View Full Version : pictures!!!!

11-05-2001, 12:40 PM
the pictures of all the different pets on here are just adorable. I had to take bailey to the vet today he got 3 shots and didn't like that at all poor baby.He weighs in at 4 1/2 pounds. He only weighed 2 pounds when I got him. I would love to send a picture of him but don't know how. Also I don't know how to use the icons either. Can any one help me out on this problem??????? Thanks, JoAnn

11-05-2001, 12:51 PM
Joann, talk to Phred. He's the best! He'll tell you how to post pictures. If he can spend 3 days with me telling me how to post, I'm sure he'll help you too. The icons are easy. Just click on the one you want and when you hit add reply it will come up. Good luck. I'm sure everyone here that is more well versed than I will help you get your precious pictures posted. I can't wait to see them...I LOVE puppy pictures. :D :D :D

11-05-2001, 03:24 PM
Pet Talk "Posting Pictures, 101" created 10/24/2001; revised 11/30/2001.

Please NOTE:
These steps mention WebShots and use an example of Mugsy's photo from WebShots;
but the Basic Steps are valid for any photo stored on any internet server.

AND... My Operating System is Windows 98, Second Edition;
my Browser is NetScape version 4.78.
IF your Op System and/or Browser are different, then the steps you must
take might be slightly different!

That said; remember that the Code Lines shown as examples are what
you must end up with for your pictures to post properly on Pet Talk ~ just
remember that there are NOT to be ANY spaces or {*} in a line of code!
Those spaces and {*} you see were put there to prevent the Pet Talk software from
treating those lines as "valid" instruction codes. Without those extra spaces
or {*} you could not have seen the code ~ the BBS would have made a picture.

Here are the *steps* to follow ~ AFTER you have your pictures uploaded to a site
such as WebShots.com (http://www.webshots.com/homepage.html).

NetScape 4.7x Users Section:

Start a post here on Pet Talk;

Open your WebShots album in another browser window;
Click on the thumbnail to get the next larger photo;
RIGHT-Click on the larger photo;
* Observe the drop-down box and
* Select and Click "Copy Image Location";

Come back to your post on Pet Talk;
Click on the "IMAGE" button below the message block;
* a pop-up Image data box will appear
Point the arrow/cursor Inside the pop-up address block;
** RIGHT-click the mouse;
** a drop-down menue with a choice of "Paste" should appear;
Select and Right-click "PASTE";

Now you should see a line in the message block like this:
http://wsphotofews.excite.com/037/9J/J2/cS/qJ96474.jpg[/IM G]

Finish your message and post it!
Hit the "add Reply" button to finish.
----- End of NetScape Section --------

Internet Explorer Users Section ------
Internet Explorer does it Differently than NetScape!

Here's the steps to post a picture on Pet Talk using the Internet Explorer Browser...

** Open a Pet Talk post in one window; and your Photo Hosting web
page in another window. Display the Thumbnail or next size
up photo that you want to post.

* Point you mouse ON TOP of the photo image
* RIGHT-click ON the photo
~~ A drop-down box will appear with the following active choices:
~~~ Save Picture as
~~~ Set as Wallpaper
~~~ Set as Desktop Item
~~~ Copy << IGNORE THIS / DON'T USE IT!!
~~~ Add to Favorites
~~~ Properties << This is what we use!!

* Point to Properties
* RIGHT-click on Properties
~~ Another drop-down box titled "Properties" will appear
* Find the line labeled "Address: (URL)"
~~~ It will Start with "ht tp:// and End with ".jpg"
*Put the cursor on the "H" in http
* HOLD DOWN the LEFT-mouse clicker and
* Scroll across the whole address - get it ALL highlighted (might take up two lines).
* Release the left mouse button
~~ You should now have Highlighted the whole address
* POINT to the highlighted address
* RIGHT-click on the highlighted address
~~ Another drop-down will appear with "Copy" an active item
*POINT to and RIGHT-click on the word "Copy"
~~~ You have now memorized the photo location address :)

** Come back and Open up the Pet Talk window again
* Find the "IMAGE" Push Button
* LEFT-click the IMAGE button
~~ A data box should open
* POINT to the empty area inside the box
** RIGHT-click inside the box
~~ Another drop-dow appears with PASTE active
* Point to and RIGHT-click the Paste choice
~~~ You should see the photo address appear inside the box
~~~ It will start with "ht tp:// and end with ".jpg"
* Click on the OK inside the data box

~~ Now you should see the photo address inside the Pet Talk Message window.
It will have an [im g] in front of and an [/im g] behind the address.
The whole image line will look like this...

[im g]http://wsphotofews.excite.com/022/ka/gF/Qm/fG70377.jpg[/im g]
(but those two spaces in the [im g] and [/im g] WON'T be there.)

Finish up your post message and you're DONE! :D
Hit the "Add Reply" button to finish.

Hope this helps the Internet Explorer users. ;)

Now for the real thing:
"Mugsy's Vonney napping on the coffee table"...


"ZZzzz...Oh I'm sorry, was I snoring?"

Signature Photos...
WebShots Thumbnail sized photos make great signature photos.
The steps to code a photo into you signature file (located on your profile page)
are exactly the same as outlined above.
Open up your profile and click "View/UpdateProfile".

Find the "Signature Message Block" - looks sorta like a regular posting message fill-in box.
Work in that box JUST LIKE it was a message you were composing for a post.
You can type words above, in front of, behind, and below your photos.
You can BOLD or ItalicI words with the ..[/b ] and [i ]..[/i ] codes.

Anyway - do it JUST LIKE a post =
Open WebShots to see the Community Page where ALL your photos are stored as THUMBNAILS.

You WANT to use a THUMBNAIL sized photo - anything else will be too big.
[b]NetScape Steps follow:
Internet Expolrer users follow the steps given above^^

Go to your WebShots album and Find the Thumbnail Photo you want to use,
RIGHT-click on the Thumbnail; Click copy image location;
Go back to the Signature message entry box;
Type in then Right-click, select PASTE;
RIGHT-click again and watch the photo location address appear;
immediately follow the address with the closing[/IM G]

If you want more than one thumbnail in the sig - read carefully!
Skip one or two spaces after the FIRST "closing [/IM G] thingy", then
ON THE SAME LINE make another [IM G]thingy;
go back to webshots and do all the Right-clicks on your next Thumbnail;
come back to the sig entry block and Right-click PASTE the second thumbnail right
after the second "opening[IM G] thingy";
finish that address with another [/IM G].

You can stack up 4 or 5 thumbnails ON THE SAME LINE IN the entry box -
the box will just scroll across so you never run out of room.
Just make certain that EVERY photo is enclosed in it OWN set of
[IM G]&[/IM G] code brackets.

This all takes a little trial and error experimenting.
Go to the "try your sig here" post, in [General], I think, and practice away.
Keep EDITING the same post in that topic so you don't fill the page with
bad attenpts. Every time you edit your sig and try a new arrangement,
the sig will update in the post you're practicing on.
If you want to display a photo in the body of a post, use the next size larger
photo - the one you'll get by clicking on the Thumbnail photo.

Final Note:
If you are on a WebShots page, you do NOT want to *copy* the location in your
browser window - which is showing the address of a WebShots PAGE, not your photo.

Usually, a Right-click on the actual Photo will get you a drop-down box with
the choice of "Copy Image Location", which you select and click.
No drop-down box? Can't *copy* and *paste* ? Try this:

1) Highlight the address by holding down the mouse button and moving the
pointer across the address you want to copy; release button.
2) Depress & hold "CONTROL" key and the "C" keys at the same time; then release both.
3) Move to where you want to insert or paste the address.
4) Depress & hold "CONTROL" key and the "V" keys at the same time;
the address should pop up in the new location

OK, Folks; [i]Picture Posting 101 class is over for tonight!
If I've managed to totally confuse you ~ send me an
e-mail at: [email protected] and I'll try to un-confuse you!

http://wsphotofews.excite.com/007/S5/qr/LC/M198156.jpg << Phred; posting pixsurez :rolleyes:

[ November 30, 2001: Message edited by: Phred ]

11-05-2001, 05:31 PM
Phred, I knew we could count on you. See Joann, ask and you shall receive.

11-06-2001, 09:14 AM
Hey JoAnn ~ Did you ever come back and read the information we posted on Picture Posting? Let's see your FurKids! :D

11-06-2001, 10:31 AM
Hi everyone, I think I did it I have photo"s of bailey at webshots if anyone cares to see bailey. Thanks for all the help in helping me get these picutres on webshots.JoAnn

11-06-2001, 11:01 AM
JoAnn ~

Please give us the "URL" Address of your WebShots Album -
the first page of your ablum.

That Album Address CAN come from your Browser's 'address window',
not from one of the photos. With the album address, we can
all go and visit the album on WebShots.

Example: Cinder & Smokey are on this WebShots album:

[UR L=ht tp://community.webshots.com/user/dogdad]DogDad's Albums.[/UR L]

DogDad's Albums. (http://community.webshots.com/user/dogdad)

11-06-2001, 11:27 AM
Love that photo of napping on the coffee table!

11-06-2001, 11:30 AM
sammi, that's his favorite place to lay, but Mike took the table out of the room for the time being and is he MAD!! lol

11-06-2001, 11:40 AM
Sorry about that. This is all new to me lol!!!! Bear with me till I learn what I'm doing..... Here's the my addy joann104100 hope u can get the pictures. JoAnn ;)

11-06-2001, 12:16 PM
web page (: http://community.webshots.com/user/joann104100 ) Sorry about all my mistakes but I'm still not sure if this is right hope it is lol!!! thanks JoAnn P.S. if this is wrong then I need more help!!!!!!

11-06-2001, 12:23 PM
Ohh I love this picture

http://wsphotofews.excite.com/025/wh/x1/53/zG91853.jpg look at that face.

Sooooo cute :D

11-06-2001, 12:29 PM
OMG!!! Soooooooooooooooo cute!!!!! I LOVE Griffons!!!!!!! Will you give lil Baily a smooch for me please :D

11-06-2001, 12:37 PM
Thanks everybody for being so patient with me.Bailey has grown some from this pictues. I have been looking at allot of albums I think this is a wonderful way to show off your pets!!!!! I just love this group. JoAnn ;)

11-09-2001, 12:00 PM
Hope this works...Meet Bailey

Dixieland Dancer
11-09-2001, 12:04 PM
Bailey is soooo cute. Congratulations on figuring out how to post pictures. We expect many more pictures in the future.

11-11-2001, 01:46 AM
Hi Bailey! Welcome to pet Talk!

congradulations Jo Ann for posting the pic!!!

11-11-2001, 10:28 AM
Congrats Joann. I had faith in you, I knew you could do it!! Once you figure out how to post a picture, you wonder what the big deal was when you didn't know how! lol

Bailey is just TOO cute. He's soooo little. You must keep posting pictures as he grows up.

Daisy's Mom
11-11-2001, 08:16 PM
oh my gosh! Bailey is absolutely adorable!