View Full Version : Monroe update

09-05-2017, 01:15 PM
Yesterday, we had a bit of setback in terms of Monroe's meds.
He developed diarrhea (a side effect of one of the heartmeds), so I asked his vet if I could give him an anti-diarrheal, and she said yes.
I did, and Monroe was eating it in a pillpocket, but then he bit down on it, and he started foaming and gagging, and eventually vomiting.:( Everything came up, including food from several hours ago.:(
I knew at this point that he would never ever eat any pillpockets again.
Later, I tried one of the meds (a microscopically small piece) in some food, no luck.
Monroe can detect the trace of a hint of a speck of dust in the stinkiest food.
He will join the DEA as a drug-sniffing cat to pay for his medical bills.:D
I know he needs his meds, no matter what, so today I cheated: I gave him one of Willa's appetite stimulants (ok per his vet), and now he's driving me crazy wanting to eat constantly and being noisy and restless.
But, hallelujah, it worked. I hope this one dose will be enough to keep him going.

09-05-2017, 03:54 PM

More prayers and positive thoughts for dear Monroe :love: :love: and for Willa, Miss Kitty, Clover and Olive too :love:

09-05-2017, 04:42 PM
Oh, Monroe, I hope the appetite stimulant dose will be enough and will get you eating and taking your meds as you need to!

We are sending along our continuing prayers and healing energies and warm positive thoughts and good wishes for you.. and of course for Willa, Miss Kitty, Clover, and Olive too.. and for dear Meowmie!!!!!

{{{{{HUGS}}}}} and ~~~~PURRRS~~~~ and :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love: from Pat and Sparkler and Poppy

Felicia's Mom
09-05-2017, 04:58 PM
I am sorry. Sending more prayers and positive thoughts!:love:

09-05-2017, 07:37 PM
Sending tons of love and best wishes to Monroe!!

09-05-2017, 08:19 PM
Thank you all for the well wishes! :love:
I just have take a deep breath and relax.

09-05-2017, 09:37 PM
Oh good...I don't quite follow, though. The appetite med means he'll eat anything, med or no med?

Good going, Monroe and Mommy!

09-05-2017, 11:15 PM
Posirive thoughts and purryers to Monroe and good luck to you Heidi.

09-06-2017, 08:31 PM
Oh good...I don't quite follow, though. The appetite med means he'll eat anything, med or no med?

Good going, Monroe and Mommy!

I think the appetite stimulant did what I hoped for: Just one dose, and once Monroe started taking his meds again, he already had forgotten what made him vomit, even after the appetite stimulant was out of his system.

09-06-2017, 08:38 PM
i think the appetite stimulant did what i hoped for: Just one dose, and once monroe started taking his meds again, he already had forgotten what made him vomit, even after the appetite stimulant was out of his system.

Excellent! :D

09-11-2017, 06:37 PM
Today, Monroe had his first recheck after starting his heart meds. He seems to be doing ok, but he started coughing two days ago. That scared me a bit.
His vet is not convinced though that the cough is heart-related, because coughing is much more uncommon in heartfailure cats than it is in heartfailure dogs. She told me to keep an eye on it.
Otherwise, his kidneys are tolerating all the meds well. His x-rays are still showing fluid in his chest, but she didn't increase his furosemide ("fluid pill") yet, because he will start another(!) medicine, and she did not want overburden his system right now. This will be the fourth heart medicine.
So overall he's doing well, and he gained a little weight.:) He will go back in two weeks.

09-11-2017, 07:16 PM
I'm so glad Monroe is overall doing well and has gained some weight! Well done, Monroe and Heidi!

All our good wishes and prayers and healing energies continue on their way..


09-12-2017, 01:55 PM
I'm so glad Monroe is overall doing well and has gained some weight! Well done, Monroe and Heidi!

All our good wishes and prayers and healing energies continue on their way..

Thank you, Pat!:love:
Unfortunately, Monroe's cough got a lot worse today. I still think it's heart related, and I guess his vet is convinced now, too, because she increased the frequency of his fluid pill. I hope it helps. It breaks my heart watching him cough so hard.:(

09-12-2017, 08:15 PM
Oh, Monroe.. I hope the new fluid pill frequency helps, too.

We send our loving good wishes, and I wish I could hold you gently or pet you or whatever might feel nice to you.

:love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love: from Pat, and Poppy and Sparkler too

09-12-2017, 08:31 PM
Oh, Monroe.. I hope the new fluid pill frequency helps, too.

We send our loving good wishes, and I wish I could hold you gently or pet you or whatever might feel nice to you.

:love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love: from Pat, and Poppy and Sparkler too

Thank you, Pat!:love: Monroe would love to be petted, and he would response with the loudest purr imaginable.
He had a couple more spells this evening, and he wouldn't eat his treats. Needless to say that I'm even more worried now.

09-12-2017, 10:03 PM
Oh, Monroe! I do hope the more frequent fluid pills start working soon!

I am sending prayers and hugs to you, Heidi, and Monroe. I wish I could do more.

PT Prayers are powerful - I am sending a whack of them!:love:

09-13-2017, 12:39 PM
I so hope the fluid pills will help Monroe. I'm sending lots of positive thoughts and gentle kisses to you dear boy - he is lucky to have you to take such good care of him. :love: :love:

09-13-2017, 06:37 PM
Thank you, Randi and Candace!:love:
Here's a new twist to the Monroe saga: Today I showed the vet a video of Monroe's cough, since she's never seen him doing it, and she said that this is definitely not a heart cough.
Most likely it's bronchitis or asthma, and it's only surfacing now that his steroids are out of his system. Monroe might have had those conditions for a while, but nobody knew because he has been on prednisone all of his life.
This means...more meds. :( If the cough is still present on Friday, he's supposed to start on a bronchodilator.

I don't know how I would do without everybody at PT, and if Monroe wasn't such a good boy.

09-13-2017, 08:53 PM
What good news, it's not a heart cough!

Now, it's more meds, and perhaps a bronchodilator. We are with you, dearest Monroe, and Meowmie, every step of the way, with all our prayers and loving good wishes and hopes and energies and all...


09-13-2017, 11:17 PM
As a life-long asthmatic, I can assure you it can be manageable! Prayres on the way still for Monroe!

09-14-2017, 01:31 PM
Thank you, Pat and Karen.:love:
No coughing yesterday and today so far. Keeping my fingers crossed it stays this way.

09-15-2017, 06:18 PM
Unfortunately, after one day without coughing, it returned with a vengeance. So today, I dropped off Monroe's prescription for Theophylline (the bronchodilator). It has to be ordered and will be ready on Monday.
He's also ripping his hair out. :( I found several clumps in the kitchen, when I got home. I hope he's keeping his good attitude, regardless.
Otherwise, he's doing ok and he's very hungry.:)

09-15-2017, 07:23 PM
Oh, Monroe, I wish I could reach through the screen and right over to your home so I could pet you and love on you... meanwhile we hope and pray for the best.


09-19-2017, 03:16 PM
Oh, Monroe, I wish I could reach through the screen and right over to your home so I could pet you and love on you... meanwhile we hope and pray for the best.


That goes for me too! xoxo

09-19-2017, 08:24 PM
Thank you, Elyse and Pat!:love:

09-25-2017, 06:21 PM
Monroe's vet did some research on alternatives for prednisolone. She found that Apoquel (a dog allergy pill) has been used off-label in cats, with some success.
Since Monroe's allergies are getting worse, I started him on it this evening.
Wish me and him luck that it will relieve his itch and discomfort.

"What do you mean, DOG PILLS...?"

09-25-2017, 07:42 PM
We are sending along loads of prayers and good wishes and love and warm healing energies that this new medication will bring Monroe some relief...


09-25-2017, 07:53 PM
I really hope this works for Monroe!

09-30-2017, 11:15 AM
So far, the Apoquel is not helping. Monroe is sooo itchy and he is tearing himself up. His vet did more research, and she found that we can double the dose. It still could take many weeks for it to start working. By then, Monroe won't have any healthy skin left. She did even consider a low dose of prednisolone, but she has not given me a dosage yet.
It does scare me since the pred could affect his heart negatively.
It just makes me so incredibly sad that I was able to keep him pretty comfortable for 9 years, and now I can't help him.:(
He's still keeping his sweet disposition and he's eating well (including his meds).
Please keep him in your thoughts.:love:

09-30-2017, 12:01 PM
Purryers and healing thoughts on the way to Monroe and you.

09-30-2017, 01:00 PM
Loving thoughts and healling energies and prayers are on their way for Monroe and you, Heidi.


09-30-2017, 04:39 PM
Thank you, Pat!:love:
This afternoon, I got a pred dose from Monroe's vet. I hope he (and his heart) will tolerate it.
Monroe is on 7 (!) meds now. Never in a million years would I have anticipated all that when I bottlefed him
9 1/2 years ago!

09-30-2017, 04:48 PM
Monroe, you have the most loving Meowmie! And loads of friends (including us) who are thinking of you and sending along loads of love. 😸😸😸


09-30-2017, 11:14 PM
Prayers and love for you and Monroe! :love::love:

10-01-2017, 12:17 PM
Thank you so much, Pat and Candace!:love:

10-14-2017, 01:25 PM
Monroe has been doing well up until Thursday. Both of his eyes started draining and he could barely keep them open.
I took him to work, and his veterinarian said he had conjunctivitis, probably stress induced. No medicines needed, just his daily lysine.
At lunchtime, a co-worker alerted me that Monroe was standing in his kennel, coughing. When I got there, he had coughed up fluid:(, and his breathing was labored. I caught the vet before she left for lunch, and we took x-rays.
He had quite a bit of fluid around his lungs, most likely caused by the low-dose prednisolone he was taking for his skin. I felt horrible because I knew the pred was risky in his condition (the vet, though, had approved of it).
So now I have to stop it without weening him off (which can be dangerous as well) and double up on his fluid pill.
He is still not feeling well today:(, his respiratory rate is still faster than I like it to be and his eyes are draining badly.
He is resting right now. I hope the furosemide (fluid pill) will take care of this soon.
Please send some positive thoughts.:love:

10-14-2017, 01:54 PM
Positive thoughts and prayers and warm healing energies and loads of love are coming your way for Monroe and you all.

{{{{{HUGS}}}}} and ~~~~PURRRS~~~~ and :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love: from Pat and Sparkler and Poppy

10-14-2017, 02:15 PM
Oh Monroe, I'm so sorry your eyes are draining and you have problems breathing. :( I hope the furosemide will take care of it and you will feel better soon. Have a good rest, sweetie! :love:

Heidi, I'm glad you work at the vets, so if anything changes, you can deal with it immediately.

Sending love and positive thoughts for Monroe - and hugs to you! :love:

10-15-2017, 12:02 AM
Prayers for precious Monroe - you are so brave! Oh, Heidi - I hope he improves soon.:love::love:

10-15-2017, 12:35 PM
Thank you, Pat, Randi and Candace!:love:
Monroe is still a little tired, and especially his right eye is bothering him. At least he's eating well.
Tomorrow, he will be rechecked, and hopefully the higher dose of furosemide will have made a difference.

10-16-2017, 06:07 PM
Good news! The increased furosemide dose has significantly reduced the fluid around Monroe's lungs.
He's back now to his regular dose.:)
Thank you for all the well wishes.:love:

10-16-2017, 07:30 PM
Oh, that's wonderful! Good news indeed, Monroe, and all your family!!!


10-16-2017, 10:09 PM
Great news indeed. Keep it up dear Monroe.

12-22-2017, 03:34 PM
Monroe started tearing up his skin again. Since September, he has been on Apoquel (an anti-itch medication for dogs), since he can't use steroids because of his heart failure. It's not approved for cats, but has been used experimentally with some success.
Up until now, Monroe's allergies seemed to be controlled with this medication. And now he's incredibly itchy again.
His vet said that we might have to use steroids again, but I am very scared. Last time we did, he developed fluid around his lungs, and could barely breathe.
The vet said that it is a quality-of-life issue, meaning he can't live without his skin. True, but his heart might be even more important...
I will try Chlorpheniramine (an antihistamine) again, along with the Apoquel, but I don't have high hopes.
All of this makes me very sad, since I can't seem to make him comfortable.
Please send some healing thoughts to Monroe. He'll send some loud purrs and headbumpies in return.


Felicia's Mom
12-22-2017, 03:38 PM
Sending Prayers and Positive Thoughts to Monroe and You!

12-22-2017, 06:01 PM
Sending love and headbumpies to you and Monroe.

Can the dose of Apoquel be increased at all?

12-22-2017, 07:56 PM
We are sending loads of love and prayers and warm healing energies and headbumpies to dear Monroe and to you too, Heidi, and all the furries.

{{{{{HUGS}}}}} and ~~~~PURRRS~~~~ and :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love: from Pat and cats

12-23-2017, 02:38 AM
Sending purryers, healing thoughts and headbuts to Monroe and to you Heidi. Gute Besserung und viel Streicheleinheiten liebe Monroe.

12-23-2017, 01:32 PM
Sending love and headbumpies to you and Monroe.

Can the dose of Apoquel be increased at all?

Thank you all!:love:
The dose he's getting is the one that has been published. There probably were trials with different dosages, I actually talked to a sales rep that held a lunch and learn at our hospital. Since it's not approved for cats, she wasn't allowed to comment, but she sent me some research, and this particular strength is the one that showed some success. And I hate to talk about money, but since Apoquel is very new and there are no generics yet, it's really pricey, over $ 2 a pill, a tad cheaper for me, but not much.
I think I will try some fishoil again as well, even though Monroe had it before and he eventually stopped taking it.

12-26-2017, 05:32 AM
Our cat has a cyst on her neck. She is two. It was the size of a small hard pea at first. Now it's the size of a large, soft pea. I am so worried, I feel sick. We ar taking her to the vet in a day or two. Was thinking, since it is not an emergency I might get some sound advice from one of yous. We thought it would stay the same size. Just wondering if anyone out there has had a kitty with a cyst. Last time we took her to the vet for something unrelated, the doc said it was a small cyst, no worries about that and she has a heart arythmia. SHIT! So anaesthetic can't be good right?? They will have to anesthetise her to remove the cyst, growth, tumor,cancer, whatever it is right? We are taking her to a different veteranian tommorrow, which is weird as well. Freakin out! It is growing, that's for sure. She goes berserk when we put her in a cage, scares her and SHE HATES IT . Makes her wee heart beat faster and if I try the lap....l am shredded. Not gonna happen. Any suggestions will be dearly appreciated, thank you and Merry Christmas to all

12-26-2017, 11:07 AM
Our cat has a cyst on her neck. She is two. It was the size of a small hard pea at first. Now it's the size of a large, soft pea. I am so worried, I feel sick. We ar taking her to the vet in a day or two. Was thinking, since it is not an emergency I might get some sound advice from one of yous. We thought it would stay the same size. Just wondering if anyone out there has had a kitty with a cyst. Last time we took her to the vet for something unrelated, the doc said it was a small cyst, no worries about that and she has a heart arythmia. SHIT! So anaesthetic can't be good right?? They will have to anesthetise her to remove the cyst, growth, tumor,cancer, whatever it is right? We are taking her to a different veteranian tommorrow, which is weird as well. Freakin out! It is growing, that's for sure. She goes berserk when we put her in a cage, scares her and SHE HATES IT . Makes her wee heart beat faster and if I try the lap....l am shredded. Not gonna happen. Any suggestions will be dearly appreciated, thank you and Merry Christmas to all

mon, you might get more replies if you start a new thread.

12-26-2017, 12:07 PM
Our cat has a cyst on her neck. She is two. It was the size of a small hard pea at first. Now it's the size of a large, soft pea. I am so worried, I feel sick. We ar taking her to the vet in a day or two. Was thinking, since it is not an emergency I might get some sound advice from one of yous. We thought it would stay the same size. Just wondering if anyone out there has had a kitty with a cyst. Last time we took her to the vet for something unrelated, the doc said it was a small cyst, no worries about that and she has a heart arythmia. SHIT! So anaesthetic can't be good right?? They will have to anesthetise her to remove the cyst, growth, tumor,cancer, whatever it is right? We are taking her to a different veteranian tommorrow, which is weird as well. Freakin out! It is growing, that's for sure. She goes berserk when we put her in a cage, scares her and SHE HATES IT . Makes her wee heart beat faster and if I try the lap....l am shredded. Not gonna happen. Any suggestions will be dearly appreciated, thank you and Merry Christmas to all

Any time a kitty has a lump, it's of great concern. Take her as soon as you can. Use a calming collar, or Feliway, to relax her some. Leave the carrier out ahead of time, door open with her favorite blanket.
Before anesthesia, the vet might consider a fine needle aspirate (awake, usually painless) to determine if there's malignancy. Also, the vet will know how to handle her heart issue, in case anesthesia is needed.
If at all possible, calm yourself down as well. Kitties always know when their parents are upset.
Good luck and keep us updated.

12-27-2017, 06:36 AM
Thank you, very sound advice. I appreciate it so much, more than you know. Just working on the calming down bit, I really love this cat so I need calm down. I just have a bad feeling about this is all. What will be will be. I'll tell ya what the vet discovers.

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-27-2017, 07:36 AM

More prayers and positive thoughts for dear Monroe :love: :love: and for Willa, Miss Kitty, Clover and Olive too :love:

Awww my, what a beautiful cat he is :love::love::love:

12-27-2017, 07:22 PM
Awww my, what a beautiful cat he is :love::love::love:

Thank you, Lut. He's a pretty good looking boy.

12-27-2017, 08:46 PM
Many many years ago when my sister would have MS attacks she would get 3 days of IV prednisone. That was changed later to solumedrol as it apparently has fewer side effects.

Might this be an option for Monroe?

12-28-2017, 12:24 AM
Any time a kitty has a lump, it's of great concern. Take her as soon as you can. Use a calming collar, or Feliway, to relax her some. Leave the carrier out ahead of time, door open with her favorite blanket.
Before anesthesia, the vet might consider a fine needle aspirate (awake, usually painless) to determine if there's malignancy. Also, the vet will know how to handle her heart issue, in case anesthesia is needed.
If at all possible, calm yourself down as well. Kitties always know when their parents are upset.
Good luck and keep us updated.

Just wanted to thank you again, we are taking Lily in on Jan.5 to check out her cyst. He or she will be a new vet as my husband dislikes the one we usually go to. I had no feelings about her one way or the other, she seemed kind , but if he's not comfortable , bye bye. He pointed out a few good reasons for sure.Trusting a new one however is a wee bit unnerving for me. We shall march forward and do what ever we need to. I have left Lillys cage out and open with her nice comfy stuff and hubby's t-shirt that smells like him. I never get more upset than when I have to take her to the vet because I know how very much it scares her. Thanks so muchfor understanding.

12-28-2017, 03:36 AM
mon, you might get more replies if you start a new thread.

Thanks, can't really remember how to do that but an excellent suggestion never the less.

12-28-2017, 01:37 PM
Thanks, can't really remember how to do that but an excellent suggestion never the less.

After you have logged into Pettalk, go to "Cat Health". You will see the prompt "Start new Thread". You title your thread, then start typing. And then, when you're done, you submit it.
Maybe Karen can move everything you wrote so far, along with the responses, to a new thread?