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Daisy's Mom
11-06-2001, 05:22 PM
Grrrr school is disrupting my Pet Talking ;)

I know I am late but here are a few pictures I took of Daisy in her Halloween costume. I took about 20! LOL the rest are in my webshots album.




And then I dressed her up as a soccer player and a geek! ;)



11-06-2001, 05:33 PM
Bridget they are terrific! I am laughing out loud at the last one with her eye all smushed shut!! haha! As I was looking at her in her angel costume I couldn't help but remember her "devilish" behavior with the trash! :D :D Daisy, you are a sweetie!

11-06-2001, 06:20 PM
Awwwww...too cute!! What a sweet little 'angel' Daisy is!! Yeah, I still laugh thinking about those trash pics!! :D
I just love her expressive face and those ears!!! How could you not love a face like that?? :D :D :D

11-06-2001, 06:29 PM

You are ALWAYS an angel to me, sweetie. Never a geek. :rolleyes:

Bridget, your school comes first, so whether you are one week or one month late.....it is OK!!!

Pam, I LOVE your new signature, by the way!!! Good shots of everyone!!! :)

11-06-2001, 07:50 PM
You should enter those in photo contests!! Daisy is quite the photogenic little lady!! They are very cute. You need to come over to our house and take some pictures, you're MUCH better than I am!

11-06-2001, 08:35 PM
Bridget, those pictures of Daisy are priceless, she is so cute in the angel outfit, so fitting, and I love the ones of her in the chair, absolutely adorable.
I agree your school work comes first, we are always happy to see pictures of Daisy and love your posts, whether they are late or not.

Golden Smiles
11-06-2001, 08:51 PM
Oh what a bunch of awesome shots!! She is a natural! LOL :D Love the one in the glasses!

11-06-2001, 10:15 PM
What a cutie!! Great pics!

11-06-2001, 10:28 PM
Awwww! Daisy, you look absoluteley adorable in your cute angel costume! I wish Sadie had a costume like that! Great pics!

11-06-2001, 10:43 PM
BRIDGET.... Listen up Mother Logan and Mother Jackie says get that school work done first!!!!! :D :D Mothers know best!

11-06-2001, 10:47 PM
I forgot to say how cute Daisy looks! Love the one with glasses :eek: :eek:

11-06-2001, 10:59 PM
Please tell Daisy I am sorry for laughing, but that last pic of her as a geek is SO FUNNY! She looks like she stayed up too late with her nose crammed in a book! Heheh how cuuuuute :)

I love her angel costume too. She's beautiful :)

11-07-2001, 07:26 AM
Bridget, thanks for taking the time to share these pictures with us. They are priceless. Don't feel bad about having to study, you are still part of the group, whether you post or just check in occasionally.

11-07-2001, 09:42 AM
Daisy Roo, you are a hottie! lol

Kissies sweetie girl!

Dixieland Dancer
11-07-2001, 10:54 AM
Daisy pictures are welcome anytime! As they say "BETTER LATE THAN NEVER" and I also agree that the school work comes first. We will be here when you get time.

I love the picture of Daisy in the glasses! She just doesn't look like a soccer player to me but she is definitely a LITTLE ANGEL! :D

11-07-2001, 02:20 PM
Hahaha! That is one of the cutest Halloween costumes I've seen in a while. I've seen angel costumes before, but it just looks so GREAT on Daisy!!! :)

11-08-2001, 05:56 PM
Ahhhh! Daisy looks so adorable. :)

Daisy's Mom
11-08-2001, 09:03 PM
Aw thank you everyone! I took literally about twenty pictures of her in the angel costume. My mom laughed and told me I had to get out more ;) And yeah yeah yeah, school comes first... it's just not as fun! I really miss you all when I don't get to come online! But I will make up for my absences with an abundance of pictures! ;) This weekend is my school's semiformal homecoming dance and I am going to try to get some good pictures of me and my Daze. Wish me luck! LOL

11-09-2001, 06:00 AM
Oh have fun at the semi formal :) That is so fun! I am so glad to see pics of Daisy and get to hear from you, even if it's not as often as you would like :)

Daisy is the prettiest angel, soccer player, and geek :) I love the pics.

Again, have fun at the semi formal dance :) I sure do miss those high school years!

11-11-2001, 01:23 AM
OMG!! i love the angel pics!!! i never knew a Basset could be soooo beautiful!!! *kisses* to Daisy

11-11-2001, 11:53 AM
Okay, this is how I picture the preparation for the special evening.

Bridget's date comes to pick her up. As the family gathers with her and the date in the living room, Bridget says, "We need to take pictures before we go." Mom gets the camera and Bridget goes over to the couch where she and Daisy cuddle together as mom snaps away. Bridget's date stands there wondering where he went wrong. :)

11-11-2001, 07:29 PM
Rachel, how funny, LOL :D

Daisy is the most adorable little Angel. Great Pictures.

Daisy's Mom
11-11-2001, 07:35 PM
Rachel, you are so right that it's not even funny!!!!

11-12-2001, 01:25 AM
LOL!!!!! (RachelJ)

11-12-2001, 12:56 PM
That Daisy is a character :D :D What an absolutley wonderful Dog!!!!!