View Full Version : adore my new puppy!!!!!

11-04-2001, 11:33 AM
Hello everyone,I have had my brussles griffon puppy about a month. Bailey is a male and just turned 3 months old.I got him when he was 8 weeks old.He is so full of energy that everyone has a hard time holding me. He justs is so wiggly and excited when anyone comes in the door its hard to hold him.I'm just wondering if this is just a puppy stage or something I could be doing to stop him from being so hyper?Other than this he is very smart and doing good with a few basic commands.I'm just wondering if he is to small to be worrying that I should be training him yet? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you, JoAnn

11-04-2001, 11:54 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk JoAnn!
Have you thought of taking Bailey to puppy kindergarten? If nothing else, it will make him tired from playing with other dogs, give him a good start in relating to the other pups, and burn some of that puppy energy. The trainers I've known said that a good age to start obedience school is between 5 and 6 months. Since he already knows some basic commands, you may be able to take him to school earlier ;)
Have you ever had a puppy before? Everything is so much fun for them :D Give him time to settle down. With patience and training, I'm sure he will become a very well behaved friend.
Good luck and let us know how Bailey is doing.
Do you have any pictures?

11-04-2001, 01:26 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk, JoAnn! I hope you like it here as much as I do! ;) This is a wonderful place to be if you have a great love for animals!

Congratulations on your new puppy! :)

I have a Black Lab, named Sadie. Sadie and I do Obedience, Agility, and a little Flyball together.

Again, welcome!
Sarah & Sadie*

11-04-2001, 02:11 PM
Congrats on the new family member JoAnn. We have an Aussie/GSD mix that is 3 1/2 years old and STILL gets excited when someone walks in. I wasn't bright enough to ask questions when I got her so she never went to obedience school. I will say though, my mom took their Jack Russell to obedience, but she never really worked with him so it didn't do much good. I think obedience school is more to teach the humans than it is to teach the pooch...it just sounds better! lol I don't know anything about Bichons so I'm of no use in that department. But I agree with the others, obedience school would be a good choice. Welcome to the wild and crazy bunch of poochie lovers.

Golden Smiles
11-04-2001, 06:22 PM
I wanna see pix!! I wanna see pix!!! I wanna see pix!! Okay...... i feel better now! I think puppy kindergarten is in order! Pet Smart has good programs!! :D

Dixieland Dancer
11-04-2001, 07:08 PM
Hi JoAnn and welcome to Pet Talk! Everyone here really loves to talk about their pets and we all just LLLLLOOOOVVVVEEEEE pictures.

I have been involved with dog training for over 25 years and it is never too early to start teaching your pup! Since basic commands are already being understood this is a good sign! Get the pup into a puppy kindergarted ASAP. It's great socialization and beginning training! Kind of like preschool for toddlers. After Puppy kindergarten move into a basic obedience class right away. Keep the momentum going! Try to make sure it is a positive reinforcement method training class. Dogs learn faster this way. Once you start in basic your pup should begin to realize what you want from it more and more as you practice what you learn. It is also a great bonding experience for pet and handler! :D

There is no specific age to start training. Puppies are kind of like little sponges and are willing and able to learn from day one. Everything they do should be a learning experience. Even how they play. I teach them to come from playing ball and catch and they don't even realize they are being trained. It's called play training and it works great for high energy dogs that get bored real easy with more routine training.

Good luck with the new baby and send us pictures when you can!

11-04-2001, 08:59 PM
Welcome JoAnn, I don't have any advice just saying hi. I think Bailey is just being a puppy. We have two Schnauzers, Miss Daisy and Perry. I hope you enjoy your time on here lots of nice people with lots of good advice.

11-05-2001, 05:38 AM

Welcome to Pet Talk! I am sure you will love it. I am sorry but I don't have any advice other then to take Baily to puppy school, I just wanted to tell you how much I LOVE Griffons!!! They are SO adorable! I first fell in love with little Virdell from "As Good As It Gets" and I learned a little more about the breed because my dogs' old agility instructor breeds and shows them. They are incredibly adorable. I hope Bailys problems are resolved, and I also hope you are able to take Baily to puppy school. That's always so much fun for both owner and puppy alike.

Good luck and again welcome :)

P.S. can ya possibly post pictures? Do you have any digital? I would LOVE to see your pup!

11-05-2001, 07:08 AM
Originally posted by JoAnn:
<STRONG>Hello everyone,I have had my brussles griffon puppy about a month. Bailey is a male and just turned 3 months old.I got him when he was 8 weeks old.He is so full of energy that everyone has a hard time holding me. He justs is so wiggly and excited when anyone comes in the door its hard to hold him.I'm just wondering if this is just a puppy stage or something I could be doing to stop him from being so hyper?Other than this he is very smart and doing good with a few basic commands.I'm just wondering if he is to small to be worrying that I should be training him yet? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you, JoAnn</STRONG>

Hello everyone I want to thank u for your very warm welcome to the group.The advice was most welcomed.I live in a very small town and I don't think they have a puppy program but will look into it.This is my first puppy as u all can tell by now lol!!!! Bailey and I are learning together. I have joined other list and completly been ignore by them. I'm looking foreword to getting to know everyone here.Bailey is a wonderful puppy most of the time!! I will try to send a picture of bailey as soon as I can. JoAnn

11-05-2001, 11:08 AM
Welcome JoAnn! Hope you enjoy it here and will look forward to some pictures of your pup.

Daisy's Mom
11-05-2001, 10:26 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk! You'll love it here, I promise :) It's a lot of fun and you can find the answer to everything! I agree, some kind of professional help may be needed. I live in a small town too, but we were able to find a "personal trainer" who could come to our house once a week to help with my puppy's little attitude problems :) Ask your vet; that is where we got this man's name and he helped us a lot!