View Full Version : Wish me luck

09-20-2017, 09:08 AM
Everyone on PT knows that pet health can be very expensive to maintain.

I was blessed with Cole's situation earlier this year. I got coverage for his surgery and initial treatments.

At this point I can't make the payments for Cole's medication every month unless they go on my credit card - which doesn't get fully paid off at month's end. Oscar's recent blockage put just over $3,000 on my line of credit; even though there was interest-free financing of it for one year I couldn't come up with the payments.

Computer work has been slow - perhaps with everyone getting back to school, work, etc. I did have a call from a regular client yesterday, so that's something.

I also need time for my mom, not every single day, but a few days.

I have a double paper route now and am looking for something very part-time. I don't need much extra money - but I need it. I am so grateful for my disability income and benefits but it doesn't stretch far for the "extras" - my beloved fur babies.

Wish me luck please. :love:

09-20-2017, 10:27 AM
We are sending along loads of love and good wishes for luck, Candace and kitties...


09-20-2017, 11:04 AM
I hope the money will stretch enough to give Cole the care he needs. Sounds like you are doing everything you can... and more. :)

Best of luck! :love:

09-20-2017, 12:06 PM
Good luck, prayers on the way. Could you become an Uber or Lyft driver? Or help another elderly person with grocery shopping and light work?

09-20-2017, 12:41 PM
Good luck, prayers on the way. Could you become an Uber or Lyft driver? Or help another elderly person with grocery shopping and light work?

We don't have Uber or Lyft in my town yet, and the former is in Calgary but didn't happen without a fight at City Hall.

I will find something. Will get my shingle out for pet sitting.

There are caregiver postings in the newspaper every so often. I'll keep my eyes peeled there.

A friend of mine in the walking group - who has a wonderful cat - said if their cat had blocked he would have been put down. I won't do that.

09-20-2017, 06:21 PM
Best of luck to you, Candace!:love:
I hope that something will come your way that will fit your schedule. Your kitties are so lucky to have a mom like you.

Felicia's Mom
09-20-2017, 07:59 PM
I'm sending lots of positive thoughts to you and Cole. Best of luck!

09-20-2017, 10:22 PM
Best of luck Candace.

09-20-2017, 10:24 PM
There are some really good people in the world.

I got to Western Vet with Cole, checked in with the desk, and sat down to wait. As usual, Catherine (onc tech) came out to greet me and asked how I was. I didn't mean to, but the tears started.

Long story short - Cole got some of his meds from their "Robin Hood" stash. These are meds from pet patients who have died or who don't need the meds any more. There was some Palladia there!

Dr Mauldin agreed to stretch Cole's rechecks to every 6 weeks instead of monthly.

And Catherine got the desk people to do a promissory note. The payment - under $400 - was split in half. I pay the first half when my cheque comes in next week and the second half when my cheque comes in at the end of October.

This all makes this very do-able.

What a relief!

Now to get a bit more income. Have posted on a local FB page about cat sitting and will post the same on Varage Sale.

Thank you all.

09-21-2017, 05:43 AM
That's great, Candace! As you said, there are indeed some really good people out there.

Good idea to put your name out for cat-sitting. I do cat-sitting myself and was going to suggest that. I bet you'd be really good at it.

Best wishes, and please keep us posted!


09-21-2017, 05:03 PM
This is good news!

09-21-2017, 05:26 PM
The news gets even better.

The oncologist just called me to give me Cole's bloodwork results - and to also tell me that someone in their waiting room paid off my bill! I owe ZERO right now!
OH.MY.GOD. I think I know who it was though I don't know her name. Thank you dear person! I hope your doggie Chuck will be all right.

I am gobsmacked!

09-21-2017, 07:36 PM
Wow! That's wonderful!!!

Such good news for Cole and you, Candace!


09-21-2017, 07:47 PM
The news gets even better.

The oncologist just called me to give me Cole's bloodwork results - and to also tell me that someone in their waiting room paid off my bill! I owe ZERO right now!
OH.MY.GOD. I think I know who it was though I don't know her name. Thank you dear person! I hope your doggie Chuck will be all right.

I am gobsmacked!

This is amazing! How wonderful! There are still good people to be found.
I hope Cole's bloodwork results were good.:love: