my dad took an washer and welded it together and that is what we used.
I couldn't used a 26 foot retractable for Shai I would have had to anchor myself to a phone pole!! I will stick to the 6ft and 9 ft nylon leashes for now. Maybe when I go to the store sometime I will check out the leather leashes.
Thanks everyone keep the opinions coming!

11-14-2001, 01:50 AM
My own dogs are angels on the leash so I use normal nylon collars and leashes. With the shelter dogs, I swear by my Premier no-slip collars with a nylon or leather leash. In extreme cases, the Halti or Gentle Leader works WONDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[ November 14, 2001: Message edited by: aly ]

11-14-2001, 01:50 AM
I thought that it was a German Shepherd but wasn't sure. I did not know that "dog" was part of their breed name. That is interesting.
I have thought about having one made before but it seems to be a bit of a hassle.lol :) I will just keep an eye out for the thicker chains.

How awful for the leash to come flying back at you! thank goodness it didn't hit you!That would have really hurt!!That is why i like the brand i have it has the safety collar in case the regular collar breaks.Whenever Olli gets close to the end of the leash length, i give him the command "wait" so he will stop or slow down until i walk further to give him more room. It works well. I am considering getting the 26 ft. leash but dunno if it would be a good idea or not. Plus it is like $20 and i really don't want to pay that much for it.lol


[ November 14, 2001: Message edited by: AngieS ]

11-14-2001, 02:05 AM
just a mention why i prefer the leather strap over the retractable kind. my hand gets too stiff holding the retractable after even a minute. w/ the leather, i can just put it around my wrist.

just thought i'd add that as a thought.

weighing the pros and cons, in case other people are reading this to get ideas.

(and i've been thinking, now that King is well behaved on his leash, and the ordinance allows up to 6ft. i'm thinking of getting a 1 ft. extension for his leash :D )

any oppinions on that? ^