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12-05-2001, 02:04 PM
hey all :] I just found out that pet of the day has a talk thingie..Ooo...These are my pets :D Josie (Black Lab, whos now 3 yrs old..my little girl!! shes 6 wks in the 1st pic)
Smitten is my cat..don't ask where the name came from..i was in another world I guess..lol! shes 3 also.
Rufus is my other dog. He's 15 now..and I duno how much time we have left :'( he's stiff and just old..but not in pain yet :D


12-05-2001, 02:13 PM
Hi! Welcome to Pet Talk! You'll probably quickly become addicted just like all the rest of us :D

Your babies are beautiful!

[ December 05, 2001: Message edited by: aly ]

12-05-2001, 02:20 PM
I have a dog named Rufus too, he is a one and a half year old Balck Lab. It seems to be an uncommon name in my neck of the woods. ;)

12-05-2001, 02:50 PM
Hi Sleipnir!!! I just posted an answer on another thread regarding your question on DOTD, and why it may take so long for Josie to have her day of celebrity! I am THRILLED that just maybe, Sarah (LabLover) and I may have a fellow lab mom to share our girls with! I hope you will stick around and enjoy all the great people and pets here! And then, when Josie gets her day of honor, your head will spin with the number of well wishers and congrats! :) My lab's name is Star and my other dog is Cody, a Husky (x). I also have 2 kitties and a guinea pig, Squeekers. Welcome to you and your beautiful furkids! For some reason, your pics aren't coming up :(

And Roofus! Welcome to you and Rufus too! Two new lab members in one day! I'm in labbie heaven!
PLEASE stick around!! :D

[ December 05, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

[ December 05, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

12-05-2001, 03:02 PM
Howdy Howdy sleipnir.

Don't believe these nice kind folks say..
this ain't addicting at all...I only
visit everyday...heh heh heh.

Iffin you need anything feel free to ask
Logan, or Zippy, they know everything.
I sorta wanna be like them when I grow up.

WELCOME :D :D :D :) :) :)

12-05-2001, 03:06 PM
LOL!!! Is that a compliment, Augie?? Or do you just think Zippy Kat and I are "know it alls :rolleyes: ".

It is nice to have you here, Sleipnir, and Sandra and Sarah are BIG Lab fans, but so am I!!! One of my best dogs ever was a Yellow Lab named Chuck. He died last year at 15 years old!! :( But he had such a wonderful life and brought my whole family many smiles and happy memories. Now I have Golden Retrievers, which is pretty darn close to being a lab, just more hair! :eek:

We're glad you're here, and if you're like many of us, you'll enjoy sharing daily stories about your special dog(s). Heck, I've never even submitted mine for Dog of the Day!!! I brag on them all the time!!! :D

12-05-2001, 03:10 PM
Hi, Roofus, & welcome. I know a pet called 'Rufus'...but it's a cat, a red-point Siamese, owned by friends.

12-05-2001, 03:29 PM
Logan sweetie...always a compliment!!!

12-05-2001, 03:41 PM
Tatxxx - I looked in your profile, that must be your lab?? shes (or he?) is SO cutee!!!! it looks like jo when she was a pup (the one in my profile) only shes black!
All you ppl's pets are adorable! :D
My cat..is EVIL..seriously..you pat her and she like attacks your hand..but sometimes shes sweet..SOMETIMES..anyway..how do you do those pics on the bottom? mine don't seem to wanna work..:[

12-05-2001, 03:48 PM
The reason your pictures don't show up for us is because you can't link them from Geocities. They won't allow it, but sites like http://www.webshots.com do allow it. The reason I saw the pics is I just right clicked on the boxes with the red X, then I highlighted the address in Properties and pasted it into my web browser.

If you want to get your pics in your signature, just create a webshots album and link them from that site. You can edit your sig in your profile.

[ December 05, 2001: Message edited by: aly ]

12-05-2001, 04:09 PM
Thanks Aly. We can always count on you! I checked that too. Wasn't aware, though, that Geocities won't let you post!

And Sleipnir (that's a hard one!! :D) Thanks for checking out my girl Star! She just turned 3, just like your Jo! She's a cutie and, well, you'll "get to know" her! Sarah (LabLover) has a beautiful black labbie girl named SadieMay. I'm sure she'll chime in! And please do start an album on Webshots. It's easy, and so far, no charge!! I also answered your question about adding pictures to your sig. in your other thread! I'm so excited you're here!!! Maybe, when you get to know what wonderful, kind, loving and courteous people we are, you'll share your "real" name with us! :) Not too late to get on the Xmas Card list!!! (Oh, I think I hear Jackie and Zippy gasping for air!) So happy to meet you and your furfamily! Oh, you can check out a lot of our personal webshots albums by clicking on the link below our names!

[ December 05, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

12-05-2001, 04:20 PM
Aww lol :] I have like a trillion pics of jo and them..i should get um up there..(i have an obsession with taking pics of her) AHH!! shes to CUTE for her own GOOD!!!!! i sware..she just looks at me and it drives me crazy! (not in a bad way)
Anyway..I've been taking Jo to the H.S here..and she LOVES it..theres a dog park out back..lots of ppl take there dogs there..so jo gets to play with lots of the dogs. She seems to expessially love this yellow lab named Sandy - shes ADORABLE! she was abused before her new owners got her..and was shot several times :'( it's so sad..but her new owners love her to peices and you could never tell she was abused! she had an "mess" on the floor once..and hide in the corner like she was in big trouble :( isn't that sad??
My real name is Audrey (I don't like it LOL)

12-05-2001, 04:25 PM
I have enjoyed reading all the posts almost every day for months but have not had much time to post since I usually read them at work durring lunch and by the time I'm done reading it's time to get back to work!
It has been informative and very enjoyable hearing all the differnt doggy stories (especialy happy ones) and seeing all the photos of the different pups. I will definatley try to stick around.

Today however has been unusually slow!

12-05-2001, 05:03 PM
Hi & welcome!! :)

Your pictures won't come up because you can't use geocities to post them, they don't allow it. Try using http://www.webshots.com/

12-05-2001, 05:37 PM
Audrey, isn't it great when the "kids" get to play with the other doggie's??? Jo sounds like such a sweetie! And your story of the lab named Sandy. That is heartbreaking! I can't imagine the cowardice of a person who would shoot a dog. Thankfully she surivied. I hope she is in a loving home now; and so glad she has Jo to take her by the paw and show her how to have fun and love life!

And Roofus! I saw in your profile you have a black lab! That makes a grand total of 3 black and 2 yellow labs on Pet Talk!! A record!! :D K9Karen has a beautiful yellow boy named Cody. He just had his 10th birthday :) I hope you might find some time to share Rufus with us!

12-05-2001, 05:44 PM
Yeah, Jo loves it out there, and it's great exercise for her to be out running. Sandy hasen't been out to the park latly :( must be getting to cold for her owners.
Theres a evil little dog there..who attacks (litterally) all the puppys till they are crying..the guy dives in and grabs his dog, but i still see no sign of a mussel for it...

Rufus..lol! it's so weird seeing "Rufus" talking about a lab..I red a book once about a lynx named that..definatly not uncommen of a name...

In case any of you are wondering..Sleipnir is an 8 legged horse..well..8 legged horse of odin...lol

12-05-2001, 06:06 PM
And don't forget Helen's Chocolate Lab, Ben, who lives at her dad's house, and sleeps with her, whenever she is there. She adores him. We'll have to take a picture of Ben, so you Lab Lovers can see him!!! He is a beautiful dog, about the same age as my Lilly. :)

12-05-2001, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by AugieH:
[QB]Iffin you need anything feel free to ask
Logan, or Zippy, they know everything.
I sorta wanna be like them when I grow up.[QB]

:o I do not! lol :o

Welcome to the new posters! We hope you'll stick around and join in all the fun! :D

12-05-2001, 07:48 PM
Logan, you pets are adorable too! what are there stats??

12-05-2001, 07:53 PM
Ok..I can't get the pic thingie to work..at the bottom :[ i'm useless LOL!!

*hopes it works this time*

12-05-2001, 08:05 PM
Hi Roofus, welcome to PetTalk, I hope you have some time to visit with us and post a little, we would love to hear from you. We were at the Vet yesterday and a black Lab came in and he was just beautiful, his coat was so shiny and bright. Maybe you can tell us a little about Roofus and maybe some pictures too.

12-05-2001, 08:08 PM
Hi Sleipnir, Welcome to PetTalk, it sounds like you have a houseful, with two dogs and one cat, but I'm sure you enjoy them all.
Glad you joined and will be happy to see pictures of your fur family.

12-05-2001, 08:14 PM
My cat accually stays with my mom, but i visit there regularly. My dogs wouldn't stand for a cat being in the house..and for my cat it would be to stressful. I love them all to bits..even though my cat is a little on the evil side..but shes still an awesome cat :D

12-05-2001, 10:39 PM

This is Sadie, my Black Lab, (you can't see her very well, though!) And Teal, my Yellow Labby girl, who is at Rainbow Bridge.

Welcome to Pet Talk, Sleipnir!!! I'm sure you'll just love it here!!! ;)

Yay!!!! Another Labby owner! ;) I have a Black Lab, named Sadie May!!! I just LOVE Labs! ;) Again, welcome! :)

Sarah & Sadie*

12-06-2001, 04:21 PM
Hi! :D
Your furbabies are cute.
Hope you stick around!
If so, you'll soon learn about are handful elephant doggie Sara.(she's a boxer and real pain.lol) ;)

12-06-2001, 04:28 PM
Sleipnir, I just saw your question!
Here goes:
Honey (who is celebrating a birthday today) is 3 years old, a Golden Retriever
Lilly, also a Golden, is 2 1/2 yrs old
Mimi, is our 12 1/2 year old cat
Butter, is a stray, who owns the place now. He is probably about 4 years old, but we don't know.
And we have two hamsters, Phoebe and Evelyn, plus two hermit crabs, Kobe and Lisa.

All of this menagerie is managed by me (mom to all these critters) and my 10 year old daughter, Helen! And we love every minute of it.

Thanks for asking!!!

12-08-2001, 07:29 PM
They all sound very nice and cute! I used to have tons of hamsters and gerbils..when i was little anyway. I had like 10 hamsters and 6 gerbils..i love them all a lot! but the place i bought them, most ended up dying rather quick cause they we sick :[ but then I started buying bred ones from a friend of mine, and one lived to be 4..she was awesome :]

12-08-2001, 07:59 PM
I wanted to see the doggie!! Couldn't pull it up b/c of geocities


12-08-2001, 08:06 PM
The only word that can describe Josie is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-09-2001, 01:59 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk sleipnir.
I like the name Smitten. :)

12-09-2001, 05:10 PM
KYS-thanks! I duno where the name came from..but I think its really weird..but different.

shais- thanks also! Josie is a little sweatheart..she my little baby :D lol! yours are adorable too!

12-11-2001, 04:54 PM
Josie is gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! What a lucky lab mom you are! :) Please give your furkids a big hug from us!